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Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba
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Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba provides a platform for academicians, researchers, lecturers, students, and others having concerns about Islamic economics, finance, and development. The journal welcomes contributions on the following topics: Islamic economics, Islamic public finance, Islamic finance, Islamic accounting, Islamic business ethics, Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, Islamic human resource management, Islamic microfinance, Islamic capital market, and other relevant Islamic economic and financial studies.
Articles 107 Documents
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jielariba.vol1.iss1.art1


Shariah governance merupakan konsep tata kelola yang unik dan khusus bagi perusahaan atau lembaga keuangan yang menawarkan produk dan jasa yang sesuai denganprinsip syariah.Shariah governance hakekatnya menjadi komplementer dari sistem tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (good corporate governance) yang sudah ada yang fungsi utamanya untuk melakukan review atas kepatuhan syariah atas seluruh aktivitas perusahaan baik sebelum terjadinya transaksi (ex-ante) maupun setelah terjadinya transaksi (ex-post). Untuk menjalankan fungsi tersebut, sistem shariah governance harus memiliki tiga komponen utama, yaitu dewan syariah (DPS), opini kepatuhan syariah dan proses review syariah. Pada prakteknya, model shariah governance lembaga keuangan syariah (LKS) yang diterapkan di berbagai negara bervariasi disebabkan adanya perbedaan kerangka hukum yang mengaturnya. Penelitian ini menganalisis model shariah governanceLKS berdasarkan kerangka hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia melalui analisis konten terhadap undang-undang, peraturan, surat edaran dan peraturan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan keuangan dan perbankan syariah. Shariah governance pada penelitian ini dilihat dari empat aspek utama, yaitu pernyataan regulasi yang mengaturnya, struktur organisasi, proses dan fungsi shariah governance. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa konsep shariah governance LKS di Indonesia disinggung secara singkat dalam UU Perbankan Syariah yang selanjutnya dijabarkan secara umum melalui PBI dan SEBI. Adapun struktur organisasi shariah governance mengadopsi model sentralisasi melalui dewan fatwa pada level nasional yang selanjutnya membentuk dewan syariah pada level perusahaan. Sementara dari segi prosesnya, Indonesia menganut pendekatan moderat. Selanjutnya, aspek fungsi shariah governance memiliki fungsi utama sebagai pengawasan dan penasehatan. Dengan demikian, pihak otoritas perlu mengembangkan konsep shariah governance yang komprehensif dalam bentuk guidelines yang jelas dan ketat demi menjaga kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap kepatuhan syariah oleh para industri.
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jielariba.vol1.iss1.art4


Economic policy of the state is a process to achieve certain goals implemented by the government of a country. The existence of a country's economic goals, means of support necessary to achieve it. Guidelines and state policy directions can be budget plan, capital improvements formulated by the state for use in the future. In economic studies, economic policy of a country is divided into two parts, namely monetary policy and fiscal policy. This article aims to understand the issues from both the Ottomans basic economic policies, both monetary and fiscal. While the methodology used is to look at the literature of the researchers highlight different perspectives and views, which of all the literature is intended to complement and add to the treasures of knowledge in the basic scope Ottomans policy. As for the results of this study are the determination of money Akce evidence and found that the money was not used during the reign of Ottomans. While the existence of trade relations between the Ottomans and the European economy is a factor increasing Ottomans and a cause of the decline in currency values Akce, Ottomans were in short supply in addition to gold and silver as a money it self. The results of the study of fiscal policy shows that the fiscal deficit is not a political matter but due to a mistake in policy Ottomans empire, either in the form of debt, delivery of various rich region, reduced state revenues, the department 's financial plan swells each year, the lack of audit and account, corruption and differences in the pattern of the budget of the Islamic calendar and the AD were used simultaneously.
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jielariba.vol1.iss1.art3


Palm oil development in Jambi cause problems of society. This study was to estimate the economic loss of indigenous cultural communities palm oil development area. Economic concepts need to take into account cultural values consisting of value to direct and indirect use values which become elements of the construction costs. Direct use value from the perspective of the user community was estimated using TCM. Indirect use value is estimated using techniques CVM. The results obtained by the loss of indigenous cultural values of Rp4.517,4 million - Rp17.107,4 million. Area of research offers benefits to tourists and potential to become an eco-tourism destination nationally advanced culture to international efforts if it were made innovative improvements. This cultural value estimated using the lowest number based on population in Jambi Province alone, and do not take into account the population of other provinces in Indonesia as well as the population in the world. Increased public awareness of the importance of cultural and environmental preservation, cultural and environmental value benefits can go beyond the boundaries of a country.
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jielariba.vol1.iss1.art5


Global food crises occurred post 2008 have clearly figured out the susceptibility of food security of world countries not only in poor countries but also welfare countries. World Bank data shows that there are millions of hungry people everyday. Referring to FAO data, it is known that the buried countries in the world caused by food are primarily faced by Muslim countries. This research aims to study strengthening food security in Muslim countries and resolution mechanism. Food problem is a common problem that is difficult to be overcome by each country alone. That is why a cooperation mode becomes important to overcome food problem of Muslim countries. Food problem is economic problem both conventional and Islamic economic. In Islamic economic aiming to realize al-falah, food sufficiency is a primer condition in gaining the aim. World Islamic Economic Forum is international organization of Muslim world which concerned to food problem. Therefore, it is very relevant for this international organization to be subject of research. Starting studying on condition of food security in Muslim world and food in a global context, research questions will be discussed by using operational frame in gaining al-falāh and through integration of Muslim world and representative concept of food security. Technically this research is using double research strategy mutually combining quantitative and qualitative approach to gain sharp analyses. The result of the study is strengthening food security in Muslim world done by World Islamic Economic Forum is significant first step by availability of Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) among Muslim countries, mutually cooperation of agriculture investment, and effort to upgrade the potentiality of each Muslim countries by conductively trade cooperation. The process of gaining al-falāh is manifested in effort step to fulfill a sufficiency of food in Muslim world.
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jielariba.vol1.iss1.art2


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran lembaga keuangan mikro berbasis kelompok usaha bersama sebagai strategi pengentasan kemiskinan struktural di Indonesia. Dalam rangka membantu percepatan pengentasan kemiskinan terutama kemiskinan struktural, pemerintah melalui Kementrian Sosial Republik Indonesia meluncurkan program pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUBE) yang kemudian membentuk Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM). LKM-KUBE memiliki karakteristik khusus yang diharapkan mampu menjadi salah satu mekanisme pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam upaya pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Karakteristik tersebut adalah pertama; program LKM-KUBE mewajibkan angotanya untuk mengikuti Pelatihan Wajib Kelompok yang membekali anggotanya dalam aspek manajemen, dan pengelolaan keuangan usaha, serta sistem peran dan fungsi LKMKUBE. Kedua; mekanisme tanggung renteng dalam aplikasi pemberian pembiayaan kepada anggota dapat meminimalisir risiko pembiayaan bermasalah. Dan ketiga adalah pembinaan (rumpun) yang dilakukan oleh LKM-KUBE sebagai bentuk edukasi dan pemberian motivasi kepada anggota untuk menjalankan usaha dengan baik dan menjadi anggota LKM-KUBE yang aktif. Peran penting Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Kelompok Usaha Bersama dalam pengentasan kemiskinan struktural sangat efektif dan merupakan program yang dipandang tepat. Manfaat dari keberadaan LKM-KUBE dapat diterima langsung oleh masyarakat kelompok usaha skala mikro, tidak hanya dari aspek permodalan usaha, akan tetapi juga melalui program pendampingan.
A hadith about riba and the relationship with occupation : Which one is preferable between merchant and islamic bank clerk? An'im Kafabih; Asfi Manzilati
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

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This study examines what provides the lowest relation to interest rates between traders who discuss and load their merchandise once exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, and employees of Islamic banks. This study is necessary because the Prophet Muhammad once said at the end of time, there will be a time when people will accept usury, while someone rejects it, then these people will use the dust. This study uses a quantitative approach, the smallest square of the regression model that supports this study. From the results of the existing research on the statistics of bank employees, in this case, it is reflected in the BSM employee's work which describes the relationship to lower interest rates of large traders who obtain and buy their merchandise.
Comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional banking financing in Indonesia, January 2003 - October 2015 Lina Nugraha Rani; Eko Fajar Cahyono
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

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Islamic and conventional banks are in the same banking competitive industry. This study examined the comparison between the effects of external and internal factors on the bank's financing problems (NPF with NPL), with the period January 2003 - October 2015. External factors comprise of economic performance (EK), inflation (INF) and the global financial crisis dummy (D07). Meanwhile, internal factors consist of financing (FIN / LOAN) and the financing rate of return (FR). The results of cointegration test indicated that there was a long-term relationship between the external and internal factors of banks’ NPF and NPL. The results of research in general shows that external factors significantly affect the bank's NPL but not the NPF. Internal factors of the bank had a negative effect on NPF and higher influence than the NPL. This suggests that the increase in financing rate of return of Islamic banks lower the NPF. It is concluded that the financing of Islamic banks is healthier compared to that of conventional banks.
Factors affecting the price of corporate Islamic bonds in Indonesia, January 2010 - July 2015 Rosida Dwi Ayuningtyas
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

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This study aims to determine partial and simultaneous influence of interest rates on deposits, deposits of mudaraba, the price of state shari'a securities (SBSN), Rupiah exchange rate against US Dollar, and the Index of Industrial Production on the price of corporate Islamic bonds in Indonesia, for short-term or long-term period. Data are obtained from published reports of Bank Indonesia, Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), ICAMEL library, Indonesian Capital Market Electronic Library during January 2010 to July 2015, and web support providing the price of Islamic bonds data. Corporations that become the objects of this research are PT. Listrik Negara (PLN), PT. Indosat, Tbk, and PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia. The results using Error Correction Model (ECM) at PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara show that variables affecting the price of Islamic bonds in short-term period are Shari’a Securities (SBSN), Index of Industrial Production, shari’a securities (SBSN) and bond prices in the previous month, while in long-term period, variables that affect the price of Islamic bonds are shari’a securities (SBSN) and Index of Industrial Production. As for PT. Indosat, variables that affect price of Islamic bonds in short-term period is the profit share of deposits, while in long-term period, they are the interest rate of deposits and the Index of Industrial Production. As for PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, variables that affect the price of Islamic bonds in short-term period is the deposits, the State Shari’a Securities, the previous price, and the previous deposit rates, while in the long-term period, they include the outcome of deposits, and state shari’a securities.
Implementation of named contracts in Islamic financial institutions Naerul Edwin Kiky Aprianto
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

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Islam is a complete religion which involves all aspects in life. As social beings, humans cannot live alone and always connect to the others to fulfill their needs. The needs are however various and cannot be fulfilled individually without the helps of the others. To meet the demands of life, the relation between one person and the others should be based on certain deal which is called contracts. In fiqh, there are many classes of contract which are categorized based on the characteristics and specifications of the needs. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the classes of contract that are particularly focused on the named contracts or nominate contracts. It is not only the main requirement for the people doing economic activities and business but also has legal consequences for the people involved.
Analysis of online trading transaction (peer to peer) on e-commerce based on Islamic law Richardy Affan Sojuangon Siregar; Bella Marisela Caroline; Luqman Isyraqi Lazuardi; Tris Renanda; Hersy Ayu Qodrya; Atthiya Prima Sari; Ramadana Arbi
Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia

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E-commerce lets buyers order things over the Internet via gadgets wherever they are and whenever they want to. The order will be delivered right to the buyer’s doorstep. There are several e-commerce models at the moment. One model is called peer-to-peer model which has been implemented on three largest e-commerce platforms in Indonesia. The validity of e-commerce from Islamic view is studied in order to clear the Muslims doubt regarding transactions made online. After scrutinizing the peer-to-peer model on e-commerce platforms through the lens of sharia, this article argues that there is an Islamic explanation regarding the validity of e-commerce by means of akad Wakalah bil Ujrah, akad Wakalah, and akad As-Salam. Primary data sources are data obtained from direct observation research in salam transactions, wakalah transactions, and wakalah bil Ujrah transactions. Primary data sources are also obtained from online articles written by scholars that can support the authors’ argument in this article. Secondary data sources used for the completion of this article are obtained from The Quran, Hadith, Council of Indonesian Ulama (MUI)’s fatwas, and related journals. After analyzing the process that took place in an e-commerce transaction using the peer-to-peer model, the authors conclude that there is an Islamic explanation regarding the validity of e-commerce based on peer-to-peer model in Indonesia and the validity of e-commerce is proved legal and acceptable in Islam.E-commerce lets buyers order things over the Internet via gadgets wherever they are and whenever they want to. The order will be delivered right to the buyer’s doorstep. There are several e-commerce models at the moment. One model is called peer-to-peer model which has been implemented on three largest e-commerce platforms in Indonesia. The validity of e-commerce from Islamic view is studied in order to clear the Muslims doubt regarding transactions made online. After scrutinizing the peer-to-peer model on e-commerce platforms through the lens of sharia, this article argues that there is an Islamic explanation regarding the validity of e-commerce by means of akad Wakalah bil Ujrah, akad Wakalah, and akad As-Salam. Primary data sources are data obtained from direct observation research in salam transactions, wakalah transactions, and wakalah bil Ujrah transactions. Primary data sources are also obtained from online articles written by scholars that can support the authors’ argument in this article. Secondary data sources used for the completion of this article are obtained from The Quran, Hadith, Council of Indonesian Ulama (MUI)’s fatwas, and related journals. After analyzing the process that took place in an e-commerce transaction using the peer-to-peer model, the authors conclude that there is an Islamic explanation regarding the validity of e-commerce based on peer-to-peer model in Indonesia and the validity of e-commerce is proved legal and acceptable in Islam.

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