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In accord with the motto of IFTK Ledalero, the institute that publishes this journal, “Diligite Lumen Sapientiae” (“Love Light & Truth”), Jurnal Ledalero: Wacana Iman dan Kebudayaan (Discourse on Faith and Culture) is dedicated to publishing quality articles intended to assis its readers to love light and truth. Via the published articles, this journal endeavours to enlighten, to sharpen the minds, and to broaden the way of thinking of its readers. Jurnal Ledalero: Wacana Iman dan Kebudayaan (Discourse on Faith and Culture) encourages researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners, and students to submit articles which ae the fruit of their research and critical analysis in the fields of philosophy, theology, and the social sciences, such as cultural studies, sociology, politics, psychology, language, anthropology and art.
Articles 177 Documents
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 20, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ledalero Edisi Desember 2021
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1015.159 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v20i2.234.235-257


This article is an overview of the intellectual and historical background of Nancy Fraser's thought. Intellectually, Fraser is a socialist feminist and critical theorist of the Frankfurt school who sought to reconnect gender analysis and the critique of capitalism. According to Fraser, the shift from state-managed-capitalism to neoliberal capitalism is the historical context that separates gender analysis and capitalism criticism in such a way that feminism is trapped as a handmaiden of neoliberalism. Based on an examination of Fraser's works and related literature, this article shows the problems of feminism in the neoliberal era and Fraser's critical theory offers to reclaim it.Key words: socialist feminism, critical theory, the Frankfurt School, gender, capitalism.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 21, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ledalero
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1052.693 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v21i2.292.219-231


Abstract: This article specifically describes how a scientific theory is formed and placed as an epistemic truth, even in the end it becomes a paradigm that influences scientific methodologies in various different scientific fields. This is in line with the scientific revolution proposed by Thomas S. Kuhn. The discussion in this article will focus on the development of the theory of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin in the field of biology, viewed from the perspective of the scientific revolution of Thomas S. Kuhn. This effort was made because in its development, Darwin's theory of evolution has historically been the starting point for theoretical revolutions in the field of biology, and even in other scientific fields. This historical explanation of how the development process of Darwin's theory of evolution shifted, and even undermined previous scientific theories, became a starting point for a radical theoretical transformation in the development of science which was viewed from Kuhn's analysis through his theoretical schema of the revolution of a scientific theory. This becomes very important for researchers and the general public, especially to provide an explanation that the epistemic truth in science is not a sudden speculative knowledge, as is the ontological truth in religious knowledge and cultural knowledge. The methodical approach used in this article will use a historical continuity approach, heuristics, and interpretation. The type of analysis in this article falls into the analysis of scientific theory. This article was written with the aim of providing a description, evidence, and argument that the paradigm shift of science from the pre-Darwinian evolutionary period to the Darwinian evolutionary period is a description of a radical theoretical transformation process that occurs instantly in a scientific field, which in Kuhn's thinking is passed through The main phases are normal science, anomaly, crisis, and scientific revolution.Keywords: The Theory of Evolution, Scientific Revolution, Charles Darwin, Thomas S. Kuhn, Epistemic Truth
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 14, No 1 (2015): Tolak Tipu, Lawan Lupa
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2310.348 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v14i1.6.3-10


Waktu duduk di bangku SMP/SMA (1958-1963), sejarah politik masih disoroti dari perspektif para penguasa seperti kaisar dan raja, presiden dan perdana menteri. Dan memang pada masa itu penuturan sejarah politik sering digariskan oleh pihak yang berkuasa, pihak yang menang. Tapi, ketika mempelajari sejarah sosial di sekolah yang sama, kami diantar ke dalam getir gerak rakyat yang tertekan-tertindas, seperti pemberontakan kaum tani pada abad ke-13, urbanisasi besar-besaran pada abad ke-18, tuntutan serikat-serikat buruh dan pendirian koperasi kredit perdana pada abad ke-19, dan pembentukan Partai Buruh pada awal abad ke-20. Gurunya lain-lain; jelas juga pelajaran yang satu mempertanyakan pelajaran yang lain. Sejarah sosial mengikis kehebatan para raja sambil memperdepankan posisi rakyat biasa, dengan segala hasrat, strategi dan taktik juangnya. Dalam bahasa Alkitab: bukan sejarah dari perspektif raja Daud dan Solomo (sudut Deuteronomistik), tetapi sejarah sebagaimana disoroti nabi Amos, Hosea dan Yesaya (pihak nurani rakyat). Sebetulnya, sebagian besar sejarah masyarakat Allah dalam Alkitab ditulis dari pihak rakyat yang kalah. Tentu Bupati, Gubernur dan Presiden main peran dalam masyarakat. Namun, sejarah lebih teranyam oleh rupa-rupa kisah dari masyarakat biasa. Maka timbul pertanyaan: kajian sosial dan analisis politik mestinya dinilai dari pihak mana, pihak siapa? Pihak yang berkuasa atau pihak rakyat yang dikuasai? Bisakah kita menulis kembali sejarah NTT, umpamanya, dari sisi mereka yang kalah, bahkan dari perspektif mereka yang pernah disingkirkan, mereka yang dikalahkan, dibisukan, dan selama ini dilupakan? Sanggupkah kita menolak tipu dan melawan lupa dan membaca ulang sejarah kita dengan nurani rakyat yang murni? Pada tahun 2012 sutradara Joshua Openheimer menayangkan film Jagal. Selama dua jam penuh sejumlah pelaku premen dengan bangga merekonstruksi pembunuhan-pembunuhan yang mereka lakukan pada tahun 1965/1966 “atas nama negara”. Para psikolog menyatakan bahwa manusia mampu membunuh sesamanya hanya jika sasarannya sudah distigmatisasi dan di-dehumanisasi. Manusia tidak bisa membunuh sesamanya begitu saja, akan tetapi kita siap menghabisi obyek-obyek dan benda-benda yang kotor lagi najis, rela melibatkan diri dalam aksi “pembersihan lingkungan”. Nyatanya, pemutaran film Jagal berhasil membuka tabir yang selama lima puluh tahun menutup peristiwa pembantaian tragis-brutal tahun 1965/1966 dari ingatan kita, dari memoria bangsa kita. Jelas, sejarah resmi tahun 1960an disusun oleh para pemenang, oleh Orde Baru, bukan oleh mereka-mereka yang dikorbankan supaya Suharto bisa naik tahta. Mana ada buku sekolah yang mengingatkan kita bahwa rezimnya dikonsolidasikan dalam lautan darah, dan didirikan di atas jenazah ratusan ribu korban.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 15, No 1 (2016): Korupsi
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.532 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v15i1.28.46-73


Democracy is often seen as a political system which is capable of lessening or preventing corruption. Countries with a democratic system are regarded as relatively free of corrupt practices. Meanwhile, authoritarian political systems are seen as riddled through with corrupt practices because they are not capable of protecting political officials from such practices. However it is apparent that corruption scandals are frequently encountered in democratic systems. Various corruption scandals that befall politicians in Western Europe, the USA and Japan indicate the reality that democratic procedures are not, on their own, capable of protecting officials from corruption. What calls for debate among academics is: Which aspect of democracy can prevent, and which aspect can permit corrupt practices? How can the relationship between corruption and democracy be explained? This essay is presented as a small contribution to this debate.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 16, No 1 (2017): Seratus Tahun Sesudah Perang Dunia Pertama
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.489 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v16i1.55.26-33


World War I was a horrifying episode in human history. Some, however, saw past the brutality of the fighting, the squalid conditions of the trenches, and the excessive casualties on both sides, and instead saw God. World War I led to questions about humanity and its meaning. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was one of thousands of clergy, religious, and seminarians who experienced World War I as a conscript in Northern France. Keywords: priest, élan vital, war Perang Dunia I adalah salah satu periode yang paling mengerikan dalam sejarah manusia. Kendatipun demikian, di tengah kondisi nan brutal seperti itu sesungguhnya orang masih sanggup menemukan Allah. Perang Dunia I, bagaimanapun, menimbulkan pertanyaan mendasar tentang kemanusiaan dan maknanya. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin adalah salah satu dari ribuan klerus, religius, dan seminaris yang mengalami Perang Dunia I sebagai prajurit di Perancis Utara. Kata-kata kunci: imam, elan vital, perang
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Gerakan Sosial untuk Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.242 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v13i2.74.263-293


There is a strong link between religious fundamentalist movements and the globalization (economic) project. In the context of Western civilization, fundamentalist movements are closely linked to the “critical discussion” on the antinomy of modernity. These movements reached a new phase in the second half of the 20 century, namely a “confrontation” between Western civilization and the East (Islam). On the one hand, the Western civilization model of the globalization project grows due to a certain form of fundamentalism within itself, namely an economic fundamentalism. On the other hand fundamentalist movements within Islam which turn religion into ideology, put forward a programme for the “universalisation” of Islam as the basis of a world order. The world order which is presently dominated by the Western civilization model, characterized by the capitalistic and the secular, has to end and be replaced by a world order based on Islamic law. This movement works on a principle of compulsion. The “rivalry” between the two has no connection at all with a “clash of civilizations” but rather with the fact that globalization in its present form is only possible for a rich elite minority. A middle way must be worked out, not the globalization of the economic or political system, nor the globalization of a particular ideology, whether secular or religious, but rather the globalization of Aufklärung (enlightenment) and of solidarity. Kata-kata kunci: Globalisasi, modernitas, gerakan fundamentalis, islamisme, ideologi, Aufklärung, “imperialisme budaya”, sekularisasi.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 12, No 2 (2013): AGAMA DAN NEGARA
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.529 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v12i2.91.249-270


The Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum on Divine Revelation opens us towards God’s self revelation in the whole universe in order that all be gathered in Christ into full communion with the Triune God. This official teaching sees revelation as a dialogue of love, and a response in faith which is personal, dynamic, historical and centred on Christ and the Spirit. With this broad understanding of revelation, the Dei Verbum Constitution goes on to open up ways of interpreting the Scriptures and understanding how the Scriptures have been read in history (Tradition), thus opening up Bible study as the soul of theology, as well as the anima of prayer, liturgy and spirituality. The local Churches of Indonesia, Asia and the world, including the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), have responded to the invitation to participate in this divine dialogue of love by receiving God’s Word graciously and proclaiming it faithfully in daily life. The essay ends by noting the contribution of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, the Catholic Biblical Federation, Lembaga Biblica Indonesia, St. Paul’s Biblical Centre Ledalero, and the Biblical Apostolate Diocesan Commissions of Nusa Tenggara Ecclesial Province in Indonesia which have facilitated Bible sharing in grassroots communities. Kata-kata kunci: Wahyu, Alkitab, buku terbuka, animasi, mendengar, dialog, mewartakan, kepenuhan hidup, tradisi, penafsiran, doa, refleksi, aksi.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 17, No 1 (2018): RADIKALISME
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.287 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v17i1.128.77-94


Abstract: Indonesian history has been filled with many radical ideas and movements aiming to bring about radical changes in the direction of the nation state. Yet radicalism has created fear and angst amongst communities. This paper examines the narrative of radicalism and fear as constructed in an Indonesian Catholic document published in 1967. The document narrates the historical and political events from Indonesia’s independence to the early years of Suharto’s New Order regime, with a particular focus on the Madiun incident of 1948 and the Crocodile Hole tragedy of 1965. The paper argues that the document scrutinized is nothing but a fear text, and the fear narrative as constructed in the text is related to radicalism – namely the leftist radicalism represented by the Indonesian communists pre-1965, and the rightist radicalism represented by religious (Muslim) radicals post-1965. This main argument is explained with reference to Martin Heidegger’s philosophy of fear, and it concludes that the fear experiences concerning the communist past is paralelled with the experiences of fear in recent times in relation to religious (Islamic) radicalism. Keywords: radicalism, fear, communists, Muslims, Catholics, Heidegger Abstrak: Sejarah Indonesia dililiti banyak ide dan gerakan radikal yang bertujuan untuk membawa perubahan radikal ke arah negara bangsa. Namun radikalisme telah menciptakan ketakutan dan kecemasan di antara masyarakat. Makalah ini mengkaji narasi radikalisme dan ketakutan yang dibangun dalam dokumen Katolik Indonesia yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1967. Dokumen tersebut menceritakan peristiwa sejarah dan politik dari kemerdekaan Indonesia hingga tahun-tahun awal rezim Orde Baru Suharto, dengan fokus khusus pada insiden Madiun dari 1948 dan tragedi Lubang Buaya 1965. Makalah ini berpendapat bahwa dokumen yang diteliti tidak lain adalah teks ketakutan, dan narasi rasa takut yang terkonstruksi dalam teks ini terkait dengan radikalisme - yaitu radikalisme kiri yang diwakili oleh komunis Indonesia pra-1965, dan radikalisme kanan yang diwakili oleh radikal agama (Muslim) pasca-1965. Argumen utama ini dijelaskan dengan mengacu pada filosofi rasa takut Martin Heidegger, dan disimpulkan pengalaman-pengalaman ketakutan mengenai masa lalu komunis dilumpuhkan dengan pengalaman-pengalaman ketakutan belakangan ini dalam kaitannya dengan radikalisme agama (Islam). Kata-kata Kunci: radikalisme, ketakutan, komunis, Muslim, Katolik, Heidegger
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 18, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.595 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v18i1.164.86-102


Abstract: This article explores the phenomena that occur in thelife of society, especially urban communities, namely shoppingbehavior, which has become a culture in the modern world.Shopping culture is not only about behavioral phenomena,but the very important is the philosophy behind this culture.Therefore, the shopping culture should be reviewed by Christianethics. Through this article, shopping culture will be specificallyreviewed in the perspective of the Triune God as the ethicalfoundation of the Christian life.Keywords: culture, shopping, Trinity, ethics.
Krisis Demokrasi dan Tirani Meritokrasi Menurut Michael Sandel Otto Gusti Madung
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ledalero
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.214 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v19i2.212.127-144


This article aims to introduce the basic thesis of Michael Sandel as described in the book the Tyranny of Merit about the link between the contemporary crisis of democracy and meritocracy. The crisis of democracy today is shown through the increasing wave of right-wing populism in some democratic countries in Europe and the USA. According to Michael Sandel, the crisis of democracy is caused by the policy of meritocracy launched by the liberal democracy that has marginalized the groups of the middle class and working class. Furthermore, the article argues that populist leaders such as Donald Trump succeed in capitalizing on the grievances and frustration of social groups and expressing them as a political agenda. Based on the communitarianism of Michael Sandel, this article offers a solution to strengthen the role of social solidarity and community to cope with individualism and the crisis of liberal democracy. Key words: Crisis of democracy, meritocracy, liberalism, communitaranism, Michael Sandel.

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