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Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
ISSN : 19780842     EISSN : 29631114     DOI : -
Cipasung Techno Pesantren (CTP) which is published biannually is a scientific journal that contains scientific articles from community services, original research, and literature review in the fields of engineering, science, and technology, especially in the following area: Industrial Engineering and Management Informatics Engineering Information Technology Industry 4.0 Material Science and Engineering Applied Sciences Energy and Environment Any other topics out of the above-mentioned will be compromised by the editorial board.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 25 Documents
Analisis SWOT Terhadap Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Warung Nasi Priangan di Tasikmalaya Mamik M. Fuadi; Ernawati Ernawati; Dina Rizki
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 17 No 1 (2023): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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Warung Nasi Priangan is a business engaged in the culinary field which was founded in 2001. According to sales turnover data for the past 1 year, Warung Nasi Priangan has experienced a decline in turnover from time to time so that revenue does not meet the desired target. The research method used to collect the required data is a descriptive qualitative method. From the data obtained, an analysis was carried out using the SWOT analysis method with the aim of developing a business development strategy for Warung Nasi Priangan to increase sales turnover. The results of the SWOT analysis show that the right strategy to be used by Warung Nasi Priangan is the SO Strategy, namely by maintaining good taste, good service and adequate facilities to keep customers loyal, as well as expanding marketing to increase turnover by maintaining good relations between employees and consumer. However, the results of the SWOT analysis are irrelevant to the actual situation.
Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Peternak Sapi Potong Sistem Intensif di Desa Sukarame Kecamatan Sukarame Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Salim; Ajeng Sabarini Muslimah; Ikhsan Fauzan Nuzaba
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 17 No 1 (2023): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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Sukarame Village is one of the 6 villages in the Sukarame District, Tasikmalaya Regency, this village is a village that is in a strategic location. In terms of economic conditions, seeing that the area is still beautiful filled with rice fields, gardens, mountains, almost 55% of the population works as farmers and ranchers. In Sukarame Village there are 2 livestock businesses in the form of beef cattle which use an intensive system, namely Nyencang and Cantilan farms, these farms have been established for more than 4 years. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the income of beef cattle breeders with an intensive system in Sukarame Village, using a descriptive quantitative method. This study describes the amount of income earned by beef cattle business actors in Sukarame Village. The data analysis used is to calculate the income from the sale of cattle per head during the maintenance period of each breeder, and compile the data. The results of the research that has been done show that the income of farmers in the intensive beef cattle breeding business in Sukarame Village on the Nyencang farm is Rp. 2,458,300/ head for 6 months of maintenance and on Cantilan farms Rp. 3,044,915/head for 1 year of maintenance. The existence of these differences is caused by the maintenance period and the different types of livestock owned in running their business.
Analisis Kelayakan Bisnis Produk Probiotik Ditinjau Dari Aspek Pasar Dan Pemasaran, Aspek Teknis, Dan Keuangan Ahmad Zamakhsyari Sidiq; Iwan Kurniawan; Aris Muhammad Firdaus
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 17 No 1 (2023): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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Probiotics are a supplement for fish, in Kampung Tanjung, which is in Ciawang Village. There are tilapia fish farmers and some of these fish farmers have not used probiotics for tilapia, tilapia that die is caused by disease, one way to prevent disease is by administering probiotics. The purpose of this study was to determine the business feasibility analysis of probiotic products in terms of market and marketing aspects, technical aspects, and financial aspects. In order to reveal the problem in depth and thoroughly, a qualitative approach was carried out using observation techniques with the problem under study and a quantitative approach. Business feasibility analysis to take into account business feasibility before implementation, seen from market and marketing aspects using several analyzes such as STP analysis, SWOT analysis and 4P analysis. Technical aspects include tools and materials, and production processes. Financial aspects such as calculating the payback period formula, net present value, internal rate off return, and profitability index. The results of the analysis show that this probiotic product research is feasible to implement with a PI value of 1.2.
Analisis Kualitas Pembelajaran Daring di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung Ernawati; Maudy Sriwahyuni Yusuf
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 17 No 1 (2023): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung (STT Cipasung) is one of the formal higher education institutions in the Cipasung Islamic Boarding School, Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, West Java. During the COVID-19 pandemic, all academic and non-academic activities at the Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung were changed to Work From Home (WFH). Learning carried out online certainly has many problems that arise due to factors such as gadgets, quotas, networks, concentration, and environment causing an increase in students who do not pass courses and a decrease in student IP scores. For this reason, the Cipasung College of Technology needs to conduct research on the analysis of the quality of online learning. This research uses Service Quality (Servqual) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods. The results of data processing that the 18 attributes measured resulted in a negative gap value, this indicates that it has not met student expectations. Based on the results of the IPA kertesius diagram, the attributes of online learning that need to be improved are the consistency of the lecturers giving lectures well and the lecturers being reliable in managing the class during online learning.
Perancangan Mesin Penghalus Sampah dengan Menggunakan Prinsip Inovasi Frugal Di Pondok Pesantren Cipasung Tasikmalaya Wahyu Teri Aripin; Hilman Mutaqin
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 17 No 1 (2023): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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Cipasung Islamic Boarding School is one of the Islamic Boarding Schools that still carries out waste disposal activities with an open dumping system. The system causes various losses such as no added value for Islamic boarding schools and environmental pollution at the Final Disposal Site. One solution to the waste problem is to manage it into waste briquettes. After drying and chopping, it is then mashed with a garbage crusher machine. Refining machines sold in the market are quite expensive, therefore, a waste-refining machine is designed with the principle of saving innovation. These innovations create products that are cheaper than existing products. The Design Process Using Machine Design Procedures. Making machine drawings using LibreCAD and Blender software. The price of the machine is calculated using the bill of materials. Machines designed using materials available in the market such as used drums, angle iron, large knives and small power dynamos. Has the same capacity and speed of waste processing as machines sold in the market, and has a lower price.
Penerapan Algoritma K-Means Clustering Pada Penjualan Voucer Internet Study Kasus Konter Abc Mohammad Sabar Jamil; Nugraha Yudhasyah; Hilman Mutaqin; Moh. Milki I. M.
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 16 No 2 (2022): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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Rapid technological advances will bring changes to aspects of human life, one of which is how to communicate. With the discovery of cell phones, it is easier for humans to communicate remotely, one of which is WhatsApp. If someone wants to use WhatsApp, internet access is needed so that the sales of internet vouchers are increasing. Data mining is the process of processing data in order to obtain new information, clustering is chosen because it aims to create clusters from existing data. This study aims to cluster internet vouchers so that counter owners can make stock vouchers more precisely. The results of this study yielded the highest value for cluster C1 35,000 while the lowest value for C2 was 43,000 with a total of 99 data with a percentage of 95.19% while cluster C2 consisted of 5 data with a percentage of 4.81%. the conclusion is that the most purchased nominal vouchers are under 40,000. therefore the counter owner can keep more stock for a nominal value below 40,000
Implementasi Algoritma k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) dalam Klasifikasi Status Gizi Balita Sahara Syarifatul Choeriyah; Riezan Syauqi Fanhas; Adittia Fathah; Haerul Pebriyansyah
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 16 No 2 (2022): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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Toddlers are children under the age of 5 years or 0-60 months. This age is included in a group that is at high risk of disease. Nutritional status in toddlers is an important factor that must be considered because the development of toddlers is very important for their bodies which are still very vulnerable to the name malnutrition.The purpose of this study is to group the nutritional status of toddlers by utilizing the k-NN algorithm and knowing the level of accuracy. The method used in this research is quantitative using the k-NN algorithm. While the evaluation uses Confusion Matrix The results showed an AUC value of 85.1%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the k-NN algorithm is well used for the classification of toddler nutrition in the future.
Penerapan Metode Waterfall Dalam Perancangan Sistem Informasi Keuangan Di Pondok Pesantren Cipasung Mohammad Sabar Jamil; Riezan Syauqi Fanhas; Vira S. Alpiah; Moh. Milki I. M
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 16 No 1 (2022): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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Cipasung Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic religious education institution located in Singaparna, Tasikmalaya. Cipasung Islamic Boarding School was founded in 1931 AD by the late almaghfurlah KH. Ruhiat. Cipasung Islamic Boarding School is an institution whose financial management is still done manually. This can cause data to be lost or damaged, besides that it can cause confusion between the hostel and the parents of the students. The confusion that occurred between the boarding house and the parents of the students was caused by the parents not having access to find out their child's monthly tuition payment report. It is necessary to design a financial information system that is appropriate for the problems that occur at the Cipasung Islamic Boarding School. In this study, the Waterfall model SDLC method will be used. With object-oriented modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML), data-oriented modeling using DFD, and database modeling using ERD. The design of the financial information system that has been done can be a better way to minimize the problems that occur.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Di STT Cipasung Ubaidillah; Muhammad Rizky Munggaran; Alwi L. Amrillah; Sinta S. N; Azky Ali N
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 16 No 1 (2022): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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Cipasung College of Technology (STT Cipasung) is one of the formal higher education institutions in the Cipasung Islamic Boarding School, Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, West Java. Cipasung Islamic Boarding School was founded in 1931 by the late KH. Ruhiat, located in the village of Cipakat, Singaparna District, Tasikmalaya Regency, about 100 km from the city of Bandung. From the results of interviews at the Cipasung College of Technology (STTC), PMB activities have used the Google form application which is then processed manually and has not been integrated into the information system (STTC). So that there are many new student data input data that are duplicated because there are input data that is more than once and also results in the data being a lot in common. In addition, staff work becomes less effective. Because staff have to check regularly and compare between existing duplicate data. And the PMB system that is implemented now has not been able to achieve the goal of what is expected to make it easier for the PMB Committee to validate PMB Participant data. Therefore it is necessary to design an information system improvement that can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the PMB Committee. The design of the information system is the development of a new system from the existing old system, where problems that occur in the old system are expected to be resolved in the new system. designing a new student admissions information system that is suitable for solving problems that occur at STTC. The method that will be used in this study is the System Development Life Cycle method.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi di RT 01 RT 06 Kp. Panyingkiran Singaparna Tasikmalaya Nugraha Yudhasyah; Maya Maryani; Dede Rahmat; Ade Zamzam
Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 16 No 1 (2022): Cipasung Techno Pesantren: Scientific Journal
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cipasung

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RT 01 Kp. Panyingkiran is one of the RTs in Singaparna Village, Singaparna District, Tasikmalaya Regency. In that RT there are problems with recording citizen data and patrol schedules. So far, the registration of citizen data is incomplete, only birth and death data are recorded. Therefore, there are still 2 residents who have died and 3 people who have moved are still registered as residents. Changes to the patrol schedule were not notified, so residents did not know their respective schedules. Therefore, many residents do not follow the patrol schedule. So that there have been 3 times the loss of the motorbike. From these problems, an information system will be designed using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the waterfall model. The stages carried out in this model are planning, analysis and design. The design of this system makes it easy for those who need it, so that it can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Then the residents' data and patrol schedules can be seen by the RT head and those who need it, in real time

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