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Jurnal Euangelion
ISSN : 28291948     EISSN : 28071719     DOI :
JURNAL EUANGELION: Jurnal Euangelion, an electronic journal, provides a forum for publishing the original research articles related to theology studies and education in Christian area and published under LPPM of the Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung. Journal regularly published twice in one year, in April and October. This journal encompasses scientific work and original research articles, including: • Theology in Practices • Missiology and Contextualization • Religious and Society Studies • Social and Education
Articles 8 Documents
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Peningkatan Kesadaran Jemaat Dalam Pemberian Persepuluhan Melalui Pembinaan Mental Spiritual Keluarga (Studi Kasus : Di Gereja Pentakosta Indonesia Sidang Aek Habil Sibolga) ASIDO GABE PARUNTUNGAN PASARIBU
Jurnal Euangelion Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Institut Agama kristen Negeri Tarutung

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It should be said that the indicator of spirituality is commitment to tithe, so members of the Indonesian Pentecostal Church congregation at the Aek Habil congregation are not included in this indicator, because of the lack of awareness to tithe. For this reason, the research was carried out to determine the cause of the congregation's lack of awareness to give. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods with case studies using tools such as interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of the study contained detailed data on the congregation, in order to obtain a conclusion based on the congregation's information. Visits to church homes and providing mental formation through spiritual activities can increase the congregation's awareness of tithing. Key words: Increased awareness, tithe giving, spiritual mental building
Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Materi Pengorbanan Yesus Kristus (Matius 27:32-56) Martua Manik
Jurnal Euangelion Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Institut Agama kristen Negeri Tarutung

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Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan produk berupa video tentang Pengorbanan Yesus Kristus di Kayu Salib pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen kelas 5. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development R&D) yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan atau memvalidasi produk-produk yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil data tentang kebutuhan dikumpulkan melalui instrumen menyimpulkan bahwa guru PAK kelas V SD se Kota Sibolga yang berjumlah 24 orang membutuhkan media pembelajaran berupa video untuk mengajarkan materi Pengorbanan Yesus Kristus di Kayu Salib. Hasil analisis kebutuhan dikumpulkan melalui instrumen angket sebanyak 20 item yang valid dan reliabel yang diujicobakan kepada 34 orang guru. Setelah diperoleh data tentang kebutuhan video pembelajaran, penulis mendesain produk berupa video berisi tentang Pengorbanan Yesus Kristus di Kayu Salib. Implementasi produk dilakukan oleh 10 orang guru Agama di kelas V di SD se Kota Sibolga. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan pengembangan video pembelajaran efektif diimplementasikan guru dalam penyampaian proses pembelajaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi guru dalam mengajar dan meningkatkan minat belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, video Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop a product in the form of a video about the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross on the subject of the 5th grade Christian Religious Education. This research is a research and development R&D that is used to develop or validate products used in learning. The results of data on needs were collected through instruments concluding that the 24th grade PAK elementary school teachers in Sibolga City needed learning media in the form of videos to teach the material for the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross. The results of the needs analysis were collected through a questionnaire instrument of 20 valid and reliable items that were tested on 34 teachers. After obtaining data about the need for learning videos, the authors designed a product in the form of a video containing the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross. The product implementation was carried out by 10 Religious teachers in class V in elementary schools in Sibolga City.Based on the results of the study concluded that the development of effective learning videos implemented by the teacher in the delivery of the learning process so as to increase teacher motivation in teaching and increase student interest in learning Keywords: Development, video
Hubungan Kompetensi Spritual dan Motivasi Mengajar Guru PAK Dengan Prestasi Belajar PAK Siswa SMP Swasta HKBP Sibolga Tahun Pembelajaran 2019/2020 Tarida Hetting Silitonga
Jurnal Euangelion Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Institut Agama kristen Negeri Tarutung

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The research objectives were to determine: 1) a positive and significant relationship between spiritual competence and learning achievement, 2) a positive and significant relationship between PAK teachers' teaching motivation and learning achievement, c) a positive and significant relationship between spiritual competence and teaching motivation together with learning achievement. Research hypotheses: 1) there is a positive and significant relationship between spiritual competence and learning achievement, 2) there is a positive and significant relationship between PAK teachers' teaching motivation and learning achievement, 3) there is a positive and significant relationship between spiritual competence and teaching motivation together with learning achievement. The research was analyzed: 1) tcount = 5.413> ttable = 2.021 there was a positive and significant relationship between spiritual competence and learning achievement in the strong category, 2) tcount = 5.508> t table = 2.021 there was a positive and significant relationship between PAK teachers' teaching motivation and learning achievement in the strong category , 3) multiple correlation value tcount = 11.295> ttable = 2.021 there is a positive and significant relationship between spiritual competence and teaching motivation of PAK teachers together with strong category learning achievement.
Implementasi Pesan Tahbisan Guru Huria Dan Bimbingan Agama Kristen Oleh Keluarga Terhadap Perwujudan Jemaat Misioner Di HKBP Resort Pansurnapitu Tapanuli Utara Tahun 2020 Benny Hutahaean; Marudut Situmorang; Luther Tarigan
Jurnal Euangelion Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Institut Agama kristen Negeri Tarutung

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Abstract: This study aims to determine the implementation of the Guru Huria HKBP ordination message to the embodiment of the missionary congregation at HKBP Pansurnapitu Resort, to know the Christian religious guidance by the Family towards the embodiment of the missioner congregation in HKBP Pansurnapitu, This research use combain qualitative and quantitative methods. The sample in this research is the HKBP resort pansurnapitu from 18 people. The research instrument was in the form of a closed questionnaire, which was arranged by the researcher based on the research variable indicators. The questionnaire trial was conducted on 50 people who were not research samples. The results of this study prove the relationship between the implementation of the Guru Huria HKBP ordination can create Missioner Congregations at HKBP Resort Pansurnapitu. On the implementation of the Guru Huria ordination variable to the missioner congregation there is a positive relationship. It is shown that the significance value of Sig. (2-tailed) between the implementation of the Guru Huria ordination and the missioner congregation is 0.003 <0.05 and rcount> rtable that is 0.826> 0.468 which means that there is a significant correlation between the implementation of the Guru Huria ordination variable with missioner congregation at HKBP resort pansurnapitu. The relationship of Christian guidance by the HKBP family can realize the missioner congregation at HKBP resort pansurnapitu there is a positive relationship seen from the Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.001 <0.05 and rcount> rtable that is 0.799> 0.468 ,, so there is a correlation significant between Christian religious guidance by families and missioner congregations at HKBP pansurnapitu resorts. The results of the analysis of the description of the variable HKBP missioner congregation can realize the missioner congregation at HKBP resort pansurnapitu which shows the results of the analysis is very significant. Where the value of person correlation between each variable connected has two asterisks (**) so that the variable implementation of Guru Huria ordination and Christian religious guidance by families with missioner congregations is very significant at 1%. The R square value obtained is 0.736 or 73.6%. Significant value of 0.00 which means <significance criteria (0.05), thus the linear regression equation model and meet the linearity criteria. With the regression equation model Y = 3.566 + 0.095X1 + 0.793X2.    
Pengaruh Penggunaan Video dan Pemberian Tugas terhadap Penguasaan Materi (Studi Perbandingan Penguasaan Materi menggunakan Video dan Metode konvensional) juanda simanjuntak
Jurnal Euangelion Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Institut Agama kristen Negeri Tarutung

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The creativity of a teacher is required for achievement the mastery of material by students so that learning goal can be reached. The purpose of this research was to prove the effect of giving videos and assignments on mastery sunday school subject matter. This research uses quantitative research methods with a quasi experimental research design. Statistical data processing used SPSS version 22 software. The population of Sunday School research was group III of the students (Sunday School) of HKBP Simorangkir Resort Simorangkir, totally 46 pupils. The students were divided in two classes, the experimental class by 23 students, and control class by 23 students. The experimental class was given a treatment by giving videos and assignment methods, while in the control class only by convidential method without videos and assignments, but both of them were given pretest and posttest. The results of data analysis concluded that 1) there was a positive and significant influence between the use of video and mastery of subject amount 0.766; 2) There is a positive and significant influence between assignment to mastery the subject amount 0.847; 3) There is a positive and significant influence between the use of videos and assignments in subjects mastery amount 0.779 and 0.795. This study generally concludes that the use of video and assignments has an effect in improving the ability of Sunday school to mastery Sunday School curriculum subject. In order to improve mastery of Sunday school subject, the use of video media and assignment method must be taken into account. In teaching and learning process, a teacher prepares a number of material to be taught. A teacher has a responsibility to teach material and make sure that the material is absorbed optimally by students who learn by proven through tests. And, How if the students learning by using videos and assignment methods, will it be affected the ability to master the material?
Pastoral Indigeneous Dalam Sistem Kekerabatan Dalihan Natolu (Sebuah Pendekatan Pastoral Kepribumian Dalam Budaya Batak) Robinson Simanungkalit
Jurnal Euangelion Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Institut Agama kristen Negeri Tarutung

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Pastoral indegenous merupakan sebuah upaya berTeologi pastoral dalam pertemuan antara Teologi dan kebudayaan. Salah satunya adalah sistem kekerabatan Dalihan Natolu kebudayaan Batak. Pastoral indegenous berakar dan lahir dari kearifan lokal yang dirancang bagi masyarakat dan sosial budaya suatu komunitas masyarakat yang memiliki sistem nilai-nilai, makna, dan keyakinan serta falsafah. Nilai-nilai dan falsafah hidup tersebut dapat diasimilasi dan diintegrasikan untuk membangun suatu pendekatan pastoral yang kontekstual. Pastoral indigeneous menggabungkan dan menyesuaikan pendekatan tradisional yang telah ada, dengan memasukkan materi budaya dan agama. Metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif melalui studi literatur. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana pastoral indigeneous dalam sistem kekerabatan Dalihan Natolu sebagai bentuk kearifan lokal warisan leluhur Batak yang merepresentasikan fungsi-fungsi pendampingan pastoral.
Gondang Hasapi dalam Liturgi Gereja HKBP Yogyakarta Rowilson Nadeak
Jurnal Euangelion Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Institut Agama kristen Negeri Tarutung

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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Gondang Hasapi dalam tata kebaktian Gereja HKBP Yogyakarta tentu saja mempunyai peranan-peranan yang sangat signifikan bagi masyarakat pendukungnya Peranan-peranan tersebut yaitu sebagai pekengkap ritus religi, sebagai media propaganda agama, sebagai hiburan, sebagai pengikat solidaritas sosial, sebagai presentasi estetis, sebagai identitas komunal serta sebagai pengungkapan makna simbolik. Hal tersebut menjadikan ansambel Gondang Hasapi sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyrakatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode deskripsi analitis, yaitu dengan memaparlan gambaran musik gondang hasapi dalam tata kebaktian Gereja HKBP Yogyakarta dengan Konsepsi- konsepsinya secara utuh menjaga dan menyeimbangkan serta menjaga kelangsungan tradisi bahkan juga setelah kedatangan agama Kristen di tanah ini berberapa adat dan tradisinya melebur dan terinkulturasi secara bersama. Fenomena inkulturasi ini berlangsung dalam berbagai sektor kehidupannya pula dan pada penulisan ini disoroti tentang inkulturasi yang terjadi dalam tataran musik liturgi pada masyarakat Batak urban di Yogyakarta. Kata Kunci: Gondang Hasapi, inkulturasi. Abstract This study aims to find out Gondang Hasapi in the HKBP Yogyakarta Church service, of course, has very significant roles for the supporting community. These roles are as a complement to religious rites, as a medium of religious propaganda, as entertainment, as a binder of social solidarity, as a presentation. aesthetics, as a communal identity and as a symbolic expression of meaning. This makes the Gondang Hasapi ensemble very much needed by the community. This study uses an analytical description method, namely by exposing the image of gondang hasapi music in the worship service of the Yogyakarta HKBP Church with its conceptions as a whole, maintaining and balancing and maintaining the continuity of tradition even after the arrival of Christianity in this land some of its customs and traditions were merged and inculturated in together. This inculturation phenomenon takes place in various sectors of life as well and this paper focuses on the inculturation that occurs at the level of liturgical music in the urban Batak community in Yogyakarta.
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dalam Domain Pemimpin Gereja Priska Manullang
Jurnal Euangelion Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Institut Agama kristen Negeri Tarutung

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Abstract Early Childhood Education in the domain of church leaders is Early Childhood Education which receives convenience from the domain of church leaders. Early Childhood Education included in the domain of church leaders is formal Early Childhood Education and Non-Formal Early Childhood Education. The basis of this paper is first: The domain of church leaders towards formal Early Childhood Education is in the achievement of quality map instrument standards and child pride standards in child development reports. Second: The domain of church leaders towards non-formal Early Childhood Education is in improving the competence of Sunday school teachers and fundraising or becoming donors in the implementation of Sunday school activities. So formal and non-formal Early Childhood Education is hopeful in the domain of church leaders. Should be, because it is based on biblical teachings, church leaders also hope to be able to smell formal and non-formal Early Childhood Education. Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Church Leaders, domains   Abstrak Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dalam domain pemimpin gereja adalah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini yang menerima kemudahan dari domain pemimpin gereja. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini yang termasuk dalam domain pemimpin gereja ialah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini formal dan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini non formal. Dasar dari hasil tulisan ini ialah pertama: Domain pemimpin gereja terhadap Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini formal ialah dalam pencapaian standar instrumen peta mutu dan standar perkemabangan anak dalam laporan perkembanagan anak. Kedua: Domain pemimpin gereja terhadap Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini non formal ialah dalam peningkatan kompetensi guru sekolah minggu dan penggalangan dana atau menjadi donatur dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan sekolah minggu. Jadi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini formal dan non formal berharap dalam domain pemimpin gereja. Seyogianya, karena didasari ajaran Alkitab, pemimpin gereja juga berharap agar dapat berdomaian terhadap Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini formal dan non formal. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Pemimpin Gereja, domain

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