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Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
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COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat merupakan jurnal ilmiah multidisiplin yang diterbitkan oleh Literasi Nusantara Publisher. Frekuensi terbitan jurnal ini adalah tiga kali/tahun (Oktober, Februari, Juni). Di tingkat nasional banyak sekali masalah-masalah umum atau isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan pelayanan masyarakat. Publikasi jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan pemikiran atau gagasan konseptual dan hasil penelitian yang telah dicapai di bidang pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian juga melibatkan peran serta masyarakat dan mitra. Kegiatan pengabdian disusun menjadi suatu kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam jurnal ini adalah Bahasa Indonesia. COMMUNIO tersedia secara gratis (open access) untuk semua pembaca.
Articles 27 Documents
Penerapan Terapi Musik Pada Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Rutan Kelas 1 Makassar Cindy Caroline; Misly Megautari Putri; Surya Algazali Akbar; Perdana Kusuma
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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Every Indonesian citizen is obliged to obey all rules according to applicable law. Drugs are addictive substances that can ensnare anyone regardless of age. A person who abuses drugs will be processed according to the existing law and placed in the Detention Centre (Rutan) during the process of investigation, prosecution, and examination in court. Drug abuse makes users feel hallucinations, stimulants, depressants, and addiction. Several inmates at the Class 1 Rutan Makassar explained that there were several negative emotions they felt including feelings of depression, anxiety or anxiety, loss of self-confidence, and reluctance to socialize. Music therapy is an intervention that can be done for clients to improve their physical and emotional health. Several studies have shown that music can be used as therapy because it is effective in overcoming psychological problems. The purpose of this therapy is to find out the impact that is felt after receiving the application of music to the inmates at the Class 1 Rutan Makassar. Participants were as many as 19 correctional inmates with drug abuse cases of the male gender. The result of this activity was that the participants were enthusiastic and focused on the facilitator's instructions. The participants' expressions can be seen when shedding tears and smiling while listening to music. Participants felt positive impacts including feeling calm, safe, peaceful, satisfied, comfortable, confident, relaxed, feeling enough, strong, and happy to participate in activities. Participants also felt happy and satisfied with the activities carried out and thanked the facilitator team.
Pengenalan Aplikasi SmartPLS Bagi Mahasiswa Baru Program Studi Magister Manajemen Universitas Pattimura Walter Tabelessy; Jozef Ricky Pattiruhu
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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This introductory activity aims to educate new students of the Pattimura University Master of Management Study Program so that they have one perception and increase understanding of the concepts and stages of data processing using the SmartPLS application and will ultimately improve the ability to process data. In this activity, the method used is interactive learning, namely the use of computers as online learning media. Submission of material is carried out in the form of lectures, accompanied by examples of using the SmartPLS application to students. The results of this activity have united different perceptions and increased student knowledge about the concepts and stages of data processing using this application. The Pattimura University Master of Management Program can realize this online introductory activity in the form of offline training so that it can immediately practice and evaluate the extent to which students understand how to process data using the SmartPLS application. Or use other SEM-PLS applications, for example the WarpPLS application.
Pelatihan K3 Kepada Juru Las Pada Usaha Bengkel Las CV. Alfazil Jaya Mahmud; Zulfadli; Hilmi; Muhammad Dirhamsyah; Azwar; Hamdani
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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Kesadaran tentang pentingnya penerapan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) khususnya untuk usaha kecil dan menengah yang bergerak di bidang fabrikasi dan pengelasan logam masih tergolong rendah. Sehingga potensi terjadi kecelakaan akibat kerja ini sangat besar yang mempengaruhi produktivitas juru las, berdasarkan kondisi diatas perlu dilakukan update serta pemberian pelatihan pemahaman tentang kepedulian penerapan K3 dalam lingkungan kerja untuk keselamatan juru las itu sendiri, kegiatan ini diisi tentang pemberian informasi tentang potensi-potensi kecelakaan yang muncul, serta pemahaman tentang regulasi serta pencegahan penyakit akibat kerja kepada juru las pada bengkel las CV. Alfazil Jaya, Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat yaitu meningkatnya kemampuan juru las dalam mengidentifikasi potensi-potensi bahaya terjadinya kecelakaan akibat kerja dan praktek implementasi k3 dalam proses pengerjaan pengelasan dan fabrikasi logam. Keberlanjutan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu perlunya pengawasan internal dari bengkel las CV. Alfazil Jaya terhadap implentasi penerapan K3 oleh juru las dalam proses fabrikasi untuk mencapai posisi zero accident pada setiap kegiatan.
Implementasi Manajemen Teknologi Terhadap Penjualan Pulsa Pada Aplikasi Agen Pulsa Termurah: Studi Kasus Syaqila Cell Siti Aisyah; Efni Yulia Santri Harahap; Nabila Ramadhani; Nurita Maha; Sella Fauziati Harlina; Siti Nur Khalizah Siregar
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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The development of information technology, the current pulse filling transaction is not limited to using the SMS service, but can use an electric pulse filling application based on a credit agent application. Using this application is cheaper than topping up credit via SMS, besides that it can reduce errors in credit transactions. The method used in this community service activity is to teach about the application of the cheapest credit agent application which has various stages of activity arranged in a good schedule, namely: the preparation stage, the cheapest credit agent account creation stage, the training stage and the evaluation stage. After implementing and introducing the application to credit sellers, it was found that the Cheapest Credit Agent application had achieved the target of community service activities very well. This application will make it easier for counter owners to carry out credit sales transactions to their consumers. However, there are still obstacles experienced by selling credit in using this application, namely: 1) relatively small profits, 2) large enough capital, 3) many competitors or competitors, and 4) many customers who are in debt so that the profits should be increased to no visible results.
Sosialisasi Literasi Keuangan Syariah Pada Masyarakat RT. 28 Kelurahan Kenali Asam Bawah Jambi Nova Erliyana; Rabiyatul Alawiyah
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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Indonesia is a country with a majority Muslim population. The lack of socialization of Islamic financial literacy means that people do not yet know and realize the importance of Islamic financial institutions in economic activities by Islamic principles to achieve falah, namely the welfare of the world and the hereafter. This activity aims to increase the understanding of RT study members. 28 Kenali Asam Bawah Village, Kota Baru District, Jambi City regarding Islamic financial literacy. This community service activity starts with planning, implementation and evaluation. The results of the socialization of Islamic financial literacy activities show that socialization participants have an increased understanding of Islamic finance.
Pendampingan Peningkatan Pencegahan Covid-19 Pada Komunitas RW 02 dan Pedagang Pasar Tradisional Modern di Kampung Tangguh Tejo Agung Kota Metro Riyanto Riyanto; Herlina Herlina; Yoga Tri Wijayanti
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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The Covid-19 pandemic globally since the WHO China Country Office in December 2019 is still experiencing an increasing trend and spreading to remote villages or sub-districts. Metro City is one of the pandemic areas because it has become a red zone for the spread of Covid-19, including the Tejoagung sub-district in May 2020. The Government has carried out the handling and prevention of the Covid-19 pandemic together with Non-Governmental Organizations and the community. In fact, the government has started to use an approach by forming a Tangguh village. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has not shown a decrease in cases. The purpose of this activity is to assist in increasing the prevention of Covid-19 in the RW 02 community and traditional market traders in Tejo Agung Metro Timur tough village, Metro city. The method of implementing the activity is carried out by the stages of preparation, implementation and evaluation. The target of the activity is the RW 02 community and traditional market traders in the Tejo Agung sub-district. This activity resulted in the distribution of 80 masks to traders in the Tejo Agung sub-district traditional market, leaflets, masks and social assistance were distributed to several families which had an economic impact due to the Covid-19 pandemic, strengthening the implementation by the Team of Independent Tough Village Volunteers the New Normal countermeasures Covid-19 Tejo Agung sub-district for implementation of independent isolation. This activity needs continuous follow-up until the period of adaptation to new behaviors and the Covid-19 pandemic can be overcome by the Government together with the community.
Pelatihan dan Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer dan Cara Mencuci Tangan yang Baik Anna Permatasari Kamarudin; Khadijah Khadijah; Elisa Khairani; Erna Erna; Basyirah Basyirah; Ratnawati Ratnawati; Syarifudin Syarifudin
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has started to decline. However, maintaining health and personal hygiene is an essential thing that still needs to be maintained. One way is to maintain hand hygiene. Germs will easily stick to your hands. So that hand hygiene must be carried out correctly and thoroughly. Hand sanitizer or hand soap is expensive for some people in rural areas. Therefore, making hand sanitizers from natural ingredients is an easy way to get hand sanitizers. Besides utilizing natural materials, the waste from natural hand sanitizers does not damage the environment because they come from materials that easily decompose in nature quickly. The ingredients used are aloe vera, betel leaf, and lime. The training methods used are lectures, demonstrations, and question and answer. The understanding of the training participants was carried out using a pre-test and post-test. The implementation of the training and production of hand sanitizers was attended by teachers, Class V and VI students, and parents of students. The implementation of community service is carried out at SD 2 Kebayakan District. A total of 35 participants attended this training.
Sosialisasi Pengurusan Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) Bagi Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Perseorangan Dian Puspita; Leni Anggraeni; Rina Wati; Widi Andewi
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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Currently, the government is offering a lot of assistance, one of which is assistance and training to MSMEs regarding the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. To get this facility, MSMEs must have a business license; one example is a Business Identification Number (NIB). This activity was conducted to answer problems and aims to introduce and increase understanding of making NIB and IUMK. The methods used are outreach, training and mentoring. Its implementation includes the delivery of theory and practice of making business legality. The result of the training was that participants' understanding of OSS, NIB and IUMK increased. Gumukmas is one of the villages in Pagelaran District, Pringsewu Regency, Lampung, which has hundreds of MSMEs registered with the Pringsewu Regency Cooperative and MSMEs Office. Realizing the importance of business licensing for MSME actors, the IBN Pringsewu service team conducted training to help residents, especially micro, small and medium enterprises, to recognize, know, and use the benefits of Business Identification Numbers for MSME actors. This activity aims to introduce what NIB and OSS are to business people in Gumukmas Village. This training focuses on making Business Identification Numbers through the OSS (Online Single Submission) Website; the practice mechanism includes data on MSME actors and data.
Penerapan Profil Pelajar Pancasila untuk Mempersiapkan Generasi Emas 2045 pada Pelajar Sekolah Dasar Rahadyan Tajuddien; Syarifah Ida Farida; Chandra Arifianto
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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Dewasa ini, krisis karakter terjadi pada pelajar di Indonesia ini. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini dilakukan untuk menumbuhkan generasi yang berkarakter dengan profil pelajar Pancasila. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan secara virtual dengan memanfaatkan piranti lunak, zoom. Peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan antara lain perwakilan guru dan pelajar kelas 5 dan 6 SD Negeri Gebang Raya 2 di Kota Tangerang yang berjumlah 30 peserta. Antusiasme dan minat tergambar pada banyak pertanyaan yang ditanyakan. Dari pertanyaan tersebut, maka dapat digambarkan bahwa dimensi bernalar kritis dan berkebhinekaan global menjadi poin penting yang harus ditindaklanjuti.
Implementasi Program “Ayo Cegah Stunting” di Kampung Koceak, Setu, Tangerang Selatan Widiah Nur Halimah; Aulia Arafah; Anita Rahmaan; Novielda Rahmadania; Mulkan Habibi
Communio: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): COMMUNIO: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Literasi Nusantara Publisher

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Maternal and child health services during the Covid-19 pandemic have been severely impacted. A quick survey conducted in June 2020 showed that 75% of posyandu in Indonesia did not provide services due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Stunting problem in South Tangerang has increased by 5% to 19.8% from 14% in 2021. Therefore, with a qualitative method, we created a stunting prevention program called the AYO CETING (let's prevent stunting) program by holding a group discussion forum (FGD). Implementing the stunting prevention program called AYO CETING (let's prevent stunting), which is carried out, aims to educate the public about how we as women, mothers and parents, can prevent stunting problems. Implementing this program is also a form of community service because it changes the community in the short and long term. This program is carried out by providing education and posters on preventing stunting, such as checking the mother's health during pregnancy and exclusive breastfeeding. In this program, the measure of success can be seen from the community's response in asking and answering questions that have been asked. Several residents were enthusiastic when the education was conducted on stunting prevention.

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