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Agus Yudiawan
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Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE)
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Core Subject : Education,
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education JQAIE, publishes original empirical or theoretical articles on Quality Assurance in Islamic Education issues including dimensions and indicators of Quality and Quality Improvement as applicable to Islamic education at all levels, including pre-primary, primary, secondary, higher, and professional education. Periodically, JQAIE also publishes systematic reviews, research syntheses, and assessment policy articles on topics of current significance. As a JQAIE seeks submissions on topics that have global relevance. Article submissions could pertain to the following areas integral to JQAIE mission: organizational or program development, change, and improvement educational testing or assessment programs evaluation of educational innovations, programs and projects school efficiency assessments standards, reforms, accountability, accreditation, and audits in education tools, criteria, and methods for examining or assuring quality.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3 No 1 (2023): January - June" : 6 Documents clear
The Application of the Independent Learning Curriculum As A Strengthening of the Role of Teachers In Madrasah Ibtidaiyah: A Literature Review Julianti Putri; Al Munawwarah; Munira nira
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE) Vol 3 No 1 (2023): January - June
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/jqaie.v3i1.617


The application of the Merdeka curriculum at the madrasah Ibtidaiyah level is a form of recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the Merdeka curriculum aimed at allowing students to develop. Grow courage, independence, enthusiasm for learning, self-confidence, and optimism, develop freedom of thought and accept successes and mistakes. This study aims to identify the application of the curriculum in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah so that it can answer the problems of students in this day and age who are left behind with existing technology because they are confined (confined) by monotonous formal school education with learning in the classroom without direct application so that the learning obtained is only temporary knowledge and then overflows just like that. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach. The data obtained is based on literature reviews of related journals. The application of this independent curriculum is essential to be applied to current learning with the launching of the era of society 5.0, which requires humans to understand the development of the times that should not be left behind by technology so that even from MI students are expected to be able to implement the learning obtained in schools but to realize the need for educators who can innovate and create knowledge that can deliver students to HOTS (High Other Thinking Skill). Educators must now be able to understand cognitively and effectively, and psychomotor must also be considered
Change and Development of A Quality Culture In Madrasah Edi Nanang Sofyan Hadi
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE) Vol 3 No 1 (2023): January - June
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/jqaie.v3i1.955


This study explores concepts related to effective madrasah head leadership in building and developing a quality culture. The type of literature study research is used to explain the results of existing studies. Data were obtained from various relevant literature sources, such as books and journals, which contained information following the focus of the study, namely the leadership of the head of the Madrasah and the culture of quality. The data obtained is then carried out for content analysis. In addition, in maintaining the suitability of the review process and preventing and overcoming misinformation, checks are carried out between libraries, re-read the literature, and pay attention to expert comments. The results showed that ten indicators must be owned by school principals so that the development of a quality culture can run effectively, namely: complete vision, responsibility, example, empowering staff, listening to others, providing excellent service, developing people, empowering madrasahs, focusing on students, and management that prioritizes practice. Therefore, the critical roles of school principals must continue to be pursued, including as educators, managers, administrators, supervisors, leaders, innovators, and motivators. By integrating this critical role, it can be ensured that the quality culture of the Madrasah can be realized immediately.
Building Quality Student Writing: Application of Critical Review of Articles In Reputable Journals to Improve Students’ Ability to Compile Thesis Proposals Agus Yudiawan; Nur Adzidzah
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE) Vol 3 No 1 (2023): January - June
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/jqaie.v3i1.974


This study aims to determine the improvement of students' ability to compile thesis proposals after applying a critical review of reputable journal articles. The research method used a classroom action research model with two action cycles. The results showed a significant increase in students' ability to compile thesis proposals after applying a critical review of reputable journal articles. Before the action, the power of students to collect viable proposals was only 33% and could be increased to 78%. The conclusion is that the application of critical review can be used to improve students' ability to compile thesis proposals. Keywords: a critical review, student ability, thesis proposal.
Development of Character Education Through Positive Discipline of Madrasah Students Aishya Shaharani; Waode Zahra Februannisa
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE) Vol 3 No 1 (2023): January - June
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/jqaie.v3i1.981


Character education is essential in the learning process to form positive attitudes and values in students. Discipline is one of the strengthening of character education that needs to be considered. The formation of the disciplinary character of students can use positive discipline methods. This article aims to explain and analyze the implementation of positive discipline to support student character education in MI Al-Ishlah Sorong City. The research method used is qualitative descriptive with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data collected is then analyzed using analytical techniques designed by Huberman & Miles: data collection, reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Teachers adopt a positive reinforcement and reward approach to increase student participation, cooperation, and responsibility. In addition, clear rules and fair consequences are also applied to develop good behavior and respect for the environment. In the context of character education, positive discipline helps students internalize moral values such as honesty, responsibility, and mutual respect. Students also learn to recognize and manage emotions positively and develop social skills that are important in everyday life. The results showed that positive discipline can be effective as a means of character education for students in MI Al-Ishlah Sorong City. Positive discipline can help students to understand positive values such as responsibility, cooperation, and honesty. In addition, the application of positive discipline can also help students to develop good social and emotional skills. Therefore, positive discipline can be used as one of the effective character education strategies for students at MI Al-Ishlah Sorong City.
Santri Patriot Scholarship Program: Efforts to Meet the Needs of Management Cadres at Nurul Jadid Paiton Islamic Boarding School In Probolinggo Najiburrahman Wahid
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE) Vol 3 No 1 (2023): January - June
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/jqaie.v3i1.1025


Every citizen of school age from elementary to tertiary level must receive an education. But in reality, many school-age citizens still cannot get a significantly higher education. Sometimes, students have high achievements but are hampered by the study process. On the other hand, some students drop out in the middle of their study journey for lack of cost. Meanwhile, the number of students entering the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School every year continues to increase. Where the ratio of administrators to students is increasingly non-standard, it affects the guardian services and student guidance in the dormitory during the study process because the period of education for secondary education students is longer than the period of teaching in higher education, which is taken by cadres of Islamic boarding school management. Realizing this, finding a way out for students with economic constraints is essential. For this reason, Nurul Jadid University, which is one of the universities in Islamic boarding schools, seeks solutions for students who are constrained economically but have a strong spirit to continue their education while serving by providing an independent scholarship called Santri Patriot Scholarship since 2016 to students at Nurul Jadid University spread across various majors with a different number of recipients from year to year. This is to avoid the opportunity for prospective students to withdraw from the study process and as a continuous effort for management cadres in student dormitories. The provision of this patriot student scholarship includes education costs, life skills training and national insight, entrepreneurship, and religious competence, which aims to spur achievements and competencies to be then implemented as provisions in carrying out the mandate as administrators, mu'allimah, and guardians in student dormitories, as well as conditions when they return to the community. So far, after seven years of running, the number of applicants for this scholarship path continues to grow. The scholarship recipient students take advantage of the opportunities provided and get plus value from the service experience and life skills learning they get during their education.
The Spiritual Leadership Role of KH. Moh. Hafidh Sibawayhie In Educational Innovation at Nurul Wafa Demung Besuki Situbondo Islamic Boarding School Samsul Arifin
Journal of Quality Assurance in Islamic Education (JQAIE) Vol 3 No 1 (2023): January - June
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47945/jqaie.v3i1.1027


This study aims to determine the Spiritual Leadership Role of KH. Moh. Hafidh Sibawayhie in terms of 1) curriculum innovation initiatives, 2) human resource development, and 3) development of infrastructure facilities at Nurul Wafa Demung Besuki Situbondo Islamic Boarding School. This research uses a qualitative approach. Semi-participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation carried out data collection techniques. At the same time, data analysis uses the attractive model of Miles Huberman and Saldana with steps: data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and concluding the data validity using triangulation and member check. There are three triangulations used, namely source triangulation and method triangulation. The results showed that: 1) In its goal as one of the Islamic Boarding Schools that prints students who are tafaqquh fiddin, various kinds of curriculum innovations carried out to enrich and as specific support for related pesantren in the process of transmitting Islamic religious knowledge treasures at the Nurul Wafa Demung Besuki Situbondo Islamic Boarding School; 2) Factors that encourage KH. Moh. Hafidh Sibawayhie in human resource development at Nurul Wafa Demung Besuki Situbondo Islamic Boarding School is to produce a generation that is tafaqquh fiddin, to provide knowledge and insight into the tasks and roles that must be carried out, as well as an effort to improve the quality of human resources in Nurul Wafa Islamic Boarding School so that pesantren can continue to exist amid society; and 3) Breakthroughs made by KH. Moh. Hafidh Sibawayhie in the development of infrastructure facilities is carried out thoroughly and gradually following the needs of pesantren as Islamic educational institutions. This can be seen from the various construction, addition, and rehabilitation of buildings in the pesantren environment in the context of education for Nurul Wafa Demung Besuki Situbondo Islamic Boarding School students.

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