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Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society
Published by Pustaka Peradaban
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29627958     DOI : -
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society (PJRS) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for those involved in the study of various topics in the field of religion and society. This journal is committed to presenting studies with an interdisciplinary approach to topics concerning religion and its relationship to the social field. Although sociology and religion are the main focuses of the journal, interdisciplinary contributions are welcome.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)" : 6 Documents clear
Internally Displace Persons and Informal Citizenship: Sampang Shiites’ Struggle after Sectarian Violence Fiqh Vredian Aulia Ali
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.194 KB) | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v1i1.25


After a sectarian attack on the Shia community in Sampang, Indonesia, they live in refugee camps. Even though the refugees have now returned, the reconciliation efforts took quite a long time. The Shia community had to live in refugee camps for about ten years. This paper argues that the clientelistic structure is the main obstacle to repatriation. Amid social and economic marginalization and the limited role of the government in fulfilling their basic rights in the refugee camps, the Shia of Sampang can still hold on to fulfill their citizenship and hope to return home through informal networks and mechanisms. This article shows that although with the help of various parties, the Sampang Shia community can gradually gain legal status, political participation, and (limited) economic rights as citizens, it is still difficult for them to regain their membership in Sampang socially and culturally.
History Of Indonesia's Islamic Educational Institutions In A Political Framework Zetty Azizatun Ni’mah; Ahmad Rifa'i
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.856 KB) | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v1i1.26


Education and politics are like inseparable currencies. The development of Islamic education in Indonesia, even across history, cannot be separated from political penetration. Politics makes regulation of policies in Islamic education. The rapid development of Islamic education depends on the intimate relationship between Islamic education figures and the government. In the history of the colonial period, the politics of setting policies on Islamic institutions tended to be discriminatory and gave benefits to the colonialists. During the old order era, the presence of the Ministry of Religion on January 3, 1946 , politically fought for Islamic education in Indonesia, which was based on the aspirations of Muslims so that religious education should be taught in schools, in addition to the development of madrasas themselves. During the Old Order era, there was already concern for madrasas, but the political conditions dominated by NASAKOM's ideas caused madrasas to not develop significantly. The New Order era was a government that gave a positive and constructive response to the development of Islamic educational institutions, madrasas, which in the end gave recognition by making madrasas part of the national education system. And in the current era, Islamic educational institutions in general and madrasas in particular have become the focus of many people because in addition to the same curriculum as the one in the Ministry of National Education, they are considered capable of providing internalization of religious character and competing with other public education institutions.
Merajut Kebinekaan Fikih Secara Toleran Dan Inklusif Di Indonesia : Cetak Biru dari Gontor Zahira Salsabilla Khan
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.151 KB) | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v1i1.28


Kegelisahan terhadap fanatisme ormas-ormas Islam di Indonesia, termasuk di dalamnya fanatisme aliran mazhab fikih, mengantarkan penulis untuk melakukan kajian ini. Keyakinan bahwa pendidikan merupakan piranti penting dalam perubahan suatu bangsa dan tujuan pendidikan adalah untuk melahirkan perubahan sosial, maka penulis berusaha untuk mengurai persoalan fanatisme fikih tersebut dalam kerangka pendidikan. Harapannya, melalui metode pendidikan fikih yang toleran akan mampu meruntuhkan sekat-sekat fanatisme dalam masyarakat. Penulis menyebut kerangkan pendidikan fikih ini dengan istilah "Fikih Education Beyond The Wall".
Religion, Media and Peacebuilding: How does Buddhist TV Promote Harmony between Religious Followers in Malang Bakhruddin Fannani; Moh. Anas Kholish
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.871 KB) | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v1i1.29


This article aims to examine the role and efforts of Dhamma TV, a Buddhist-based television station in Malang City, in building peace and harmony between religious communities. The study also shows the normative-theological construction that underlies these efforts. Because religion and media have great potential for peacebuilding. However, both can also be an obstacle to peace. Thus, religion-based media that consistently strives for harmony and peace become a significant aspect of a pluralistic society. This study found that Dhamma TV is a religion-based media that consistently broadcasts programs that contain the values of togetherness, tolerance, and peace. Television avoids programs that contain violence and have the potential to break the unity and harmony of society. Dhamma TV commonly presents cultural programs and social activities from various religions, so it is considered a medium for interfaith adhesives. The effort to build peace and harmony between religious communities is an expression and implementation of Buddhist teachings. Buddhism emphasizes mutual love and kindness to all living beings. In addition, Buddha emphasizes valuing and respecting the lives of others as his own as well.
Aktualisasi nilai-nilai ekologis ajran Tasawwuf dalam pelestarian lingkungan: Studi pada Tarekat Rowobayan Ilham Tohari; Umar Faruq
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.079 KB) | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v1i1.30


The tarekat's involvement in environmental conservation efforts has not been explored much. It is because tarekat is generally only associated with efforts to strengthen spirituality. Sufism and Tarekat are often not involved in discussions on social and ecological issues. This article aims to examine the Rowobayan congregation related to environmental ethics and environmental conservation efforts. Rowobayan is a tarekat whose validity is recognized by the majority of Muslims and has a substantial role in the development of the tarekat in Indonesia. Thus, his teachings on environmental ethics can be ensured by Islamic law. So, the assumption that environmental ethics in it is influenced by the syncretistic mysticism movement that is widely developing in Indonesia. The study found that the values of environmental preservation in the teachings of Sufism in the Tarekat Rowobayan are based on the concept of the unity of existence, the caliphate and servitude, the values of universal compassion (rahmatan lil'alamin), and the zuhud. The actualization of these values in environmental conservation is by being wise and respecting nature, being active in taking roles and responsibilities to preserve nature, loving and having good character in interacting with nature, and simplicity in the consumption and management of natural resources.
Menyemai Perdamaian dalam Perbedaan: Strategi Mayoritas Mengayomi Minoritas pada Basis Multikulturalisme di Kasembon Malang Mohamad Anas; Millatuz Zakiyah; Siti Rohmah
Peradaban Journal of Religion and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pustaka Peradaban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.517 KB) | DOI: 10.59001/pjrs.v1i1.31


Sebagai miniatur keberagaman agama di Indonesia, Kasembon memiliki strategi perdamaian yang khas. Penelitian ini akan mendeskrispsikan strategi mayoritas, dalam hal ini Islam, dalam membina perdamaian dan mengayomi minoritas di basis multikultural Kasembon Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mimbar toleransi di Kecamatan Kasembon dibangun atas media atau ruang publik yang dapat mempertemukan warga lintas agama, di antaranya: 1) bersih desa dan perayaan HUT RI, 2) perayaan hari besar keagamaan, 3) makam dan selametan. Strategi membina kerukunan yang dilakukan oleh pemuka agama di Kasembon diwujudkan dalam beberapa hal. Pertama, keunikan dalam pengucapan hari raya dan doa bersama lintas agama. Kedua, penguatan basis ekonomi umat untuk meminimalisasi proselitisasi. Ketiga, khutbah dan ceramah kegamaan dilakukan tanpa menyerukan kebencian bagi pihak yang berbeda agama.

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