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UNEJ e-Proceeding Dinamika Global: Rebranding Keunggulan Kompetitif Berbasis Kearifan Lokal
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Organizational capacity assessment of managing ecotourism based on community is important to do on the organization in determining the capacity enhancement plan, based on a needs assessment of self. Assessment of the capacity of the organization can monitor the effectiveness of previous actions, evaluate progress in increasing capacity and identify areas within the organization managers who need reinforcement. This research aims to examine and assess the conditions existing organizational capacity managing of ecotourism based on community through organizational capacity assessment on Mangrove Ecotourism Wonorejo Rungkut and Wisata Anyar Mangrove Gunung Anyar in Surabaya. The result of the organizational capacity assessment. Methods in this study is elaborate the assessment capacity of UNDP (2008) and Mwiya Mundia (2009). Indicators of governance which is a combined value at the location of the study there is Incipient level. This is different on the indicators, indicators of management practices and service delivery indicators of External Relations on the level of Emerging. On human resources indicators and indicators of sustainability there is a Mature level.
Catchment Area in Health Services: Studies in Kasembon and Pujon Subdistricts, Malang Regency Deasy Ariffiani; Sri Umiyati; Sri Wahyuni
Jurnal Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal) Vol 12, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal), June
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jap.v12i1.6318


This study aims to analyze the application of health services in Kasembon and Pujon Districts in Malang Regency based on the catchment area perspective, as well as analyze the challenges of the practice of accessing health services. With the background of service improvement efforts that have been done a lot, but in fact, the accessibility is very difficult or even impossible to change. This study uses a qualitative method with a soft system methodology (SSM) approach. The data processing of the findings is carried out through a comparison of real facts with alternative normative models so that they have the opportunity to generate improvement ideas. The results of the study show that there are still challenges in the form of weak access to health insurance, facilities, and human resources, quality standards of health services, the role of monitoring stakeholders, to patterns of community participation. This then resulted in 3 main points of concern to produce corrective action, namely the evaluation of the health care system, health service practice standards, and the accuracy of the health service program targets. This study recommends a top-down mechanism priority by optimizing the improvement of the quality of health service standards in Kasembon and Pujon by policymakers and bottom-up through a participatory pattern by optimizing local public service agencies (BLUD) through community synergy with various institutions and government at lower levels. for managing access to health services.
Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Desa dalam Pendataan dan Pemantauan Penduduk pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 M. Husni Tamrin; Sri Umiyati; Lunariana Lubis; Wildan Taufik Raharja
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpm.v7i1.6400


This community service aims to assist the village government of Ambeng-ambeng Watangrejo in Duduksampeyan Sub-District, Gresik Regency in registering and monitoring immigrants and conducting independent home isolation as a result of implementing the Widespread Social Restrictions Policy (PSBB) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The village government and the 19th level COVID task force are facing hurdles in collecting data and monitoring the isolated population. So there is a need for an online village information system that can record and monitor the population. The community is served through socialization methods and by assisting village officials and the Covid-19 task force in implementing the village information system. A community service outcome is a village information system that the village government can use to provide services to the community.
Efektivitas Program E-Parking dalam Pelayanan Publik di Taman Bungkul Surabaya Theodora Thessa Renata Putri; Sri Umiyati; Budi Rianto
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i1.20


This research aims to reduce the practice of illegal parking attendants and the leakage of parking retribution income can be overcome. The problem is focused on assessing the effectiveness of e-parking in Tama Bungkul Surabaya with reference to the theory of effectiveness according to Budiani (2007). The data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation and analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that the implementation of e-parking in Bungkul Park has not been effective because it has not yet been targeted, as evidenced by the finding of people who are less interested in paying for parking through e-parking machines, program socialization has been carried out directly and through social media, parking objectives have been achieved because they have there are no illegal parking practices and leakage of parking fees, while for program monitoring, periodic e-parking machines are checked, but four e-parking machines are found in the Bungkul Park area that cannot be used and have not been repaired until now due to the lack of reliable human resources
Efektivitas Program Layanan E-KLAMPID di Kecamatan Bulak Kota Surabaya Mirza Fatchul Haqq; Sri Umiyati
Public Sphere Review Volume 1 Nomor 2: September 2022
Publisher : Public Administration Dept, Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/psr.v1i2.33


In an effort to realize an effective and efficient public service department of Population and Civil Registry Surabaya made a public service innovation that is E-klampid Program. This Program aims to facilitate the community in conducting the management of population and civil registration, people no longer need to come to the Office Dispendukcapil Surabaya, and e community can do the management independently at home this study aims to analyze the effectiveness of e-klampid program in District Bulak Surabaya. This study uses dea scriptive qualitative method with a case study approach, the existence of e-klampid can provide convenience for the community in managing population and civil registration. Sources of data used are secondary data and primary data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. There are 5 indicators in measuring the effectiveness of the Program according to Sutrisno (2007), namely 1) Understanding The Program 2) right on target 3) On Time 4) achievement of goals 5) real change. The results showed that the effectiveness of the e-klampid Program in Bulak Sub-District of Surabaya has not been effective. There are 4 indicators that are not effective, namely understanding the Program, right on target, achieving goals, Real Change. The effective indicator is timely.
Aplikasi Administrasi: Media Analisa Masalah Administrasi Volume 22 Nomor 1
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/aamama.v22i1.97


The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the Improvement Process in the Elderly Health Service at the KlampisNgasem Health Center in Surabaya City using the Donabedian Theory. The research approach used is Descriptive. With the Qualitative method, as well as data collection techniques through Observation and Interview to elderly patients directly to get an idea of how the quality of health services at the KlampisNgasem Health Center in Surabaya, especially for the care of elderly patients.The results of the research conducted by the researchers can be concluded that the research on the Improvement Process of Elderly Health Services at the KlampisNgasem Health Center in Surabaya City using the Donabedian Theory through three approaches, namely the structural approach (input), the process approach, the outcome approach (output ) found two indicator that become service priority that is Service Statement or statement of ability and obligation of organizer to perform service in accordance with service standard and Service Time that is the time period needed to finish all service process from each service type.
KUALITAS PELAYANAN PUBLIK DALAM BIDANG ADMINISTRASI KEPENDUDUKAN (Studi Pelayanan KTP-el dan KK di Kantor Kecamatan Wringinanom Kabupaten Gresik) Inthania Rachmad Wardani; Sri Umiyati; Deasy Arieffiani
Aplikasi Administrasi: Media Analisa Masalah Administrasi Volume 23 Nomor 1
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/aamama.v23i1.113


The study aims to analyze the quality of public service in the population administration of electronic identity card and the family card in Wringinanom district office, Gresik. Public service is the effort of institution in providing assistance for community to achieve certain goals according to the community needs. In this case, service quality is often used to know how institution performance provides public services. In term of service quality, it can reflect the performance in implementing the duty and function. Furthermore, Wringinanom district is the provider of public service in population administration, such as the service in electronic identity card and the family card. However, several problems have been found in the quality of population administration services in Wringinanom district. The study uses the variable of service quality in qualitative descriptive research method. The analysis technique applies four methods, namely data collection, reduction, presentation and conclusion. Moreover, the result indicates the quality of population administration service does not have good quality, especially in electronic identity card and the family card in Wringinanom district. It is proven from several indicators that have not been fulfilled. The first indicator is physical evidence dimension that has lack of comfortable public place. Whereas, the second indicator is reliability dimension that can be seen from the uncertain service standard. The last is empathy dimension in which the service still needs an improvement.
Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Vol 3 No 3: Agustus 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47492/jip.v3i3.1930


Batalyon Marinir Pertahanan Pangkalan III/Jakarta atau Yonmarhanlan III/Jakarta adalah satuan pelaksana Pasukan Marinir III yang memiliki tugas pokok menyelenggarakan pertahanan Pangkalan TNI AL serta melaksanakan tugas-tugas lain seperti tugas OMSP dalam rangka mendukung tugas pokok Lantamal III/ Kota Jakarta. Sabagai contoh Potensi bencana yang terjadi di Provinsi DKI Jakarta yaitu banjir, terdapat 19 titik rawan yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah kecamatan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta bila banjir datang akan menggenangi wilayah tersebut. Penanganan yang sistematis dari semua instansi dan lembaga terkait termasuk peran Satuan Komando Kewilayahan (Satkowil) seperti Lantamal III melalui Yonharhanlan Jakarta sangat diperlukan dalam rangka menciptakan daerah bebas banjir serta ancaman bencana alam lainnya. Jenis metode penelitian Implementasi Kebijakan Tugas Operasi Militer Selain Perang Di Yonmarhanlan III dalam Penaggulangan Banjir Jakarta yang akan digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Selanjutnya dijelaskan oleh bahwa pengumpulan oleh peneliti diperoleh dari hasil observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara dan gabungan/ triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Yonmarhanlan III Jakarta merupakan salah satu satuan pelaksana yang berada dibawah TNI AL. Dalam pelaksanaan program-program kerja sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelaksanaan tugas masing-masing, sehingga menjadi tepat fungsi dan tepat ukuran (right sizing) dengan sasaran menurunnya tumpang tindih tugas dan fungsi internal Yonmarhanlan III Jakarta, BNPB dan BPBD serta meningkatnya kapasitas entitas penanganan bencana dalam melaksanakan tugas pokok dan fungsi OMSP dalam penanggulangan banjir di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. (2) Berdasarkan semua pernyataan ke tiga (3) informan dari pihak sipil dan militer di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang menjadi faktor pendukung Kerjasama sipil dan militer dalam manajemen penanggulangan bencana banjir di Provinsi DKI Jakarta: (a) Sinergitas dan kerjasama entitas sipil dan militer yang semakin solid dan tanggap dalam bencana banjir. (b) Pemberdayaan sumberdaya Manusia seperti melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat dan SDM di Dinas Sumber Daya Air Provinsi DKI Jakarta tentang sinergitas dalam penanggulangan banjir. (c) Pendampingan misalnya pelindungan masyarakat dari dampak bencana dan pemulihan kondisi dari dampak bencana serta adanya pendampingan sosial bagi korban bencana banjir. Berdasarkan pernyataan diatas menjadi faktor penghambat dalam manajemen bencana.. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan semua pernyataan informan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang menjadi faktor penghambat Kerjasama sipil dan militer dalam penanggulangan bencana banjir di Provinsi DKI Jakarta: (a) Komunikasi dan koordinasi antara entitas sipil dan militer (b) kendala anggaran dan operasional masih menggunakan sarana/ prasarana tempur (c) Terbatas sarana angkut dan personil yang mengoperasikannya (d) pelatihan saat ini masih bersifat OMP belum dilatih simulasi OMSP penanganan bencana secara khusus serta belum optimal karena dilakukan secara umum dan bukan spesifik terkait kerawanan bencana di setiap daerah. Saran yang disampaikan (1) Untuk menyediakan anggaran khusus yang digunakan untuk mendanai aktifitas OMSP oleh Yonarhanlan III dalam penanggulangan bencana banjir di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. (2) BNPB, BPBD dan Yonmarhanlan III Jakarta semakin memperkuat sinergitas dengan melaksanakan pelatihan penanggulangan bersama antara entitas sipil dan militer
Optimalisasi Sistem Pelayanan Rakyat Sidoarjo (SIPRAJA) Menuju Kalanganyar sebagai Desa Digital M. Husni Tamrin; Sri Umiyati; Deasy Arieffiani; Lunariana Lubis; Arie Ambarwati; Zainal Abidin Achmad
JPP IPTEK (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Penerapan IPTEK) Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM ITATS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31284/j.jpp-iptek.2022.v6i2.3612


Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan pelayanan publik dengan memanfaatkan sistem informasi menuju desa digital. Kebutuhan masyarakat tentang kualitas pelayanan publik yang efektif dan efisien menjadi sebuah keniscayaan. Pemerintah Desa Kalanganyar, Kecamatan Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo sebagai bagian dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo telah menerapkan pelayanan berbasis digital yang dinamakan SIPRAJA (Sistem Pelayanan Rakyat Sidoarjo) sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Bupati Sidoarjo tentang kewajiban bagi seluruh desa untuk memanfaatkan aplikasi tersebut. Akan tetapi, partisipasi dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan SIPRAJA masih rendah sehingga aplikasi hanya dimanfaatkan oleh sebagian masyarakat saja. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan pelaksanaan, yaitu brainstorming, sosialisasi, dan pendampingan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini, pemerintah desa memahami tentang pentingnya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik. Selanjutnya, pemerintah desa juga berhasil memberikan arahan dan meningkatkan jumlah partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan aplikasi SIPRAJA. Dengan demikian, pelayanan publik di Desa Kalanganyar dapat berjalan secara optimal dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi tersebut.
Pengaruh Downward Communication dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Bagian Pengembangan Outlet Kantor Pos Cabang Utama Surabaya 60000 Galuh Noviani; Sri Umiyati; Setya Prihatiningtyas
Aplikasi Administrasi: Media Analisa Masalah Administrasi Volume 25 Nomor 1
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/aamama.v25i1.48


This study is conducted to determine (1) the effect of Downward Communication on job satisfaction of the main branch post office Surabaya 60000, (2) the effect of compensation on job satisfaction of the employees of the Surabaya main branch post office 60000, (3) the effect of Downward Communication and Compensation on job satisfaction employees of the main branch post office Surabaya 60000. The sample uses 52 employees. This research includes causal associative research using a quantitative approach, namely validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple regression, t statistic test, F statistic test, and coefficient of determination (R2).  It is proven through the F test, F count 3,18 > F table 704,470 and a significant value of 0,000 < 0,05 it can be concluded that Downward Communication (X1) and Compensation (X2) have a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction (Y) simultaneously and the coefficient of determination 3,4%.