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Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Published by Medan Resource Center
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28091418     DOI : 10.57251
Hijaz is a peer-reviewed journal published by Medan Resource Center. This journal publishes scientific articles in the scope of history, pedagogy, Islamic studies, literature, intellect, tradition, culture, technology, local wisdom, and others that are relevant to issues of Islamic studies. This journal is published quarterly in September, December, March, and June and accepts articles in Bahasa Indonesia or English.
Articles 62 Documents
Peran Surau dan Tradisi Ziarah Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Syekh Arsyad Batuhampar Agnes Sherly; Nadia` Erli; Nadia Maisya Putri; Muhammad Fikri Ridho Akbar
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/hij.v1i3.911


This article presents research on the role of surau in transmitting Islamic scholarship in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra. Educational activities in surau usually indicate a desire to understand the teachings of Islam in depth by studying Sufism. One part of Sufism is tariqa which means the way to lead to God. The Naqsabandiyah Order is widely followed by the Minangkabau community which has been disseminated by Sheikh Arsyad Batuhampar. He is a murshid who has a relic of written works that are still read by his students, namely the manuscript Min Makkah ila Misr. The manuscript is an adventure story carried out by Sheikh Arsyad as the author in the tradition of pilgrimage in the Middle East. The formulation of the problem in this article is about the role of surau in Batuhampar and why the tradition of pilgrimage of the Naqsabandiyah order to the tomb of Sheikh Arsyad Batuhampar still survives. This research uses historical methods, namely heuristics, by collecting relevant sources such as manuscripts, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The conclusion of research on the text is that Sufis from the Batuhampar region have a tradition of pilgrimage after the pilgrimage from Mecca to Egypt. This pilgrimage was led by Sheikh Arshad to visit the tombs of Muslim saints as a journey of worship and also a scientific journey. The manuscript of Min Makkah ila Misr was written by Sheikh Arshad himself in the late 19th century. Sheikh Arsyad is one of the leading figures of the Naqshbandiyah Order in the Batuhampar region. Sheikh Arsyad continued what had been started by his father, Sheikh Abdurrahman Batuhampar, namely the surau pesantren system in Batuhampar
Tasawuf Wahdat Al-Wujud (Wujudiyah) Syekh Syamsuddin As-Sumatrani: Tarekat, Ajaran dan Amalan di Sumatera Barat Pada Abad Ke-16 dan 17 Masehi Fikri Ramadhan; Putri Yuli` Fatmawati; Rosi Elsa Handayani; Yeny Dwi Lestari
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

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This article aims to review the teachings of Wujudiyah brought by Sheikh Syamsuddin As-Sumatrani using the concept of the dignity of seven until his teachings could reach West Sumatra in the 16th and 17th centuries. Although there are pros and cons among scholars regarding this manifestation teaching and many works of the manifestation teaching were destroyed, this manifestation teaching is still spread through the relationship between teacher and student. This research is a literature research using historical research methods.   Some manuscripts are used as primary sources and some relevant books and scientific articles are used as secondary sources. This study shows that the teachings of wujudiyah brought by Sheikh Syamsuddin As-Sumatrani successfully spread to West Sumatra through the support of Sheikh Abdurrauf As-Singkili who developed these teachings to his student Sheikh Burhanuddin Ulakan in West Sumatra.
Jimat dan Mistisme Pengikut Tarekat Syattariyah di Sumatera Barat Abad Ke-19 M Lathifah Anggriana; Sovi Oktavia; Ridwan Rahmansyah; Latifah Rahimah
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/hij.v1i3.913


This article aims to regulate the issues related to amulets and mysticism of the followers of the Syattariyah order in West Sumatra in the 19th century. The Syattariyah Order that entered and developed in West Sumatra has brought many changes in people's lives, one of which is the use of sharia-based amulets as a bulwark of self-defense and cure various diseases that are not detected with a doctor's stethoscope. This research uses historical methods through literature review of ancient manuscripts in the form of books left by the Syattariyah Order in the 19th century period and other literature relevant to the research topic. The Amulet the Power of Magic (1898), the digital collection of the British Library of London, is the primary source used among other ancient manuscripts from the relics of Surau Parak Laweh. In addition, secondary sources are also used in the form of literature from books and scientific articles that discuss amulets in Indonesia. From the results of the study, it was found that the development of the Syattariyah Order in Minangkabau was colored by a mixture of local culture with Islamic teachings so as to produce Islamic teachings that contain mystical elements, this mixture produced sharia-based amulets which are believed to be part of local wisdom that must be maintained and preserved from generation to generation.
Akulturasi Budaya Minangkabau dan Ajaran Tarekat Naqsabandiyah di Surau Kaciak Pasca Perang Paderi Sagita Ramadhani; Nurul Hidayati; Silviana Silviana; Fariz Alfadilah Arentha
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/hij.v1i3.914


This article aims to identify the acculturation of Minangkabau culture with the teachings of the Naqsabandiyah tariqa in Bonjol District, Pasaman Regency after the Paderi War. The purpose of this article is to find out the influence of the teachings of the Naqsabandiyah Order on Padgambling, and animist practices that are contrary to Islam. then replaced with traditions that conform to Islamic sharia or Islamic sharia. This article focuses on developments related to the customs or traditions of indigenous peoples who have been replaced by scholars who practice one of the orders, the Naqsabandiyah tariqa. This article uses historical methods, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. through literature review, especially the study of Surau Haji Mohammad Said Bonjol manuscripts and their correlation with Surau Kaciak and other studies relevant to previous research. The results of this study concluded that the impact of the Paderi war on the habits of the Bonjol people began to shift from animism to the practice of Islamic sharia or Sharia which was brought by the priest community to all levels of society.
Analisis Penerapan Etos Kerja Islami pada Karyawan Industri Rumahan Terasi Kecamatan Kaliwates Jember Citra Dwi Aulia; Ervin Fitria Faradila; Vira Vionika; Aniqotuzzuhro' Fitriana
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

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This article aims to find out the application of the Islamic work ethic to employees of the shrimp paste home industry. This research uses qualitative research techniques with descriptive research types. Data collection methods used are interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis in this study used triangulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the shrimp paste home industry employees apply the Islamic work ethic by adopting an attitude of sincerity, honesty, consistency, courage to take consequences, and responsibility. The Islamic work ethic applied by employees has an impact on increasing employee performance and customer satisfaction for the services of these employees and a good work ethic will also produce good performance which will certainly have a significant effect on the progress of the industry.
Pengaruh Penerapan Etos Kerja Islam terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa pada Pelayanan Akademik Fakultas Dakwah UIN KHAS Jember Iin Sundosia; Muthi’ah Rahman; Eko Rahayu; Aniqotuzzuhro' Fitriana
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

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Work ethic is the attitude of a person or group that influences attitudes at work, referring to divine values as the basis for living life. Meanwhile, the Islamic work ethic is the perspective believed by a Muslim in completing his work, according to the commands of Allah SWT. that work as a manifestation of good deeds and forms of worship. In the academic service of the Da'wah Faculty of UIN Khas Jember, the majority of its employees are Muslims. Therefore, the values of the work ethic should be a guideline in serving the needs of da'wah faculty students in the academic field. The Islamic work ethic is reflected in 15 characteristics including honesty, discipline, responsibility, istiqomah, shyness, thrifty and efficiency, creative, leadership spirit, actively seeks knowledge, friendship, consequences and dares to face challenges, sincere, tenacious, self-respect and Trust. This study used a descriptive quantitative method with the independent variable namely Islamic work ethic (x) and the dependent variable namely student (customer) satisfaction (y). The influence of the application of the Islamic work ethic in the Da'wah Faculty of UIN Khas Jember on student satisfaction is 38.3%.
Analis Etos Kerja Islam terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Toko Dimas di Kecamatan Pakusari Maulana Firmansyah; Aniqotuzzuhro' Fitriana
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

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Islamic work ethic is an attitude or character of a person in carrying out an activity or work, in this case a company can analyze employee performance and then evaluate it. The researcher raised this topic because there were problems related to the Islamic work ethic and the performance of dimas shop employees, where dimas shop employees still did not have a sense of responsibility for their work. The purpose of this research is to find out how the performance of Toko Dimas employees is, as well as the leadership patterns that are applied so that employees remain disciplined. The method used in this research is to use a qualitative approach. The main subject of our research is the Dimas shop, which consists of the Dimas shop leader, 6 Dimas shop employees, Dimas shop customers. The sampling technique used snowball sampling and case study. According to our hypothesis, there are some employees who do not have a good enough work ethic and performance. The problems we found in the field were about compensation or expecting rewards from customers or buyers, in fact Dimas shop employees already receive a salary every month. The conclusion that we can draw from this research is that dimas store employees already have an Islamic work ethic and good employee performance, but the expectation of rewards causes employees to be slow/negligent in carrying out their duties
Implementasi Etos Kerja Islam pada Karyawan Toko Buah di Jalan Stadion Kabupaten Lumajang Ahmad Kholilulloh; Muhammad Reza Maulana; Adi Mariyanto; Aniqotuzzuhro' Fitriana
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

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This article aims to determine the implementation of the Islamic work ethic in fruit shop employees. This research uses qualitative research techniques with descriptive research types. Data collection methods used are interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis in this study used triangulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the Islamic work ethic at the Lumajang fruit shop has been implemented in accordance with the principles of the Islamic work ethic. In line with Toto Tasmara's theory, a Muslim at work should apply the following principles: have a leadership spirit, value time, live frugally and efficiently, and enrich friendship networks. In this case the Islamic work ethic for employees has been well implemented in accordance with the principles of the Islamic work ethic.
Internalisasi Etos Kerja Islam dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Urusan Agama Siliragung Moh.Ubay Dillah; Putri Ainur Rofiqoh; Afny Wahdiatul Hikmah; Aniqotuzzuhro' Fitriana
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

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This article will review the Internalization of Islamic Work Ethics in Efforts to Improve the Performance of Employees of the Office of Religious Affairs in the District of Siliragung. This study aims to find out how the internalization steps are applied to form the Islamic work ethic of employees of the Office of Religious Affairs and to find out how the application of the Islamic work ethic of employees of the Office of Religious Affairs in improving the performance of employees in the Office of Religious Affairs in Siliragung District. This type of research uses the Office of Religious Affairs descriptive research with observation, interview and documentation methods. The data obtained by the researcher is the result of an interview with the Head of the Office of Religious Affairs, Mr. Saifuddin Zuhri. The results of this study indicate that the first rare step used in the process of internalizing employees to form an Islamic work ethic is through 3 processes, including: (a). Transformation of better values by the Head of the Office of Religious Affairs to Employees. (b). Holding a training and providing motivation such as rewards to employees of the Office of Religious Affairs. (c). Implementing a better work culture and evaluating work results both from the level of the Head of the Office of Religious Affairs to the Ordinary Employee. The second result shows the application of the Islamic work ethic which has 5 systems. The impact of this internalization is a positive value that can increase morale so that it fosters the professionalism of employees of the Office of Religious Affairs at work
Analisis Etos Kerja pada Kepemimpinan Kepala Pondok Pesantren Manbaul Ulum Muncar Banyuwangi Ikhfiana Farika Putri; Camelia Qotrun Nada; Aniqotuzzuhro' Fitriana
Hijaz: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

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Islamic boarding schools as a place to hone religious knowledge in the view of Islamic law. Islamic boarding schools are places to study religion with kyai and ustadz and worship to seek knowledge by settling or living in the boarding school dormitories. In the Islamic boarding school environment, leadership plays an important role in the development and progress of Islamic boarding schools. Leaders must be able to advance the tasks and activities of an agency or organization. In developing Islamic boarding schools, the kyai have a right hand, namely the head of the Islamic boarding school, as a process of developing and organizing the daily activities of Islamic boarding schools so that they are more coordinated. This study uses qualitative data analysis techniques. The steps of data analysis include data reduction, data display, conclusion and verification. The results of this research analysis answer that the leadership of the Manbaul Ulum Islamic Boarding School currently has a leadership model that tends to be individual-collective in character. It is known that the implementation of leadership in Islamic boarding schools is still guided by the vision and mission of Islamic boarding schools. Meanwhile, in other aspects institutionally, Islamic boarding schools are under the auspices of foundations so that collective leadership collaboration is needed.