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OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains
Published by CV. Multi Kreasi Media
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28282442     DOI : -
1. Komputasi Lunak, 2. Sistem Cerdas Terdistribusi, Manajemen Basis Data, dan Pengambilan Informasi, 3. Komputasi evolusioner dan komputasi DNA/seluler/molekuler, 4. Deteksi kesalahan, 5. Sistem Energi Hijau dan Terbarukan, 6. Antarmuka Manusia, 7. Interaksi Manusia-Komputer, 8. Hibrida dan Algoritma Terdistribusi Pemrosesan Informasi Manusia, 9. Komputasi Berkinerja Tinggi, 10. Penyimpanan informasi, 11. Keamanan, integritas, privasi, dan kepercayaan, 12. Pemrosesan Sinyal Gambar dan Ucapan, 13. Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan, 14. Jaringan Pengetahuan, 15. Multimedia dan Aplikasi, 16. Sistem Kontrol Jaringan, 17. Klasifikasi Pola Pemrosesan Bahasa Alami, 18. Pengenalan dan sintesis ucapan, 19. Kecerdasan Robot, 20. Analisis Kekokohan, 21. Kecerdasan Sosial, 22. Statistic 23. Komputasi grid dan kinerja tinggi, 24. Realitas Virtual dalam Aplikasi Rekayasa, 25. Intelijen Web dan Seluler, 26. Data Besar, 27. Manajemen Informatika, 28. Sistem Informasi, 29. Desain Permainan, 30. Sistem Multimedia, 31. Pemrosesan Gambar, 32. IOT 33. Pemrograman Seluler, 34. Desain Basis Data, 35. Pemrograman Jaringan, 36. Sistem Terdistribusi, 37. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, 38. Sistem Pakar, 39. Kriptografi, 40. Model dan Simulasi, 41. Jaringan 42. Perhitungan 43. Metematika 44. Kimia 45. Teknik Elektro 46. Robotik 47. Fisika
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OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The report card is a report on student learning outcomes in the form of a book containing the value of learning achievement while at school. The aim is to simplify the process of inputting and processing student grades and all educational unit activities can be used comprehensively, so that education in elementary schools is well planned using this web-based online report card application design database, so that it can be directly accessed and value information can be conveyed properly. In addition, the system interface is implemented in accordance with the existing report card display so that the system can be used efficiently and effectively so as to produce accurate value calculations. The development method used in designing this web-based online report card application is the spiral method. The spiral method is used because the development steps in this spiral method are more suitable for use in designing web-based online report cards applications. Based on the results obtained in the design of this application, the following suggestions can be given. For principals, homerooms, teachers, students, and parents, it is hoped that this web-based online report card application can be considered as an alternative application that can be used to simplify the process of making or working on report cards. users can more easily use it and feel more comfortable
Perancangan Palang Pintu Otomatis Dilengkapi Pengecekan Suhu Dan Hand Sanitizer Menggunakan Arduino Berbasis Internet of Things Pada SDN Parakan Kota Tangerang Selatan Tasha Eka Putri; Ari Mulyoto
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Implementation of the Covid-19 protocol, checking body temperature manually using a thermo gun or thermal scanner can cause long queues and crowds. In addition, checking body temperature in this way can endanger officers because there is still a possibility that one of the people having their temperature checked will carry Covid-19. The automatic doorstop prototype using a temperature sensor is an innovation where the doorstop has a MLX90164 non-contact temperature sensor which can carry out temperature readings for everyone who wants to enter the school area. The tool can read the body temperature of someone who is in front of the sensor. This tool is also equipped with an automatic hand sanitizer so that it can keep everyone who wants to enter the school area clean and sterile. With a few modifications, this automatic doorstop using a temperature sensor can be applied to school areas throughout Indonesia to implement the Covid-19 health protocol more effectively.
Analisa dan Perancangan Pemesanan Minuman Pada Kedai Kopi Satu Arah Berbasis Web Dimas Panji Naufaldi; Budi Apriyanto
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Satu Arah Coffee Shop is a shop that provides many types of coffee from various regions. Therefore, sales at the Satu Arah Coffee Shop are growing rapidly because of the large number of coffee lovers nowadays. The conventional drink ordering process is not enough to overcome the many customers who come to enjoy various kinds of coffee at the shop, because there are still many obstacles such as the lack of information on the menu list in the shop, then the transaction process still uses conventional methods such as recording in a book. So the shop owner tries to use a computerized method that makes it easier for the shop owner to make transactions. This is also to make it easier for customers to be more efficient in ordering drinks or food. The computerized system used is a Web-based Information System. This Web-based Information System is used to process transactions between shop owners and customers, can also help customers in terms of ordering coffee or food as well as information related to the menu in this shop, so as to provide convenience for customers in terms of ordering. In designing this Web-based information system using a model with Unified Modeling Language (UML) including Use Case Diagrams, sequence diagrams, Class Diagrams and Activity Diagrams. Built using the PHP, Programming language with MySql as the database. 
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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An employee is a person who works for a company for a predetermined time and with a predetermined salary as well. A company is not responsible for providing a variety of traditional employer benefits, including taxes, social security and workers' compensation. Employee recruitment is an important thing for companies to get new employees to occupy a position. In some companies, the process of recruiting new employees is still not done in a professional manner. This is because there is no standardized, systematic method for assessing the eligibility of applicants. Choosing employees is also not easy. There are several requirements that must be met in order for the prospective employee to be well received. Several criteria will be taken into account to carry out this employee recruitment selection process. The Decision Support System is a good method in determining whether employees are eligible or not. The application of a Decision Support System for hiring new employees that was built using the Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) method. The Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) method can assist the company in determining who will be selected to become employees in the company. By applying this method, Antara Net ( Antara Net) will be very helpful in assessing prospective employees who will be employed in the company.
Sistem Pengairan Otomatis Pada Media Tanaman Hias Menggunakan Sensor Soil Moisture Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: Ebenbena Flora) Devi Yunita; Dani Muliansyah
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Soil is one of the growing media for plants, both annual crops and annual plants for humans and other living things. The body of soil consisting of air (20-30%), air (20-30%), mineral matter (45%), and organic matter (5%) is very dynamic in nature, that is, it continuously experiences changes influenced by climate (rainfall). . and temperature), shape of the area (relief or shape of the land surface), parent material, time, and organisms. The purpose of this research was to be able to make a tool that can water plants automatically using WEB which later, if this research is successful, it is hoped that with this tool humans will no longer need to water plants manually. In writing and conducting this research, the authors used the waterfall as a method for designing an automatic watering system on WEB-based ornamental plant media. The essence of the waterfall method is the work of a system that is carried out sequentially. Based on the results and discussion in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that this research has produced Automatic irrigation system for ornamental plant media. Used to monitor the irrigation of ornamental plants automatically based on the setting of the soil moisture value with the help of a soil moisture sensor. With a system made by ornamental plant owners, they can monitor plant humidity by viewing real-time sensor data on the system created so that plants do not lack or excess water.
Klasifikasi Spesies Burung Dengan Menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network Mas Shoultan Satria Nugroho; Farida Nurlaila
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The use of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for the classification of bird species is the focus of this study. The methodology used in this study utilizes the BIRDS 400 - SPECIES IMAGE CLASSIFICATION dataset to be tested with the CNN InceptionV3 model and is limited to only 18 classes. The experiment was run on the free version of the Google Collabs platform. From the results of experiments conducted, the CNN InceptionV3 model requires time to train images for 36 minutes 46 seconds and obtains a training accuracy of 93.36%. For experiments at the testing stage, the CNN InceptionV3 model that has been trained on the Google Collabs platform can correctly predict all images in the testing folder. Based on the results of the research conducted, the CNN InceptionV3 model has very high accuracy for handling the dataset and the free version of the Google Collabs platform is sufficiently capable of processing the dataset.
Sistem Rekomendasi Webtoon dengan Menggunakan Metode Content-Based Filtering Mesty Yuliani; Deanna Durbin Hutagalung
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Today the development of technology is very rapid, everything can be done using technology. One of them in termsof reading, reading is a hobby that must be owned by everyone, where reading can provide a lot of knowledge and information. Not only news, this also applies to light reading such as comics, novels and others. One application that is quite widely used is Line Webtoon. Webtoon is a combination of words from 'web' and 'cartoon', which means cartoons or comics that can be enjoyed online in the form of a website. The Line webtoon application contains lots of comics from various genres and types of stories that are presented. Of the many genres and stories that make users confused about reading webtoons, especially since there is a coin system and daily passes that require users to pay to read more. With the recommendation system for the contentbased filtering method with the k-nearest neighbors algorithm, it can make it easier for users to get webtoon recommendations.
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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PT FHADIRA INOVASI TEKNOLOGI or commonly known as PT Fitek is a company engaged in the field of vehicle inspection and buying and selling of vehicles, but in reality based on what currently exists PT Fitek has not fully implemented technological developments, because at this time consumers who want their vehicles Inspection is still done manually, namely still using a booking order using WhatsApp, in a manual way like this based on the results of an interview with one of the PT Fitek parties, many problems were found, namely frequent clashing inspection schedules and this caused another problem, namely when making reports it takes a lot of time because you have to manually record orders. Then PT Fitek also doesn't have a website for buying and selling cars that have been inspected, so to see the vehicles offered, consumers still have to come to the location to buy cars that have been inspected. In making this system using the Extreme Programming method. The system created is based on the codeigniter framework with the mysql database. The results of this study have created a special website-based system for buying and selling used cars at PT. FHADIRA TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION.
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Technology is used by humans in various fields to help complete activities that were once done manually. By utilizing technology, these activities can be completed easily and quickly. The technology that is currently developing is Augmented Reality (AR) because of its attractive visual appearance so that it can display 3-dimensional objects and their animations and look like they exist in the real world. Therefore, AR can be used for mammalian animal recognition. Currently for the introduction of mammalian animals can only be learned from books, videos, and the internet. So, in this study built AR applications for the introduction of mammals are accompanied by sound so that the information conveyed in more detail. To build applications based on android, Unity is used while the creation of AR applications used Vuforia SDK. Markers are found on a book to display 3D object visualization. Applications built on the android operating system by applying Augmented Reality technology aims to the introduction of mammals to elementary school children who can add visualization of 3D objects into the real environment so that they can get to know the mammals. Based on the results of testing the ideal distance, the more visible pixels on the marker, the more influential on the system to display 3D objects. Based on the results of testing validity, children can recognize mammals by using the application AR introduction of mammals with the results of 83,06% of respondents answered very well. Therefore, this mammal recognition AR application can be used by users as a medium to get to know mammals.
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 2 No 11 (2023): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Education is a very important thing at this time to increase knowledge and as a support and ideals for the future. Therefore, now there are many technologies that promise lessons in it. With technology, it can provide positive benefits in the field of education. The technology in question is Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is a technology that allows users to interact with virtual environments created by computers, so that users feel as if they are in the room. The purpose of the research is to create learning media that can display 3-dimensional objects using Augmented Reality. Researchers are devoted to the introduction of the solar system to children, the introduction of the solar system to children can stimulate the brain to imagine and train creativity. With the development of information technology, animal recognition facilities can be carried out using devices such as personal computers, laptops or smartphones. The development of Augmented Reality technology on smartphones will make it easier for early childhood to recognize several types of the solar system, especially in today's modern era where gadgets such as tablets and smartphones have been recognized by early childhood and kindergarten age children, which causes children to be more likes to play gadgets rather than studying with books. The design of the Augmented Reality application uses Unity software by designing markers made using CorelDraw and animal models that have been made with a 3D blender. The features in this application are several types of animals that are displayed in 3D and animation using Augmented Reality technology.

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