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International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
ISSN : 28291654     EISSN : 2829517X     DOI : 10.59712
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer an international academic platform for cross-border legal research in multiple governance policies and civil rights law, particularly in developing and emerging countries. These may include but are not limited to various fields such as: civil law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, customary institution law, religious jurisprudence law, international regime law, legal pluralism governance, health law, economic law and some of the health and economic another section related to contemporary issues in legal, healt and economic scholarship.
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Articles 7 Documents
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Legal Aspects Of Oil Palm Theft In Rantau Prapat Jurisdiction Ariman Sitompul
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (130.593 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v2i2.58


The crime of theft is regulated in Article 362 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) which states that anyone who takes goods, wholly or partly belonging to another person, with the intention of possessing the goods against the law, shall be punished for stealing with imprisonment for a maximum of five years or a fine of as much as nine thousand rupiah, but in practice there is still a crime of oil palm theft in the rantau prapat area which is the city of dollar. The purpose of writing is to explain the causes of the crime of oil palm theft in the jurisdiction of rantau prapat, to explain the efforts to resolve oil palm theft in the jurisdiction of rantau prapat. Data obtained from the results of field research as well as data from the results of literature research, secondary Data is done by reading and analyzing legislation, books, and articles related to this research. Field research was conducted to obtain primary data through interviews with respondents and informants.analyzed using a qualitative approach. the preparation of research results is carried out using a descriptive method that is trying to give a real picture of the realities found in practice by describing the results of field research accompanied by a description of the applicable legal basis. The results of the study into the causes of oil palm theft in the jurisdiction of rantau prapat are economic factors, factors of opportunity, and factors of land disputes. Efforts to combat oil palm theft in the jurisdiction of rantau prapat have been carried out by preventive or preventive means, namely installing sheets on prohibitions and sanctions for those who steal oil palm both community and company property on Village information boards, then the police will make a reperesive effort, namely enforcement, arrest after receiving reports from the community. It is hoped that all authorities can work together and a sense of concern and resolution of land disputes for people living in the area of the company both from the government and the company in order to reduce the crime of oil palm theft in the jurisdiction of rantau prapat.
Legal Compliance Of Taxpayers In Medan Against Voluntary Disclosure Program Jenny Jenny; Rilawadi Sahputra; Syariful Azmi
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.868 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v2i2.59


This voluntary disclosure Program aims to improve taxpayer compliance by voluntarily disclosing tax-related information. This Program provides an opportunity for taxpayers to avoid sanctions and fines and obtain legal certainty. However, the success of this program is influenced by the understanding of taxpayers, supervision, law enforcement, and quality of service of tax authorities. To improve compliance, there needs to be more effective socialization, stricter law enforcement, better service, and periodic program evaluation. It requires intensive and coordinated efforts from the government, law enforcement officials, and the public to achieve higher levels of compliance and increase state revenue from the tax sector.
Legal Protection Of Internists In The Administration Of Alprazolam Without A Prescription Rudi Mahruzar; Kusbianto Kusbianto; Ariman Sitompul
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.868 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v2i2.60


This study was conducted with the aim to determine how the governing provisions related to psychotropics and how the application of criminal sanctions for dealers, users and owners, users of psychotropics according to Law No. 5 of 1997. By using normative juridical research methods, it is concluded: 1. At first the provisions of the regulation of psychotropics in Law No. 5 of 1997 include: psychotropics Group I, Group II, Glongan III, and Group IV in accordance with the lapiran in legislation and after there is a new law regulating narcotics namely Law No. 35 of 2009, then psychotropics for Group I and Group II have already become a Narcotics Crime Group I. 2. The application of criminal sanctions in Law No. 5 of 1997 on psychotropics in accordance with Article 59 can be dropped the main crime, namely the main crime and additional crimes. The main crimes include imprisonment of 20 years, life imprisonment and death while additional crimes for additional crimes in the form of revocation of business licenses are imposed on corporations and foreigners in accordance with the qualifications of prohibited acts, namely, possession, carrying, circulating, using, psychotropic substances in receiving Alprazolam without a prescription, some important things that must be considered are ensuring strict documentation regarding patient demand and monitoring, ensuring the quality of care and treatment received by patients in accordance with quality standards, ensuring that patients understand their rights and responsibilities in receiving treatment, and protecting patients' rights from actions that are not in accordance with medical law and ethics. This is all aimed at ensuring legal protection for patients in the receipt of quality treatment and in accordance with applicable standards.
Criminal Acts Against The Law Of Corruption (Case Study Medan District Court No. 45 / Pid.Sus-TPK/2021 / Fr.Mdn jo Medan High Court case No. 33/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021 / PT.Mdn) Deby Darmayanti; Ruslan Ruslan; Rilawadi Sahputra
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v2i2.61


In essence, the land has a very important meaning for human life, because the land is the main foundation of all activities carried out. In accordance with the ownership and use of land in Indonesia, there are lands that are controlled by state-owned institutions, one of which is land controlled by PT.Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero). State-controlled land PT.Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) which was originally to support the potential development process of PT.Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) itself, now there are many houses and community business activities throughout Indonesia, one of which is in the city of Medan, North Sumatra province, there are many areas on the edge of the railway where on each edge there are houses and business activities of residents who are renting from the land assets of PT.Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero). The problem raised in this thesis is the lease of land assets of PT.KAI (persero) Division I North Sumatra which led to the conviction in the verdict of committing acts against the law of corruption, because they do not want to fulfill their obligations to pay rent, while the requirements of Article 2 and Article 3 of the UUPTPK are acts against the law (Wederrechtelijkheid) or abuse of control that begins with a violation of procedure or, contrary to the rules or deviations from the authority provided for in the law on procurement of government goods and services, the procedure starts from planning, the need until the completion of all activities to obtain government goods/services with the aim of enriching themselves or benefiting themselves, causing financial losses to the state. While the unlawful acts committed by the defendant include the scope of civil (Onrecht Matiq Overheidsdaad) which is private (vide Article 1365 of the Civil Code) and can file a tort claim in the form of reimbursement of costs, losses, and interest as in Article 1243 of the Civil Code and Article 1267 of the Civil Code.
Transfer Of Receivables On Behalf Of The Savings And Loan Cooperative Sahabat Mitra Sejati Rantau Prapat Branch Office Muhammad Bayu Dwi Arya; Bambang Fitrianto; Siti Nurhayati
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v2i2.62


In the business world capital turnover is an indication for it's a good effort. Based on this often entrepreneurs need capital in a short period of time in order to ensure the liquidity of its business, so no longer wait for a fall due on receivables to be collected later the payment. The method generally used to obtain fresh funds in the near future on outstanding receivables is by way of selling its receivables to others who are willing to buy it, generally at a price lower than the value of the bill to be paid by the debtor at maturity. Regarding the high and low prices as well depending on the illiquid receivables and whether there is a guarantee that accompanies the debt. Problems arise when procedure or process of selling the receivables do not meet existing legal provisions, so as to harm the seller this itself in this case the savings and loan cooperative sahabat mitra sejati branch rantau prapat
Right Of Immunity Of Members Of The House Of Representatives (Case Study Of Immunity Rights Of Langkat Regency DPRD Members) Haris Kelana Damanik; Kusbianto Kusbianto; Ariman Sitompul
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v2i2.63


Paradiqma democracy demands that every form of legislation and various decisions get the approval of the people's representatives and as much as possible attention to the interests of the people. Although the authority to form a law is in the hands of the DPR together with the president and does not involve the sovereign holder, namely the people in the process of its formation, but currently the role of the people in influencing a policy to produce a law and to assess the implementation of a law cannot be underestimated. The research aims to provide immunity rights for members of Parliament/DPRD as public officials in terms of carrying out their duties and authorities. The research method used in this research is normative juridical law research by using the approach of legislation and doctrine applied to a legal problem and is prescriptive that is expected to be applied in society. The results of the study concluded that members of the DPR / DPRD in performing their duties and authorities need to be protected properly and honorably in accordance with the level of Honor as elected representatives of the people and each member of the DPR must also reflect the personal and behavior of the honorable and leading in law enforcement.
Protection Of The Parties In The Implementation Of The Ship Lease Agreement (Case Study Decision No.231 / Rev.G / 2020 / PN.JKT.UTR) Al-Hafiz Al-Hafiz; Kusbianto Kusbianto; Ariman Sitompul
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v2i2.64


The mechanism of transfer of rights in the lease agreement can be done with several stages, namely: the transfer of rights to an object must be accompanied by the delivery of the object. Surrender in the process of handing over property rights cannot be done carelessly regardless of the law that regulates it. Deed of lease made by and before a notary. Settlement of disputes over the sale and purchase agreement of the ship can be done by: non-litigation dispute resolution i.e. settlement out of court by means of abritrase, negotiation, mediation, conciliation, expert assessment. Dispute resolution in court (litigation) is the process of dispute resolution in court all parties in dispute face each other to defend their rights in court by filing a civil lawsuit.. Based on decision number 231 / Pdt.G / 2020 / PN.Jkt.Utr legal protection provided that the parties can file a civil lawsuit to the court where the parties in dispute are PT.Indoraya Makmur Energi (Hamad Siri) as the plaintiff with Rachman Saleh (PT.Timas Merak) as the defendant in the decision of the case the judge has provided legal protection where: stating the defendant has defaulted to the plaintiff. Punish the defendant to pay the rent for the SPOB Pulomas 7 ship for 11 months starting from June 11, 2019 to May 11, 2020, which is Rp. 450,000,000 x 11 months = Rp. 4,950,000,000 (four billion nine hundred and fifty million rupiah).

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