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Kinetika Reaksi Esterifikasi Gliserol dengan Asam Asetat Menggunakan Katalisator Indion 225 Na Nuryoto; Hary Sulistyo; Suprihastuti, Sri Rahayu; Sutijan
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.23 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.1897


Biodisel merupakan bahan bakar alternatif yang ramah lingkungan. Dengan semakin meningkatnya proses pembuatan biodiesel, maka akan diikuti dengan meningkatnya produk samping berupa gliserol. Untuk itu, usaha pengolahan gliserol menjadi produk lain harus dilakukan, agar nilai ekonomi gliserol makin meningkat. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengolahnya menjadi triacetin. Triacetin merupakan hasil reaksi antara gliserol dan asam asetat. Penggunaan katalisator padat berupa resin penukar ion Indion 225 Na dimaksudkan untuk mempermudah pemisahan hasil reaksi. Pembuatan triacetin pada penelitian ini dilakukan dalam reaktor batch, dengan kecepatan pengadukan 1000 rpm, suhu reaksi 333 K – 373 K, menggunakan katalisator padat ukuran diameter 0,085 cm, perbandingan pereaksi 7 gmol asam asetat/gmol gliserol, dan konsentrasi katalisator 3% berat asam asetat. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan setiap 15 menit sampai waktu reaksi 90 menit untuk dianalisis kadar asam bebasnya. Disamping itu, asam total, asam bebas, dan gliserol total pada saat awal reaksi ditentukan secara volumetri. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan konversi tertinggi diperoleh sebesar 41,7% pada suhu 373 K, dan laju reaksi merupakan langkah yang mengontrol. Pengaruh suhu terhadap konstanta kecepatan reaksi pada kisaran 333 K – 373 K dapat dinyatakan dengan persamaan berikut: kr = 3,344 x 100000 exp (-7.955,56/T ) (1/detik) Kata kunci: esterifikasi, asam asetat, gliserol, Indion 225 Na, triacetin, biodisel Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly alternative fuel. The increase of biodiesel production is followed by the increase of the glycerol as by product. Therefore, conversion of glycerol into other products to increase its economic value should be done such as converting it to triacetin. Triacetin is a product from a reaction between glycerol and acetic acid. The use of solid catalysts such as ion exchange resin 225 Indion Na is an alternative method to ease product separation. Preparation of triacetin was conducted in a batch reactor with a stirring speed of 1000 rpm, at temperature of 333 K – 373 K, catalyst diameter of 0.085 cm, the reactant ratio of 7 gmol acetic acid / gmol glycerol, and catalyst concentration of 3% to weight of acetic acid. The sample was taken every 15 minutes in a reaction time of 90 minutes then was analized for free acid concentration. Total acid, free acid, and total glycerol were also determined by volumetric method at the early stage of reaction. The results showed that the highest conversion as high as 41.7% was achieved at 373 K. It was found that the reaction rate was the controlling step. The effect of temperature to rate of reaction constants in the temperature range of 333 K – 373 K can be expressed as follows: kr = 3.344 x 100000 exp (-7,955.56/T ) (1/s) Keywords: esterification, acetic acid, glycerol, Indion 225 Na, triacetin, biodiesel
Proses Produksi Biodiesel Berbasis Biji Karet Soemargono; Edy Mulyadi
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (585.465 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.1898


Biodiesel tersusun dari berbagai macam ester asam lemak yang berasal dari minyak nabati. Lebih dari 30 macam tumbuhan Indonesia potensial menghasilkan minyak nabati. Salah satu minyak nabati diperoleh dari biji karet. Karenanya, pemanfaatan biji karet (Hevea Brasiliensis), sebagai sumber bahan baku biodiesel merupakan terobosan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah perkebunan karet. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menentukan pola pemungutan minyak biji karet secara maksimal dan mendapatkan kondisi proses produksi biodiesel yang memenuhi standar SNI dan ASTM. Proses produksi biodiesel dilakukan menggunakan prototip alat berkapasitas 20 liter/jam. Proses esterifikasi dijalankan pada suhu 105C, penambahan methanol 10% dan katalis asam, waktu 90 menit. Proses trans-esterifikasi dijalankan dalam reaktor alir osilasi dengan dosis katalis 1% berat minyak dan methanol sebanyak 15% berat minyak. Variabel yang dipelajari adalah suhu dan waktu proses. Produk biodiesel dimurnikan dengan sistem vakum. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh rendemen kernel sebanyak 53% dari berat biji karet. Sedangkan minyak dalam kernel yang dapat dipungut maksimum 56% dari berat kernel. Karakteristik biodiesel sesuai dengan yang distandarisasikan, yaitu densitas 0,8565 g/ml, angka asam 0,49, angka iod 62,88, kadar ester 97,2%, flash point 178°C dan panas pembakaran 16183 J/g. Kata Kunci: Biodiesel, minyak biji karet, reaktor osilasi, transesterifikasi Biodiesel consists of various fatty acid esters which come from vegetable oil. More than 30 types of plants in Indonesia are potential to produce vegetable oils. One of the vegetable oils came from rubber seed. Therefore, utilization of rubber seed (Hevea Brasiliensis), as raw material for biodiesel was the precise breakthrough to add value to rubber plantation. This research aimed to determine the pattern of collection of oil of rubber seed maximally and to obtain the condition of production process of biodiesel fulfilling standard of SNI and ASTM. Biodiesel production was done in the prototype with a capacity of 20 liter/hour. The esterification process was conducted at 105°C using 10% methanol and acid catalyst for 90 minutes. Trans-esterification process was performed in an oscillating flow reactor with a catalyst dose of 1% oil weight and methanol as much as 15% oil weight. The effect of temperature and reaction time on product yield and quality were investigated. Purification of biodiesel was done in a vacuum system. Results from the present study showed that the yield of kernel through the process was up to 53% of the rubber seed weight. Meanwhile, the amount of oil could be extracted from the kernel was up to 56% of the kernel weight. The characteristic of biodiesel resulted from the process was in accord with that of the standard oil; density of 0.8565 g/ml, acid value 0.49, iodine value 62.88, ester fraction 97.2%, flash point 178C, heat of combustion 16,183 J/g. Keywords: Biodiesel, rubber seed oil, oscillating reactor, transesterification
Produksi Asam Lemak dari Dedak Melalui Proses Hidrolisis Enzimatis Secara In Situ Indah Hartati; Fahmi Arifan; Mohammad Endy Yulianto
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.748 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.1899


Indonesia berpotensi sebagai penghasil asam lemak dari dedak padi yang jumlahnya melimpah. Dedak padi mengandung enzim lipase yang dapat mengkatalisis proses hidrolisis trigliserida pada dedak padi menjadi asam lemak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji proses hidrolisis trigliserida pada dedak padi dengan mengaktifkan enzim lipase. Studi produktivitas dilakukan dengan mengkaji pengaruh penambahan buffer phosphat terhadap pembentukan asam lemak. Studi produktivitas dilakukan dengan membandingkan perolehan asam lemak dengan atau tanpa penggunaan buffer pada proses hidrolisis. Parameter yang diteliti meliputi: volume buffer (0–25% terhadap volume air), rasio dedak-air (1:1–1:6 b/v), dan suhu reaksi (30–50°C). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ion-ion pada larutan buffer mampu meningkatkan aktivitas dan stabilitas lipase. Penambahan buffer mampu meningkatkan perolehan asam lemak hingga 48%. Sementara perolehan asam lemak tertinggi dicapai pada hidrolisis dengan kondisi operasi volume buffer 5%, suhu reaksi 50°C dan rasio air dedak 1:5, dengan bilangan asamnya 2,63 mgek NaOH/g dedak Kata Kunci: asam lemak, dedak padi, lipase, hidrolisis, enzimatis Indonesia has potential to produce fatty acid from rice bran which is abundantly available as a side product of rice field activities. Rice bran contains lipase enzyme which is a catalyst for hydrolysis of triglycerides largely found in rice bran. The present work aimed to investigate the hydrolysis process of triglyceride from rice bran by activated lipase enzyme. Effect of the presence of phosphate compounds as buffer on fatty acid production was studied. The amount of fatty acid produced during hydrolysis with the use of buffer was compared to that without buffer. The parameters studied in the present work were volume of buffer (0% to 25% of water volume), rice bran-water ratio (1:1 to 1:6 w/v) and reaction temperature (30°C – 50°C). Experimental results showed that ions in the buffer solution could increase the activity and stability of lipase enzyme. The addition of buffer was found to increase fatty acid yield up to 48%. The highest fatty acid results ware obtained at the operation condition at which buffer volume of 5%, reaction temperature of 50°C and rice bran-water ratio of 1:5 where the acid number was 2.63 mgek NaOH/g rice bran. Keywords: fatty acid, rice bran, lipase, hydrolysis, enzymatic
Pembuatan Resin Fenol Formaldehid sebagai Prekursor untuk Preparasi Karbon Berpori: Pengaruh Turunan Phenol dan pH terhadap Karakteristik Resin dan Karbon Mamik Mardyaningsih; Rochmadi
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.063 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.1900


Phenol formaldehyde resin dapat dimodifikasi dengan menambahkan reaktan turunan phenol yaitu p-tert-butylphenol, hidroquinon, dan p-amino phenol untuk prekursor karbon berpori. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh turunan phenol dan pH terhadap karakteristik resin dan karbon berpori. Polimerisasi dijalankan dalam labu leher tiga, yang dilengkapi dengan pengaduk magnet, jaket pemanas, termometer pada suasana basa, suhu 90°C selama 1-3 jam. Hasil resin didinginkan dan dinetralkan. Untuk proses curing, resin ditambah pTSA 5% berat serta diaduk sampai homogen. Resin yang dihasilkan kemudian dipanaskan pada suhu 150°C selama ± 10 menit. Proses karbonisasi dilakukan dengan pirolisis phenolic resin pada suhu 800°C selama 1 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimum reaksi polimerisasi adalah pada pH 8. Produk resin dengan sifat fisis terbaik dimiliki oleh resin PFTBP yang mempunyai nilai rapat massa sebesar 1,18 g/cm3 dan nilai kekerasan sebesar 17,2 g/mm2. Karbon hasil pirolisis resin PF mempunyai surface area internal BET tinggi yaitu 836,7 m2/g dan bilangan iodin tinggi sebesar 862,3 mg/g. Kata kunci: Phenol formaldehyde, resin, prekursor, karbon berpori. Phenol formaldehyde resin can be modified by adding phenol derivates, such as tertiary butylphenol (TBP), hydroquinone (HQ), and p-amino phenol (AP). This research aimed at studying the effect of phenol derivates and pH on the resin characteristic and porous carbon. Polymerization was carried out in a three-neck flask, equipped with a magnetic stirrer, heating jacket and thermometer in a base condition, at 90°C and 1 to 3 hours reaction time. The resin was then cooled and neutralized. The curing process was carried out where resin was added by pTSA and then stirred to reach homogeneous condition. The resin was then heated at 150°C for ± 10 minutes. The carbonization process was conducted by pyrolizing the phenolic resin at 800°C for 1 hour. The result showed that the optimum condition of phenol formaldehyde reaction was at pH 8. Resin product that had optimum physical properties was PFTBP resin. It had a density of 1.18 g/cm3 and hardness value of 17.2 g/mm2. Among the phenolic resin materials produced, the PF carbon showed the highest product quality, indicated by high BET surface area of 836.7 m2/g and high iodine number of 862.3 mg/g. Keywords: phenol formaldehyde, resin, precursor, porous carbon
Bottom ash Limbah Batubara sebagai Media Filter yang Efektif pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tekstil Ainur Rosyida
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 5, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.024 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.1901


Limbah cair tekstil mempunyai beban pencemaran yang tinggi sehingga dalam penanganannya perlu dipilih cara pengolahan dan media yang tepat agar hasil olahan memenuhi baku-mutu limbah. Salah satu tahap yang menentukan lamanya waktu pengolahan limbah adalah proses filtrasi. Kandungan zat organik, partikel padatan, dan logam berat dalam limbah dapat dikurangi dalam jumlah yang cukup besar dengan cara filtrasi, yang dapat mengurangi waktu dan beban pada proses selanjutnya (pengolahan biologi dengan lumpur aktif). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu bahan yang paling efektif untuk media filter pada pengolahan limbah cair industri tekstil. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembandingan kemampuan tiga jenis media filter yaitu karbon aktif, zeolit aktif dan limbah batubara (bottom ash). Sebelum dilakukan filtrasi, mula-mula limbah cair dilakukan stabilisasi, flotasi, koagulasi-sedimentasi agar partikel berukuran besar yang terkandung didalamnya terpisahkan. Limbah cair tersebut kemudian dialirkan dengan laju alir tertentu melalui kolom filtrasi yang terisi oleh media filter. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas media filter, diuji kandungan TSS, BOD, COD dan Cr limbah sebelum dan sesudah proses filtrasi. Hasil percobaan filtrasi dengan ketiga media filter menunjukkan bahwa filtrasi dengan menggunakan media bottom ash limbah batubara lebih baik dibanding dengan filtrasi dengan zeolit aktif dan karbon aktif. Filtrasi dengan bottom ash dapat menurunkan beban pencemaran dalam jumlah yang lebih besar, khususnya pada nilai TSS sebesar 32,5%, COD 54,1%, BOD 58,9% serta kandungan logam berat Cr 80,8%. Oleh sebab itu, bottom ash limbah batubara dapat digunakan sebagai media filter yang efektif dalam proses filtrasi limbah cair tekstil. Kata kunci: limbah cair, industri tekstil, filtrasi, bottom ash, karbon aktif, zeolit aktif Wastewater from textile industry contains very high contaminants. Therefore, a suitable treatment method is highly required to fulfill wastewater quality standard. Filtration is a step in wastewater treatment which affects duration of the whole process. By filtration, organic materials, solid particles and heavy metals can be significantly reduced. As a result, the load for biological process (activated sludge) decreases very much. The objective of this research is to obtain the most effective filtration medium for wastewater treatment from textile industry. Performance of three filter media (activated carbon, activated zeolite and coal bottom ash) were compared. The experiment was started by doing a preliminary process (stabilization, flotation, coagulation- sedimentation) to separate big size particles from wastewater before filtration. Then, the filtration medium was placed in a filtration column and a stream of wastewater was flown through the column at a certain flow rate. In order to better understand the effectiveness of medium, a sample of wastewater before and after filtration was measured for TSS, BOD, COD values and heavy metal (Cr) content. The experimental result showed that filtration using coal bottom ash was more effective than that using activated zeolite and activated carbon. The filtration was able to reduce TSS by 32,5%, COD by 54,1%, BOD by 58,9% and heavy metal (Cr) content 80,8%. Thus, coal bottom ash could be utilized as an effective filtration medium in the treatment of textile industry wastewater. Keywords: wastewater, textile industry, filtration, bottom ash, activated carbon, activated zeolite

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