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Jurnal Informatika dan Perancangan Sistem (JIPS)
ISSN : 2776530X     EISSN : -     DOI : -
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Articles 7 Documents
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Penerapan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) dalam Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan berbasis Web
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Volume 4, No 2: Mei 2022
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem informasi penjualan berbasis web dengan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD). Toko RZ yang bergerak dalam bidang produk kesehatan dan kecantikan mempunyai 50 pelanggan tetap yang berada diluar daerah, maka dibutuhkan sistem informasi penjualan untuk membantu pelanggan membeli dan menerima informasi produk dari toko tersebut. Sistem informasi penjualan berbasis website ini bertujuan untuk membantu pelanggan toko RZ dapat melakukan pembelian secara online tanpa harus mendatangi toko secara langsung. Selain itu, sistem informasi ini dapat digunakan sebagai media promosi kesehatan dan kecantikan yang ditawarkan di toko rz.
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Volume 4, No 2: Mei 2022
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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ABSTRACT The best decision is the main goal in a problem solving. The decision in det ermining the stock of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in Palm Oil Mills (PMKS) is very important because it is directly related to the survival of the company. Solutions in solving problems in determining the best quality of CPO as raw material for cooking oil with the desired quality. By using Fuzzy Tsukamoto, it is easier for the processing department to determine the best quality of CPO. To determine the best quality of CPO, data on free fatty acids, water content, impurities and temperature are needed. Based on the tests that have been carried out, the quality of CPO with the input of free fatty acids = 0.7 FFA, water content = 0.23 Moisture, dirt content = 0.25 Dirty and temperature = 98oC in a decent condition, which is 39.48%. The results of the application system for determining the quality of oil palm seeds using the GUI Matlab are 23%, with a difference of 16.48%. In the Matlab application system that has been tested, if the free fatty acid is higher between 0.6-1 and the impurities content is high between 0.24-0.30 then the quality of the CPO produced is rancid. Meanwhile, if the free fatty acid is low between 0-0.3 and normal levels of impurities are between 0.18-0.26, then the quality of CPO is not feasible. More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information Send feedback Side panels
Implementasi Proxy Server Menggunakan Squid Sebagai Sistem Bandwith Monitoring dan Website Filtering
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Volume 4, No 2: Mei 2022
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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Computer Network Technology as a medium of data communication is currently increasing, especially on the internet network (interconnection networking) which is a complex network. The need for shared use of existing resources in the network, both software and hardware, has resulted in various developments in network technology itself. With the increasing level of demand and the increasing number of network users, they want a form of network that can provide maximum results both in terms of efficiency and increasing network security. One of the steps in monitoring and securing data servers is to use a proxy server. The proxy server in this case is a third party who acts as an intermediary between the two parties who are interconnected, in this case the local network and the internet network. The proxy server acts as a gateway to the world of the internet for each client so that data traffic can be controlled. This monitoring and blocking system was built using Squid Proxy Server.
Sistem Digitalisasi Data Kependudukan Di Desa Medan Krio Kecamatan Sunggal Devita Ginting; Tuti Awaliyah
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Volume 4, No 2: Mei 2022
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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One of the backgrounds for the implementation of bureaucratic reforms in the population data digitization system is the quality of public services that have not met community expectations, in the sense that the level of public satisfaction is still low, marked by the number of complaints against public service providers, both related to service procedures that community expectations, in the sense that the level of public satisfaction is still low, marked by the number of complaints against public service providers, both those related to service procedures that still seem convoluted delays in management, unaffordable costs and the attitude of service officers that do not reflect the attitude of being a servant of the community. This research designed a digitalization system for population data collection at the Medan Krio village office which will later help village officials and the community in managing new family cards and birth certificates without queuing using a web-based system.
Evaluasi Kinerja Modul Praktikum Pengkonversi Sinyal Analog ke Sinyal Digital Resolusi 8 Bit Panangian Mahadi Sihombing; Ridho Akbar Pratama; Indah Vusvita Sari; Dona Tiara Lubis; Susilawati; Sari Novalianda
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Volume 4, No 2: Mei 2022
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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The level of accuracy of an integrated circuit (IC) in converting signals is very necessary to achieve good system performance. One of IC device that is often used as analog to digital converter (ADC) is the IC ADC0804. This study aims to evaluate the work of a practicum module for converting analog signals to digital signals, namely the ETEK ACS-3000-07 Module. The module uses the IC ADC0804 to convert analog signals to digital signals. Two methods were used to test the performance of the module, namely the simulation method and the calculation method. Furthermore, the mean error and standard deviation methods are used to analyze the data that has been obtained. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the ETEK ACS-3000-07 Module still has sufficient performance in converting analog signals into digital signals because it has a mean error 0.36 and a standard deviation 0.48.
Sistem Pendataan Barang Material Masuk dan Keluar (Studi Kasus: PT. QTON Indonesia) Dewi Yohana Br. Ginting; Melvarina Tamba; Wulandari
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Volume 4, No 2: Mei 2022
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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the internet is possible for every employee to communicate via e-mail and even interact directly by using a teleconference or videoconferencing. To be able to provide accurate, fast, and accurate information, companies need a quality digital-based information system. This desire is based on irregular and less effective processing of company data, which can be a tool that is not only able to provide information, but is also able to process information because the company's database has many advantages such as large data capacity, easy data retrieval. , faster in the process of making reports and more efficient and effective. The design of an inventory information system at PT. QTON Indonesia to make it easier for the warehouse and purchasing departments to provide reports to the leadership and Applications. Data processing systems can also be used to help minimize the error rate that usually occurs in semi-computerized systems.
Pengaruh Kamus Digital terhadap Penguasaan Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris Resti CItra Dewi; Supriadi
JURNAL INFORMATIKA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM (JIPS) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Volume 4, No 2: Mei 2022
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Informatika (S1) Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indonesia

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The use of English is one of the demands because English is used to communicate with people in the world. Then, how to improve English vocabulary? One of the best ways to improve speaking is through reading a lot of material and mastering English Vocabulary, so communication skills go hand in hand. After analyzing the data in this study, the results showed that students who were taught using digital dictionaries had an effect on students' English vocabulary mastery than those taught using conventional dictionaries. In this case, students who have devices such as smartphones can be used to support the learning process such as using a digital dictionary that can be downloaded from an application, because it is easy and practical to use can certainly increase the willingness to learn English vocabulary.

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