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Benny Muhdaliha
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Kartala Visual Studies
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28090411     DOI : 10.36080/kvs.v2i1.5
Fokus dan Cakupan Kartala Visual Studies merupakan publikasi untuk pertukaran informasi dan pengetahuan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Cakupan jurnal meliputi studi yang mendukung pengembangan keilmuan desain grafis, animasi, game, media digital, seni rupa, dan budaya visual. Proses Peninjauan Sejawat Kebijakan proses peninjauan sejawat (peer review process) jurnal Kartala Visual Studies adalah: Setiap naskah yang masuk akan diperiksa menggunakan web anti plagiarisme,Turnitin. Setiap naskah yang masuk akan melalui proses peninjauan (review). Proses peninjauan menggunakan metode double-blind review. Dalam proses peninjauan, mitra peninjau (reviewer) akan memberikan pertimbangan terkait dengan kebaruan, dampak ilmiah, simpulan dan referensi yang digunakan. Keputusan peninjau akan menjadi pertimbangan editor untuk menentukan status naskah, yaitu: Menerima naskah Naskah perlu direvisi Naskah perlu ditinjau ulang Mengirimkan naskah ke jurnal lain Menolak naskah Naskah dapat ditolak untuk publikasi karena beberapa alasan, yaitu: Naskah tidak sesuai dengan cakupan jurnal Naskah tidak mengikuti aturan penulisan karya ilmiah atau pedoman penulisan jurnal Kesalahan fatal dalam metodologi Penulis menolak saran perbaikan yang diberikan oleh peninjau tanpa alasan yang bisa diterima Naskah terindikasi plagiarisme dengan tingkat kesamaan lebih dari 20% Kebijakan Akses Terbuka Jurnal ini memberikan akses terbuka pada kontennya atas dasar keterbukaan akses terhadap hasil riset bagi publik dapat mendukung pertukaran pengetahuan global yang lebih baik. 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Pernyataan berikut mengklarifikasi etika dari semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proses penerbitan artikel dalam jurnal ini, termasuk penulis, editor, peninjau, dan penerbit (Universitas Budi Luhur). Pernyataan ini berlandaskan pada COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Kewajiban Penulis Standar Pelaporan: Penulis harus menyajikan riset original yang akurat dan diskusi objektif mengenai signifikansinya. Peneliti harus menyajikan hasil studinya secara jujur tanpa rekayasa, pemalsuan, dan manipulasi. Naskah harus mengandung detail dan referensi yang memadai agar dapat direplikasi oleh penulis lainnya. Pemalsuan atau kesengajaan dalam mencantumkan pernyataan yang tidak akurat merupakan perilaku tidak etis dan tidak dapat diterima. Naskah harus mengikuti panduan penulisan jurnal. Orisinalitas dan Plagiarisme: Penulis harus memastikan bahwa mereka menulis naskah yang original secara menyeluruh. Naskah tidak dapat dikirimkan pada lebih dari satu publikasi kecuali para editor memiliki perjanjian penerbitan bersama. Publikasi terdahulu yang relevan, baik dari penulis lain ataupun karya penulis naskah, harus diakui dan dikutip secara benar. Literatur primer harus dikutip jika memungkinkan. Pernyataan original yang diambil dari publikasi lain oleh penulis lain harus ditulis dalam tanda kutip dan dengan pengutipan yang benar. Publikasi Redundan dan Bersamaan: Penulis tidak dapat mengirimkan naskah yang sama pada lebih dari satu jurnal secara bersamaan. Penulis juga diharapkan untuk tidak menerbitkan naskah redundan atau naskah yang mendeskripsikan penelitian yang sama pada lebih dari satu jurnal. Mengirimkan naskah pada lebih dari satu jurnal secara bersamaan merupakan perilaku tidak etis dan tidak dapat diterima. Apabila terdapat lebih dari satu publikasi yang berasal dari penelitian yang sama, maka perlu diidentifikasi secara jelas dan publikasi primer harus dikutip. 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Setiap pernyataan bahwa observasi, derivasi, atau argumen telah dilaporkan sebelumnya harus disertai dengan kutipan yang relevan. Peninjau harus segera memberitahu jurnal jika mereka menemukan penyimpangan, kekhawatiran tentang aspek etika pekerjaan, menyadari kesamaan substansial antara naskah dan penyerahan bersamaan ke jurnal lain atau artikel yang diterbitkan, atau menduga bahwa kesalahan mungkin telah terjadi. Selama penelitian atau penulisan dan penyerahan naskah; peninjau harus merahasiakan dan tidak menyelidiki secara pribadi lebih lanjut kecuali jurnal meminta informasi atau saran lebih lanjut. Standar Objektivitas: Tinjauan naskah yang diserahkan harus dilakukan secara objektif dan peninjau harus mengungkapkan pandangan mereka dengan jelas dengan argumen pendukung. Peninjau harus mengikuti instruksi jurnal tentang umpan balik spesifik yang diperlukan dari mereka dan, kecuali ada alasan untuk tidak melakukannya. Peninjau harus konstruktif dalam ulasan mereka dan memberikan umpan balik yang akan membantu penulis untuk memperbaiki naskah mereka. Peninjau harus memperjelas penyelidikan tambahan yang disarankan yang penting untuk mendukung klaim yang dibuat dalam naskah yang sedang dipertimbangkan dan mana yang hanya akan memperkuat atau memperluas pekerjaan Pemberitahuan dan Konflik Kepentingan: Informasi atau ide istimewa yang diperoleh melalui tinjauan sejawat harus dirahasiakan dan tidak digunakan untuk keuntungan pribadi. Peninjau tidak boleh mempertimbangkan manuskrip ketika mereka memiliki konflik kepentingan yang dihasilkan dari persaingan, kerja sama, atau hubungan lain dengan penulis, perusahaan, atau institusi mana pun yang terkait dengan naskah. Dalam kasus double-blind review, jika mereka mencurigai identitas penulis, informasikan pada jurnal jika hal ini menimbulkan potensi konflik kepentingan. Ketepatan: Peninjau harus merespon dalam kerangka waktu yang masuk akal. Peninjau hanya setuju untuk meninjau naskah jika mereka yakin bahwa mereka dapat mengembalikan ulasan dalam kerangka waktu yang diusulkan atau disepakati bersama, segera memberitahu jurnal jika memerlukan perpanjangan. Ketika peninjau merasa tidak mungkin menyelesaikan tinjauan naskah dalam waktu yang ditentukan maka informasi ini harus disampaikan kepada editor, agar naskah dapat dikirim ke peninjau lain.
Articles 35 Documents
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (571.399 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i1.5


Technological developments are experiencing rapid progress in all fields, from the simple to the  increasingly sophisticated. Over time, technology has played a very important role in all fields, especially  entertainment. In the world of entertainment is one example of technological developments that  encourage the development of the game industry. Game is now known and still in demand, because it is a  form of game that is interesting and interactive for the players. This makes games an effective visual  medium for gathering experiences and information from user or player interactions. One game that  develops a form of interaction for its players is the game Pokemon GO, with the concept of augmented  reality (AR) this game provides more interactivity for users to explore real spaces in the virtual world. This  can bring a new experience for players to continue to enjoy the objects in the game. So the problem of this  research is how the game Pokemon GO can present an aesthetic interaction for the players. The purpose  of this study is to find out and explain the relationship between the aesthetics of interaction in game media  for players. In this study the theoretical approach used is the MDA (Mechanic, Dynamic, Aesthetic) model.  This approach describes each component that is interrelated, such as mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics  in game media. Findings in research can indicate the type of interaction response that can be explored by  using game media. The conclusion drawn from this study is that in the future the MDA approach can be  used to analyze similar game mediums related to the presence of aesthetic interactions, especially in the  form of social relations, thus forming a social society within the community of game players.
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1467.453 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i1.6


Digital marketing is a type of marketing activity that expands and improves on conventional marketing techniques by utilizing the internet and information technology. Social media is now a highly common promotional tool since it is thought to be excellent at swiftly and extensively sharing information. Instagram is a popular social networking website. Using Instagram as the primary promotional platform with the account name @dkv.budiluhur, Budiluhur Visual Communication Design (DKV), a new study program inside the Budi Luhur University, aims to raise brand awareness using a variety of tactics and impactful visual approaches.Using a qualitative descriptive approach and dissecting Tom Lincy's design theory on five design principles, namely balance, contrast, and unity research, this study intends to delve deeper into the effectiveness and influence of visual elements exhibited in @dkv.budiluhur's Instagram content. Results showed that the vision, mission, and goals of the study program at the Faculty of Communication & Creative Design were fulfilled by the Instagram feed material for the event category @dkv.budiluhur. The content design event DKV Homecoming, which was uploaded on June 6 and has 17800 views, has received the most likes between July 2022 and July 2021. Data is generated by design analysis. First, the places with the most color combinations are those that are lively and informal. The illustrations used are psychedelic types, and both text to illustration ratios are 18%. No contrast in the graphic stands out more than the others, despite the fact that contrast text has passed WCAG 2.0 at numbers 4 and 6.07.
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.56 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i1.7


The phenomenon of sexual violence and harassment can happen anywhere and by anyone. This phenomenon often occurs also in educated environments, one of which is the campus. Ideally the place is the safest place to gain knowledge for students. So that further education is needed about this phenomenon through social campaigns on campus. So that in the future this phenomenon can be prevented, a solution is made by using ambient media in elevators as design media in social campaigns about violence and sexual harassment in the campus environment. So it is hoped that the messages through this campaign can be conveyed properly and quickly understood by students, which can prevent acts of violence and sexual harassment in the campus environment.
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3320.125 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i1.8


The ITS Surabaya Administration Headquarters (KPA) is a place to serve various types of needs (services and materials), and handle multiple problems, as well as an open space facility for ITS residents to gather for certain events. The number of units and services available at KPA causes many visitors to arrive daily. However, visitors who want to come often have difficulty finding KPA locations and units because wayfinding and signage are still not well integrated, so an EGD design is needed to provide design solutions to the problems encountered with the aim that visitors can be more focused and reduce the level of mental loading. The research method used in this design involves interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. Changes in the name and location of the units that are carried out every five years after the change of chancellor change the design of KPA buildings and facilities so that it becomes a consideration for innovating signage designs that show a smart eco campus by procuring signage that is flexible and can be disassembled.
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.599 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i1.9


Agility art contest tradition of sheep Garut is the hereditary tradition that used to be known as the tradition of Buffalo sheep, where both the lamb must still compete until one of them dead to find who the winner. However, over time, farmers began to realize that different arrowroot sheep with lamb in General, they continued to do various kinds of changes until in the end the tradition of Buffalo sheep is now transformed into a tradition of art contest Garut sheep agility. Changes made to them including sheep should get special treatment before competition, the setting of the game, and conduct the assessment is determined based on the elements of the art of accompaniment music Nayaga. Change is what keeps society campaigned arrowroot to eliminate a negative view of the associated existence of gambling in every game. Because it is considered that for gambling is actually a process of bargaining between the prospective buyer with a cattlemen, where the selling price of the sheep who won the contest will soar up to hundreds of millions of dollars. So, often a number of breeders utilize this contest as a sheep marketing area is also becoming a new way to boost their economies. Preservation of tradition is becoming a reference for creators to formulate the idea of creation of the work of the documentary portrait of a culture in order to help the community in Garut who were campagned the tradition of their ancestors. In the making of this movie, the creators used a technique that includes cinematography, camera angles, continuity, cutting, close-ups and composition to maximize the message of the story through the pictures shown. Through this film, the creators expect the general public can better understand what kind of tradition art contest agility sheep Garut has changed and there is no gambling in it.
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1779.323 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i1.11


The design of Interactive encyclopedia mobile app titled "Ensiklopedia Hiu dan Pari yang Dilindungi ", aspiring to be an interesting and informative media that can provide education to the public about Sharks and Rays regarding to their conservation status and protected species (12). contains Information on how to distinguish sharks and rays from their biological characteristics, area distribution, depth, which are presented through the encyclopedia as well as other information that supports the conservation of sharks and rays. The research method used in designing this encyclopedia application is a qualitative method with data collection techniques from books and the internet, observation, interview, and documentation with design thinking methode. Based on the results of research, author found that there is still a lack of public awareness regarding of the status of sharks and rays that are threatened with extinction, so that educational media and information about sharks and rays are needed. It is hoped that with this interactive mobile encyclopedia app able to become a medium to raise public awareness of the conservation status of sharks and rays.
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4591.109 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i1.12


The ITS Central Canteen is one of the facilities for ITS students and the general public which is located on Jalan Mechanical Engineering ITS no. 173, Keputih, Sukolilo District, Surabaya City. After being closed due to COVID-19, the ITS Canteen was reopened with updates to improve quality and ensure student comfort. One of the updates is Signage & Wayfinding which is used as a guide to help users achieve their goals, not only that they can be used to increase the design value and aesthetics of the place used. The ITS canteen has provided a form of signage & wayfinding which is estimated to be sufficient for students' needs, but there are obstacles that are felt not only by students but also by ITS canteen management as example, such as complaints regarding directions to the toilet area, use of the reservation room, and regulations regarding the obligation to tidy up the table after used. This study aims to provide the right signage & wayfinding strategy so that it can function and is attractive to look at. The methods used to obtain appropriate data are observation, interviews and documentation. By visiting the location directly, you can do these three methods easily.
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (886.158 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i2.70


This study intends to explain and describe how the meaning of the role of the wife is contained in the filmSurga yang Tak Dirindukan 3. This study aims to determine the meaning of the wife's role in the film Surga yang Tak Dirindukan 3. This study uses the concept of film and Charles Sanders Peirce's theory of semiotics. The research method used is Charles Sanders Peirce's Semiotics, with a qualitative research approach. The paradigm of this research refers to the Constructivism paradigm. The result of this research is that there is a meaning that the wife is not only a life partner but can be a friend when sad, when the husband falls, the wife can be a giver of encouragement and support, as well as controlling the situation when the husband carries out activities. The conclusion of this research is that the researcher found 3 scenes that represent the meaning of the wife's role in the film Surga yang Tak Dirindukan 3, including: the wife as a life partner, as a life companion who is wise in giving advice to her husband, as a support for the husband. the meaning of the role of the wife can be emulated by the wife in general. Keywords: Film, Semiotics, Role, Wife
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.425 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i2.72


This study aims to explain how the cover of Tempo magazine depicts Jokowi in visual reality and explains how the cover of the September 14 2019 edition of Tempo magazine is analyzed through Roland Barthes' semiotics. The research question posed is How is the semiotic analysis on the cover of the September 14 2019 issue of Tempo magazine analyzed using Roland Barthes' semiotics. This research method is qualitative with Roland Barthes semiotic analysis. The subject of the research is the cover of Tempo magazine. Data collection was obtained through observation, using primary and secondary data collection techniques. The data obtained directly from the research object, namely the cover of Tempo magazine. The results of the study show that the representation of capitalism from the cover of Tempo magazine uses signs, through text, pictures and scenes. Tempo must compete in the digital era as it is today in order to maintain its position at the level of other media capitalists. Dissecting the ideological elements on the cover of this magazine uses Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis. At the stages of denotation, connotation and myth, one can see the content of the ideology of capitalism on the cover of the magazine. The ideology embedded in this cover is illustrated through the character of Jokowi, businessmen and parties, namely the owners of power and the economy. the lighting, scene, setting and props in this cover also identify the capitalist system. The capitalist system that already exists within the government, forces the public to submit to the rules given by the capitalists. The rise of new media also creates competition without regard to the legitimacy of news value. The cover of this magazine provides a representation of the condition of Indonesia, that the ideology of capitalism dominates the industry, for owners of capital and those in power can easily determine market prices and dominate the people. Roland Barthes' semiotic theory is precise in discovering the ideological elements embedded in the Cover of Tempo Magazine.
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1007.86 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/kvs.v2i2.73


Cilembu sweet potatoes are already iconic for the people of Cilembu, because most of the land there is yam plantations, and the majority of people work as farmers, but due to the lack of awareness of the urgency of publication, the management of communication media and advertising facilities of the products produced is still not optimal. In fact, if the population is able to manage village resources, especially the uniqueness of the Cilembu sweet potato and is able to introduce it to the wider community, it will certainly be more profitable for the community. This documentary video carries the theme of agribusiness which will present a Cilembu yam farmer with all the information about activities, philosophies and stories about the Cilembu yam itself. All the information contained must be conveyed properly, therefore the documentary video format is an option to package it because it is considered more effective and efficient, besides that the documentary approach makes the author have a wider and more straightforward space to convey ideas and concepts in order to achieve the original purpose of making this video. All aspects of the information conveyed were explored in depth using the method of interviews and observations with Cilembu yam farmers.

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