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Journal of Private and Economic Law
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Core Subject : Economy, Social,
The Journal of Private and Economic Law (ISSN 2797-8702) is a refereed journal published by the Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia. The Editorial Board ensures that all papers published in this journal were under a double-blind peer review. Articles submitted to this journal should cover contemporary issues of private and economic law, under doctrinal, comparative, and socio-legal approaches. Manuscript submissions should be between 6,000-10,000 words in length, although shorter papers relating to the policy with international and comparative perspectives will be considered. The peer-review process and decision on publication will be normally completed within 60 days of receipt of submissions. Please see our Instructions for Authors for information on manuscript submissions.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 26 Documents
Perlindungan Hukum Kepada Konsumen Yang Dirugikan Atas Pembelian Masker Kain Kesehatan Yang Tidak Ber-Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) Finda Romadhona
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 2 No 1 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.276 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v2i1.28905


The overall policy on the use of masks has been the subject of extensive debate since the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Insufficient supply of surgical masks has forced the public and the government to allow the use of cloth masks. With the stipulation of SNI 8914:2020 regulations, the quality requirements for masks made of woven fabrics and/or knitted fabrics from various types of fiber, consist of at least 2 (two) layers of fabric and can be washed several times (washable). Business actors who trade cloth masks that do not comply with the rules that have been set so that this causes harm to consumers. In order to realize the rights of consumers who have been harmed, legal protection is needed for these consumers in accordance with Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The research method used is normative or doctrinal research, which is a type of research that focuses on examining the application of rules or norms in positive law. The results of the study conclude that if there are consumers who buy and use cloth masks that do not have the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) then business actors are obliged to provide accountability. Accountability given by business actors to the products produced must be in accordance with the principle of product responsibility which is known in the legal world, especially business. The responsibility is carried out because it has violated the rights of consumers as described in Article 4 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection letter a "the right to comfort, security, and safety in consuming goods and/or services".
Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap Sebagai Dasar Perubahan Sistem Publikasi Pendaftaran Tanah Bhim Prakoso
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 1 No 1 (2021): May 2021
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.489 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v1i1.23859


ABSTRACT: Land is a two-dimensional part of the earth in the form of land, which essentially has a dual function for human life. Given the importance of land, the government needs to regulate it in the hope that it can provide welfare, happiness, and certainty to rights owners. With regard to rights, it is necessary to have evidence, namely a certificate issued by the Land Office. The mechanism for issuing certificates by referring to the land registration system with a negative system has a positive tendency, but this system still causes problems in the land sector. Starting from these problems, the government created a complete systematic land registration program (PTSL), with the hope of providing certainty to the community that owns land rights. PTSL can be indicated as a method for changing the land registration system to a positive system. The status of the certificate in the positive system, which is the proof of absolute land rights and the only proof of land rights. The main characteristic of the positive system is that land registration/registration of land rights is guaranteed perfectly because the name registered in the land book is indisputable, even though it turns out that it is not the rightful owner of the land. We must admit that negative systems have a positive tendency to have many weaknesses and therefore need to be ended. And the land registration system in the future shifts to land registration with a positive system, with the aim of creating legal certainty, protecting the interests of land rights holders (certificate), of course, it is mandatory for applicants for rights to be based on and/or based on good faith as well as the correctness of physical and juridical data. KEYWORDS: PTSL, Land Rights, Land Registration System.
Persekongkolan Tender Pengadaan Pekerjaan Pembangunan Gedung Kolam Renang Tahap II Kecamatan Kandangan Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan Salsabila Tamami; Galuh Puspaningrum
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 2 No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6180.38 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v2i2.34831


The definition of unfair business competition can be seen in Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, namely competition between trade participants in the production and/or marketing of goods and/or services that is dishonest or violates the law. One example of a tender conspiracy case is the tender conspiracy for the Phase II Swimming Pool Construction Procurement, Kandangan District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. Based on this case example, the author is interested in studying this case in depth and drawing out three problem formulations, including the Procurement of Phase II Swimming Pool Construction Work, Kandangan District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, fulfilling the elements of conspiracy. Legal Considerations The KPPU's Decision Number 05/KPPU-I/2020 is in accordance with Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. Legal Consequences of KPPU's Decision Number 05/KPPU-I/2020 on Tender Participants. The type of research used by the researcher in this thesis is a type of normative juridical law research based on the analysis of norms and legal rules. And the research approach used by the author in this thesis is the legal approach and the conceptual approach. This journal discusses the first, namely the conspiracy that occurred in the tender for the Procurement of the Phase II Swimming Pool Building, Kandangan District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. The second is regarding the legal considerations given by the Commission Council regarding the tender conspiracy for the Phase II Swimming Pool Construction, Kandangan District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. And the third is regarding the legal consequences of the tender conspiracy for the Procurement of Phase II of the Swimming Pool Building, Kandangan District, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency.
Kepastian Hukum Bagi Konsumen Apabila Pengembang Perumahan Dinyatakan Pailit Ira Rizky Firdaus
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 1 No 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6248.377 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v1i2.25572


ABSTRACT This study raises the issue of, first, the failure of the delivery of housing units by housing developers can be categorized as debt in bankruptcy. Second, the status of home ownership that has been purchased by consumers if in the middle of the road housing developers are declared bankrupt. Third, settlement efforts that can be done by consumers if the housing developer is declared bankrupt. This research is a doctrinal law research that uses a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of the study concluded, first, the failure of housing developers to hand over housing units to consumers categorized as debt in bankruptcy because the Bankruptcy Act defines debt in a broad sense so that any form of achievement can be called debt in bankruptcy. Second, the status of ownership of home units that have been purchased by consumers if the housing developer is cut off is still the property of the housing developer completely, because the basis of consumer rights is still in the form of a Binding Sale and Purchase Agreement (PPJB). As a result the unit of the house will become a bankrupt property that will be dealt with by the Curator to pay the debts of housing developers to the creditors. Third, based on the provisions in the Bankruptcy Act, the state of the housing developer that has been cut off resulting in PPJB will automatically become removing and consumers can apply as concurrent creditors for compensation. While according to the Consumer Protection Act, there is no regulation regarding settlement efforts that consumers can make when housing developers are bankrupt, so settlement efforts that can be made by consumers are based solely on the provisions in the Bankruptcy Act.
Perjanjian Wakaf Uang Pada Bank Muamalat Kantor Cabang Malang Ahmad Faathir
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 2 No 1 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.616 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v2i1.28129


Abstrak Pemusatan terhadap pengumpulan dana wakaf uang yang tidak merata hanya pada Badan Wakaf Indonesia yang berlokasi di Jakarta. Salah satu faktor yang dapat membuat ketertarikan seseorang dalam melaksanakan wakaf uang adalah berbagai bentuk perjanjian dan efektifitas pelaksanaan yang ada pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Penerima Wakaf Uang (LKS-PWU), dalam penelitian ini adalah Bank Muamalat Kantor Cabang Malang yang sudah menerima wakaf uang sejak tahun 2008. Dalam rangka mencapai maksud dan tujuan penelitian ini, teori yang dipakai adalah teori hukum wakaf, teori hukum perdata, dan teori efektifitas hukum. Pendekatan yang dilaksankan adalah pendekatan yuridis sosiologis melalui wawancara. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut, pelaksanaan wakaf uang pada dasarnya terdapat dua macam, yaitu secara langsung dan secara tidak langsung. Perjanjian akad yang dilangsungakan adalah dalam jangka waktu selamanya atau dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Pada Bank Muamalat sendiri hanya melaksankan proses wakaf uang secara langsung saja karena belum memiliki sistem penunjang berbasis internet atau software. Pernyataan kehendak wakif yang harus di tuliskan dalam proses perjanjiannya tidak dilampirkan. Pelaksanaan pada proses perjanjian wakaf uang pada Bank Muamalat dapat dikatakan tidak efektif. Melihat belum tercapainya pemenuhan terhadap pelaksanaan proses perjanjian oleh para penegak hukum yang menguasai bidang wakaf uang ini. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan tidak adanya pernyataan kehendak wakif yang dilampirkan pada saat pelaksanaan perjanjian wakaf uang berlangsung. serta fasilitas dan saran yang belum dapat dikatakan terpenuhi. Tidak dapatnya Bank Muamalat memenuhi kewajibanya dalam penyediaan sistem berbasis internet atau software, dikarenakan masih dalam proses pengembangan dalam hal-hal yang diprioritakan yang lebih sering digunakan oleh nasabah. Seharusnya sistem inipun harus dikembangkan secara bersamaan mengingat hal ini adalah suatu kewajiban demi meningkatkan kinerja penerimaan wakaf uang.
Kecakapan Subjek Hukum Lanjut Usia Penderita Demensia Andika Putra Eskanugraha
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 1 No 1 (2021): May 2021
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (672.651 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v1i1.23908


ABSTRACT: People as legal subjects must be protected as holders of rights and responsibilities. The protection is provided by the state within the framework of statutory regulations as a product of the state law. The state should bear legal certainty in regulating a person's ability to act legally. This arrangement is essential considering the minimum age limit and the provisions or requirements for being proven to be legally competent. The age requirement within the minimum limit determined by a statutory regulation varies broadly. The diversity of age thresholds has led to several critics and suggestions within the academic community for a uniformity of legislation. The maximum limit of a person's proficiency has never been discussed in a statutory regulation. This maximum limitation is very vital considering that humans who have lived for a long time, are confirmed to have physical limitations and mostly affect their ability particularly in law. The ability of a person is going to have a deficiency once getting older. There is no limit to the maximum age of proficiency, which creates many legal problems that can arise in the community. This is because someone has dementia and other people do not know it apart from family members. The agreement made by a person experiencing dementia affects the person concerned specifically in article 1320 point 2 Burgerlijk Wetboek. Aging problems, which cause dementia, can be addressed by the government in terms of a person's ability, limitation can be made in a statutory regulation as a form of protection. KEYWORDS: Ability, Legal Subjects, Dementia.
Kritik atas Perjanjian Sosekmalindo: Perspektif Kebijakan Hukum Pidana Dimasa Yang Akan Datang FX Nikolas
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 2 No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.581 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v2i2.25001


Perjanjian bilateral (BTA) antara indonesia dan malaysia tentang perekonomian di daerah perbatasan adalah sosekmalindo, perjanjian dibuat tahun 1970 dan diberlakukan di daerah perbatasan Kalimantan. Perjanjian sosekmalindo hakekatnya bertujuan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok masyarakat perbatasan, dasar pertimbangan kondisi cultur dan kondisi geografis sehingga masyarakat diperbolehkan berbelanja produk-produk malaysia, dengan syarat tidak boleh melebihi RM 600 perbulan, seiring dengan perkembangan globalisasi dan rasio berpikir manusia yang semangkin modern tentang ilmu pengetahuan bisnis, peluang keuntungan, keuntungan pada prinsipnya adalah kebahagian, tentunya tidak melanggar norma-norma hukum yang berlaku, memasukan produk-produk malaysia dan diperjual belikan kembali di daerah perbatasan merupakan suatu perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan makna perjanjian sosekmalindo, tujuan dari penulisan ini memberikan deskripsi terjadinya modus operandi peredaran produk-produk malaysia yang diperdagangkan dengan konsep teori korporasi dan memberikan kritik terhadap perjanjian BTA sosekmalindo tahun 1970 yang hampir 25 tahun masing berlaku, sehingga dipandang perlu dilakukan reformasi dan reo-rientasi. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif yaitu dengan melakukan analisis terhadap permasalahan melalui pendekatan asas-asas hukum serta mengacu pada norma-norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian terdapat produk-produk malaysia yang diperdagangkan di daerah perbatasan, keberadaan produk-produk malaysia diperbatasan disebabkan korporasi pengusaha dengan masyarakat perbatasan, mengginat perjanjian sosekmalindo hanya memberikan izin kepada masyarakat perbatasan berbelanja RM 600 perbulan, dan tidak diperdagangkan. Jika diperdagangkan maka harus mengacu kepada peraturan menteri keuangan republik indonesia nomor 80/Pmk.04/2019 tentang impor dan ekspor, berlaku kepada masyarakat perbatasan, dan undang-undang kepabeaan nomor 17 tahun 2006 perubahan terhadap undang-undang nomor 10 tahun 1995 tentang kepabeaan, peraturan menteri membebaskan biaya masuk barang yang dibawa pelintas di daerah perbatasan, sementara pasal 1 undang-undang kepabeaan diberikan kewenangan untuk memungut biaya masuk terkait dengan keluar masuknya barang di daerah kepabeaan, perjanjian sosekmalindo sebagai lex specialis derogat legi generali dari permen dan undang-undang tersebut, menjadikan ruang terjadinya modus kejahatan ekonomi yang mencari keuntungan, sebesar-besarnya oleh pengusaha dengan cara memberikan sejumlah uang kepada masyarakat perbatasan berbelanja produk-produk malaysia kemudian diperdagangkan, memaknai perjanjiaan BTA antara malaysia-indonesia tidak ada regulasi itu, maka sebagai bentuk saran kepada pemerintah indonesia dan untuk mengkaji kembali BTA perjanjian sosekmalindo dan penal policy sebagai bentuk pengaturan kedepan perdagangan di daerah perbatasan. Kata Kunci: Kritik, BTA Perjanjian Sosekmalindo, dan Penal Policy
Online Dispute Resolution dalam Sengketa Bisnis Di Era Digital: Sebuah Konsep dengan Pendekatan Perbandingan Hukum Felix Yuwono; Emanuel Raja Damaitu; Sheila Yudha Pradina
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 1 No 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5831.248 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v1i2.27562


Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih banyak mengubah hidup manusiauntuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Kegiatan bisnis pun semakin berkembang pula di era digital ini yang menggunakan teknologi sebagai medianya yang disebut dengan e-commerce. Ketika terjadi perselisihan paham atau sengketa pun juga sudah diarahkan menggunakan sistem ODR. Akan tetapi, peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada di Indonesia masih belum memberikan kepastian hukum mengenai pelaksanaan ODR. Melalui pendekatan perbandingan hukum, ditemukan sebuah konsep pengaturan mengenai ODR di Indonesia ke depannya. Negara Canada dan Inggris digunakan sebagai negara pembanding yang telah lebih dulu menerapkan ODR. Pelaksanaan sistem ODR dalam penyelesaian sengketa di Kanada maupun di Inggris sudah diintegrasikan ke dalam sebuah peraturan perundang-undangan sehingga implementasi mengenai sistem ODR sudah dilaksanakan. Akan tetapi masih membutuhkan beberapa perubahan dan perkembangan selaras dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Sedangkan di Indonesia masih belum mengintegrasikan sistem ODR ke dalam peraturan perundang-undangan secara khusus. Meskipun secara basis regulasinya sudah ada beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan yang dapat mendukung berlakunya sistem ODR, tetapi akan menjadi lebih baik jika diatur ke dalam aturan yang lebih khusus.
Hak Masyarakat Adat Atas Tenurial dalam Kerangka REDD Dominikus Rato
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 1 No 1 (2021): May 2021
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.176 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v1i1.23538


ABSTRACT: The international debate regarding the appropriate institutional and financial formulas and mechanisms in the framework of REDD+, SMF and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries continues. REDD+ is a concept of reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by the conversion of forest functions to non-forestry, massive deforestation, resulting in a decrease in the quantity and quality of forests in developing countries, especially rainforest countries such as Indonesia, Brazil, Malaysia, which impact on decreasing the quality and quantity of O2. Indonesia has become an active player in the project. However, in the midst of this debate, the issue of certainty over tenurial rights over land and forest resources for indigenous peoples is still marginalized. This study was conducted using a socio-legal approach to protected forest communities in Alas Purwo - Banyuwangi, East Java. With the theories of social sciences, ecology, and customary law, it is found that indigenous peoples who depend on the forest, namely the people who live around the forest, consider that the forest is not only a source of livelihood, but also as a habitat in which they forming communities and civilizations. However, there is a single view that forests are a source of wealth economically. Therefore, forests as a source of regional economy through regional autonomy and increased local revenue continue to be exploited without paying attention to the tenure rights of indigenous peoples. That is the source of the conflict which becomes a time bomb with a devastating explosion if social, cultural and political communication is not immediately carried out to understand the mindset of indigenous peoples and reduce excessive forest exploitation. Finally, it was suggested that discussion of the rights of indigenous peoples living in rainforests should also discuss legal, economic and political protection. KEYWORDS: Indigenous Peoples, Tenurial Rights, REDD+.
Perlindungan Hukum Pencipta Lagu Aisyah Asal Malaysia Atas Tindakan Strike Konten Youtube Oleh Musisi Indonesia Nonny Relinda Elok Paraswari
Journal of Private and Economic Law Vol 2 No 1 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.998 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jpel.v2i1.25501


ABSTRACT: in its development, the existence of cases in the field of copyright does not only involve creators in one country only, but also involves creators from other countries, such as the case that recently occurred, namely the case between songwriter Aisyah a Malaysian named Angah Razif with an Indonesian musician named Harlin Pasili Ansori. This case began when an Indonesian musician named Harlin Pasili Ansori claimed that Aisyah’s song was composed by Angah Razif which was sung by Projector Band plagiarized the melody of his song entitled Half Trip to Bait Al Hamid. Harlin submitted a strike report for the content of Aisyah’s song to the youtube side, as a result of the report, the youtube took a strike to the content of the song Aisyah created by Angah Razif presented by Projector Band, so the content of Aisyah’s song is lost from the official channel Projector Band. From the claims made by Harlin giving the impact of loss to Angah as the creator of Aisyah’s song that is materially and immaterially. In international treaties, to be exact, Berne Convention has guaranteed the rights owned by an creator. Protection of a creation is provided by the Berne Convention and also the laws of each participating country. In other words, every country participants are obliged to provide protection to the creation of all citizens countries from all participating countries that are participants in the Berne Convention. Where the protection of the creation will be further regulated by: the law of the country of origin of the creator or the law of the country of place claimed protection. In this article, we will explain more about protection the law against the songwriter Aisyah from Malaysia with reference to Indonesian state laws and regulations, because in this case the perpetrators of copyright infringement are indonesian citizens. The type of research that used is by using normative juridical. Keywords: Legal Protection, Creator, Youtube Content Strike ABSTRACT: in its development, the existence of cases in the field of copyright does not only involve creators in one country only, but also involves creators from other countries, such as the case that recently occurred, namely the case between songwriter Aisyah a Malaysian named Angah Razif with an Indonesian musician named Harlin Pasili Ansori. This case began when an Indonesian musician named Harlin Pasili Ansori claimed that Aisyah’s song was composed by Angah Razif which was sung by Projector Band plagiarized the melody of his song entitled Half Trip to Bait Al Hamid. Harlin submitted a strike report for the content of Aisyah’s song to the youtube side, as a result of the report, the youtube took a strike to the content of the song Aisyah created by Angah Razif presented by Projector Band, so the content of Aisyah’s song is lost from the official channel Projector Band. From the claims made by Harlin giving the impact of loss to Angah as the creator of Aisyah’s song that is materially and immaterially. In international treaties, to be exact, Berne Convention has guaranteed the rights owned by an creator. Protection of a creation is provided by the Berne Convention and also the laws of each participating country. In other words, every country participants are obliged to provide protection to the creation of all citizens countries from all participating countries that are participants in the Berne Convention. Where the protection of the creation will be further regulated by: the law of the country of origin of the creator or the law of the country of place claimed protection. In this article, we will explain more about protection the law against the songwriter Aisyah from Malaysia with reference to Indonesian state laws and regulations, because in this case the perpetrators of copyright infringement are indonesian citizens. The type of research that used is by using normative juridical. Keywords: Legal Protection, Creator, Youtube Content Strike

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