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Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29629217     DOI : 10.35335/ccria
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture encourages the submission of manuscripts that deal with all aspects of optimizing the quality and quantity of both plant and animal yield and final products. These aspects include agricultural economics and management, agricultural engineering and mechanization, agronomy and crop science, fish breeding, poultry breeding, plants and animals breeding, biotechnology, molecular biology, genetic diversity and breeding, food science and technology, land resources, land use, and remote sensing.
Articles 54 Documents
Analysis of Soybean Demand in Klaten Regency Arif Ludianzah; Darsono Darsono; Agustono Agustono
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023): January: Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.15 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v17i1.21


The aims are to analyze and identify the factors that affect demand for soybeans and the level of sensitivity (elasticity) demand of soybean in Klaten Regency. The basic method used descriptive analysis. Intake of study sites in purposive in Klaten Regency. The data is analyzed secondary data (time series) during 16 years (1993-2008). Data analysis using OLS (Ordinary Least Square) with a double logarithmic function, to obtain the coefficient of elasticity that is in use in static and dynamic analysis model. Elasticity of demand for the static model based on price elasticity, demand for soybeans is inelastic. Based on the income elasticity, soy is a normal good. Whereas for a dynamic analysis model, the elasticity of demand for short-term and long term for soybean prices is inelastic with a value of -0,134 and -0,1595. This means a change of 1% soybean prices will reduce demand for soybeans -0,134% in the short term and -0,1595% in the long term. The elasticity of demand for shortterm and long-term residents for revenue is inelastic with a value of 0,094 and 0,1119. This means that changes in population income by 1% would raise soybean demand for 0.094% in the short term and 0,1119% in the long term. The elasticity of demand for short-term and long term for the total population is elastic with a value of 2,150 and 2,5595. This means that changes in population income by 1% would raise soybean demand for 2,150% in the short term and 2,5595% in the long term.
Effect of Giving the Active Ingredient Jellyfish Alkaloids (Bougainvillia sp.) Through Immersion Method on Changes in the Amount of Protein Plasma of Tiger Grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) Infected with Vibrio harveyi Afifah Afifah
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023): April : Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (137.516 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v15i1.27


The purpose of this study was to obtain information regarding the potency of the alkaloid active ingredient in jellyfish (Bougainvillia sp) on the immune response of tiger grouper fry infected with Vibrio harveyi bacteria through the immersion method by observing changes in appearance and the amount of plasma protein in tiger grouper infected with bacteria. V. harveyi. The research results obtained explained that the immunostimulant ingredients from jellyfish alkaloids (Bougainvillia sp.) given by immersion can stimulate non-specific and fish-specific immunity. This is characterized by an increase in the amount of protein found in fish blood plasma after administration of alkaloids. Besides that, it can also be seen that the administration of this alkaloid is able to inhibit the infection power of Vibrio harveyi. It is proven that in fish given alkaloid immunostimulants, the amount of protein that appears can be more and the protein content is also high. With a larger protein, it will be able to further stimulate non-specific immunity so that later various antibodies as specific immunity in fish will also be formed. This research ultimately concludes that jellyfish alkaloids (Bougainvillia sp) can be used as immunostimulants to inhibit bacterial attacks Vibrio harveyi in tiger grouper seeds with the optimal dose through immersion method that can be applied is 10.22 ppm. As a follow-up to the results of this study, it is suggested to carry out further research on the application of immunostimulants using jellyfish alkaloids (Bougainvillia sp.
Digital Formaldehyde Meter Performance Test to Detect Formaldehyde Content in Solid and Liquid Materials Using Electronic Nose Technology Agung Heru Yatmo
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): January: Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (121.689 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v15i1.28


Test results from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) stated that out of 700 samples of food products taken from Java, 56% contained formaldehyde. The danger of formalin abuse can cause disease, both chronic and acute effects. The government, especially BPOM and the wider community, need a formalin detection test method to determine the formaldehyde content precisely, but currently there is no fast detector available at an affordable price. Testing of Solid Samples and Liquid Samples in Design to determine the performance of the tool in direct testing. The Digital Formaldehyde Meter test method uses a solid sample (the sample is cut into 3 cm as much as 5 grams) tested placed in a closed container with a volume of 30 ml and a liquid sample with a volume of 30 ml, then heated for 1 minute and the results will be displayed on the LCD. The test results showed that the average tool error for testing liquid samples was 2.78% while for solid samples it was 2%. Tests on several foods obtained from the market such as meatballs, sausages, and tofu have formalin levels that are safe for consumption, while marine fish are dangerous for consumption. In addition, it has also been confirmed that the "Digital Formaldehyde Meter" tool can be implemented to overcome problems in cases of formalin abuse by knowing the formaldehyde content quickly and accurately.
Monitoring Soil Quality in Cassava Cultivation Through Organic Matter Management Akhmad Farizal Akhsoni
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): January: Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.653 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v15i1.29


This study aims to study the effect of applying organic matter to improving soil quality and to study the effect of improving soil quality on cassava production. Cassava plants (Manihot esculenta Crantz) are future crops, in which case the commodities cultivated in agriculture in today's society this is very monotonous, without any changes, for example by planting rice, corn or other grain crops, which is continuously carried out in farming communities. The various characteristics of cassava plants strengthen the notion that cassava is a plant that can accelerate land degradation. This assumption seems to be justified by the fact that most cassava plantations are marginal lands. Cassava centers are generally located in areas of marginal land (dry land) which have suboptimal physical characteristics including: sensitivity to erosion and low fertility. Facing these conditions, increasing land productivity is the main requirement for achieving the target of increasing the optimization of sustainable cassava production. Achieving sustainable land productivity can be done through a land maintenance system approach. The land maintenance system is a continuous and comprehensive improvement and monitoring concept compared to land conservation. One of them is by managing organic matter and monitoring soil quality. This study used 30 plots with 10 treatments and 3 replications where each plot was 8 m x 4 m in size.
Study of Antibacterial Activity and Viability of Lactic Acid Bacteria (BAL) on Fermented Milk Beverage Products Circulating in Malang City Angga Bian Permana
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): January: Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (130.042 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v15i1.30


The results showed that eight brands of fermented milk drinks circulating in Malang City showed 6 brands of fermented milk drinks namely brands SF1, SF2, SF3, SF4, SF5, and SF6 containing live lactic acid bacteria cultures in their products. Meanwhile, the SF7 and SF8 brands do not contain live lactic acid bacteria cultures in their products. Fermented milk drink is a form of probiotic food which has long been known as a carrier food for probiotic organisms. Probiotics are food supplements in the form of live microbes that have beneficial effects on the human body by balancing microbes in digestion. Viability and functional activity of probiotics is an important thing in a probiotic supplement product. One of the functional activities of this probiotic food is the ability of the bacterial culture in it to inhibit the growth and activity of bacteria that are pathogenic to the body. showed that fermented milk drinks that had live and active cultures had higher antibacterial activity when compared to fermented milk drinks that did not have probiotic bacterial cultures in them. SF2 brand fermented milk drink has a higher activity of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus bacteria when compared to other brands. As for the inhibition of Escherichia coli pathogenic bacteria, fermented milk drink brand SF3 has the highest antibacterial activity.
Application of the Hormone rEIGH (Recombinant Growth Hormone) in Gel Feed in Spurring the Growth Rate of Male Gift Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Sex Reversal Results Syahrir Syahrir
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): April : Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.052 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v15i2.31


This study aims to analyze the efficiency of gel feed as a growth hormone carrier agent on survival rate, relative growth rate, feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed consumption rate, from the average condition factor of male gift tilapia resulting from sex reversal treated with rEIGH hormone. using gel feed at different doses. This research was conducted in April-May 2017 at the Hatchery of the Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. The test animals used were tilapia seeds aged 57 days which were stocked at a density of 22 fish/aquarium with a size of 37x40x34 cm. The test feed given was gel feed containing different rEIGH hormone doses. Parameters measured were survival, relative growth, food conversion ratio (FCR), feed consumption rate, and condition factors. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Gel feed containing rEIGH at doses of 0.015, 0.030 and 0.045 g/kg feed, as well as control (without rEIGH) were given three times a day for 1 month. The results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the test feeds containing different rEIGH hormone doses had no significant effect (p>0.05) on survival, relative growth, FCR, feed consumption level, and the average condition factor of the tested fish.
The Growth of Mullets (Mugil dusemmerie) Seeds was Observed from the Provision of Different Types of Feed T. Zulkhaidir Zulkhaidir
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): April : Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (132.434 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v15i2.32


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving tempuyung crude extract with different concentrations on the survival rate of carp infected with Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria. The purpose of this research is as a source of information for entrepreneurs and fish farmers which can be used as an alternative ingredient to treat fish that are attacked by diseases caused by the bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila. The results showed that administration of tempuyung crude extract (Sonchus arvensis L.) with different doses had a significant effect on the survival rate of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) infected with Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria, this means rejecting Ho and accepting H1. The BNT test results showed that treatment A (3%) gave the highest survival rate of 93.33%, followed by treatment B (6%) of 73.33%, then treatment C (9%) and D (12%) of 60%. While the K treatment (control) was 20%. The relationship between the concentration of tempuyung crude extract and the survival rate of carp is in the form of a quadratic line equation Y = – 1.1 X² + 14.89 X + 31.996 with R2 = 0.672 and r = 0.82. The higher the dose of antibacterial used, the faster the bacterial cells will be killed. But it is not effective to use doses that are too high in treatment. Besides causing bacterial resistance to certain antibacterials, the use of doses that are too high can kill the host (goldfish) and is also less economical to use.
Effect of Giving Tempuyung Crude Extract (Sonchus arvensis L.) with Different Concentrations on Survival Rate of Carp (Cyprinus carpioL.) Infected with Aeromonas hydrophila Bacteria Baiq Rahmi Yuliati
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): April : Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (130.121 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v15i2.33


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving tempuyung crude extract with different concentrations on the survival rate of carp infected with Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria. The purpose of this research is as a source of information for entrepreneurs and fish farmers which can be used as an alternative ingredient to treat fish that are attacked by diseases caused by the bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila. The results showed that administration of tempuyung crude extract (Sonchus arvensis L.) with different doses had a significant effect on the survival rate of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) infected with Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria, this means rejecting Ho and accepting H1. The BNT test results showed that treatment A (3%) gave the highest survival rate of 93.33%, followed by treatment B (6%) of 73.33%, then treatment C (9%) and D (12%) of 60%. While the K treatment (control) was 20%. The relationship between the concentration of tempuyung crude extract and the survival rate of carp is in the form of a quadratic line equation Y = – 1.1 X² + 14.89 X + 31.996 with R2 = 0.672 and r = 0.82. The higher the dose of antibacterial used, the faster the bacterial cells will be killed. But it is not effective to use doses that are too high in treatment. Besides causing bacterial resistance to certain antibacterials, the use of doses that are too high can kill the host (goldfish) and is also less economical to use.
Correlation Between Quantitative Traits and Dry Land Sugarcane (Saccharum hybrid) Yield Pranggono Mukti
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): April : Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.854 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v15i2.34


This study aims to determine the relationship (correlation) between quantitative traits and biomass of sugarcane Saccharum officinarum L.). The hypothesis that can be put forward in this study is that there is a positive and negative correlation between quantitative traits and biomass yield of sugarcane Saccharum officinarum L.). Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is a plantation commodity that is widely developed in Indonesia because Indonesia's climate is suitable for the growth of sugar cane. In Indonesia, so far the cultivation of sugar cane is mostly done in paddy fields. However, because the need for rice continues to increase, more and more paddy fields are used for rice cultivation. This causes sugarcane land in paddy fields to shrink and shift to dry land or dry land. The average sugarcane yield on dry land in Java is only 67% of that of irrigated paddy fields. Meanwhile, the productivity of dry land outside Java is only 58% of that of irrigated paddy fields in Java. The decrease in sugarcane productivity is thought to be due to the shift in sugarcane planting from wet to dry land. Yield loss due to drought (water stress) can reach 40% of its production potential if it occurs during a critical plant phase. The success of efforts to obtain plants that have good quality and quantity of yield is greatly supported by the ability of plant breeders to obtain superior genotypes in the selection stage. In carrying out selection, plant breeders are often faced with the problem of making a choice of genotypic traits that are considered superior, therefore it is necessary to know the relationship (correlation) between quantitative traits and yields in these plants.
Utilization of Coffee Pod Waste as an Alternative Planting Medium for Anthurium (Anthurium plowmanii Scoat.) Roni Wibowo
Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): April : Agriculture
Publisher : Central Research Institute For Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (132.563 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/cceria.v15i2.35


This research was conducted with the aim of getting the composition alternative growing media for Anthurium plowmanii Scoat. By utilizing the waste coffee fruit skin. The hypothesis proposed is that the composition of various planting media using coffee pod waste provides various growth responses for Anthurium plants. Anthurium (Anthurium sp.) is one type of ornamental leaf plant that needs attention to be developed in Indonesia. Fern chopped planting medium has the characteristics of easily binding water, having good aeration and drainage. Meanwhile, bamboo leaf humus media has the characteristics of easily binding and retaining water, contains high levels of nutrients, and has a high cation exchange capacity. Therefore, it is expected that the composition of this planting medium can maintain moisture, fertile, It is porous and has good aeration so it can support the growth of Anthurium plants. However, if the use of this type of planting media is often used, especially chopped ferns, then one day its availability in nature will decrease and it will likely be difficult to obtain. Therefore, efforts are needed to find new alternative media that can provide good growth for Anthurium plants in addition to chopped fern and bamboo leaf humus. The alternative planting media used can come from materials from agricultural waste either in the form of crop residues or crop residues which are widely available and thrown away without any utilization. One of the crop residues that has the potential to be used as a planting medium is coffee pod skin waste. Coffee pod waste contains high levels of Nitrogen and Potassium nutrients. In addition to containing nutrients, coffee pod waste also contains tannin compounds. These compounds can inhibit the growth and development of plants so that when using the coffee berry skin media, a soaking or washing process must be carried out so that it can be used.