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Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29884284     DOI : -
Core Subject : Engineering,
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering merupakan salah satu kajian yang membahas segala aspek ilmu bidang Teknik Industri. Seminar ini diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Magister Teknik Industri Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta. Seminar Nasional yang unik ini menyediakan forum bagi akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi dari berbagai industri untuk bertukar pikiran dan pengalaman serta berbagi perkembangan terkini di bidang teknik industri. Seminar ini telah membahas banyak hal terkait bidang Teknik Industri seperti Management Operation, Quality Engineering, Manufacturing System, Value Engineering, Optimization, Automation Industry, Strategic Management, Production Planning, Risk Management, Service Engineering, Simulation of Industrial System dan topik lainnya.
Articles 62 Documents
Pengaplikasian Matlab dan Audacity Sebagai Pendeteksi Bunyi Kerusakan Pada Pompa Rotary Tipe GD 123 MC Andrian Fachriza; I Gede Eka Lesmana; Nely Tobing Bunga
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 2 (2020): ARAH PENGEMBANGAN RISET ENGINEERING DI ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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In the environment and people's lives, noise is very influential, especially human voice. And it can also be in the form of vehicles, operating machines, industrial equipment, and so on. As the progress of Science and Technology (IPTEK) is very rapid we can use the noise to find out the state of a machining system that is operating. In a sound must have a different frequency range, from the comparison of these frequencies can be known the state of a system. The application used in determining the frequency range is Matlab and Audacity by entering a code about the frequency range. The results of the comparison of frequency ranges are graphs. The machining system used is a rotary pump type GD 123 MC in data collection used several conditions, namely normal conditions, clogged inlet pipes, and cavitation. From the results of data processing, a graph of frequency ranges can be generated, from the graph it can be used as a reference of the conditions possessed by such a machining system. The graph is also used as an initial database to detect the condition of an engine or even detect a failure in a machining system. The results of the above patterns can make it easier to check the condition of a machinery system preventively.
Analisis Perampingan Beban Kerja pada Bagian Packaging Material dengan Metode Workload Analysis Andri Yanto; Uly Amrina
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 5 (2023): LEAN AND GREEN FOR SUSTAINABILITY DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN THE I4.0 ERA
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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This research is based on the results of observations of working time in the Packaging Materials (PM) section of a nutritional beverage company which indicates idle time has a negative impact on company productivity. The research objective is to calculate and streamline the workload with the optimal number of workers in the PM section. The research method used is time and motion study with work load analysis based on lean concepts. A total of 30 samples were taken using simple random sampling method. Data were analyzed using a descriptive workload analysis method. The results showed that the existing workload of PM feeder operators had a workload of 82.92%, assistant feeder PM operators had a workload of 60.16%, and RMPM driver operators had a workload of 57.27%. In addition, the optimal number of workers in the packaging material preparation process is 2 people. Finally, improvements are proposed using a lean concept approach in allocating main and additional work elements to operators in the packaging material preparation process.
Analisis Faktor K3 yang Bepengaruh Terhadap Produktivitas di Industri Otomotif Tri Aprianto; Bambang Setiawan; Arif Nuryono
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 5 (2023): LEAN AND GREEN FOR SUSTAINABILITY DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN THE I4.0 ERA
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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The increasing development of industry and technology has the potential to cause a source of danger. In addition, work environment factors that do not meet Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) requirements, unsafe work processes, and increasingly complex work systems can pose a distinct threat to worker safety and health. This study aims to analyze the K3 factors that affect the decline in productivity. This study uses Focus Group Discussion to analyze problems and provide suggestions for improvement. The results of the analysis using Why-Why Analysis to find out the dominant causes show that OHS is considered a shackle. OHS equipment that is not provided according to potential hazards, OHS policy does not guarantee occupational safety and health, lack of firmness from companies in applying sanctions to violators of OHS regulations. This study concludes that by analyzing the factors regarding OHS Culture, OSH Training, and Employee Performance that influence productivity can be identified. With RCFA with Why-Why Analysis the company can make improvements to production declines.
Implementasi Metode Kaizen di Berbagai Industri: Kajian Literatur Sistematis Hasiholan Manurung; Dias Irawati Sukma; Indra Maulana Fahturizal
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 3 (2021): RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT BASED ON LITERATURE REVIEW
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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Increasing productivity and reducing production costs are major factors in improving performance as a way for the advancement of a company or organization. The kaizen method is a proven method and is practiced in variousfieldsin various countries. The purpose of this paper is to identify and explore the implementation of the kaizen method in industry and analyze the benefits obtained. This paper finds a strategy in the form of new regulations that can be updated according to the need to increase productivity and minimize expenditure. The method used is a literature review of various scientific articles related to the implementation of the kaizen method in various industries that have been widely implemented in various fieldsin many countries. The results obtained from the identification of various articlesshow that the kaizen method is very effective in managing the resources owned by a company or organization with a measurable impact and can be adjusted according to circumstances
Perbaikan Aliran Proses Sertifikasi di LSP X Menggunakan Metode Value Stream Mapping (VSM) Rachman Catur Kurniawan; Ibnu Sholeh; Hasbullah Hasbullah
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 5 (2023): LEAN AND GREEN FOR SUSTAINABILITY DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN THE I4.0 ERA
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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Industrial Engineering and Management Professional Certification Institute (LSP X) is an institution that has been licensed by BNSP to conduct competency tests in accordance with the scheme. As an independent and professional institution in the Industrial Engineering and Management sector, there is a longer time difference between the real time certification process and the time determined by the X LSP for 14 days. The purpose of this research is to improve the flow of the certification process in order to accelerate the time faster (7 days) by eliminating activities that do not add value to the certification process at LSP X and identifying what factors cause the certification process time to be longer than the standard. determined by LSP X and conducted by the value stream mapping method. current state mapping is made to identify waste, then future state mapping is made to make improvements. The research results obtained from this case study show that in the certification process at the X LSP, the certification process time can be accelerated, activity grouping, waste analysis and time analysis so that it can get a faster time in the certification process compared to the previous one, namely by comparing the length of time of the Current State certification. 14 days and 7 days future state using the efficient and effective Value Stream Mapping (VSM) method.
Tinjauan Pustaka Sistematik Implementasi Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dalam Organisasi Raden Wendrata Prasetya; Yulizan Rizki; Sawarni Hasibuan
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 4 (2022): RENEWABLE ENERGY TOWARD SUSTAINABILITY OF SUPPLY CHAINS IN THE I4.0 ERA
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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Perkembangan Industri 4.0 pada lingkungan bisnis yang kompleks membuat organisasi melakukan penyesuaian strategi seiring berkembangnya inovasi otomatisasi, super computer, artificial intelligence, dan fleksibilitas pola kerja berbasis digital. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) adalah sistem informasi yang membuat model tentang bagaimana pengguna bersedia menerima dan menggunakan teknologi. Model ini pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Davis pada tahun 1989. Kedua variabel model TAM yaitu kemanfaatan (usefulness) dan kemudahan penggunaan (ease of use) dapat menjelaskan aspek keperilakuan pemakai. Ciri khas dari Model TAM adalah sederhana namun bisa memprediksi penerimaan maupun penggunaan teknologi. Tujuan penulisan paper ini adalah untuk mengamati apakah konsep dan metode tersebut masih relevan serta efektif untuk digunakan berdasarkan literatur pada berbagai sektor industri. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa TAM adalah model yang dapat menjelaskan bahwa persepsi pemakai akan menentukan sikapnya dalam penerimaan penggunaan teknologi informasi masih sangat relevan untuk digunakan saat ini dalam berbagai sector usaha.
Perencanaan Kebutuhan Material untuk Menentukan Harga Pokok Produksi Jaket: Studi Kasus di Perusahaan Garmen Satriyo Maulana; Eko Raharjo; Muh. Tosin
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 5 (2023): LEAN AND GREEN FOR SUSTAINABILITY DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN THE I4.0 ERA
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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In industrial competition, of course the company will further improve the quality of its management in order to survive in the competition. One of them is to improve the continuity of production in order to meet consumer demand in a timely manner, with good quality and minimal costs. CV. Woodpacker Bekasi in conducting production activities is required to be able to predict the level of consumer demand, production capacity, place and production costs. In addition, it also predicts the number of workers needed by the company to be able to calculate the cost of production which has an impact on the selling price of the product and the break-even point as well as the company's profit. Production planning and control is a way to estimate the amount of output to be produced to meet customer needs. In addition, it is also to predict material inputs, labor required, and predict production capacity to adjust the amount of demand. This research has a purpose, namely to plan and control materials in order to determine the cost of production. The method used is Aggregate Planning. The results of the study resulted in savings in the company's inventory for 8 months (January to August 2021) of Rp. 27.310.00 with the amount of production in accordance with consumer demand. For the period of September 2021, the total production cost is Rp. 252,015,000 and sales of Rp. 527,350,000 with a profit of Rp. 275,335,000.
Analisis Risiko Kebakaran pada Aktivitas Warehouse Bahan Kimia Arief Bagus Arjuna; M. Juju Adhiwikarta; M. Zuhdi Prasetyo Nugroho
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 4 (2022): RENEWABLE ENERGY TOWARD SUSTAINABILITY OF SUPPLY CHAINS IN THE I4.0 ERA
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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Secara umum, industri di dunia semakin berkembang seiring perkembangan industri 4.0. Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan industri kimia sebagai salah satu dari lima sektor yang akan menjadi pionir dalam penerapan industri 4.0. Pemerintah Indonesia juga terus mendorong sektor industri dalam kemandiriannya dan beberapa sektor mendapat prioritas pengembangan karena mampu memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan bagi perekonomian nasional. Berbagai industri kimia telah tumbuh dan berkembang di Indonesia antara lain industri petrokimia, oleokimia, agrokimia, dan sebagainya. Industri kimia tersebut juga menghasilkan berbagai produk kimia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa kehidupan manusia tidak lepas dari pemanfaatan bahan kimia yang diproduksi oleh industri kimia. Revolusi industri merupakan perpaduan teknologi dengan mengintegrasikan sumber daya teknologi, mesin, dan manusia, memberikan perubahan besar dalam sektor ini. Dengan meningkatnya jumlah industri kimia, akan meningkat pula potensi bahaya yang dapat menimbulkan risiko kecelakaan kerja yang lebih besar. Kebakaran merupakan salah satu potensi bahaya yang dapat menimbulkan risiko besar bahkan risiko kematian dan luka bakar serius pada manusia. Selain risiko terhadap manusia, kebakaran akan merusak aset perusahaan, pencemaran lingkungan. Oleh sebab itu, penulis melakukan penelitian di salah satu industri kimia di Cilegon yang memiliki potensi bahaya besar dan risiko tinggi. Potensi bahaya kebakaran ini dipicu adanya aktivitas pembongkaran bahan kimia di pelabuhan, proses produksi, penyimpanan bahan kimia di warehouse, pengiriman bahan kimia dengan menggunakan angkutan truk, penyimpanan bahan kimia di tangki penyimpanan, transfer bahan kimia antar pabrik, dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melakukan identifikasi bahaya dan penilaian risiko pada aktivitas warehouse bahan kimia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA). Hasil dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko kebakaran pada aktivitas warehouse bahan kimia dan menyiapkan strategi pencegahan agar kejadian kebakaran tidak meluas serta dapat ditanggulangi oleh karyawan di dalam pabrik.   
Implementasi Konsep 5S Pada Industri Baja di Indonesia Rahmat Putra Zulyet; Bayu Hari Nugroho; Dwinita Chika Finira; Nurfitri Rahmawati
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 1 (2019): BIG DATA ANALYTIC AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ERA 4.0
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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To continue to be an industrial company producing large expenditure capacity, it is necessary to have a good and comfortable working area for workers who work. However, in the current situation, there are several types of work areas and inadequate working equipment conditions in order to maintain good working conditions and better production results. This study aims to evaluate the cleanliness, discipline of the work environment in a steel industry company located in Banten Province. The 5S method is one of the uses to improve and create a comfortable work style. The implementation that has been carried out is that unused equipment has been separated and disposed of as well as grouping of necessary equipment, a special room (tool room) has been made for equipment storage, a tool room and a table for each equipment have been made, updates have been made to floor markers, procurement of trolleys with the aim of wasting working time, special places and signs for oil storage have been made, set cleaning activities, the operator is obliged to clean the machines after that have been used and every Friday morning working from 08:00 - 10:00.
Implementasi Lean Manufacturing pada Industri Makanan: Kajian Literatur Andi Martis; Rd Iman Pirmansyah; Humiras Hardi Purba
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering Vol 5 (2023): LEAN AND GREEN FOR SUSTAINABILITY DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN THE I4.0 ERA
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

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Companies that are able to survive in fierce competition in the market are not companies that have large capital, but companies that are able to respond quickly to market demand. For this reason, companies need to improve all lines to achieve effective and efficient productivity levels. The implementation of lean manufacturing can be carried out in production companies so that they are able to provide quality products according to market demand and have low costs without having to reduce the added value of their products. The purpose of this research is to find steps to reduce various kinds of waste in the production line by using lean manufacturing principles in the food industry. A literature review was carried out using the following criteria: lean manufacturing, food production, tools used in lean manufacturing, and the waste that occurs. The results obtained from the literature review are by implementing lean manufacturing on production lines that are able to reduce costs, improve long process flows, but must be accompanied by the company's readiness to support financially and other things.