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Early Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS)
ISSN : 27742482     EISSN : 27742482     DOI : 10.35508/ECEDS
Early Childhood Education and Development Studies ECEDS merupakan salah satu jurnal pendidikan anak usia dini yang menerbitkan, artikel penelitian, laporan studi lapangan, laporan studi kasus, kajian pustaka baik sekala lokal, nasional maupun internasional. Artikel yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal ini adalah tulisan asli yang berlum pernah dipublikasian di jurnal manapun. Tujuan Jurnal ECEDS dimaksud adalah sebagai wadah untuk menyebarluaskan informasi yang konstruktif untuk kemajuan pendidikan anak usia dini. Artikel yang akan dipublish memuat informasi dan isu-isu yang sifatnya terkini sesuai dengan perkembangan anak pendidikan anak usia dini. Cakupan artikel yang termuat di dalam ECEDS difokuskan pada, Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Nutrsi dan Kesehatan Anak Usia Dini, Psikologi Perkembangan Anak, Kurikulum Anak Usia Dini, Kebijakan Anak Usia Dini, Pengasuhan Anak Usia Dini, Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini (Pendekatan, Model, Media, Strategi, Metode), Manajemen Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Pendidikan Berkebutuhan Khusus, Hukum dan Perlindungan Anak Usia DIni, Kurikulum merdeka serta topik-topik lain tentang anak usia dini.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November" : 8 Documents clear
Develop Interpersonal Intelligence based on Islamic Parenting Silvia Nurul Afifah; Noor Mua’allimah; Fitri Nihayatun Nadziroh
Early Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/eceds.v3i2.9235


We write this journal on developing interpersonal intelligence based on Islamic parenting to find out and explain in more detail and develop the understanding of interpersonal intelligence and how it is applied in Islamic parenting. the purpose of this study is to apply Islamic parenting by developing children's interpersonal intelligence. This research uses a literature review method. which materials we take can be obtained from various reading books and various educational journal publications. Character will be formed as a result of understanding three relationships that must be experienced by every human being, namely the relationship with oneself, the environment, and the relationship with God. Each result of the relationship will provide a meaning or understanding which ultimately becomes the child's values ​​and beliefs. How children understand the form of these relationships will determine how children treat the world. Negative understanding will have an impact on negative treatment and positive understanding will treat the world positively. Positive understanding in children from an early age is one of them by giving children confidence in themselves, helping children direct their potential, so they are better able to explore on their own, not pressing it either directly or subtly, and so on. Get used to children socializing and interacting with the surrounding environment so that the formation of children's character to improve interpersonal intelligence can grow well.
The Role Of The Teacher In Training The Independence Of Children BDR Period In Siloam Christian Kindergarten Engelbertus Nggalu Bali; Martina Roslin; Irul Khotijah
Early Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/eceds.v3i2.9236


The purpose of the study is to find out an overview of the role of teachers in training the independence of children aged 5-6 years during learning from home at Siloam Kota Baru Christian Kindergarten Kupang. The research method used in this research is qualitative research. The data collection techniques used in this study are interviews, observations and documentation. Data analysis used through steps in the form of data reduction, data presentation, verification or conclusion. The findings of this study are that the role of teachers in training children's independence by providing facilities to children, motivating children in forming child independence, making learning resources for children and observing all children's activities. The conclusion of this study is that learning strategies in schools carried out by teachers or educators have a great influence in increasing early childhood independence, therefore good teachers should need to increase their creativity in better learning strategies. This study provides input for the next researchers to conduct follow-up research on increasing independence that is more appropriate for children through certain learning strategies.
Early Childhood Physical Motor Development Al Ihzan Tajuddin; Ronald Dwi Ardian Fufu; Salmon Runesi
Early Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/eceds.v3i2.9237


Motor development is one aspect that must be considered in its development in early childhood. Motor development is often used as a benchmark to prove that children are growing and developing well. Motor development is something that talks about coordinated physical movements, so that in its development it takes a variety of appropriate stimulation for early childhood. Motor development is one of the most important factors in the development of the individual as a whole. Basically, this development develops in line with the maturity of the nerves and muscles of the child. Thus, every movement, no matter how simple, is the result of a complex interaction pattern of various parts of the system in the body that is controlled by the brain. The results of this study indicate that children who have good physical-motor development, when children are able to coordinate their body muscle movements optimally. Conducive environment, parenting patterns, nutritious food are factors that support children's physical-motor development, especially when they are still under the age of five (toddlers).
Parenting: Family and Character manners of Children in Manleten Village Belu Vanida Mundiarti; Yunita Seran; Sartika Kale
Early Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/eceds.v3i2.9238


The family is the first learning environment for children, the family has a very important role in shaping the character of children's manners, related to this in this study was carried out in Manleten Village, Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara which aims to describe how the role of the family in shaping the character of children's manners. The research data is in the form of qualitatively descriptive data, research data was obtained through observations and interviews conducted for one month to sources who met the criteria as informants in the study, namely five fathers and five mothers, from children aged 5-6 years in Manleten Village. The validity of the research data through trianggulation of sources, namely by interviewing two teachers of the children. The results showed that in shaping the character of manners for children aged 5-6 years, families in Manleten Village have carried out their roles well, namely providing positive examples such as being friendly to guests, and speaking politely when speaking, accustoming children to say the words please, sorry, thank you, and greeting parents, the family creates a conducive atmosphere in the house by advising children and taking time for children. Broadly speaking, the role of the family in determining the character of children's manners in Manleten Village is divided into three main points, namely: 1) Character building through giving positive role models or role models; 2) Habituation; and 3) Creating a conducive atmosphere in the family.
The Role Of Parents In Developing The Independence Of Early Children During The Pandemic Period In Turekisa Village Maria Karolina Ngao; Imanuel Lohmay; Angelikus Nama Koten
Early Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/eceds.v3i2.9239


Purpose of this study was to describe the role of parents in developing independent learning for early childhood during the pandemic in Turekisa Village. This study uses a qualitative approach. There were 10 informants in this study, namely 5 parents who had children who were at an early age and lived in the village of Turekisa. The results of this study indicate that children's learning independence during the Covid-19 pandemic in Turekisa Village was quite good, all roles and attention were given by parents such as providing learning facilities, supervising children's learning activities at home, supervising the use of study time at home, monitoring children's learning difficulties, as well as parents help the difficulties faced by children in learning. Parents always provide encouragement and motivation in learning activities, because this encouragement can provide strength for each child to generate a willingness to learn, it's just that some have not been carried out optimally, because children have low learning independence due to the Covid-19 pandemic which makes learning activities are limited and more are done at home.
Efforts To Improve Children’s Cognitive Abilities Through Playing Puzzle Activities in Group B At Kindergarten Satap Fatumuti Yasinta Taolin; Novilia Devi Dewitanty
Early Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/eceds.v3i2.12369


This research was conducted to address the problem of improving children's cognitive abilities through puzzle playing activities. This study aims to improve children's cognitive abilities through playing puzzle activities at TK Satap Fatumuti group B in 2021. This research was carried out using Classroom Action research which consisted of two cycles, with five meetings in each cycle. This research was conducted for approximately two weeks. The results of the study proved that through playing puzzles children could improve their cognitive abilities at each meeting, the cognitive ability of children in cycle one was 30% with very poor criteria and in the second cycle it increased to 70% with very good criteria. Every time it is carried out in cycle one and cycle two it can be concluded that in learning improvement activities the cognitive abilities of group B TK Satap Fatumuti have increased. The teacher is a model, motivator, facilitator for their students. Teachers should continue to explore and develop their abilities to improve children's cognitive abilities in optimal and varied puzzle playing activities.
The Use of Alphabet Box Media in Letter Recognition in Children Aged 4-5 Years La Consolacion School Larantuka Kindergarten selvana yosefa sabu balun; Ria Anggun Trisyani
Early Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/eceds.v3i2.12382


The purpose of this classroom action research is to find out the increase in the ability to recognize letters through alphabet box media games in group A children at La Consolacion School Kindergarten in 2022/2023. The research subjects were group A La Consolacion School Larantuka Kindergarten in the 2022/2023 school year, which consisted of 10 children and consisted of 4 boys and 6 girls with an average age of 4 years. This research was conducted in group A TK La Consolacion School, Sarotari village, Larantuka subdistrict, East Flores district, where the researcher was assigned. This research was conducted using two cycles, with each cycle holding 3 meetings. This research was conducted for approximately 3 weeks. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Application of Alphabetic Media can improve the ability to recognize letters in children aged 4-5 years. Teachers should be more creative in classroom learning, especially in learning media so that they can optimally improve children's language skills. Keywords: ability, language, alphabet box
Application Of The Buzz Group Method In Cognitive/Mathematics Learning To Increase Learning Activities In Recognizing Number Symbols For Students Age 4 - 5 Years At Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Waikabubak Kindergarten SRI WATI; Zulhayati Zulhayati
Early Childhood Education Development and Studies (ECEDS) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/eceds.v3i2.12401


This study aims to determine whether the application of the Buzz Group method to cognitive/mathematics learning can improve student learning outcomes related to counting the number of numbers. This research includes classroom action research (CAR) conducted at Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten, Waikabubak City, West Sumba Regency. The research was conducted in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The research subjects were group A students and a teacher. Data collection instruments in this study include observation sheets, LKPD, and documentation. The results showed that the application of the Buzz Group method could improve the learning outcomes of Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Waikabubak Kindergarten students regarding the concept of numbers by using objects 1 to 10. This was illustrated by the increase and achievement of criteria for teacher activity, student activity, and student learning outcomes after studying with the Buzz Group method. The percentage of students who achieve learning outcomes in cycle 2 is 75%. This result increased compared to the learning outcomes of cycle 1 where the percentage of students who achieved learning outcomes was only 25%. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach and a quantitative approach. This study consisted of quantitative data, namely data obtained from student learning research, while qualitative data was obtained from observations of activities inside and outside the classroom.

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