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Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Published by Nalar Global
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Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society is published by the Education Division of Nalar Global Foundation. This open access journal aims to promote researches on pedagogy and society at various educational levels and educational community settings. As a peer-reviewed journal, it focuses on the scholarship and practice of teaching and learning and the impact of education on society, covering: teaching, learning, curriculum, assessment, policy, management, leadership and related areas.
Articles 23 Documents
The correlation between full-day school effectiveness and junior high school learners’ character building Eriswandi
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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This study aimed to investigate the correlation between full-day school effectiveness and Junior High School learners’ character building in Pekanbaru. The samples were selected from 10% (226) of total 2.226; all junior high school learners in one of region in Pekanbaru city. The data were collected by using questionnaire and were analyzed by applying product moment correlation technique. The results demonstrated that full day school program was implemented very well in Pekanbaru (81-100 with the percentage of 86.7%). In addition, Junior high school learners’ character was also categorized into very good (81-100 with the percentage of 86.7%). Furthermore, it was found out that the very well implemented-full day school program positively correlated with Junior high school learners’ character building in Pekanbaru (0,138< 0,281>0,181 and R Square 0.79 or 7.9%). Moreover, the findings suggested that aside from its negative influence, full day school program influence learners’ character to the extent that it established academic intercommunication system and social relationship. In addition, it avoided learners from brawling against different school learners and performing useless activities. However, it should be emphasized that full day school program provided more benefits to learners.
Wahbah Az-Zuhaili’s thoughts on social education in surah Al-Hujurat verses 10-13: A study on Al-Munir’s interpretation Taubatan Nasuha
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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This study aims to determine Wahbah Az-Zuhaili's thoughts on social education in surah Al-Hujurat verses 10-13 by studying Al-Munir's interpretation and identifying what methods that can be used to design instructional activities for teaching social education based on the contents of surah Al-Hujurat verses 10-13. This study was carried out in the design of library research, which used various literatures as the sources of research data and maudu'i as the interpretation method. Primary data sources are the Qur'an and At-Tafsir al-Munir fil-Aqidah wasy-Syari'ah wal-Manhaj. Then, secondary data sources include books, articles, magazines, newspapers, and other sources which are relevant to the primary data. Based on the results of analysis, it can be concluded that surah Al-Hujurat verses 10-13 discusses in detail about attitudes and social education.
The influence of implementing Discovery Learning Model and giving motivation on students’ learning outcomes in Islamic education subject Shilfia Alfitry
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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This study aims to solve initial problem on students’ low learning outcomes for Islamic religious education subject. The data analysis technique of this study used a regression analysis method. Based on the results of the analysis, the effect of implementing the discovery learning model to the students’ learning outcomes shows that t-test result is greater than t-table both at the significant level of 5% and the significant level of 1% (2,000 <14,242> 2,660). It means that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. Then, the effect of giving motivation by teachers on the students’ learning outcomes also shows that t-test result is greater than t-table both at the significant level of 5% and the significant level of 1% (2,000 <14,336> 2,660). It can be inffered that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. The data analysis on the influence of both implementing discovery learning model and giving motivation by the teacher on the student learning outcomes results show a significant level at the 5% significance level and 1% significance level (2,000 <5.576> 2.660). It can be concluded that implementing discovery learning model and giving motivation by teacher have a positive influence to help the students in achieving the learning outcomes.
Multicultural education in Indonesian education regulations and its relevance to Islamic education Ali Akbar
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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Multicultural demands recognition and respect for others of different races, tribes, languages, customs, and religions. Humankind is equal on the face of God. What distinguishes them from others is their obedience quality (al-Qur'an Al-Hujurat: 13). Therefore, the differences caused by ethnical groups, languages, customs, and social status do not make one higher than the others. Historically, Muslims have practiced multicultural education long before the idea emerges. Moreover, Islamic concept related to the importance of appreciating differences is more advance than what western scientist offered related to the concept of multicultural education. Although it contains a relatively sensitive meaning, the term “multicultural education” might still be maintained in the development of religious education, especially Islamic education. After the thorough study, it is concluded that multicultural education has a juridical legislation, namely UU No. 20 of 2003 regarding Sisdiknas chapter III article IV paragraph 1. The content of the regulation indicates a determination to realize multicultural education in Indonesia and relevant to Islamic education in some apects including its rationale, conception, and objective.
Pancasila Economic System in the Era of Globalization Shinta Wulandari
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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One solution to the various problems faced by the Indonesian people today is to revive the spirit of Pancasila. Pancasila is the essence of Indonesia's existence as a country. Pancasila serves as the basis of the state, ideology, philosophy, and also as the embodiment of the basic principles for an independent Indonesia. Therefore, the revitalization/revival of Pancasila should be the main focus of government programs, so that the values ​​of Pancasila can be inspired by every Indonesian nation. Especially in the case of the Pancasila Economic System, the founders of Indonesia believed that the Pancasila Economic System could free the people from poverty, hunger, social inequality and corruption, besides that it could also be the basis for being able to cooperate with other countries as a whole. This can be realized by uniting determination, action, and integration/merging from various fields and skills to achieve the ideals of prosperity for the entire Indonesian nation.
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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Education is one of the most important things in national development, because education for the community will make people more advanced in their thinking. Advanced community thinking will form high-quality Human Resources (HR). The community also needs to know the importance of implementing compulsory education programs. Education is also inseparable from the role of government. The government prioritizes the importance of education for the entire community by improving education. Therefore, the government is obliged to fulfill the rights of every citizen in obtaining educational services in order to improve the quality of life of the Indonesian people. The government's concern in realizing a higher quality education begins with a quality education program. One of these policies is the existence of a 9-year compulsory education program. The government is also working to solve problems among the lower middle class people. The government is responsible for carrying out the education program for neglected children in the perspective of child protection laws.
Teachers’ Competence based on Al-Qur’an and Its relevance to Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16, 2007 Zulheri
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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This Library Research is aimed at finding out the competencies of teachers based on the Qur’anic perspective and its relevance to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16, 2007 about teachers’ competency standards. The data were collected from several books of interpretation relating to the title of research and the verses of Al-Qur’an related to the competency of teachers. In addition, the data were analyzed by applying the approach of thematic methods (Maudhu’i). The results of this research showed that the pedagogic complications that the teacher must have were mentioned in some verses of Al-Qur’an. These verses talk about professional complications that teachers must have and are relevant to Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16, 2007. Also, Al-Qur’an talked about personal competence of the teacher and the relevance to Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16, 2007 in QS. Al-Nahl verses 43 and QS. AR-Rahman verses 1-4. The verses describe the personal competencies that are part of the teachers’ personality as the foundation of their performance such as maturity, independence, religious life, family life, creativity, and so on. Furthermore, the verses of Al-Qur’an related to social competence that a teacher must have and relevant to Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16, 2007 are QS. An-Najm Verse 7, Q.S. al- Ahzâb verse 70, QS. Al-Furqân verses 48 and 63, QS. Al-Hujurat verses 2, 6, 11, 12, 13. While the perspectives of education experts related to the competence of a teacher, which must have the nature of Tawadhu’, teach the known knowledge, know the students' ability, practice the taught knowledge, obey the rules, contribute to the leader and be firm and brave, keep the sanctity of material that is syubhat, teach for the sake of Allah SWT, are not rude, do not insult the students’ upbringing.
The Effect of Remedial Learning and Enrichment on Student Learning Outcomes in Fiqh at Madrasah Aliyah Mardianti Diantama
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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The purpose of this study was to see if there was an effect of remedial learning and enrichment on fiqh subjects at Madarasah Aliyah in Tualang District, Siak Regency. This research was conducted in Madrasah Aliyah in Tualang District. The sampling technique used purposive sampling as many as 109 students. The results of the analysis show the value of R2 (coefficient of determination) or R Square of 0.750 or 75.0%. This value can be interpreted that the change in student learning outcomes by changes in the value of the remedial and enrichment learning variables is 75.0% while 25% is determined by changes in other factors that are not in the model. The calculated t value for the remedial learning variable (X1) is 10,615 and for the enrichment learning variable (X2) is 15,023. The value of t table for n = 109 with degrees of freedom n-k-1 = 106 and a confidence level of 5% or alpha 0.05 is 1.982. So it can be concluded that remedial and enrichment learning variables have a significant effect on student learning outcomes.
The Implementation of Multicultural-based Islamic Education at State Junior High Schools Indra Saputra
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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This study aims to determine the learning application of Islamic religious education with a multicultural perspective at State Junior High Schools in Siak Hulu District, Kampar. The focus of this research is to discuss how is the implementation of Islamic Religious Education material with a multicultural perspective? What methods are applied in learning Islamic Religious Education with a multicultural perspective? And how is the evaluation of Islamic Religious Education learning with a multicultural perspective in State Junior High Schools in Siak Hulu District, Kampar Regency. This research is a Qualitative Research, with a Case Study Approach. Data were collected by using observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, the results of these techniques are selected in accordance with the focus of the study. To see the validity of the data, data triangulation technique was applied, and then it is continued with drawing conclusions. After that, thorough research was conducted on the implementation of Islamic religious education with a multicultural perspective at Junior High Schools id Siak Hulu District, Kampar Regency. It can be concluded that: the appropriate material for Islamic Education with a multicultural perspective is to reconcile the country with tolerance, with the aim of learning so that we can live in harmony in the life of the nation and state. To find out the level of understanding of students, it can be seen in the learning process of Islamic Religious Education with a multicultural perspective and can be measured by religious and social attitudes. Various kinds of discussion methods are used in learning Islamic Religious Education with a multicultural perspective with the aim of making learning more enjoyable and raise students’ enthusiasm, thereby making it easier for teachers and students to learn, by showing the behavior of students who respect each other, tolerance and mutual respect.
Learning Management of The Qur’an Memorization Using Classical Method of Scrutinized Reading in Yayasan Hidayatul Mustafid Batam Imam Mutowali
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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The method of memorizing Qoran is developing rapidly in Indonesia. However, many of them were not managed well. Weaknesses in the management affected the results of achievement in terms of quality and quantity of memorization and recitation. This descriptive qualitative research aimed to find out and analyze the management of Qoran memorization learning by applying Classical method: reciting and listening at Hidayatul Mustafid Foundation in Batam and the factors that influence the success of that management. The data collection techniques included observation, interview, documentation, and triangulation. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed by using data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Based on the results, it was concluded that the management of Qoran memorization learning by using classical method: reciting and listening was carried out according to the standard of good management. Planning that referred to the curriculum, operational guidelines, and technical coordinator guidelines took place before the learning process. In addition, organizing was carried out by prescribing jobs and duties of all personnel and classifying learning into two phases. Furthermore, controling was carried out by observing the implementation of learning, teachers-students interaction, and the achievement of teaching objectives through supervision (directly) and reports in meetings (indirectly). Students’ memorization was controlled through muraja'ah (reviewing). Evaluation was carried out in the forms of teacher’s’ daily evaluation, chapter memorization increase evaluation, and examination by the head of the institution.

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