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International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences
Published by Trigin Institute
ISSN : 29857856     EISSN : 29856434     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences is a high-quality specialist journal that publishes articles from the broad spectrum of ObGyn and Health Sciences in ObGyn and Health Sciences. Its primary aim is to communicate clearly, to an international readership, the results of original ObGyn and Health Sciences research conducted in research institutions and/or in practice.
Articles 10 Documents
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Factors that influence pregnant women's adherence to consuming fe tablets Idawati; eka novera; iswaton husna; erna wati; mira marlisa
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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Pregnant women can be at risk for anemia, especially anemia due to iron deficiency. Anemia occurs due to low hemoglobin content in the body during pregnancy or less red blood cells in the blood than usual, with hemoglobin levels below 11 g%. The impact that can be caused by anemia in pregnant women is bleeding during childbirth, low birth weight babies (LBW), decreased IQ, babies are easily infected and easily suffer from malnutrition.
Midwife's knowledge level and delivery ball techniques on labor pain idawati; Aulia Ningsih; Arlina Juliyanti; Ervina; Rita Zahara
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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Childbirth is a natural process and causes pain caused by contractions when the mother is giving birth. One of the non-pharmacological methods that can be used is the birth ball method, which is a method of using a rubber ball filled with air to reduce back pain during pregnancy and childbirth which is safe to use. The method used in this study is a literature review by examining 20 articles with the same topics and themes in the 2018-2023 range from Indonesia. The literature search used the keywords, namely, Childbirth Ball, Labor Pain, Knowledge. Each article is reviewed first, where the article raised is the most relevant. The results obtained from this literature study are that there is an effect of the application of the birth ball method to reduce the intensity of labor pain before and after being given the birth ball method. Based on the results of the discussion conducted by reviewing 20 articles related to the level of knowledge of midwives and labor ball techniques to reduce pain. It can be concluded that there is a significant reduction in pain after being given and implemented birth ball therapy for maternity mothers and the level of knowledge of midwives is high on the use of birth ball therapy
The factors relate with occurrence of cronic energy deficiency to pregnant woman in the working area of puskesmas mutiara barat, 2023 Idawati; Lola Rahamani; Meiza Ramadhana; Rahmi Jannati; Selly Murti
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) of pregnant women can affect the process of fetal growth. Data from the Aceh Health Office (2016), the incidence of SEZ in pregnant women was 10.9%, whereas in Pidie Regency it was 10.3%. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with the incidence of chronic energy deficiency (CED) in pregnant women in UPTD PuskesmasSumanda in 2020. The design used is quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. A total of 164 samples of pregnant pregnant women in the working area of the Mutiara Barat Health Center.Sampling technique with accidental sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire on the sample. The analysis used in this study is univariate with frequency distribution, bivariate with chi square. The results showed that 37.2% of pregnant women experienced KEK. Rp 3,410,000) (62.8%) Statistical test results have a relationship between age and the incidence of chronic energy deficiency (p value = 0,000). There is a relationship between parity and the incidence of chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women (p value = 0,000). There is a relationship between the level of income with the incidence of chronic energy shortages in pregnant women (p value = 0,000). Based on this, an approach is needed from health. workers to provide counseling about age, parity, and socioeconomic related to CED in pregnant women.
The effectiveness of giving lemon aromatherapy to reduce the frequency of emesis gravidarum in pregnant women Idawati; Widiya Novita; Henny Pusvita; Heri Susanti; Meurah Intan
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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Background: Emesis gravidarum is astate of nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting that occurs in early pregnancy. These symptoms usually occur 6 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period and last approximately 10 weeks, but in some cases can continue until the second and third trimester of pregnancy. About 50-90% of pregnant women experience complaints of nausea and vomiting. This complaint is usually accompanied by hypersalivation (excessive salivation), headaches, flatulence, and weakness in the body. These complaints are commonly known as "morning sickness". The frequency of morning sickness is not only in the morning but can be day and even night. Hormonal changes in each pregnant woman will respond differently, so not all experience nausea vomiting. Objective: to examine more deeply the effectiveness of lemon aromatherapy on reducing the frequency of nausea and vomiting (emesis gravidarum) in pregnant women who are in accordance with previous studies by reviewing several studies. Method: This study uses several sources including searching several journals through (Google Shcoolar) with the Literature review method. The results of statistical analysis: that there is an effect of lemon aromatherapy on emesis gravidarum. Bottom Line: Lemon is an effective aromatherapy for reducing nausea and vomiting in pregnant women with emesis gravidarum.
Risk factors for premature delivery, literature review Idawati; Desi Maulisa; Baiyatun; Eka Agusnita; Rosida
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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Preterm birth is a birth that occurs at 20 to 37 weeks gestation, the main difficulty in preterm labor is the care of premature babies, the younger the gestational age the greater the risk of morbidity and mortality. This study is a literature study by examining 20 journals with the same topic and theme related to risk factors for preterm labor. After analysis, there are 5 relevant journals. Literature review shows that factors that influence prematurity refer to. history of gynecological diseases, disruption of the uterus due to too high parity, the influence of education, lack of awareness and unplanned mindset, as well as irregular eating patterns and unhealthy lifestyles, malnutrition and anemia and neonatal infections.
Potential of drinking Moringa leaves to increase breast milk production in post partum mothers Idawati; Syafrina; Hoesli safitri; Ratna juwita; Shandri realita
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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This research is a literature review that aims to investigate the potential of drinking Moringa leaves in increasing the production of breast milk (ASI) in postpartum mothers. Maternal and child health has an important role in creating a good future for everyone, but maternal and child health issues have not received sufficient attention. The results showed that Moringa leaves have the potential to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers. Moringa leaves contain phytosterols, alkaloids, saponins and flavonoids which can increase and facilitate milk production. Moringa plants can be consumed in the form of steamed or boiled leaves, boiled water of Moringa leaves, or Moringa flour in drinks. Measurement of breast milk production can be done by observing the baby's frequency of urination (BAK), the frequency of the baby's bowel movements (BAB), and the frequency of breastfeeding. In conclusion, drinking Moringa leaves has the potential to increase milk production in postpartum mothers. This study provides insight into the use of Moringa leaves as a method to increase breast milk production. This study provides a solid basis for further research on the effects of moringa leaf lactagogum and its application in clinical practice. This effort is important in improving maternal and child health and increasing coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in areas with low coverage such as Majalengka Regency
Relationship between Mother's Knowledge of Basic Immunization and Completeness of Basic Immunization in Infants Idawati Idawati; Rosdiana; Syarifah mulyani; Subhiah; Juni Zahara
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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Immunization is an effort to prevent health problems in infants. The government obliges five types of complete basic immunization which can be obtained free of charge. This study aims to determine the relationship between mother's knowledge of basic immunization and the completeness of basic immunization in infants. This step is so that children get immunity individually. At least 70% of the population in an area must be immunized. The first step, the researcher collects 20 research journals that are relevant to the topics discussed and published in the last 10 years. In the second step, the researcher began to identify the characteristics of each research journal. The results of the identification process will be displayed in a tabular form. in the next step, the researcher will analyze and look for points of similarity (resemblance) and difference (difference) from the research results of each journal and describe them in paragraph form. In the next step, researchers criticize and compare it with the research results of each journal. In the final step, the researcher summarizes the results obtained from the analysis process that has been carried out. The results of the study explain that there are eighteen variables studied. The order of these variables is based on the highest frequency, namely: mother knowledge; mother's education level; mother's manner; Family support; mother's occupation; mother's age; officer service; service distance; Mother's trust; Gender; nutritional status; Way of birth; birthweight; Order of birth; number of children; officer roles; Socio-economic; and Marital status
The effect of guided imagery relaxation to overcome the pain scale in mr. Ph with a head injury in the galilee room at rsu hkbp balige, toba regency Melva Manurung; Tumpal Manurung; Safril Munthe
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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A head injury is an injury caused by a blunt or sharp object impact, which is characterized by a lump or swelling of the wound, or bruises on the scalp, experiencing confusion and difficulty contracting. This study aims to perform guided imagery relaxation management to reduce the pain scale in Mr.PH with head injuries. This research method is a case study using a descriptive design that is focused on the application of guided imagery relaxation to treat pain in clients with head injuries. The results of the case study Mr. PH, 45 years old, was brought by a resident to the hospital with a torn wound on his head. The focus of nursing action is to provide guided imagery techniques/guided imagination to clients to reduce pain. After three days of treatment, the problem of pain has not been resolved but has been reduced and can carry out guided imagination independently. Nurses as health workers should teach and accompany clients with head injuries with guided imagination techniques to reduce the intensity/scale of pain
The relationship between fatigue and work stress in the operating room hospital. Tgk chik in tiro, pidie regency Ismuntania; Kartika; Idawati; Nurlela; Yuliana
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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The fatigue felt by nurses can have a negative impact on psychological conditions. The burden of providing nursing care with a high level of problem complexity can trigger fatigue which is difficult for nurses to accommodate, often resulting in stress. The aim is to determine the relationship between fatigue and work stress in nurses. The research method is a cross-sectional approach. The sample was 34 nurses who worked in the Surgical Room at the Regional Hospital. Tgk Chik Di Tiro. Data was collected using a questionnaire. Analysis uses chi square test. Based on the results of statistical tests, it was found that the P value < (0.05), namely 0.000, it can be said that there is a relationship between the level of fatigue and the level of stress in nurses in the surgical ward at the Tgk Chik Regional General Hospital in Tiro, Pidie Regency
The Effectiveness of Bedside Handover Training Based on Patient-Family Centered Care at Nurses on Patient Safety at the Tgk Regional General Hospital Chik Di Tiro Sigli Ismuntania; Dewiola, Sara; Idawati; Kartika; Mufida, Nurlela
International Journal on ObGyn and Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): July: ObGyn And Health Sciences
Publisher : Trigin Institute

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The patient- and family-centered professional care model is called Patient-Family Centered Care (PFCC). PFCC is the latest service method that is being developed and is considered to have a good impact on patient safety. PFCC is a new challenge for nurses because they must involve patients and families when providing care. Bedside handover is a form of service that is offered in the form of a care process between shifts. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of PFCC-based bedside handover training for nurses on patient safety at RSUD. Tgk Chik Di Tiro Sigli. The stages start from the preparation stage, namely the start of cases and literature, the implementation stage by collecting data and the analysis stage by analyzing the data findings. The design of this study used a quasi-experimental approach with a one group pretest-posttest design approach. Patient safety will be measured before and before being given PFCC-based bedside handover training. The data collection method was carried out by measuring the quality of patient safety using a questionnaire before and before presenting the training. Data analysis used Paired Test with a significance level of 95%. The results of the study: the probability value (0.000) means that the Ho data is rejected. The bed handover training based on patient-family-centered care is very effective in improving the implementation of good patient safety at the Tgk Chik Di Tiro Sigli Regional General Hospitalaa

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