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ISSN : 27764656     EISSN : 29873169     DOI : 10.56406/jurnalalamiah.v2i01
Jurnal alamiah merupakan Jurnal Penelitian Program Studi Megister Ekonomi Syariah Institut Agama Islam Sahid yang upaya untuk mempromosikan ilmu ekonomi dan keuangan Islam kepada dunia, Pendiriannya bertujuan untuk menjadi jurnal ilmiah bereputasi internasional yang dimaksudkan sebagai tempat yang kredibel bagi para akademisi dan peneliti di seluruh dunia untuk menyebarluaskan karya, studi, makalah, dan format penelitian mereka lainnya.Kemashlahatan sebagai inti dari Muamalah dan Ekonomi Syariah menjadi titik sentral yang akan melihat segala aktifitas di bidang Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariat Islam, namun juga perkembangan Tekhnologi Komunikasi dan Informasi, Adat dan Budaya Masyarakat hingga Perubahan yang terus terjadi menjadi tema-tema yang diangkat dalam Jurnal ini.
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Studi Komparatif Komprehensif Sistem Ekonomi Islam, Kapitalis dan Sosialis Abdurrahman
JURNAL ALAMIAH Vol 2 No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sahid Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (76.188 KB) | DOI: 10.56406/alamiahjurnalmuamalahdanekonomisyariah.v1i1.47


In the midst of the growing trend of Islamic economics, it is necessary to have an in-depth study of this system. Is it true that it is just a religious norm? Or just following a spiritual trend that has recently been on the rise.Indeed, the Islamic economic system is different from other economic systems, it is not the result of the adoption of a socialist system that fights for pseudo-equality rights. It is also very different from the capitalist system which gives property rights to individuals freely. The Islamic economic system is a system based on divine values ​​and built on general principles for the implementation of all economic activities.The capitalist economic system is based on the freedom of individuals to own various wealth on this earth without any restrictions, this has an effect on the inequality of the social system, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. In addition, various social problems appeared, such as the landlords and slaves, the end of this system was the revolt of the workers who demanded their rights as human beings. If the capitalist system protects the interests of the bourgeoisie, the socialist system fights for equal rights for all citizens. The similarity they want is equality in all rights and eliminating ownership rights to a material object. In this case, every individual is not allowed to have material rights except those that are his necessities of life. All economic systems are governed by the State. In this system, it seems that they are defending the workers, but in essence this system is a protector for leaders and dignitaries to exploit the wealth of the people.The Islamic economic system has methods and principles that are different from other economic systems, it gives ownership rights to an object, but there are standard rules so that wealth is not only among the rich. The mechanism used is the existence of zakat law. Some of the wealth that is needed by the people is managed by the state and may not be owned by individuals. From here, the Islamic economic system becomes a comprehensive economic system and will suitably be applied anytime and anywhere.
Prospek Masa Depan Hukum Islam di Indonesia Mohammad Sandia
JURNAL ALAMIAH Vol 2 No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sahid Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (76.34 KB) | DOI: 10.56406/alamiahjurnalmuamalahdanekonomisyariah.v1i2.75


It is a fact that the majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim, therefore it becomes a necessity when Islam has a strategic role for the legal system in Indonesia. However, the fact is that the opposite is true, the current legal system only adopts very few Islamic law. The developments in the last two decades have actually shown the emergence of an Islamophobic movement which considers Islamic law to be a primitive law with conditions of violence.As a state based on law with the philosophy of Pancasila, the state protects religion, adherents of religion, and even tries to include religious law and Islamic religious law in the life of the nation and state. As stated by the founding father of the Republic of Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta, that in the regulation of the legal state of the Republic of Indonesia, Islamic Shari'a based on the Qur'an and Hadith can be used as Indonesian laws and regulations so that Muslims have a Shari'ah system that is in accordance with Indonesian conditions. .The development of Islamic law in Indonesia and society in general, has a bright opportunity in the development of national law, because socio-anthropologically and emotionally, Islamic law is very close to society, the majority of which is Muslim, besides historically Islamic law has been known long before the existence of the legal system. Others in Indonesian society. Future opportunities for Islamic law in Indonesia are increasingly open, because many rules in Islamic law have been ratified into national law, this shows how the political will of the government has provided a great response and opportunities for Islamic law. In the future, the role of ulama, ustaz, preachers, academics with constructive development and research can support the development of Islamic law in Indonesia.
JURNAL ALAMIAH Vol 2 No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sahid Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.75 KB) | DOI: 10.56406/jurnalalamiah.v2i02.187


Indonesia is a large nation that has an abundance of historical cultural heritage. Efforts to preserve it have been made by protecting the cultural heritage. However, damage to cultural heritage objects continues to occur. One reason is because of the religious element. Worrying about making people commit acts of shirk is one of the reasons. Damage to cultural heritage objects occurs in various Islamic countries for the same reason, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia are countries with high levels of cultural heritage damage. How does Islam view the protection of cultural heritage? Fiqh as an element of Islamic law has a dynamic and flexible nature, one of its basic characteristics is that it is friendly to tradition and culture. The concept of Nusantara fiqh provides a solution in the destruction of cultural heritage objects. The legal basis for protecting cultural heritage is; adat and 'urf of Muslims in Indonesia, benefit, collective ijtihad and analogy-deductive. Finally, cultural heritage fiqh is an element of Islamic law that protects cultural heritage objects.
JURNAL ALAMIAH Vol 2 No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sahid Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.619 KB) | DOI: 10.56406/jurnalalamiah.v2i02.188


Sharia Management in Practice for Employing Benefit on Sharia Company (The General Takaful Insurance as Case Study). This research was carried out based on information that development of Sharia company is very fast. So, it needs Sharia Management on its operational. Sharia Management is a management which its operational by Islamic Law. The study was focused on employee benefit at The General Takaful Insurance to reach the target of company. The research approach is descriptive analitic method by library research and observation at The General Takaful Insurance. It was found from the observation that implementation of benefit employee at The General Takaful Insurance was carried out based on Sharia Management. Because there is Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) as a rule between Management and employee base on Al-Qur’an verses and Hadits. Based on the results of observation, we know that benefit law on Islamic perspective to save employer and employee. Because foundation of benefit are honest and justice. Each employee will get benefit as long as his/her job. If his/her job is good, he/she will get good benefit. But if his/her job is bad, he/she will get bad benefit. Benefit at The General Takaful Insurance are basic salary, meal, transportation, etc. There are no benefit for education, home and skill. Insya Allah, The General Takaful Insurance will up date its benefit.
JURNAL ALAMIAH Vol 2 No 02 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sahid Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.75 KB) | DOI: 10.56406/jurnalalamiah.v2i02.189


Islamic law is a perfect legal system, it regulates all aspects of human life, from state affairs to individual and family matters. In family matters it has been regulated in detail regarding the division of inheritance, each family member who becomes the heir has been assigned the parts. However, not all families are blessed with children, so some married couples take a child to be adopted. What is the position of adopted children in Islamic law? And whether he inherited from his adoptive parents. Based on the syar'i texts originating from the Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah, it is not found explicitly regarding inheritance for adopted children, but implicitly the spirit of Islam always protects every child who still needs protection and care. Therefore, Islamic jurists have formulated a mandatory will for adopted children. Wasat obligatory is a will determined by an imam (head of state) for the inheritance of someone who has adopted children who still need to be cared for. The size of the obligatory will, as in general wills, should not be more than 1/3 of the total inheritance. Some of the conditions related to the implementation of the obligatory will are that the adopted child still needs money for his daily needs.

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