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Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum
ISSN : 16930819     EISSN : 25495275     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
Jurnal Serambi Hukum was open for researchers, lecturers, students, and practitioners who have interest to publishing the original research articles especially in legal field. The focus and scope of articles that published in Jurnal Serambi Hukum are : 1.Criminal Law (Hukum Pidana) 2.Civil Law (Hukum Perdata) 3.Constitutional Law (Hukum Tata Negara) 4.State Administrative Law (Hukum Administrasi Negara) 5.Procedural Law (Hukum Acara) 6.International Law (Hukum Internasional) 7.Enviromental Law (Hukum Lingkungan) 8.Tax Law (Hukum Pajak) 9.Islamic Law (Hukum Islam) 10.Law and Human Right (Hukum dan HAM) 11.IPR Law (Hukum dan HAKI)
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 22 Documents
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Pandangan Masyarakat Sumbawa Terkait Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No.128/PUU-XIII/2015 Terkait Penghapusan Persyaratan Calon Kepala Desa Harus Terdaftar Sebagai Penduduk dan Bertempat Tinggal Di Desa Setempat Paling Kurang 1 Tahun Sebelum Pendaftaran Lahmuddin Zuhri; Imron Imron
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59582/sh.v16i02.632


Lahirnya Undang-undang No. 6 tahun 2014 tentang Desa membuka peluang bagi desa untuk menjadi mandiri dan otonom. Otonomi desa yang dimaksud adalah otonomi pemerintah desa dalam melakukan pengelolaan pemerintahan dan pelayanan public, termasuk juga tatakelola keuangan desa. Tujuan dari otonomi desa ini guna memberikan ruang kreativitas sekaligus tanggung jawab kepada Kepala Desa dalam melakukan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pelaksanaan pembangunan, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Namun, dalam pelaksanaan penggunaan dana desa masih dirasakan belum efektif dikarenakan belum memadainya kapasitas dan kapabilitas pemerintah desa dan belum terlibatnya peran serta masyarakat secara aktif dalam pengelolaan pemerintahan desa.
Komposisi Anggota DPRD Sumbawa dari Dapil 5 Sumbawa dalam Pemilu 2019 Sebagai Model Keterwakilan 30% Sesuai Spirit Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilihan Umum Lahmuddin Zuhri; Abdul Rafiq
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59582/sh.v16i02.633


Pengaturan mengenai 30% keterwakilan perempuan dalam politik, penyelenggaraan pemilu dan anggota DPR/DPRD, sebagai langkah awal dalam menyeimbangkan keduddukan antara kepentingan perempuan dan laki-laki, dengan cara memberikan ketentuan agar partai politik peserta Pemilu memperhatikan keterwakilan perempuan sekurang-kurangnya 30% di dalam mengajukan calon anggota DPR, DPD, dan DPRD. Keanggotaan DPRD Sumbawa hasil pemilu 2019 ada 6 perempuan 1. Dra. Saidatul Kamila Djibril, 2 Ida Rahayu, S. Ap, 3 Sri Wahyuni, 4 Sri Wahyuni, 5 Yuliana, 6 Hj. Jamila S. Pd.SD. Hal menarik 3 diri 6 wakil perempuan tersebut berasan dari Daerah Pemilihan (Dapil) 5 Sumbawa dengan komposisi 6 anggota DPRD Sumbawa dari dapil 5, artinya para politisi perempuan mampu bersaing dengan politisi laki-laki dan berhasi merebut 50% kursi anggota DPRD Sumbawa dari Dapil 5 Sumbawa. Hal ini memberikan angin segar bagi semua perempuan Indonesia, guna menumbuhkan semangat dan motivasi untuk berperan aktif dalam bidang politik, bisa dijadikan model dalam gerakan politik perempuan secara nasional. Kata Kunci: 30% Perempuan; DPRD Sumbawa; 50% Permpuan Dapil 5 Sumbawa; Gerakan Politik Perempuan
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Perempuan Korban Human Trafficking Sebagai Wujud Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Elvina Melinda; Joko Setiyono
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Human Trafficking violates human rights relating to the right to personal liberty. Many of these crimes occurred to vulnerable groups, one of which was women. Therefore, this paper aims first, to know the protection of women’s human rights and legal policies to overcome the criminal act of trafficking women. Second, knowing the responsibility and role of the state towards women trafficking victims. This study uses a normative juridical research method. The results of the discussion show that the protection of women’s human rights has been carried out even though it is still not optimal, so there are several legal policies to overcome it. Apart from that, the responsibility and role of the state towards victims of human trafficking can be seen in the establishment of the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children and the programs implemented. Thus, it is advisable to carry out counseling in coordination with various related parties, have representatives of the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children up to the sub-district level, and coordinate in matters of overseas licensing on the grounds of working.
Perlindungan Hukum Nasabah PT.X (Nama PT Dirahasiakan) Ditinjau Dari Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen Wilda Afifia
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pencabutan ijin usaha PT. X yang dilakukan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan hal ini dikarenakan PT. X tidak dapat memenuhi rasio solvabilitas yang telah ditetapkan oleh OJK. Tingginya selisih antara kewajiban dengan aset merupakan akumulasi kerugian akibat penjualan produk sejenis saving plan. PT. X menjual produk imbal hasil pasti yang tidak diimbangi oleh kemampuan perusahaan mendapatkan hasil dari pengelolaan investasinya. kondisi tersebut direkayasa oleh PT. X sehingga laporan keuangan tidak sesuai dengan kondisi sebenarnya. Sehingga OJK memerintahkan penghentian pemasaran produk sejenis saving plan, mengenakan sanksi peringatan lalu sanksi pembatasan sehingga OJK melakukan pencabutan izin usaha PT. X  pada 05 desember 2022 lalu. Sehingga dari hal tersebut penulis tertarik untuk membahas terkait penyelesaian sengketa atas hak nasabah PT. X yang telah mengalami kerugian jika ditinjau dari Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen. Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Penyelesaian Sengketa, Kerugian.
Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Pembelaan Terpaksa Sebagai Alasan Penghapus Pidana Khilmatin Maulidah; Muhammad Rizqi Hengki
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59582/sh.v16i02.718


The Indonesian Criminal Code regulates the reasons for abolishing crimes which are generally divided into two, namely justifying reasons and forgiving reasons. Based on this, this study formulates two problems, namely: 1) What is the juridical review of forced defense as an excuse for criminal punishment? 2) How is the review of juridical defense forced as a reason for the abolition of punishment in the current Criminal Code? This study uses a normative juridical research method. The results of the study show that the juridical arrangements related to reasons for abolishing sentences in the current Indonesian Criminal Code have been explicitly regulated regarding the scope of dividing reasons for abolishing sentences into justification reasons or excuses which previously had not been differentiated between the two, this is an appropriate and more effective reform. so that it is easier for law enforcement officials to apply the theory of criminal abolition reasons. Keywords: Juridical Review, Forced Defense, Reasons for Abolition
Analisis Peran Hukum dan Ekonomi Makro Terhadap Inflasi Kota Bandung Tahun 2020 Dwi Ratna Kartikawati
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59582/sh.v16i02.719


This writing aims to analyze the role of law in regulating economic policies in the city of Bandung in suppressing the inflation rate. The approach used in this writing is a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through secondary data literature studies. The results of a literature study show that inflation in the city of Bandung in 2020 reached 6.04%. Factors contributing to this inflation were rising fuel prices, the rainy season which resulted in rising vegetable prices, and the COVID-19 pandemic which had an impact on market uncertainty. From a macroeconomic perspective, the role of law is very important in regulating economic policies to suppress inflation. In the city of Bandung, policies implemented include controlling the prices of goods, expanding micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and monitoring monetary policy. Therefore, proper application of laws and regulations is needed to create economic stability in the city of Bandung and Indonesia in general. Keywords: Inflation, Law, Macroeconomics.
Analisis Perkara Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan yang Dilakukan oleh Mario Dandy Rizka Amallia; Zainudin Hasan; Udea Tri Yunita; Dwi Sinta Wati
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59582/sh.v16i02.724


Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana Indonesia (KUHP) diciptakan di Indonesia adalah untuk melindungi masyarakat dari berbagai aksi kejahatan serta menjadi alat untuk menjaga keseimbangan dan keselarasan hidup di masyarakat. Salah satu contoh kasus dalam penulisan jurnal ini yang memanfaatkan fungsi KUHP ialah kronologi Mario Dandy. Nama Mario Dandy menjadi perbincangan hangat semenjak ia melalukan kasus penganiayaan yang memakan korban demi membela sang kekasihnya yang belum tentu benar. Alasan Mario Dandy tega melakukan itu semua kepada orang yang sebenarnya tidak ia kenal adalah karena ia merasa sang kekasihnya telah diperlakukan tidak sewajarnya oleh sang korban yang dianiaya. Peristiwa tersebut membuat pelaku terjerat hukuman dari beberapa pasal yang ada di KUHP. Kata Kunci: Perkara, Tindak pidana, Penganiayaan
Penelitian Kualitatif Terhadap Hukum Empiris Dadang Sumarna; Ayyub Kadriah
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59582/sh.v16i02.730


Abstract separation of law between the normative aspects that stand outside of the social phenomena will mislead our analysis about the law, because the social facts are needed as the runway for legal development so there we need for awareness about normative legal research studied in complementary empirical legal research. . in methodical empirical legal research it is often limited to data collection that goes a long way and is misinterpreted as quantitative research, where in fact what is claimed as a quantitative empirical legal research is actually examined qualitatively so it is necessary to explain explicitly how the pattern of empirical legal research is and how the approach Qualitative research was conducted on empirical researchers. So it can be concluded that empirical legal research also opens up the possibility to be examined qualitatively with material collection methods such as interviews, court observations and analyzing archival records is a way of collecting qualitative empirical legal research data which uses expert interview methods. to collect empirical qualitative data, and it can be concluded that from yin shows that empirical legal analysis has shifted from dichotomies and purely quantitative cages and where there are alternative data collection options according to paton in empirical research that can use data collection methods that can be referred to as "specific samples" ”, where the role of qualitative researchers who analyze empirical laws must remain careful so as not to be trapped in delusions due to efforts to collect invalid research material Keywords: Legal Reseach, Empirical Research, Qualitative Method
Kepastian Hukum Pencipta dan Pemegang Hak Cipta Gojek-PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa (Studi Kasus Perkara Nomor 86/Pdt.Sus-HKI/Cipta/2021/PN Niaga Jkt.Pst) Asma Karim
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59582/sh.v16i02.731


ABSTRACT This study aims to determine and analyze how the legal certainty about who is actually the creator and copyright holder of Gojek-PT application of the work as well as how the consideration should be taken by the judge in examining and deciding the case based on the provisions of Law No. 28 of 2014 on copyright (copyright law). The research method used in this study is normative juridical law research based on secondary data or literature studies. The results showed: first: legal certainty about who is actually the creator and copyright holder of the Gojek-PT aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa is in a lawsuit with Case Number 86/Pdt.Sus-HKI / copyright / 2021 / PN Niaga Jkt.Pst, a copyright lawsuit can be filed if the software used by gojek is proven to be legally and convincingly an imitation or imitation of a similar product owned by the plaintiff. As long as it has not become a fixation or is realized in a tangible form, such as source code, Gojek can link its software. The legal certainty is that the plaintiff remains the owner of the online motorcycle taxi, and the defendant is also the creator and copyright holder of the Gojek-PT Karya Anak Bangsa application. Second: the consideration taken by the judge in examining and deciding the case based on the provisions of the Copyright Law is in the process of proving the plaintiff and defendant. If no legal facts are found that can indicate that the defendant committed copyright infringement, the plaintiff's lawsuit is considered vague, unclear / obscure libel. The plaintiff will also be declared as a party that has no legal standing or an interested party to file a quo lawsuit (Article 97 paragraph (1) of the Copyright Law). Keywords: Legal Certainty, Legal Protection, Creator, Copyright Holder, Gojek
Analisis Hukum Penggunaan Kendaraan Pribadi Yang Digunakan Sebagai Angkutan Barang Dede Amirudin; Ika Dewi Sartika Saimima
JURNAL PENELITIAN SERAMBI HUKUM Vol 16 No 02 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Serambi Hukum Vol 16 No 02 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59582/sh.v16i02.737


Abstract Since the dawn of civilization, people have relied on transportation as a means of moving from one place to another. When used in this way, shippers provide services to those in need and are helpful for the delivery of commodities as well as the movement of people. The problem under study concerns private vehicles and the limitations imposed on efforts to control and utilize private vehicles that do not have permission to operate as freight transport as they should be controlled according to Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. This research method is written using normative legal research methodology. To obtain data, conducted interviews and literature studies. Data collection will later be examined using logical, orderly, and systematic language descriptions. According to research findings, using private transportation as a means of transporting goods is a violation of law and a violationn of Law no. 22 of 22009, which is subject to both administrative and criminal sanctions. Keywords: private vehicle, law, freight transport

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