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Aji Prasetya Wibawa
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Sudah terakreditasi SINTA 2. Editorial Office of Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application Association for Scientific Computing and Electrical, Engineering (ASCEE)-Indonesia Section Jln. Supriyadi, Kel. Surodakan, Kec. Trenggalek, Kota Trenggalek, Propinsi Jawa Timur, 66316 Indonesia Email:
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Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application
ISSN : 26140047     EISSN : 26140047     DOI :
Core Subject : Science, Social,
Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application (ISSN 2614-0047) is an interdisciplinary scientific journal for researchers from Computer Science, Informatics, Social Sciences, and Management Sciences to share ideas and opinions, and present original research work on studying the interplay between socially-centric platforms and social phenomena. Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application is the first Asia-Pacific journal in social informatics. The journal aims to create a better understanding of novel and unique socially-centric platforms not just as a technology, but also as a set of social phenomena and to provide a media to help scholars from the two disciplines define common research objectives and explore methodologies. Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application offers an opportunity for the dissemination of knowledge between the two communities by publishing of original research papers and experience-based case studies in computer science, sociology, psychology, political science, public health, media & communication studies, economics, linguistics, artificial intelligence, social network analysis, and other disciplines that can shed light on the open questions in the growing field of computational social science. To that end, we are inviting interdisciplinary papers, on applying information technology in the study of social phenomena, on applying social concepts in the design of information systems, on applying methods from the social sciences in the study of social computing and information systems, on applying computational algorithms to facilitate the study of social systems and human social dynamics, and on designing information and communication technologies that consider social context.
Articles 83 Documents
Uncovering negative sentiments: a study of indonesian twitter users' health opinions on coffee consumption Laksono Budiarto; Nissa Mawada Rokhman; Wako Uriu
Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Association for Scientific Computing Electrical and Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31763/businta.v7i1.606


The increase in coffee consumption among the public is due to several reasons, including health and lifestyle reasons. Awareness of the positive and negative effects of coffee consumption has also increased in society. This research is a sentiment analysis that aims to investigate Twitter users' opinions about the impact of coffee consumption on their health. The method used involves data collection using the RapidMiner application, utilizing the Twitter Application Programming Interface (API) function connected to a prepared Twitter account. The obtained data underwent data cleaning, saved as an Excel file type, training and testing, and model evaluation. Then, the data was classified into three categories: Negative Opinion, Neutral Opinion, and Positive Opinion. The results showed that less than 10% of opinions were positive, 19% were neutral, and 73% were negative. The opinions obtained are useful information for stakeholders in the coffee industry. They can also be used to determine better steps in educating the public about coffee.
Optimizing AWS lambda code execution time in amazon web services Muh Awal Arifin; Ramdan Satra; Lukman Syafie; Ahmad Mursyidun Nidhom
Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Association for Scientific Computing Electrical and Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31763/businta.v7i1.609


One of the problems in providing infrastructure is the lack of interest in managing infrastructure. AWS Lambda is a FaaS (Function as a Service) service that allows users to run code automatically in an environment managed by Amazon Web Services. In this study, the method used is to collect data on code execution time at various input sizes, then perform an analysis of the factors that affect execution time. Furthermore, optimization is carried out by selecting the appropriate memory size and proper coding techniques to improve performance. The results show that optimizing memory size and coding can improve code execution time performance by up to 30%, depending on the type of service used. This can help AWS Lambda users improve code performance and save on operational costs.
Comparing neural network with linear Regression for stock market prediction Fachrul kurniawan; Yunifa Miftachul Arif; Fresy Nugroho; Mohammed Ikhlayel
Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Association for Scientific Computing Electrical and Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31763/businta.v7i1.621


There are both gains and losses possible in stock market investing. Brokerage firms' stock investments carry a higher risk of loss since their stock prices are not being tracked or analyzed, which might be problematic for businesses seeking investors or individuals. Thanks to progress in information and communication technologies, investors may now easily collect and analyze stock market data to determine whether to buy or sell. Implementing machine learning algorithms in data mining to obtain information close to the truth from the desired objective will make it easier for an individual or group of investors to make stock trades. In this study, we test hypotheses on the performance of a financial services firm's stock using various machine learning and regression techniques. The relative error for the neural network method is only 0.72 percentage points, while it is 0.78 percentage points for the Linear Regression. More training cycles must be applied to the Algortima neural network to achieve more accurate results.