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JNM ditujukan untuk berkontribusi terhadap kemajuan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia melalui penyediaan media penyebarluasan hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang solutif dan inovatif. Scope Jurnal Nusantara mengabdi adalah pengabdian di bidang berikut. -Pendidikan -Sosial -Ekonomi -Pemberdayaan Masyarakat -Pelayanan Publik -Pangan -Pertanian -Kemaritiman -Kesehatan -Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi -Pertahanan dan Keamanan -Penanggulangan Bencana
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Articles 7 Documents
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Literasi dan Pelatihan Dasar Akuntansi Masjid berbasis ISAK 35 bagi Pengurus Masjid di Kota Bengkulu Lisa Martiah Nila Puspita; Halimatusyadiah Halimatusyadiah; Darman Usman
Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1099.589 KB) | DOI: 10.35912/jnm.v1i3.726


Purpose: The purpose of the activity is to explain the urgency of masjid financial reporting that meets reporting standards and introduce and provide basic training on the use of simple masjid financial bookkeeping applications using excel to masjid managers. Method: This activity is carried out using a lecture method and technical guidance related to preparing masjid financial reports using a simple application. At the end of the activity, there was a question and answer session between the participants and the presenter. Results: Besides understanding the urgency of financial reporting according to applicable standards, masjid administrators also know the operational technicalities of masjid bookkeeping applications that can be applied in masjids that are their responsibility. Conclusion: This activity can motivate masjid administrators to carry out masjid financial reporting according to applicable standards. In addition, participants can identify all assets owned by large masjids and their activities which will be reported through a simple application offered.
Edukasi Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan BUMdes Sumber Kamulyan Desa Wunut, Kabupaten Klaten Trisulo Trisulo; Della Putri Wijaya; Fatika Rahmadhani; Rahmawati Rahmawati
Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (727.983 KB) | DOI: 10.35912/jnm.v1i3.734


Purpose: This study aimed to educate the Sumber Kamulyan Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) to produce standardized financial report outputs. Method: Training and Visiting (LAKU) method, with an individual approach was carried out. Data and information were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively to describe the problem through the depiction of events based on existing facts or evidence. Results: Sumber Kamulyan BUMDes got an understanding that the preparation of financial reports according to standards will be able to increase the accountability of BUMDes in the future. Conclusion: The knowledge of BUMDes managers in preparing financial reports according to standards increased.  The training and visitation system (LAKU) method which is commonly used in agricultural or livestock extension is quite effective in being applied to education in preparing financial reports to produce standardized financial report outputs.
Kampanye Penggunaan Masker pada Kegiatan PKKMB STIE Bima Puji Muniarty; Wulandari Wulandari; M. Rimawan
Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (852.982 KB) | DOI: 10.35912/jnm.v1i3.758


Purpose: Organizing campaign activities on the importance of wearing masks aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19. The mask campaign as a form of concrete action from the academic community in this case new students through the socialization of the mask movement was carried out with the agenda of providing information about the use of masks in the community. Research Methodology: Campaign activities for distributing masks to prevent Covid-19 by new students participating in the PKKMB School of Economics (STIE) Bima by sixteen groups spread over several points in Bima City through the stages, namely; initial preparation, campaign implementation and monitoring. Descriptive methods of carrying out preparations are sharing tasks, compiling activity plans, observing activity locations, designing posters that will be displayed at campaign implementation points and purchasing masks and hand sanitizers. Results: The implementation of the mask campaign stage was carried out by new students participating in PKKMB STIE Bima with real actions at several crowded points. monitoring by the PKKMB Supervisor regarding the feedback from the community and the number of masks distributed. The PKKMB committee evaluates the smooth implementation of activities according to the agenda. Limitations: In the implementation of activities, there is still a lack of synergy with other social care groups so that the implementation of the campaign has not been spread. Contribution: Through campaign socialization on the importance of wearing masks, it is hoped that the community will understand the importance of preventing Covid-19
Relawan Pajak 2021: Upaya Menjaga Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak melalui Pendampingan Pengisian SPT secara Daring Rahadi Nugroho; Nur Farida Liyana; Hanik Susilawati Muamarah; Suparna Wijaya
Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.082 KB) | DOI: 10.35912/jnm.v1i3.763


Purpose: The purpose of this program is to support Pondok Aren Tax Office in increasing tax compliance of individual tax payer by assisting tax payer fulfilling their income tax return in online platform. Method: This program assisted individual tax payer to fulfill income tax return of 2020 fiscal year. This program was conducted from 1-31 March 2021 employing 269 students and 28 lecturers of PKN STAN. They were divided into 11 team and assigned for two days. The activity mostly utilized Whatsapp application. Result: 436 individual tax payers joined this program. 255 successfully submitted tax return although 181 tax payers eventually could not join this program due to personal reasons. Surprisingly, tax compliance increased by 20% compared to last year. Conclusion: This program is considered successful in assisting individual tax payer fulfilling income tax return by online platform. Since this program is the first experience of PKN STAN and DG Tax, the obstruction during this program might become valuable in conducting the same program in the following year. Soft-skill training could be carried out by a trainer.
Pendidikan Dasar Musik: Pendampingan dan Pelatihan Notasi Dasar kepada Remaja di GPT “MARANATHA” Desa Penda Pilang – Tumbang Manyangan Sion Saputra; Talizaro Tafonao
Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1024.794 KB) | DOI: 10.35912/jnm.v1i3.973


Purpose: The purpose of this dedication is to train and prepare teenagers to have notation reading skills and understand basic notation. Research Methodology: This dedication was carried out by 1 trainer and followed by 10 teenaders who became participant/partner. On the process, this mentoring and training method is carried out by means of lectures, simulations, questions and answers, and exercises. Result: The results of this service activity have resulted in backing vocal services that have qualified abilities ranging from 80%. This can be seen when the participants/partners can read and understand the song notation well. Limitations: The limitation in this dedications is the lack of human resources from trainers. Ideally, mentoring and trainong of basic notation requires two trainers, because if one trainer is absent, the other trainer can still provide mentoring and training. Contribution: This activity make a good contribution to the church GPT “MARANATHA” Penda Pilang – Tumbang Manyangan villages, and was very effective among teenagers to foster the interests and talents of each participant/partner.
Learning the Five Senses of Humans in Children aged 11-15 Years through Digital-Based Media in LubukPandan Village Anisa Septiawan; Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto
Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (990.213 KB) | DOI: 10.35912/jnm.v1i3.1322


Purpose: This study aims to share information, teach, and repeat learning about the five human senses to 23 children aged 11-15 years in Lubuk Pandan Village. Research Methods: This research method uses various digital-based media such as Google, WhatsApp and Youtube to collect and share information with children and uses Google Forms to provide pre-test and post-test in measuring the level of success in delivering material. Result: The results of both tests showed that most children experienced an increase in scores on the post-test, although there were some children who experienced a decrease in the post-test. This can be proven by the average score which has increased from 57.61 in the pre-test to 82.17 at the post-test. So these results show that digital media is able to improve children's literacy and understanding of the learning that has been delivered. Limitations: The limitation in this study is that it is difficult to be interactive between researchers and children due to various obstacles, one of which is due to the limited schedule of using cellphones by parents. Contribution: This research contributes to children to help them to know and learn and repeat the lessons of the five senses that have been learned in school.
Pendampingan Teknis Pelaksanaan Asesmen Nasional Berbasis Komputer bagi Siswa SD Negeri 05 Palembang Febria Sri Handayani; Dini Hari Pertiwi; Hendra Effendi; Andika Widyanto; Eka Prasetya Adhi Sugarac; Herlinda Kusmiati
Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (972.952 KB) | DOI: 10.35912/jnm.v1i3.1361


Purpose: A community service activity related to technical assistance in the implementation of his ANBK for SD Negeri 05 Palembang students was conducted due to limited resources and required equipment. Research Methods: This activity has three phases: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Preparations were made by conducting final coordination and site condition surveys to prepare resources and supporting equipment for conducting ANBK 2021 at SD Negeri 05 Palembang. The implementation activities were carried out using the method of technical assistance namely, Pusmenjar's simulation of its ANBK using CAT AKMBK and technical assistance in the implementation of ANBK. Evaluation is performed at each stage by collecting and summarizing data from each stage of the activity. Result: The results of this service are the participants feel prepared and comfortable during the ANBK exam and the school (SDN 05 Palembang) can administer the ANBK independently without relying on another school. Limitations: Many of the students are not fluent in reading and have just interacted with digital devices such as laptops, smartphones, and similar applications. Contribution: It is hoped that the school will be ready to face the ANBK exams for the coming year.

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