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Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Published by Nalar Global
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27228673     DOI : -
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society is published by the Education Division of Nalar Global Foundation. This open access journal aims to promote researches on pedagogy and society at various educational levels and educational community settings. As a peer-reviewed journal, it focuses on the scholarship and practice of teaching and learning and the impact of education on society, covering: teaching, learning, curriculum, assessment, policy, management, leadership and related areas.
Articles 6 Documents
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Pancasila Economic System in the Era of Globalization Shinta Wulandari
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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One solution to the various problems faced by the Indonesian people today is to revive the spirit of Pancasila. Pancasila is the essence of Indonesia's existence as a country. Pancasila serves as the basis of the state, ideology, philosophy, and also as the embodiment of the basic principles for an independent Indonesia. Therefore, the revitalization/revival of Pancasila should be the main focus of government programs, so that the values ​​of Pancasila can be inspired by every Indonesian nation. Especially in the case of the Pancasila Economic System, the founders of Indonesia believed that the Pancasila Economic System could free the people from poverty, hunger, social inequality and corruption, besides that it could also be the basis for being able to cooperate with other countries as a whole. This can be realized by uniting determination, action, and integration/merging from various fields and skills to achieve the ideals of prosperity for the entire Indonesian nation.
Bumi Sakinah Foundation’s Teacher and Administrative Staff Planning Management Muhammad Sholihuddin
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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The purpose of this study was to determine the planning management of educators and education personnel at the Bumi Sakinah Foundation, Batam. This research is a qualitative descriptive type, namely research based on post-positivism philosophy. Collecting data using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study explain that 1) The planning management of educators and education staff at the Bumi Sakinah Foundation Batam can be categorized as good. With a lot of evidence that validates the research data. The existing Renstra (Strategic Plan) has met the planning standard which has a process and evaluation in every strategic plan that is carried out. Although there are several things that need to be improved and continue to be evaluated for the progress of the Bumi Sakinah Foundation Batam, and especially for Islamic religious education today. And the cohesiveness of the leaders and members is very good, so that it creates a positive aura in the learning process at school and can compete in the realm of education. 2) external factors in the planning of educators and education personnel are the weaknesses of the school's vision and mission, curriculum, work programs, education funds, quality of teachers and students, learning facilities and media, school infrastructure, principals, leadership, school environment planning, activities academic and non academic and discipline. Then internal factors can be divided, namely competition between schools, and the development of Science and Technology.
Religious Guidance to Improve Elderly Individuals’ Understanding of the Islamic Religion Eka Sriwahyuni
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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This field research aims to examine this problem and explore scientifically about religious development to improve religious understanding of the elderly in the technical implementation unit of social services, Tresna Werdha Husnul Khotimah, Riau Province Social Service. To obtain data in accordance with research purposes, the authors used three data collection methods including observation, interviews, and documentation. After the data is collected, it will be analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques with steps including data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing after first going through the process of testing the validity of the data. The results show that religious guidance to improve understanding of the Islamic religion of the elderly in the technical implementation unit of social services tresna wherda husnul khotimah Riau Province social service is categorized as good implementation.
Islamic Performance of Administrative Staff at Higher Education in Riau Province Safarin
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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This study aims to find the concept of coaching the performance of administrative staff, especially in higher education institutions that have a vision of integrating knowledge. The research was conducted at universities with a vision of integrating knowledge, Islamic universities with a non-integration vision of science, and non-religious universities. Respondents who were involved as samples were 424 staffs with an Ex Post Facto approach, namely research conducted after an incident occurred to find causes that allow changes in behavior, symptoms or phenomena caused by an event, behavior, symptom. The data is processed through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) from the AMOS statistical software package. The results showed that religiosity had a positive effect on Internalization of Organizational Vision (0.01), Spiritual Ethos had no effect on Internalization of Organizational Vision (0.89), Internalization of Organizational Vision had no effect on Islamic Performance (0.00), Religiosity had no effect on Islamic Performance (0.24), and Ethic Spiritual has a positive effect on Islamic Performance (0.00). The research findings also show differences between Islamic universities Vision Integration of Science and Islamic Higher Education Vision of non-integration of science, and non-religious higher education, in Islamic universities. Religious vision (Integration of Science) is not required Internalization of organizational vision as a mediator of spiritual ethos on Islamic performance while at other universities it is needed.
Students’ Communication Strategies in Performing Transactional Task through CLIL Approach Dodi Settiawan
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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At higher education level, student achievement is highly dependent on their ability to master scientific content through English as the language of instruction. As a result of this paradigm, content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is implemented. In addition to the four language skills, CLIL also emphasizes mastery of content which is also a pillar of communicative competence. Thus, students’ transactional competence needs to be developed as an extension of interactional competence. The research described in this article was carried out to better understand communicative competence by testing transactional competence through the linkage of content mastery and the use of communication strategies in the form of task-based communication. By implementing the CLIL approach, this study explains how task-based content and language teaching can be used in explicit instruction during the development of student communication strategies. The research focused on communication strategies such as asking for clarification, imitation, checking understanding and maintenance strategies such as giving confirmation. The results show that empowering students to be able to maintain communication plays the most significant role in improving task-based learning outcomes. The tests showed that the communication strategies used by the students resulted in a significant improvement in their test scores and willingness to perform transactional tasks. The explicit instruction regarding the use of communication strategies in performing transactional tasks also indicates that opportunities for further research and application exist in the specific contexts of other faculties using content and language integrated learning where transactional competencies are critical for their students' future work.
Integration of Islam and Science: International Islamic University Islamabad and Malaysia Muhammad Fajri Hamdy
Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Nalar: Journal of Pedagogy and Society
Publisher : Nalar Global Foundation

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Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana integrasi Islam dan sains dilakukan di International Islamic University of Islamabad (IIUI) dan International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM). Topik pada kajian ini dikaji dengan menggunakan pendekatan Literature Review. Literatur yang digunakan sebagai data bersumber dari website universitas dan artikel jurnal ilmiah yang relevan. Berdasarkan pemaparan di atas dapat diketahui bahwa implementasi integrasi pada IIUI dan IIUM dapat dilihat dari landasan filosofis, visi, misi, hingga pada kurikulum umum Universitas yang disusun merujuk kepada landasan filosofis, visi, dan misi tersebut. Pada tataran landasan filosofis, visi, dan misi konsep integrasi telah disusun dengan sangat baik, akan tetapi implementasinya pada proses pembelajaran masih memiliki tantangan dari sudut tenaga pengajar, sehingga terdapat model yang bervariasi dalam realisasi integrasi pada proses pembelajaran.

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