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Yosia Ardianto Setyawan
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The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Published by Universitas Indonesia
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28082591     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education, Social,
The objectives of The IJSLS are: to become a center of knowledge production and dissemination for socio-legal studies in Indonesia; to promote interdisciplinary studies of law; and to advance international cooperation and knowledge sharing in the field of socio-legal studies of Indonesia. The IJSLS focuses on, but not limited to, the following disciplines: Legal anthropology; Sociology of Law; Law and Politics; Law and Economics; Law and Psychology; Gender and Law; Health, Law and Society; Law, Social Change and Technology.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 30 Documents
Legal Education for The Future of Indonesia: a Critical Assessment Irianto, Sulistyowati
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This paper aims to analyze the extent to which higher education in law is able to prepare graduates to think critically and respond in a reform-minded way to changes in society. Legal developments have always been unable to catch up with the speed of change in society, especially due to political constraints in the law-making process. This paper aims to explain the position of legal education which attempts to bridge the gap between the law-making process, the existing normative legal system, and community development. To what extent are legal education managers open to formulating and implementing the curriculum? Is there enough space to enrich the legal science with a new approach and methodology, in order to analyze the development of legal practice more fundamentally? To what extent does interdisciplinary law studies have a place in the curriculum? The answer to these questions will have an impact on the development of legal science and the future of law enforcement in Indonesia.
Relational Social Theories and Legal Pluralism Benda-Beckman, Keebet von
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Recent sociological, anthropological, and psychological research points at a shared problem: Are humans separate and autonomous entities, or must they be seen through the lens of extended, permeable, fractured notions of personhood? This paper discusses some crucial implications for the study of law and legal pluralism. Legal orders may differ in the degrees to which personhood is taken as embedded. At the same time, notions of personhood may also be more or less bounded, with particular fields within legal orders also espousing different degrees of personal autonomy. That depends on how political preferences shape specific issues at the time legislation is enacted. All this has implications for conceptualizing and studying legal pluralism. Examples from Indonesia, Thailand, and the Netherlands bring to light some thorny issues that arise when personhood is viewed through the lens of more or less autonomy and social embeddedness. The examples suggest that a relational approach that accounts for varying degrees to which persons are perceived as extended beings deepens the analysis of plural legal orders.
The States Position regarding Registration of Customary Land (Orientasi Negara dalam Pendaftaran Tanah Adat di Indonesia) Simarmata, Rikardo
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Indonesian Agrarian Law syncretically aims to create a national legal unity and respecting customary rights to land at the same time. The second aim is to tolerate the diversity in national land law. In the implementation of customary land registration, these two objectives do not appear to be in sync. In fact, the first objective is very important, which causes the second goal to receive very little attention. This paper sees that the process of customary land registration shows the tensions in achieving these two objectives. The paper will explain how the Indonesian government subordinates the second objective. In fact, the first objective has become the orientations when it comes to the registration of customary land, as well as the regulations and practices supporting it. Such orientations, regulations, and practices cause many consequences for the communalistic nature of ulayat lands, as well as the law implementation and authority of the lands
A Sociolegal Perspective to Legal Research in the Digital Field: A Methodological Proposition (Penelitian Hukum Berperspektif Sosiolegal Pada Ranah Digital: Satu Tawaran Metodologis) Nurtjahyo, Lidwina Inge
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Technological developments have brought people, capital, goods, ideas, and even laws into mobility. During the Covid-19 pandemic, technology made mobility possible. Adaptation to pandemic situations occurs by changing physical interactions into interactions in the digital space with the help of technology. These changes also bring consequences to changes in the way of society's law. For example, digital transactions no longer require the presence of a customer or online trials. The challenge that arises then is how to find the method to conduct legal research during the pandemic situation. One of the options presents is socio-legal research conducted digitally. The focal point of this paper as a conceptual article is on methodological issues in studying changes in people's legal ways during a pandemic. This paper aims to offer method options and various legal research topics from a socio-legal perspective in the digital realm.
Editorial Foreword IJSLS Volume 1 Number 1 Irianto, Sulistyowati
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Legal Education in Indonesia Bedner, Adriaan; Vel, Jacqueline
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Many of the discussions about legal education in Indonesia are similar to the ones conducted in other countries. They reflect the tension between a liberal legal education on the one hand and a vocational training on the other, as well as the tension between a legal education preparing students for legal practice and one preparing them for a broad range of generalist positions. However, we argue that legal education in Indonesia is also marred by problems of the legal system itself and by a lack of communication between its constituent parts – the judiciary, the legislative, the bar, public prosecutors, and legal scholars. Caused by years of authoritarian rule, these problems have resulted in an unproductive and largely misguided debate in law faculties between proponents of legal formalism and others promoting a more contextualised approach to law. Nonetheless, it is undeniable that overall the quality of legal education has improved during the past 20 years and that this process will likely continue.
Researching the Legal Culture of the Bureaucracy: An Introduction to Ethnographic Study of Procedural Criminal Law (Meneliti Budaya Hukum Aparat: Sebuah Pengantar tentang Etnografi dalam Studi Hukum Acara Pidana) Afandi, Fachrizal
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article presents the development of ethnographic research to understand the culture and performance of criminal justice actors (i.e. police, prosecutors, judges, probation officers). This article begins by outlining the lack of socio-legal research in Indonesian criminal justice research, which results in a scarcity of academic contributions to criminal justice reform. This article then provides an introduction to how the socio-legal approach influences criminal law research and how the ethnographic approach contributes to the study of criminal justice. Before the final section of this article, I discuss the challenges of conducting ethnographic research and suggestions based on my experience as an ethnographer.
Global Standards in the Kampung: Sustainability Standards and their Implications on Indonesian Legal Practice (Standar Global di Kampung: Sustainability Standards dan Implikasinya Terhadap Penerapan Hukum di Indonesia) Steni, Bernadinus
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Global market standards have become one of the main instruments to bring all parties towards sustainable resource management. In various sectors, standards for production, including agricultural products, appear in the form of certification labels. One of the most discussed standards today is the sustainability standard. Different from other existing standards, the sustainability standard includes items such as human rights, land rights, and deforestation, which conventionally are the domain of public institutions, especially the government. The global market standards are no longer considered as the work of private sectors, instead it is now the result of traditional institution’s roles transformation and legal implementation processes in various arenas. Therefore, these standards will affect the law-making process and law enforcement. However, the idea of global market standard is repudiated by many people as it is considered a way to eliminate state-sovereignty. To elaborate the extent of the standards’ effect, how they are implemented and interplay with the legal systems, this article studies the implementation of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standard in the Palm Oil Plantation in two villages in Central Kalimantan. The situation in the villages portrays the extent of the global market standard implementation. The author hopes this article provides new insight on the relation between global market standards, state law and other norms living, especially, among parties involved in the palm oil industry and farmers’ empowerment. Furthermore, this article is hoped to serve as constructive lesson of a law-making process built on cross-border cooperation.
Understanding Institutional Life-Cycle and Sustainability of Co-operative Model: A Case Study of CAMPCO, India Jyotishi, Amalendu; M.G., Deepika
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Co-operative movement in India has a long-standing contribution in the growth of business, agriculture and allied activities. One such cooperative movement in India is the Central Arecanut and Cocoa Marketing and Processing Co-operative Limited (CAMPCO) which was initiated with a joint cooperation between the states of Karnataka and Kerala to create an organized market structure for the two plantation crops namely Arecanut and Cocoa in the backdrop of falling market price of these crops. CAMPCO is an interesting co-operative movement, worth investigating in terms of its evolution, challenges, growth and diversification. The paper tries to examine the factors responsible for justifying the existence of the Co-operative structure and its sustainability in the context of CAMPCO, using a modified cooperative life-cycle framework.
Another Second Chance: Rehabilitation of marital rape offender for the victim’s recovery Kasuma, Iva; Azhara, Farisa; Ilfa, Afida; Farhana, Shofiyah Adila
The Indonesian Journal of Socio-Legal Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Not all victims of marital rape want a divorce, generally victims long to maintain their marriage and for the perpetrators to correct their own behaviors. Victims are also bound to the strong culture that condones sexual relations without consent as long as it is carried out within the framework of a legal marriage. This study aims to demonstrate the importance of rehabilitation for offenders of marital rape by examining various laws and regulations in Indonesia and the obstacles to their implementation. Methodologically, data were obtained from doctrinal studies of Indonesian law and court decisions related to marital rape and empirical studies from a number of law enforcement officers as well as paralegals. The results show that the absence of a specialized law that regulates the rehabilitation of marital rape perpetrators impacts poorly on judges' decisions in domestic violence cases. There has been no court decision sentencing mandatory counseling as part of their rulings. Judges frequently view sexual violence within a limited scope of physical evidence; as a result, perpetrators are granted low sentences. Indonesia needs a specialized law that regulates the rehabilitation of marital rape perpetrators.

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