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Public Sphere Review
Published by Universitas Hang Tuah
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Core Subject : Health, Social,
Public Sphere Review is a journal managed by the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hang Tuah University which has a focus and scope in the field of public affairs, such as: Public service management Development administration Community empowerment Public policy Human resource management in the public sector, Public communications, and Education policy.
Articles 24 Documents
Efektivitas Program E-Parking dalam Pelayanan Publik di Taman Bungkul Surabaya Theodora Thessa Renata Putri; Sri Umiyati; Budi Rianto
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i1.20


This research aims to reduce the practice of illegal parking attendants and the leakage of parking retribution income can be overcome. The problem is focused on assessing the effectiveness of e-parking in Tama Bungkul Surabaya with reference to the theory of effectiveness according to Budiani (2007). The data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation and analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that the implementation of e-parking in Bungkul Park has not been effective because it has not yet been targeted, as evidenced by the finding of people who are less interested in paying for parking through e-parking machines, program socialization has been carried out directly and through social media, parking objectives have been achieved because they have there are no illegal parking practices and leakage of parking fees, while for program monitoring, periodic e-parking machines are checked, but four e-parking machines are found in the Bungkul Park area that cannot be used and have not been repaired until now due to the lack of reliable human resources
Collaborative Governance dalam Pengelolaan Aset Desa Wisata Watu Rumpuk di Desa Mendak Kecamatan Dagangan Kabupaten Madiun Indra Wiratma; Sri Wahyuni
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i1.22


This study aims to determine the process of Collaborative Governance in Asset Management of Watu Rumpuk Tourism Village in Mendak Village, Dagangan District, Madiun Regency. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on Collaborative Governance indicators. The results of the study indicate that collaboration occurs with several dimensions (1) Face To Face Dialogue, is a direct, face-to-face conversation carried out between the Tourism Office and the Village Government and Village Communities who work together regarding the management and development of Watu Rumpuk Tourism in Mendak Village, Madiun Regency. (2) Trust building (Building Trust), is a person's trust with one another in the management and development stage of Watu Rumpuk Tourism, it is necessary for leaders who are able to realize the importance of collaboration regarding government in order to build Watu Rumpuk Tourism management. (3) Commitment to process, is a strong commitment and advice between the Tourism Office and the Village Government in maintaining a developed tourist area to remain safe, comfortable and peaceful. (4) Shared understanding, is the sharing of understanding about experiences between the tourism office and the village government which can be described as a shared vision and mission, common goals, general objectivity, and the same ideology. In this Collaborative Governance research, there are the most important aspects that must be applied in Collaborative Governance research in the Management of Watu Rumpuk Tourism Village Assets in Mendak Village, Degangan District, Madiun Regency, in the focus of research here there are 4 main aspects, namely (1) Collaborative Governance (Cooperation), (2) Government, (3) Private, (4) Community. there are deficiencies in the Management of Village Assets in Mendak Village, so an understanding of commitment in the process is needed, and a common understanding in the management of Village Assets in Mendak Village.
Efektivitas Program Kampung Keluarga Berencana di Kelurahan Sidotopo Kecamatan Semampir Kota Surabaya Dhea Eka Anggraeni; Sri Wahyuni; Deasy Arieffiani
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i1.26


The purpose of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of the Family Planning Village Program in Sidotopo Village, Semampir District, Surabaya City. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study using observation, interviews, and documentation. The theory in this research is the theory of program effectiveness according to (Siagian, 2008) and also the theory of success of the family planning program according to the BKKBN. The results of this study indicate that the KB Village Program in RW 12, Sidotopo Sub-district, Semampir Sub-district has been effective, with 7 indicators from (Siagian, 2008) & BKKBN there are four effective indicators, namely, High Community Participation for the advancement of KB village, variety of activities implemented in an integrated manner, both government programs and community innovation, Clarity of goals to be achieved with sub-indicators of precise and targeted targets, and Clarity of strategy for achieving goals with sub-indicators of Impact of the Family Planning Program.
Implementasi Peraturan Walikota Surabaya Nomor 58 Tahun 2019, Tata Cara Pengumpulan, Pengolahan, Pemanfaatan, Pelaporan Data Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Nanda Devi Permatasari; Masroro Lilik Ekowanti
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i1.27


Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia with very fast population growth. Currently, 30 percent of the people in Surabaya are low-income people. In the context of accelerating poverty alleviation, the Surabaya City Government stipulates Surabaya Mayor Regulation Number 58 of 2019, concerning procedures for collecting, processing, utilizing, and reporting data for low-income communities. The theory used is policy implementation according to George Edward III. The factors consist of communication, resources, disposition, and the structure of the bureaucracy. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The results of this study are limited to the process of collecting and processing MBR data that were found not to be right on target for underprivileged communities in Surabaya. There are obstacles in its implementation, namely in the process of clarity of information and also staff in data collection for MBR. With recommendations 1) The government should often evaluate MBR data every month so that it knows if there are residents whose economic status has improved, 2) Provide clear information to the public, 3) Increase the number of staff for surveys to MBR locations and must have integrity in order to be able to dispel data on residents who are not categorized as MBR.
Kebijakan Spasial dalam Pemetaan Persebaran Covid-19 Di Kota Surabaya Indah Novita Sari; Agus Wahyudi
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i1.28


This study aims to describe and analyze the spatial policy of mapping the spread of Covid-19 in the Surabaya City Government. This research focuses on the policy environment, policy actors and public policy. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study conclude that spatial policy is a policy issued or approved by the government related to the spatial or spatial distribution of the Covid-19 in the City of Surabaya. This mapping is also felt by the implementing parties to make it easier to provide quick and responsive handling, and can make it easier for the community to receive information and also increase their awareness in their activities. Spatial policies in mapping the spread of Covid-19 in the city of Surabaya are influenced by the policy environment, policy actors, and public policy itself. However, of the three variables, there is one variable that is still not going well, namely the policy environment variable. This is because the high number of Covid-19 cases in Mojo Village is caused by people's behaviors who do not comply with health protocols and underestimate the dangers of Covid-19. So that the role of the Surabaya City Government is needed in providing education and socialization to the public about covid 19
Transformasional Leaderships Sebagai Gaya Kepemimpinan Strategis Masa Depan pada Satuan Polisi Sektor Wahyu Eko Pujianto
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i1.29


The purpose of this study is to analyze aspects of strategic leadership through transformational leadership in order to prepare future leadership. This study uses a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive type of research. Data collection techniques in this study using observation, documentation and interviews. Miles and Huberman argue that steps that can be taken to analyze data descriptively include data collection, reduction, and data presentation. The results of this study explain that transformational leadership is participatory leadership when leaders and followers work together to achieve a shared vision and mission. With the implementation of transformational leadership, it is hoped that the responsibilities of the Sector Police Chief will increase at the Gedangan Police Chief, Sedati Police Chief, Buduran Police Chief and Porong Police Chief. Furthermore, the Police Chief is expected to be able to provide motivation and be an inspiration for his members to work as a team to achieve the same goal. Not only being an officer who maintains security and order in the unitary area, but also being a friend to the local community. Finally, the research findings explain that the police chief must always be creative and innovate because the key to successful leadership is not being rigid in his choice of style, but moving between different styles according to the demands of the situation. It is the flexibility and adaptability that will differentiate one leader from another
Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pelestarian Cagar Budaya di Kawasan Ampel Surabaya Dimas Okky Fareza; Agus Subianto
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 2: September 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i2.30


The aim of this study was to determine the involvement of the Ampel community in preserving the cultural heritage of the Ampel religious tourist site. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Techniques for collecting data through observations, interviews, and documentation. This study analyzes using the theory of participation (Uphoff, 2011) including decision making, implementation participation, benefit participation and evaluation participation. The results of the analysis show that community participation in the preservation of cultural heritage in the Ampel area is suboptimal because the Ampel Takmir Mosque Foundation engages in self-determination without government or government intervention. other interested parties. Community participation in the assessment does not include the full participation of the community. However, participating in its implementation requires the participation of local residents as servants of Sunan, both in the clean field and in the safe field. Meanwhile, Ampel UPTD Religious Tourism Organization run by Surabaya City Government is limited to managing kiosks and parking spaces for visitors. In terms of profit sharing, the community can enjoy the physical buildings of the mosque and the mausoleum as a means of worship and pilgrimage, and can also enjoy Arabic cuisine and souvenirs. Arabic concept. It is hoped that the Ampel Mosque Foundation and the Surabaya City Government can work together to increase the survival of cultural heritage preservation in the Ampel Religious Tourist Area in the future
Pemanfaatan Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Desa Pandu Kecamatan Cerme Kabupaten Gresik Hendra Cyzar Pratama Saputra; Sri Wahyuni
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 2: September 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i2.31


National development is an effort made by the government to develop the overall process of the state administration system and all aspects of people's lives to realize national goals. To help accelerate rural development, the government then provided the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) assistance program. The provision of Village Fund Allocations aims to be a stimulant and a stimulus for village growth. ADD assistance was also given to Pandu Village, Come District, Gresik Regency. The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of Village Fund Allocation in Infrastructure Development in Pandu Village, Cerme District, Gresik Regency, using a qualitative descriptive approach, using the theory of Rahardjo (2006) about the principle of village development. The results of this study indicate that infrastructure development in Pandu Village has been going well, but there are certain indicators that are still not optimally implemented, such as transparency indicators that have not been carried out by the village government to the community evenly. Indicators of participation are also not maximized in its implementation due to the desire of the people who do not participate in village development. Therefore, it is necessary to hold active socialization in the village community so that the community knows the activities carried out and the budget funds that have been issued, and it is necessary to evaluate each implementation of infrastructure development programs in order to increase community participation in Pandu Village so that it has a positive impact on the quality of community groups. in Pandu Village.
Analisis Stakeholder Kebijakan E-Katalog Lokal dalam Membranding Produk Lokal Binti Azizatun Nafi’ah
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 2: September 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i2.32


A country certainly has ways and efforts to increase the effectiveness and productivity of the country's economy. The needs of consumers, producers and the allocation of goods for facilities and infrastructure to provide public services must be carried out through the process of procurement of goods/services. This procurement effort is aimed at building economic growth through procurement of goods so that it is more effective and efficient. The purpose of this study is to analyze local e-catalog policies in local product marketing (MSMEs) in terms of SWOT, as well as identify supporting and inhibiting factors for the effectiveness of these policies. The method used is a literature review method. The data collection technique used is literature study, which utilizes journal articles, newspapers, books, online news and websites of authoritative institutions. The result of this research is that local e-kalalog can help MSMEs as business actors who generally utilize local resources, be it human resources, capital, raw materials, to equipment. This means that most of the needs of MSMEs do not rely on imported goods. In this local e-catalogue, the regional head, ULP, legal department, and the inspectorate are the key players who have big interests and influence, while MSMEs and SKPD are supporting parts that have small interests but have a big impact.
Efektivitas Program Layanan E-KLAMPID di Kecamatan Bulak Kota Surabaya Mirza Fatchul Haqq; Sri Umiyati
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 2: September 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i2.33


In an effort to realize an effective and efficient public service department of Population and Civil Registry Surabaya made a public service innovation that is E-klampid Program. This Program aims to facilitate the community in conducting the management of population and civil registration, people no longer need to come to the Office Dispendukcapil Surabaya, and e community can do the management independently at home this study aims to analyze the effectiveness of e-klampid program in District Bulak Surabaya. This study uses dea scriptive qualitative method with a case study approach, the existence of e-klampid can provide convenience for the community in managing population and civil registration. Sources of data used are secondary data and primary data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. There are 5 indicators in measuring the effectiveness of the Program according to Sutrisno (2007), namely 1) Understanding The Program 2) right on target 3) On Time 4) achievement of goals 5) real change. The results showed that the effectiveness of the e-klampid Program in Bulak Sub-District of Surabaya has not been effective. There are 4 indicators that are not effective, namely understanding the Program, right on target, achieving goals, Real Change. The effective indicator is timely.

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