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In accord with the motto of IFTK Ledalero, the institute that publishes this journal, “Diligite Lumen Sapientiae” (“Love Light & Truth”), Jurnal Ledalero: Wacana Iman dan Kebudayaan (Discourse on Faith and Culture) is dedicated to publishing quality articles intended to assis its readers to love light and truth. Via the published articles, this journal endeavours to enlighten, to sharpen the minds, and to broaden the way of thinking of its readers. Jurnal Ledalero: Wacana Iman dan Kebudayaan (Discourse on Faith and Culture) encourages researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners, and students to submit articles which ae the fruit of their research and critical analysis in the fields of philosophy, theology, and the social sciences, such as cultural studies, sociology, politics, psychology, language, anthropology and art.
Articles 8 Documents
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Jurnal Ledalero Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Gerakan Sosial untuk Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.242 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v13i2.74.263-293


There is a strong link between religious fundamentalist movements and the globalization (economic) project. In the context of Western civilization, fundamentalist movements are closely linked to the “critical discussion” on the antinomy of modernity. These movements reached a new phase in the second half of the 20 century, namely a “confrontation” between Western civilization and the East (Islam). On the one hand, the Western civilization model of the globalization project grows due to a certain form of fundamentalism within itself, namely an economic fundamentalism. On the other hand fundamentalist movements within Islam which turn religion into ideology, put forward a programme for the “universalisation” of Islam as the basis of a world order. The world order which is presently dominated by the Western civilization model, characterized by the capitalistic and the secular, has to end and be replaced by a world order based on Islamic law. This movement works on a principle of compulsion. The “rivalry” between the two has no connection at all with a “clash of civilizations” but rather with the fact that globalization in its present form is only possible for a rich elite minority. A middle way must be worked out, not the globalization of the economic or political system, nor the globalization of a particular ideology, whether secular or religious, but rather the globalization of Aufklärung (enlightenment) and of solidarity. Kata-kata kunci: Globalisasi, modernitas, gerakan fundamentalis, islamisme, ideologi, Aufklärung, “imperialisme budaya”, sekularisasi.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Gerakan Sosial untuk Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.813 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v13i2.75.294-310


Hak beragama telah dipertalikan dengan setiap orang sejak lahir, entah dia orang merdeka atau budak, kulit hitam atau putih, lelaki ataupun perempuan. Manifestasi iman tersebut terungkap secara hebat di dalam komunitas jemaat warga kulit hitam selama Masa Kebangkitan Kedua (Second Awakening) di abad ke-18 tatkala banyak orang Afrika masuk kekristenan dalam berbagai denominasi. Di tengah-tengah masa kebangkitan itulah Frederick Douglass lahir di Desa Talbot pada tahun 1818, dari seorang ibu budak warga kulit hitam dan seorang ayah yang diduga majikan warga kulit putih. Kelahiran Douglass ke dalam sistem perbudakan ini memberinya sebuah perspektif kritis atas iman dan efeknya terhadap setiap persoalan sosial, khususnya menyangkut perbudakan. Lebih penting lagi, Douglass mampu secara tajam mengemukakan interpretasiinterpretasi dan ideologi-ideologi kontradiktif mengenai agama/iman sampai ke tingkat yang menempatkan dia pada sebuah jalan dari status budak ke penghapus perbudakan (abolisionis). Harus dicatat bahwa kendatipun Douglass menganggap urusan iman/agama sebagai urusan yang sangat pribadi, namun keyakinan-keyakinannya dibentuk, dituntun, dan dapat didengar dalam pidato-pidato dan tulisan-tulisannya. Penting untuk menggali kehidupan Douglass sebagai seorang budak dan memeriksa apa pengaruh dari Gereja kulit hitam dan agama terhadap tindakan-tindakannya. Kehidupan Douglass sebagai seorang pejuang penghapusan perbudakan akan ditelusuri seraya memberikan perhatian yang intens/mendalam terhadap peranan agama dan Gereja kulit hitam terhadap kematangannya. Kata-kata kunci: Kekristenan, perbudakan, kebebasan, Gereja hitam, agama, cinta Allah
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Gerakan Sosial untuk Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.611 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v13i2.76.311-336


The domcratisation process which has been pursued by the Indonesian nation since the reformation era is now caught up in a procedural democracy without the wellbeing of the people or social justice. Proceduralism is the most basic criticism of liberal democracy by republicans and communitarians. From a communitarian perspective, the Pancasila state ideology as the normative base and collective identity of the Indonesian nation is able to offer a way out of the crisis of liberal democracy as practised in Indonesia. This essay attempts to show that it is not an effort to build a democratic order upon procedural ethics as is assumed by liberals, but rather the need to provide a substantial ethical foundation. This is the case as a democratic system is not filled with atomistic individuals but with social relationships. A democratic process always moves within a society shaped by social relationships and various complex processes for the formation of communities. Democracy is built upon a collective identity which is formal yet fragile. In the Indonesian context, the Pancasila is the collective expression the nation’s identity. As a collective identity, the Pancasila will never be complete, but will always be in a state of becoming rediscovering itself anew. In the final section, two methods are presented, namely the method of deliberative and agonistic democracy as a way proposed by contemporary political philosophy in overcoming conflicts in values in the face of pluralism. The Pancasila will become the collective identity which animates the people of Indonesia, only when it is open to a process of rational deliberation in the public sphere and is ready to be only one alternative in the midst of a competitive discourse. Kata-kata kunci: liberalisme, komunitarisme, Pancasila, identitas kolektif, demokrasi, deliberasi, agonistik.
DINAMIKA INTERAKSI ANTARA GERAKAN DAN INSTITUSI. Gerakan Koperasi Kredit (dapat) Menjiwai Gereja dan Negara George Ludwig Kirchberger
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Gerakan Sosial untuk Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.218 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v13i2.71.195-218


This essay looks at the dynamics between movement and institution, where each movement has to ripen in an institution and each institution has to be loosened again and again by new movements and inspirations. The author wishes to outline the dynamics between movement and institution by focusing on the credit union movement. At the beginning the development of the Church from a charismatic movement to an institution is outlined, which in time became extremely rigid. Then, the industrial revolution in the 19 century is looked at with its spirit of liberalism which produced the plight of the workers, which in turn triggered socialist movements which to overcome their plight by changing society radically. The appearance of the social teaching of the Church is seen as an effort to overcome the impasse of these two forces in the industrial revolution. On this background appeared the credit union movement, which embodied a number of the fundamental principles of the social teaching of the Church and is able to become an agent to loosen the structure of the Church hierarchy and support efforts in the country to hold back neo-liberalism and nurture democracy. In taking up the case of the largest credit union on Flores Island, the essay shows how the CU itself lies between the tension between movement and institutionalisation, while pointing out what needs to be done that this tension is maintained creatively, so that the CU is able to offer its spirit to the Church, and support democratisation in the country. Kata-kata kunci: credit union, gerakan, Gereja, koperasi, institusi, struktur
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Gerakan Sosial untuk Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.226 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v13i2.77.337-364


Business is a social entity which inevitably effects the quality of human life. Its success in supporting human life in general and, particularly, the long-term economic prospects it aims to achieve, require the real commitment of its agents to take moral values seriously in doing business. Instead of moral minimalism, a good and healthy business necessitates every businessman/woman to act beyond economic and legal interests to embrace “the genius of AND” as the ideal approach in doing business. Real commitment on seriously taking into account moral considerations in the process of business decision-making would in turn, in the long term, bring greater economic opportunities and, hence, enhance the prospect of business. At the centre of a good and healthy business is its agents’ commitment on taking all stakeholders’ interests to be their own. Doing justice to all stakeholders and to the public at large is, therefore, the life-blood of good and healthy businesses. A moral culture in business requires moral models to flourish and be shared commonly among all business agents. Kata-kata kunci: Tanggung jawab ekonomi; tanggung jawab hukum; tanggung jawab moral; intangible values; stakeholders; model moral.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Gerakan Sosial untuk Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.691 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v13i2.72.219-238


As a social movement, Credit Unions (CU) display the social, economic and cultural strength of little people. In line with contemporary developments and the advance of modern technology, the management of CUs needs to be monitored, evaluated and adapted to the social, economic and political situation that is continually changing. Nevertheless, in the midst of change the values of the CU are perennial and are very much needed in the movement. After looking at the founding and development, strengthens and weaknesses of the CU, this essay advances concrete steps for handling them. Kata-kata kunci: CU, gerakan sosial, kesejahteraan, pembudayaan nilai-nilai, keadilan, kearifan, keberanian, kejujuran dan tanggungjawab, tantangan-tantangan CU.
KOMODITI YANG DISEBUT MANUSIA: Membaca Fenomena Perdagangan Manusia di NTT dalam Pemberitaan Media Robert Mirsel; Yohanes Celvianus Manehitu
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Gerakan Sosial untuk Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.867 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v13i2.78.365-398


This article describes and analyzes human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) based on the news/data exposed by two local newspapers, Pos Kupang and Flores Pos, during the past four years (2010-2013). Employing media analysis (content analysis), the exploration of various news items on human trafficking in the two newspapers shows a significant increase in the number of cases in the province. Victims are mostly poor, of different ages but mainly women and children. Many agents played an important role and have employed various modes for recruiting victims. The main root of human trafficking in NTT is the system which allows the agents/actors of recruitment of migrant workers (PJTKI) to operate illegally in the province; individuals are victims of this system of recruitment. This study recommends that there should be a significant change in the system of recruitment and control in the NTT province in particular, and in Indonesia in general, to prevent and overcome the problem of human trafficking along with other efforts to empower the local people economically, socially and culturally by enhancing their knowledge, skills and mentality so that they are able to defend their own rights when being victimized by recruiters, whether individual agents or recruiting companies. Kata-kata kunci: Perdagangan manusia, analisis isi, korban, cara merekrut, rekrutmen ilegal, agen ilegal, pekerja migran ilegal, sistem rekrutmen dan kontrol.
Jurnal Ledalero Vol 13, No 2 (2014): Gerakan Sosial untuk Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.593 KB) | DOI: 10.31385/jl.v13i2.73.239-262


Free-rider is one of the problems faced in many social movements. The problem is with those who benefit much from a social movement while never investing, or invest very little, into the movement; meanwhile those who invest and sacrifice much get almost nothing from it. This study is an attempt to explore whether or not there is a free rider phenomenon in the Reformation Movement in Indonesia. The findings of studies show that the Reformation Movement did not bring about significant change for most people in Indonesia except for the free riders: the politicians, top military officials, and big corporations (entrepreneurs) who were once part of the previous Suharto Regime. This study suggests that there should be change in the strategies and tactics of the movement to prevent a free rider problem and give more opportunities to people at the grassroots to benefit from the movement. Kata-kata kunci : Gerakan reformasi, agenda reformasi, pembonceng gratis, masalah pembonceng gratis, revitalisasi gerakan reformasi.

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