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Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah, UIN K.H.Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan Jl. Pahlawan, Rowolaku, Kec. Kajen, Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. PO.BOX 51161, Telp. (0285) 412575 | Fax. 423418
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Religia : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
ISSN : 14111632     EISSN : 25275992     DOI :
Religia Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu KeIslaman focuses on Islamic studies particularly Living Quran and Hadith. The word Living addresses the implementation of Quran and Hadith in social life. It relates to particular reference to Indonesian culture, diversity, history, philosophy, sociology, and anthropology, Sufism, and ideology. Topics addressed within the journal include but are not limited to Contemporary and Interdisciplinary Quran and Hadith Studies, Thematic Exegesis, Comparative Exegesis, Quranic and Hadith Studies, Methodology and Hermeneutics, Manuscripts and Textual Criticism on the Qur’an and Hadith.
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 25 No 2 (2022): Author geographical coverage: Indonesia" : 7 Documents clear
Maghza Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd's Interpretation Concept as A Counter of Polygamy Pragmatism Sam'ani Sam'ani
Religia Vol 25 No 2 (2022): Author geographical coverage: Indonesia
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v25i2.5156


The main purpose of this research is to reveal the deep meaning of polygamous verses by using the theoretical approach of Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd's text study. As a critical Islamic thinker, Nasr produced many controversial understandings with classical thinkers, including in interpreting the polygamy verse. Nasr sees the meaning of the verse of polygamy in its historical context as a limitation of the human relationship between men and women in the tradition of pre-Islamic Arab society. This historical origin is only a starting point for understanding the verse, not as the main message of the Qur'an. Nasr photographed the meaning of the verse of polygamy in the context of the Qur'an as a whole. The placement of the text in its comprehensive context produces the original meaning and the meaning of significance (magza) and reveals the hidden dimension of meaning (al maskut 'anhu) namely the principle of monogamy. By revealing this hidden meaning, it will be able to counteract the pragmatic polygamists who are currently happening on the pretext of religion.
Islamic Moderation of Ibn Rushd’s Thoughts to Counter Radicalism in Indonesia Mamdukh Budiman; Mirza Mahbub Wijaya
Religia Vol 25 No 2 (2022): Author geographical coverage: Indonesia
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v25i2.5715


This paper discusses the moderation attitude to counter radicalism in Indonesia. Why is this research interesting to discuss? Fundamentalism is dammed by education and understanding of diversity. Therefore, the author offers the thoughts and personality of Ibn Rushd. In historical records, Ibn Rushd is a scholar who never attacks personally and accuses his opponents of infidelity. The moderation attitude showed by Ibn Rushd can be used as a model for character building for Muslims today. In terms of methodology, this article is of library research type. Furthermore, the writer digs up data from Ibn Rushd’s books and uses a philosophical approach with content analysis or hermeneutics. According to Ibn Rushd, a scholar must have several essential moderation personalities. There are three parts: before, in, and after thinking. Before thinking, a scholar must have an open, honest, curious, sceptical, courageous, and patient personality. Scholars’ personality in thinking is speculative, willing to be guided by experience and reason, willing to accept, ready to face mistakes and dare to make decisions. Furthermore, the personality, after thinking, are tolerant and forgiving
“Stay at Home, Obey Sunnah”: Construction of Women's Piety Through QS. al-Ahzab verse 33 in TikTok Social Media Post Putri Ghoida’ Habibillah; Miski Miski
Religia Vol 25 No 2 (2022): Author geographical coverage: Indonesia
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v25i2.5782


This research aims to analyze the construction of women's piety through QS al-Ahzab verse 33 on social media TikTok. In tracing this construction of piety, the main question is: how is the verse visualized with a certain understanding? and what are the implications in the context of religious patterns in Indonesia? With a netnographic approach and three analytical models, such as descriptive, critical, and correlative, this research shows that QS. al-Ahzab verse 33 in the TikTok is visualized with symbols showing the domestication of women at home by playing sound, text on video, captions, and relevant videos. In this case, there are four specific important findings. First, understanding related to QS. al-Ahzab verse 33 is synonymous with an understanding based on the reasoning in translation, not on text or sources. Second, the various posts related to this theme are partly directed toward financial interests. Third, there is an attempt to confirm the identity of a group which automatically eliminates the truth of another group's version. Fourth, a new structuring structure is created in TikTok's social interactions, namely digital piety.
Etika Lingkungan Dari Perspektif al-Quran dan Sunnah Muhammad Yusuf; Kamaluddin Nurdin Marjuni
Religia Vol 25 No 2 (2022): Author geographical coverage: Indonesia
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v25i2.5916


– Environmental ethics is a knowledge of ethics that is based on an ethical approach and used to respond to various environmental crises caused by human behavior. This article refers to verses of the Quran and hadiths as the basis of spiritual and environmental ethics values ​​on human interaction with the environment. It elaborates on verses and prophetic traditions that are relevant for obtaining full inspiration of concepts through interpretations and thematic hadiths. It is achieved by reading the full text without separating the context, after identifying the verses of the Quran and hadiths explored based on the context. The religion established by the Whites’ has been accused as one of the causes of environmental damage. However, despite igniting the reaction of religious refusal, it also encourages the reflection on critical theology and methods of reading sacred texts. In principle, Islam teaches environmental ethics integrated into the concepts of tawhîd, khilâfah, amanah, and akhîrah based on Quran and hadith.
Soul Dimension and Antithesis of Ibnu Sina’s Reincarnation Concept Naila Shofia; Achmad Khudori Soleh
Religia Vol 25 No 2 (2022): Author geographical coverage: Indonesia
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v25i2.5958


Ibn Sina, the father of modern medicine, has an unusual concept of psychology. His concept of soul is different from other characters. So is his view of reincarnation. This study examines Ibn Sina's concept of the soul and his views on reincarnation. The research is based on literature data and uses qualitative methods. The results showed that Ibn Sina divided the human soul into three parts: the plant, animal, and human. The human soul is eternal. The soul is not corrupted after death, after being separated from the body. The soul lives on in its nature. After death, the soul does not need a new body for its activities. Therefore, there is no reincarnation for the soul. Ibn Sina disagrees with the concept of soul reincarnation by Aristotle.
Abed Al-Jabiri's Epistemology of Intelligence: A Case Study of Interfaith Marriage in Indonesia Agus Sutono; Fuad Noorzeha
Religia Vol 25 No 2 (2022): Author geographical coverage: Indonesia
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v25i2.6027


Interfaith marriage/mixed marriage is currently an unresolved social polemic. It means that the marital status of different religions is still a hot topic of discussion because seeing the impact caused by interfaith marriages is very large. These impacts are child care, inheritance rights, child morals, and up to divorce. Often, interfaith marriages occur based on freedom of reasoning in religion. Thus, for people in an interfaith marriage, the perception of reason provides legal justification to strengthen the legality of interfaith marriages. Therefore, various efforts in interfaith marriages continue to be carried out in Indonesia. This research used the epistemology of Abed al-Jabiri, namely: Bayani, Burhani, and Irfani to emphasize reason as Idraku al-Sabab Wa al-Musabbab and reason as Bila Wasitah. This method is different from the epistemological methods of other figures such as Ibn Rushd and Ibn Khaldun. Thus, the researcher used al-Jabiri's epistemological trilogy as a method of thinking to see the freedom of reasoning in interfaith marriages. This research was qualitative research with heuristic methodical elements and used an epistemological approach. The heuristic method provides criticism of a certain paradigm so that the consequences of criticism become an alternative to a new paradigm. The results of this research were Abed al-Jabiri's criticism through an epistemological trilogy to provide limits on freedom of reasoning in interfaith marriages.
The Concept of Sufism by Al-Muhasibi and Al-Ghazali (Intertextuality Studies of Al-Washaya and Al-Munqidz min Al-Dhalal) Miftahul ula
Religia Vol 25 No 2 (2022): Author geographical coverage: Indonesia
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v25i2.6230


This study aims to reveal the concept of Sufism of al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali in the autobiography of Kitab al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal as well as the intertextuality of the autobiography of al-Washaya and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal?. The primary sources used are al-Washaya by al-Muhasibi and al-Munqidz min al-Dhalal by al-Ghazali. The science of Sufism for al-Muhasibi and al-Ghazali is the scientific culmination of various epistemologies whose truth validity can be justified. For both, Sufism is able to satisfy intellectual and spiritual thirst. The intertextual relationship between the two works of Sufism can be seen in the background of the two authors in the form of the cultural background, intellectual and psychological conditions of the two figures before their conversion to Sufism. Intertextual relations are also found in themes, plots, characterizations and language styles.

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