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Majapahit Policy
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
Majapahait policy :Journal Ilmu Pemerintahan diterbitkan oleh Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Islam Majapahit (UNIM) Mojokerto. Terbit setiap Desember dan Juni setiap tahun. Jurnal ini bisa diakses secara terbuka yang berarti bahwa semua konten yang tersedia bebas diakses tanpa biaya, baik kepada pengguna atau pada lembaganya. Penggunan yang diizinkan untuk membaca, mendownload,menyalin, mendistribusikan, mencetak, mencari, atau mensitasi ke teks lengkap dari artikel tidak harus meminta izin terlebih dahulu dari penerbit atau penulis. Template bisa diunduh disini.(*) Alamat Redaksi : Jl. Raya Jabon Km 0, 7 Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Telp/Fax (+62 321) 399474 Email: E-Journal ini merupakan Versi Online
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juni 2022" : 6 Documents clear
The Role of The Village Administration in The Management of Tourist Village in Pacitan Regency A. Hilman, Yusuf; Setyaningsih, Aprilia
MAJAPAHIT POLICY Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Government Studies Departement of Universitas Islam Majapahit, Indonesia

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Jetak village is a village known as a tourist village because of its natural resources that can be managed into tourism. The purpose of this study is to formulate the role of the village government in tourism management and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for tourism in Jetak village. This type of research is a qualitative research used to examine the condition of natural objects. The results of this study indicate that the role of the village government is to form village regulations on tourism, form Bumdes and channel funds. The supporting and inhibiting factors for tourism include the existence of natural resources that can be utilized, namely Pidakan and Watubale beaches, which can improve the community's economy. In addition to supporting factors, there are inhibiting factors in the form of limited funds in tourism development and management, because the village budget funds are not focused on tourism but are distributed to other needs such as assistance to the community. There is a decrease in the number of visitors.
MAJAPAHIT POLICY Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Government Studies Departement of Universitas Islam Majapahit, Indonesia

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Implementation is an action or implementation of a plan that has been arranged sequentially. Usually done afterpolicy planning that is considered perfect. In accordance with policies that include rules containing elements of decisions in an effort toselection of alternatives in order to achieve certain goals and objectives. In relation to the law that regulates the elderly, such as clothing, boardsand food. in Mojokerto Regency there is an institution that oversees all Regency Elderly who receive assistance from the government.Therefore, the elderly who have no family or are neglected will be put in a nursing home under the auspices of the Social Service which will provide services for the elderlyget protection and social security from the government. There is a budget from the APBD for every elderly in the nursing home. Destinationof this study is to determine the implementation of the welfare of the elderly according to the Law on the Elderly Number 13 of 1998. The results of the studyThe welfare of the elderly in nursing homes is measured by using 6 aspects, namely influencing interests, types of benefits,degree of change, location of decision making, program implementers and resources used.
Strategi Inspektorat dalam Mengawal Pembangunan Infranstruktur Melalui Alokasi Dana Wijaya, Dian; Elton; Yudha Utama, Jeny
MAJAPAHIT POLICY Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Government Studies Departement of Universitas Islam Majapahit, Indonesia

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Village development which is composed as an effort to change social conditions, call it agents of change, internal problems / problemsthe Village government as in the supervision of the performance of the Village government by the Government's Internal Supervisory Apparatus, the main problem regardingHow is the Strategy of the Inspectorate in Overseeing Infrastructure Development through the Allocation of Village Funds in Umbunasi Village. Is there any goal toin this case to find out the Inspectorate's Strategy in Overseeing infrastructure development planning in carrying out budget preparationVillage Income and Expenditures that are consistent and in accordance with the budgeting rules of the Umbunasi Village community. There is any goal to be inthis is to find out the Inspectorate's Strategy in Overseeing infrastructure development planning in carrying out budget preparationVillage Income and Expenditures that are consistent and in accordance with the budgeting rules of the Umbunasi Village community. The concept of Good Governance according toSoepomo the term Good Governance is good government in carrying out tasks that are accountable to the professional public,Transparent, responsible. Miftha Thoha said that apart from the government components, the private sector, the people, were very decisive in creating governancegood governance is moral. This study uses a qualitative methodology where primary data collection such as observations, interviews,and documents, determine research sites, and analyze data and mechanisms to organize and organize them. Strategy ConclusionThe South Nias Mist Inspectorate failed to supervise development in Umbunasi Village, but the Umbunasi Village government carried outthe program works properly and correctly with P3MD escort
Persepsi Dan Penghargaan Masyarakat Atas Doktrin Pemisahan Ruang Publik Dan Domestik Berbasis Gender Di Yogyakarta Astuti, Dwi
MAJAPAHIT POLICY Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Government Studies Departement of Universitas Islam Majapahit, Indonesia

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The division of roles in society has historically remained faithful to gender, namely male and female.Although the basis of this division still stands, it always causes debate from time to time. DebateThese appear related to the expressions "worthy" and "appropriate". What jobs are appropriate and appropriate for men andappropriate and appropriate for women. Along with the development of society, especially from an agrarian society towardsindustrial society, the appropriate and appropriate measure is constantly changing. Demands for family needs, job opportunities for womenand the high skills and knowledge of women are the reasons why women's roles shift from the domestic sphereinto the public domain. However, because domestic work is considered to have no economic value, women who have beendoing domestic work is less valued than men doing work for a living. StudyThis study aims to see if the shift of women working in the public sphere also has an impact on the same awardagainst men. The research was conducted with qualitative methods. From the first research, it was found that the condition of the community was no longerin accordance with the initial division of roles, that is, men work in the public sphere and women in the domestic sphere. Second,It is true that earning a living is more valued than domestic work. Second, nurture theory is more provennamely the division of roles is not natural but the foam is changed. Third, society really appreciates the role of making a livingcompared to domestic roles.
MAJAPAHIT POLICY Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Government Studies Departement of Universitas Islam Majapahit, Indonesia

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According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the meaning of prosperous is peaceful, happy, and healthy. So that a prosperous society is a society that is healthy, peaceful, and happy. A prosperous life is marked by a reduction in dangerous and infectious diseases, people live in a more friendly and green environmental area. In addition, it has healthy environmental and housing facilities, and always has partners in maintaining sustainability. A prosperous society can be realized if the population is able to participate in development. So development strategies and efforts should aim to improve society. The Healthy Village program is a movement to empower potential residents and village community groups to create a healthy family and environment. Village community empowerment is an effort to develop community independence and welfare by increasing knowledge, attitudes, skills, behavior, and utilizing resources through the establishment of policies, programs, activities, and assistance in accordance with the essence of the problem and priority needs of the village community. Realizing a "Healthy Village" requires total community participation, while health service institutions or institutions are only a motivator or guide in public health efforts. The role of rural communities in the health sector must be realized in an effort to encourage every individual, family and/or community institution including the private sector to take responsibility for the health of themselves, their families and communities.
MAJAPAHIT POLICY Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Government Studies Departement of Universitas Islam Majapahit, Indonesia

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This study aims to determine and analyze the Regional Government Strategy in Ordering the Administration of Moving PopulationsCome, to find out and analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Regional Government Strategy in Ordering Population AdministrationMoving and Coming, as well as to find out and analyze the efforts made in overcoming the inhibiting factors of the Regional Government Strategy inControlling the Administration of Migratory Residents in Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province. This research uses Strategy Theory from Hunger DanWhelen (2003) as an analytical knife where in the theory of Hunger and Whelen Strategy includes 4 (four) indicators namely Environmental Observation,Strategy Formulation, Strategy Implementation, and Evaluation and Control. The research method used is descriptive qualitative methodwith an inductive approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews, observation, and documentation. Interviewed informantsnamely the Head of the Population and Civil Registration Service, the Head of the Population Registration Service Division, the Head of the Population Migration Section,Head of Mantikulore sub-district, Tawaeli sub-district head, and the community which includes community leaders and youth leaders. Based on the results of research that hascarried out, in overcoming the problem of relocating residents, the local government through the Department of Population and Civil Registration of the City of Paluimplementing strategies that are already quite good, but public awareness still needs to be improved.

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