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IJRETINA - International Journal of Retina
Core Subject : Health,
International Journal of Retina is an open access journal, accepting article in English language from all over the worlds. The aims is to provide international researchers, doctors, and clinicians in the basic and clinical fields of ophthalmology, especially retina to publish the original article, case reports, or systematic review.
Articles 129 Documents
LASER PHOTOCOAGULATION FOR PROLIFERATIVE DIABETIC RETINOPATHY, SINGLE SPOT 532-nm vs MULTISPOT 577-nm: VERY SHORT TERM CLINICAL EFFICACY Diego Valera-Cornejo; Jaime Quiroz-Mendoza; Alejandro Arias-Gomez; Marlon Garcia-Roa; Paulina Ramirez-Neria; Veronica Romero-Morales; Yolanda Villalpando-Gomez; Renata Garcia-Franco
International Journal of Retina Vol 4 No 1 (2021): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35479/ijretina.2021.vol004.iss001.133


ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare clinical efficacy of retinal laser photocoagulation using a 577-nm multi-spot laser with pulses of 20 ms versus conventional 532-nm single-spot laser treatment with pulses of 100 ms, on the same patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) during 6-weeks follow-up. We included 46 eyes of patients treated at the retina service of the Mexican Institute of Ophthalmology, Queretaro, Mexico. Pan-retinal photocoagulation (PRP) was performed on one eye (Group 1) using multi-spot PRP with the EasyRet® 577 diode laser (Quantel Medical, Cournon d’Auvergne, France). On the other eye (Group 2), laser treatment was performed by the conventional single spot method using the Oculight SL® 532 diode laser (IRIDEX Corporation, Mountain View, CA, The USA). The primary endpoint was absence of signs in which the disease was considered active at 6 weeks and the secondary outcomes included laser parameters, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), central macular thickness (CMT) at baseline, and 6 weeks and results of subjective pain analysis. There was no significant difference between both treatment groups regarding age, gender, BCVA or CMT at baseline. At 6 weeks, PDR activity was similar between the groups (47.8 % versus 56.5%; p =0.55). No significant difference in CMT and BCVA was observed between the groups throughout the study period. Patient-reported pain scores were similar between the groups (5.0 versus 5.8; p = 0.30). However, total time of procedure was significantly shorter in group 1 (12.9 minutes [min] versus 22.3 min; p < 0.001). No major adverse events were identified We concluded that laser photocoagulation of the retina with the use of the multi-spot technology in patients with PDR has similar short-term efficacy to that of conventional single spot retinal photocoagulation. The multi-spot laser required less time to complete the procedure with more spots delivered to compensate its lower fluency, showing similar patient tolerance.
INTRAOPERATIVE BREAKAGE OF A REUSED 25 GAUGE ILM PEELING FÓRCEPS Madhurima Roy; Sangeeta Roy; Aniruddha Maiti; Nishita Yadav
International Journal of Retina Vol 4 No 2 (2021): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35479/ijretina.2021.vol004.iss002.166


A 59 years male presented with painless diminution of vision in right eye for 4 months. His vision was 20/100 in right eye and 20/30 in left eye. Fundus examination revealed epiretinal membrane in right eye with central macular thickness of 747 μm for which he underwent 25 guage pars plana vitrectomy. Intraoperatively after internal limiting membrane peeling, during removal of the pieces of the membrane from the forceps with the endoilluminator pipe, accidentally one blade from the tip of ILM peeling forceps broke. In this report, we describe first case of inadvertent intraoperative fracture of 25- gauge Grieshaber DSP End-Grasping ILM forceps in a case of ERM who underwent vitrectomy and removal of ERM with successful removal of fractured tip of ILM forceps.
International Journal of Retina Vol 5 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35479/ijretina.2022.vol005.iss002.194


Introduction: Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome is a disease characterized by the formation of tumors or cysts in many different parts of the body caused by germline. The prevalence of this autosomal dominant condition is very rare. Understanding of clinical manifestasion and diagnostic criteria is needed. Case Report: Female, 22-year-old was reffered from orthopaedic department suffered from blurred and misalignment of the left eye since 3 months ago . Based on indirect funduscopy examination, we found disc swelling with exudative retinal detachment on her left eye and orange-reddish retinal mass concluded as Retinal Capillary Hemangioblastoma (RCH) with tortuosity and dilatation of blood vessel on her right eye. The MRI showed multiple masses in cervical to lumbar vertebrae and multiple cyst on pancreatic gland. Discussion: This patient had 1 ocular RCH, multiple spinal tumor and multiple pancreatic cysts with no confirmed family history, therefore almost fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of VHL. To further confirm the diagnosis, it was necessary to find other common comorbids of VHL such as gene testing of VHL heterozygous germline mutation. Interdisciplinary approach consists of not only diagnostic and treatment plans from one speciality department, but also the ones from other related divisions and departments. Conclusion: Screening and interdiciplinary approach in managing Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome are required to be performed promptly.
Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Microvascular Changes in Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Of Diabetic Retinopathy Prettyla Yollamanda; Arief Kartasasmita; Iwan Sovani; Erwin Iskandar; Rova Virgana; Grimaldi Ihsan
International Journal of Retina Vol 1 No 1 (2018): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35479/ijretina.2018.vol001.iss001.43


Introduction: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a common microvascular complication in patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) that can cause visual impairment and blindness in adult populations. Retinal microvascular changes, reflecting capillary drop out, non perfusion, and retinal ischemia seen in patients with DM can be assessed not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively with the introduction of a new, non invasive imaging modality Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA), avoiding potential advese risks that can occur with the use of dye-injection imaging technique. We quantified retinal microvascular changes in healthy control eyes and Diabetic Retinopathy using OCTA. Methods: A cross sectional study included 13 eyes of 9 patients with DR, consists of 11 eyes with Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR) and 2 eyes with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) and 5 eyes of 5 age-matched controls. Participants were imaged with commercial OCTA device (CIRRUS HD-OCT 5000 Angioplex). We analyzed in the Superficial Capillary Plexus (SCP) the following OCTA parameters : Vessel Density (VD), Foveal Avascular Zone (FAZ) area, and FAZ circularity. Result: Normal eyes had a higher mean VD, FAZ circularity (p >0.05) and lower mean FAZ area ( p <0.05) in the SCP compared with the DR (NPDR + PDR) group. If we excluded the PDR eyes from the analytic data, mean VD and FAZ area were found to be lower in control group, and mean FAZ circularity was higher. However, no quantitative parameters were statistically significant between control group and NPDR group. Conclusion: Microvascular changes in DR can be assessed with the use of Optical Coherence Tomography Angioraphy, which is non invasive and provides high quality of images acquired from the chosen level of retina.
The Evaluation of Silicon Oil Evacuation Procedure In Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Indonesia Triwijayanti Triwijayanti; Ari Djatikusumo; Andi Arus Victor; Elvioza Elvioza; Gitalisa Andayani Adriono; Anggun Rama Yudantha; Mario Marbungaran Hutapea
International Journal of Retina Vol 2 No 1 (2019): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35479/ijretina.2019.vol002.iss001.58


Background: Injection of Silicon oil is a standard procedure for vitreous replacement in vitrectomy procedure for retinal detachment cases. It acts as a great tamponading agent for reattachment of retinal breaks or retinal detachment. Despite its minor side effect, silicon oil could cause several complications such as cataract, endothelia decompensation, increased intraocular pressure, and secondary glaucoma. Thus needed to be evacuated after the retinal reattachment is stabilized. Following evacuation procedure, visual acuity are known to be significantly improved. However, some cases shows decreased of visual acuity due to retinal redetachment, optic nerve damage due to secondary glaucoma, hypotonym vitreous hemorrhage, expulsive hemorrhage, and cornea abnormality. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of retinal detachment patients underwent silicon oil evacuation procedure in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Indonesia from September 2017 until Januari 2018. Results: There were seventy seven cases of retinal detachment undergoes silicon oil evacuation within period of September 2017-Januari 2018. There were improvement of visual acuity (greater than 6/60) after one month of silicon oil evacuation. Anatomical retinal reattachment was successfully observed in 91% patient. The most occuring complication after silicon oil evacuation includes secondary glaucoma and retinal redetachment. Conclusion: Silicon oil evacuation is a standard procedure following a vitrectomy in retinal detachment cases. The evacuation procedure yields in positive benefit for patient in term of visual acuity and anatomical structure.
Quantification of diabetic macular ischemia: Assessing agreement and reproducibility between Optical coherence tomography angiography and Fluorescein angiography jeniffer trenado; sergio rojas juárez
International Journal of Retina Vol 3 No 1 (2020): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35479/ijretina.2020.vol003.iss001.101


Introduction: The purpose was to assess the level of agreement and reproducibility between fluorescein angiography (FA) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), throughout the evaluation of the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) to diagnose diabetic macular ischemia (DMI). Methods: In this ambispective, observational, cross-sectional research, 41 patients underwent traditional FA and OCTA to obtain the level of agreement and reproducibility between them, using an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) in mixed models. Two raters independently graded the area of the FAZ using the ImageJ software and the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study protocols. Spearman and rank-biserial correlational analysis were used to calculate the strength of linear relationship between the area of the retinal vessels, the thickness of subfoveal retinal and choroid layers, the presence of neovascularization, and the visual acuity. A classification, based on the radius of the FAZ, was proposed and used to categorize the severity of DMI into five different grades. Result: From 52 evaluated eyes, the level of agreement between the OCTA and FA among the raters had an ICC of 0.99 and 0.907 (p<.001), respectively. Furthermore, the reproducibility analysis had an ICC of 0.85 (p<.001). In the correlation analysis, the enlargement of the FAZ was associated with a decrease in the outer retinal layers (r=-0.458, p<0.001), the photoreceptor layer (r=-0.32, p=0.021), their outer segments (r=-0.32, p=0.021) and the subfoveal choroidal thickness (r=-0.483, p<0.001). A reduction of the vascular area was observed in higher grades of diabetic retinopathy (r= -0.395, p=0.38). Additionally, meager choroidal thickness was found in grater grades of DMI (r=-0.461, p=0.014). Conclusion: Compelling evidence of a high level of agreement and reproducibility between OCTA and FA was obtained to diagnose diabetic macular ischemia. Moreover, it is suggested that the increase in macular ischemia leads to the thinning of the photoreceptor, outer retinal and choroid layers.
Validation of WINROP algorithm as a screening tool for retinopathy of prematurity in a northern Spanish cohort Raúl Fernández-Ramón; Isora Follana-Neira; M. Dolores Ruiz-Sancho
International Journal of Retina Vol 4 No 1 (2021): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35479/ijretina.2021.vol004.iss001.137


Introduction: WINROP (Weight, Insulin-like growth factor 1, Neonatal Retinopathy of Prematurity) is a computer-based ROP risk which correlate postnatal weight gain with the developed of treatment-requiring ROP. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of the WINROP algorithm to detect severe (Type 1 or Type 2) ROP in a Spanish cohort of infants. Methods: Birth weight, gestational age, and weekly weight measurements of preterm infants (>23 and <32 weeks gestation) born between 2015 and 2017 were retrospectively collected and entered in WINROP algorithm. Infants were classified according alarm activation and compared with ROP screening outcomes. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values were calculated. Results: A total of 109 infants were included. The mean gestational age was 29.37 ± 2.26 weeks and mean birth weight was 1178 ± 320 g. Alarm occurred in 47.7 % (52/109) of neonates, with a mean time from birth to alarm of 1.9 ± 1.4 weeks. WINROP had a sensitivity of 100% (CI 95%, 59-100), a specificity of 55.9% (CI 95%, 45.7-65.7), a positive predictive value of 13.5% (CI 95%, 11.1-16.2) and a negative predictive value of 100% (CI 95%, 93.7-100) for predicting severe ROP. Conclusion: The WINROP algorithm has proven to be a useful tool in the detection of severe ROP in our cohort. Nevertheless, in extremely preterm infants (GA <28 weeks) the results should be taken with caution and an optimization of WINROP can be necessary to improve its utility in other populations.
Relationship of Peripapillary Retinal Perfusion with Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Diabetes Mellitus Patients without Diabetic Retinopathy Sindi Dwijayanti; Irawati Irfani; Susanti Natalya Sirait; Elsa Gustianty; Erwin Iskandar; R. Angga Kartiwa
International Journal of Retina Vol 4 No 2 (2021): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35479/ijretina.2021.vol004.iss002.161


Introduction: Impaired blood flow is an early sign of retinal dysfunction in diabetes. Impaired blood flow of the radial peripapillary capillaries can affect the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) or ganglion cell function. Methods: This was an analytic cross-sectional study in February-April 2019 at Bandung. The subjects of this study were 41 people (79 eyes) divided into two groups, group A (healthy subjects) 19 people (37 eyes) and group B (DM type 2 without diabetic retinopathy) 22 people (42 eyes). Peripapillary retinal perfusion was assesed using OCT Angiography and RNFL thickness was assesed using OCT. Pearson or Spearman correlation statistics test was used to analyze the result. P value ≤0.05 was consiedered significant. Results: There was a decrease in peripapillary retinal perfusion density in the inferior quadrant (P = 0.003) and flux index throughout the peripapillary retinal quadrant (P = 0.0001) but an increase in RNFL thickness in the peripapillary temporal quadrant (P = 0.012) compared to control grup. Positive correlation was found between peripapillary retinal perfusion density and RNFL thickness globally (r = 0.480, P = 0.001), superior quadrant (r = 0.436, P = 0.004), and inferior quadrant (r = 0.608, P = 0.000). A positive correlation was also found between the peripapillary flux and RNFL thickness globally (r = 0.517, P = 0.000), superior quadrant (r = 0.630, P = 0.000), and inferior quadrant (r = 0.519, P = 0.000). Conclusions: There was a relationship between peripapillary retinal perfusion and RNFL thickness in DM patients without diabetic retinopathy. Keywords: Peripapillary perfusion, RNFL thickness, Diabetes.
International Journal of Retina Vol 5 No 2 (2022): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35479/ijretina.2022.vol005.iss002.199


Background: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a common and major complication of diabetes mellitus (DM), and is the leading cause of preventable blindness in adults of productive age after cataracts. The global prevalence of DR is 34.6% , consisting of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (7.0%), diabetic macular edema (6.8%), and visual threatening diabetic retinopathy (VTDR) (10.2%.) The risk factors for VTDR are age, duration of diabetes, glycemic control, hypertension, obesity, HbAIC levels, and dyslipidemia. In addition, impaired sleep quality is also indicated to be connected with the incidence of VTDR. Objective: To compare the incidence of VTDR between patients with and without impaired sleep quality. Methods: This was a cross-sectional comparative analytic observational study involving 178 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with DR at the National Eye Center of Cicendo Eye Hospital who met the inclusion criteria. Subject characteristic data were taken from medical records and sleep quality data were collected through a structured interview using the Indonesian version of the Shorten Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire. Subjects were distributed into poor and good sleep quality groups. The presence of VTDR was then assessed. The differences were then analyzed statistically using chi-square test with a p value of 0.05 considered statistically significant.Results: Results showed that 66.2% and 71.1% of patients in the poor and good quality sleep group suffered from VTDR, respectively (p> 0.05). Conclusion: There is no difference in VTDR incidence between patients in productive age with type 2 DM between those with and without impaired sleep quality.
Intraocular Foreign Fody : A case Series Mega Wulan Purnama Sari; Iwan Sovani; Arief Kartasasmita; Erwin Iskandar; Rova Virgana; Grimaldi Ihsan
International Journal of Retina Vol 1 No 2 (2018): International Journal of Retina (IJRetina) - INAVRS
Publisher : Indonesian Vitreoretinal Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Introduction: The incidence of Intraocular Foreign Body (IOFBs) among open-globe injuries ranges from 18% to 41%. In addition to clinical examination at the slit-lamp and indirect ophthalmoscopy, various imaging modalities are valuable for the identification and localization of IOFB. Vision loss can be devastating as a result of endophthalmitis, retinal detachment or proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). Timely and appropriate management often leads to favorable anatomic outcomes with restoration of good visual function in the majority of cases. This case report presents the clinical and diagnostic finding, management, outcomes and further plan of the patients with posterior segment IOFB. Purpose: To report some cases of posterior segment intraocular foreign body. Case report: Three patients with history of ocular trauma of the right eye that happened at workplace. All of patients were men in age range 20-55 years old . There were also loss of vision, pain, redness, and from ophthalmological examinations revealed two scleral injuries and one corneal injury that suggest an IOFB in posterior segment. Two patients were suggest endophtalmitis before operation. The plain x ray film examination showed intraocular foreign body in the right eyes. The Ultrasonography (USG) examination also showed intraocular foreign body in the right eyes. All of patient were underwent pars plana vitrectomy. Durante operation 2 of 3 patients were succeed to extract IOFB from the posterior segment, while one patient was not. Conclusion: Preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management should be done correctly for some cases of IOFB. Prompt treatment and full assessment of patients is important to provide good prognosis.

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