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Al-Bayan: Journal of Hadith Studies
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Al-Bayan Journal of Hadith Studies adalah untuk mempublikasikan penelitian orisinal terkini tentang subjek yang mencakup studi lapangan atau studi berbasis teks dengan berbagai perspektif hadis dan ilmu-ilmunya. Al-Bayan Journal of Hadith Studies menyediakan media bagi para ulama, peneliti, dan mahasiswa untuk berkontribusi melalui hasil studi dan penelitian mereka di bidang yang berkaitan dengan studi hadits dan hadits yang hidup dengan berbagai aspek hukum, filsafat, tasawuf, sejarah, seni, teologi, sosiologi, antropologi, ilmu politik, gender, ekonomi dan lain-lain.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
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Teori Generatif Transformatif Noam Chomsky : Analisis Dalam Hadis Nabi Tentang Niat Fahri Muhaimin Fabrori
Al-Bayan: Journal of Hadith Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora

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Hadith is a source of authority that belongs to Islam after the Koran. The Prophet Muhammad saw conveyed to his friends either by words, deeds, or predictions. With so many searched for or captured by the Companions of the Hadith, it will provide a different understanding and transmission. But still in the intent and purpose of the same. This study aims to analyze the Prophet's Hadith about intentions by using Noam Chomsky's transformative generative theory. In this article, the author presents two Hadiths about the intentions directed by Imam Bukhari, all with almost the same editorial. However, if you pay close attention, several Hadith sentences are not the same, whether in the form of addition/ziyadah, al-ittisa'/expansion, or alIhlal/replacement. The results of this study indicate that the Hadith about intention at number one shows that a hadith is a form of information that is convincing and general. Because two traditions of taukid have real meaning and several editorials that do not refer to special editorials. Meanwhile, Hadith number 52 does not contain taukid customs, which only shows information or cover. Then there is the addition of the sentence ila Allahi wa Rasulih which shows a more complete specificity and editorial.
Al-Bayan: Journal of Hadith Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora

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A religious tradition in society does not occur suddenly. The tradition is formed as a result of the process of transmission and transformation of understanding of religious texts, both from the verses of the Qur'an and the sayings of the Prophet. The role of local leaders in transmitting the interpretation of these texts is crucial. The reception of understanding from these local leaders is then followed by the surrounding community, thus becoming an inherited tradition. One of these inherited traditions is found in the Central Java community, specifically in the city of Pekalongan. The people of Pekalongan have a unique tradition called "Syawalan". They regularly make giant-sized "lopis" (a traditional Javanese snack made from glutinous rice) every 8th of Syawal. This paper will discuss the reception of hadith in the Syawalan tradition in Pekalongan and the meaning of that tradition. The method used in this research is qualitative-phenomenological. The results of this research are as follows: Firstly, the reception of hadith related to fasting six days in the month of Syawal and the hadith emphasizing the honor of guests are expressed by the people of Pekalongan through the tradition of making giant lopis during Syawalan. Secondly, the Syawalan tradition itself has several meanings, including philosophical, spiritual, social, and psychological meanings
Komodifikasi Hadis Hijrah dalam Akun Media Sosial Komunitas Kajian Musawarah Muh Rizaldi
Al-Bayan: Journal of Hadith Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora

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Hadiths on hijrah when presented in the form of content on social media have shifted their function from a religious basis to a commercial one. The Musawarah (Muda Sakinah Mawaddah Warahmah) study community account becomes an icon that draws the meaning of the hadith about hijrah to support the implementation of religious events and marketing of merchandise products sold. This paper intends to examine the phenomenon of commodification of hadith about hijrah in the social media accounts of the Musawarah study community. There are at least two questions raised in this article. 1) How is the discourse of hijrah hadiths in the social media accounts of the Musawarah Study community. 2) How are the forms of commodification of hijrah hadiths in the social media accounts of the Musawarah Study community. In answering these questions, this research will use the theory of the intersection of religion and media by Irwan Abdullah and Roland Barthes' semiotic theory. This study concludes that, the construction and distinction in the transmission of the meaning of the hijrah hadith becomes the basic foundation for the commodification of the hijrah hadith. At least three forms of commodification of the hijrah hadith were found. First, the commodification of hijrah hadith with the commercialization of hijrah fest event tickets. Second, the commodification of the hadith of hijrah with the commercialization of open sharia business stand services in the hijrah fest event. Third, the commodification of the hadith of hijrah by launching a sharia business with the narrative content of the hadith about hijrah. These three forms occur as a result of the process of symbolizing religion on social media which causes religion to no longer be imprissant in the human body but appears in lifestyle and entertainment codes that turn religion into a consumption process.
Al-Bayan: Journal of Hadith Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora

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Hadith studies continues to experience renewal, especially in relation to the validation test of a hadith. Sanad is one of the validations that the hadith originates from the Prophet Muhammad saw. In this modern era, hadith applications began to emerge that contain similar things, one of which is Gawāmi' Al-Kalīm Software. This paper aims to describe the method of studying sanad hadith, especially the takhrij and I'tibar sanad methods through the Hadith software application Gawāmi' Al-Kalīm (V.4.5). This study answers two formulations of the problem, including: how the genealogy of takhrij and I'tibar sanad hadith; how it is applied using Gawāmi' Al-Kalīm hadith software. The data obtained in this qualitative research was sourced from several literature in the form of books, journals, theses / theses and official websites related to the theme of this research through three steps, namely data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawing / verification. As a result, the study of sanad hadith manually through the book is relatively long, so that the variety of hadith software, especially Gawāmi' Al-Kalīm v.4.5. Present to facilitate as well as minimize time in studying sanad hadith. One of the advantages is that there are various scholarly assessments of rawi hadith, as well as complete reference sources. However, one of the drawbacks, this software only provides Arabic as the main language of the program
Al-Bayan: Journal of Hadith Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora

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Seiring meningkatnya penggunaan media sosial oleh masyarakat menyebabkan mudahnya masyarakat menerima informasi atau berita. Namun sayangnya, kemudahan akses informasi tersebut sering dimanfaatkan oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggungjawab untuk menyebarkan berita bohong (hoaks) di masyarakat luas. Berita bohong atau hoaks dapat menimbulkan berbagai perpecahan dan konflik antar individu dan kelompok bahkan dapat memecah belah bangsa. Supaya kejadian tersebut tidak terjadi, maka penelitian ini bertujuan mencari solusi yang bersumber dari al-Qur’an dan hadis tentang bagaimana caranya mencegah penyebaran hoaks di masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bersifat kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research), pendekatannya menggunakan deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa al-Qur’an dan hadis sebagai landasan umat Islam telah merespon dan memberikan solusi terkait pencegahan penyebaran hoaks. Strategi yang ditawarkan oleh al-Qur’an dan hadis ialah 1) mengedepankan sikap tabayyun, 2) tidak menyebarkan berita kecuali sudah membaca dan paham dengan isinya, 3) tidak mengikuti terhadap sesuatu yang belum jelas kebenarannya, 4) selalu sadar akan pengawasan dari Allah Swt., 5) senantiasa berkata baik dengan sesama manusia, dan 6) saling mengingatkan satu sama lain.
Al-Bayan: Journal of Hadith Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Hadis STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora

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This article aims to analyze Muhammadiyah and Nahdhatul Ulama's understanding of the Hadith of prostration. The aspects examined are the sources of reference and how these two organizations interpret through their official websites. This research uses a qualitative method by referring to data uploaded on both websites. The author interpreted the data using a discourse analysis approach. The author's assumption is that all worship practices in Islamic mass organizations that exist today cannot be separated from the role of the Prophet SAW and the Companions in the application of practices in mass organizations in Indonesia. This article proves that both organizations recognize the existence of the Hadith of prostration. Based on the source of the hadith they issued the procedure and its virtues. From this understanding, it turns out that both Muhammadiyah and Nahdhatul Ulama understand it textually. This finding refutes the common assumption that Nahdhatul Ulama tends to be contextualist in understanding hadith.

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