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Syaiful Bahri
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Indonesian Journal of Education And Computer Science
ISSN : 29877644     EISSN : 29872650     DOI :
Core Subject : Science, Education,
INDOTECH : Indonesian Journal of Education And Computer Science adalah jurnal nasional dalam bahasa indonesia dengan frekuensi terbitan sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali dalam setahun. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian terbaik anda agar bisa dibaca oleh banyak orang. Jurnal INDOTECH hanya menerbitkan artikel dengan tema komputer. Ruang lingkup publikasi ini meliputi : Teori Komputasi (Computational Theory, Arsitektur dan Organisasi Komputer (Computer Architecture and Organization), Sistem Operasi (Operating Systems), Jaringan Komputer (Computer Networks), Basis Data (Database Systems), Keamanan Komputer (Computer Security), Grafika Komputer (Computer Graphics), Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence), Pemrosesan Bahasa Alami (Natural Language Processing), Pemrograman (Programming), Sistem Informasi (Information Systems), Ilmu Data (Data Science), Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Development), Komputasi Awan (Cloud Computing), Komputasi Kuantum (Quantum Computing)
Articles 5 Documents
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Penerapan SSD-Mobilenet Dalam Identitas Jenis Buah Apel Zulfahmi Syahputra
Indonesian Journal of Education And Computer Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): INDOTECH - April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60076/indotech.v1i1.2


Under conditions that determine whether an apple is good or not, the human eye tends to have a subjective perception due to the color composition factor. Errors often occur because it is done manually. Therefore we need a tool with a system that can choose apples automatically based on their type. So we need a system that can identify the ripeness of apples by implementing SSD-Mobilenet. The purpose of this research is to identify the types of apples using SSD-MobileNet. From the results of the analysis and testing it can be concluded that the test results on data testing with lots of data, namely 50 datasets taken randomly produce an accuracy of 82% and an error of 18%. The number of errors indicates that the classification results are not completely accurate. This can happen due to the lack of training data so that only a few dominant terms are used, causing errors in course costs. However, the results of this accuracy can be used as a reference that assistance using SSD-Mobilenet provides a high value of 82%. So this method can be used to analyze the ripeness of apples.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Approval Dismentling NTE Telkom Akses dengan Metode RAD (Rapid Application Development) Aditya Pratama Simanungkalit; Nadya Andhika Putri; Virdyra Tasril
Indonesian Journal of Education And Computer Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): INDOTECH - April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60076/indotech.v1i1.3


This study aims to develop a web-based Information System for Approval Dismentling NTE using the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method at PT Telkom Akses. The system design process is carried out using DFD (Data Flow Diagram) to determine the necessary design steps. The system development involves programming languages such as PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, along with a SQL database for data storage. The RAD method is utilized in the design phase, which consists of three main steps: planning, design, and implementation. The research findings indicate that the web-based Information System for Approval Dismentling NTE has no significant impact on the performance of asset monitoring at PT Telkom Akses. Despite PT Telkom Akses having its own Approval system application, there are still several shortcomings, including an unattractive interface. This study contributes to the development of a web-based Information System for Approval Dismentling NTE using the RAD method. The implementation of this system is expected to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the NTE dismentling approval process at PT.Telkom Akses. Improvements that can be made to the system include refining the interface to make it more appealing and addressing other existing deficiencies.
Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Training Berbasis Modul Digital Dalam Mempengaruhi Hasil Belajar Siswa Ade Evi Fatimah; Muhammad Indra; Syaiful Bahri; Harry Pratama Figna; Ryan Dhika Priyatna
Indonesian Journal of Education And Computer Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): INDOTECH - April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60076/indotech.v1i1.4


The research method used in this study is a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design, and the sampling technique employed is Stratified Random Sampling. The research sample consists of students from class X TKRO-1 as the experimental group and class X TKRO-2 as the control group, with 32 students in each group. The experimental group received treatment in the form of inquiry training-based learning using digital modules, while the control group underwent conventional learning. The research instrument used in this study was a multiple-choice test consisting of 20 items with 5 answer choices. The results of the study showed that the average score of the experimental group was 81.09, while the average score of the control group was 70.63. Significance testing with a significance level of α 0.05 (5%) indicated that the obtained t-test value was significant (2-tailed), which was 0.00, with the students' learning outcomes being less than 0.05. Therefore, Ha was accepted, indicating a significant difference in mathematical ability between students who applied the inquiry training learning model and those who applied the conventional learning model
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK Melalui Model Project Based Learning Dengan Media Cisco Packet Tracer Harry Pratama Figna; Afandi Husin Amin Syahrul Lubis; Syaiful Bahri; Ryan Dhika Priyatna; Ade Evi Fatimah
Indonesian Journal of Education And Computer Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): INDOTECH - April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60076/indotech.v1i1.5


The application of lecture method as a teaching approach has been proven to be one of the factors contributing to low student grades. This is because the lecture method still revolves around the teacher as the primary source of information without actively involving the students. To address this issue, the solution is to implement Project Based Learning as a teaching method. This research utilized a quasi-experimental design. The population of this study consisted of X TKJ class students. Samples were selected using purposive sampling technique, with X TKJ 1 as the experimental group and X TKJ 2 as the control group. Data collection was conducted through tests and observations. Data analysis was performed using t-test and standardized gain test. Based on the research findings, there was a significant improvement in learning outcomes in the experimental group, with an increase of 78.74 categorized as high. Meanwhile, the control group showed a lower improvement in learning outcomes, with an increase of 28.33 categorized as low. Therefore, it can be concluded that students in X TKJ class, who were taught Jaringan Dasar subject using the Project Based Learning method with Cisco Packet Tracer as the media, exhibited higher improvement in learning outcomes compared to students taught with the lecture method.
Rancang Bangun Smart Home System Pada Rumah Yang Terintegrasi Smartphone Syaiful Bahri; Harry Pratama Figna; Ryan Dhika Priyatna; Ade Evi Fatimah
Indonesian Journal of Education And Computer Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): INDOTECH - April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60076/indotech.v1i1.6


In the 4.0 revolution era, technological developments are developing very fast. The security system is also growing, so that it can be implemented in various needs. One of them is a smart home system that can be monitored without limits using a smartphone. Currently CCTV is one of the security tools that are widely used at home, office, and others. There are also many CCTVs available that are digital, so the images are clearer and can be connected directly to the internet. The internet used also does not require a connection that is too fast but must be stable. Based on the results of the research that has been done, the home security system can use digital CCTV connected to the internet. CCTV that is connected to the internet can be monitored using a smartphone anytime and anywhere. The storage capacity used is 32 Gb and can store recordings for 9 days non-stop. The disadvantage of this system is that if the internet is unstable, playback will be interrupted, because the playback system used is directly accessed from CCTV

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