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Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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ISSN : -     EISSN : 27150070     DOI : 10.35791
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal ini memuat materi yang berkaitan dengan Pertanian. Menyangkut Tanah, Budidaya Pertanian, Proteksi Tanaman, Teknologi Pertanian dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Articles 814 Documents
MODAL SOSIAL DAN KARAKTERISTIK PETANI KACANG TANAH DI DESA KANONANG 1 DAN 3 KECAMATAN KAWANGKOANThe objective of the research is to know social capital and peanuts farmer characteristics at Kanonang 1 and 3 villages , Kawangkoan District. The research usi Fenny L.B. Umbas
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.437


The objective of the research is to know social capital and peanuts farmercharacteristics at Kanonang 1 and 3 villages , Kawangkoan District. The research usingpurpose sampling method in peanut farmer at Kanonang 1 and 3 villages, with 20respondent farmers from Kanonang 1 and 15 respondent farmers from Kanonang 3village.Variable that measurement in this research is social capital that consists of trust, norm,link. Farmer characteristics, such as age, education and experience in farming.The result of the research showed that relation between social capital and farmercharacteristics such as age, existence in social capital scale was sufficient, social capitaland farmer characteristics relation such as education existence in social model scale washigh, social capital and farmer charactistics relation such as experience existence in socialcapital scale was high. Thus, social capital peanut farmer in Kanonang 1and 3 villageexistence in social capital scale was high.Keywords : Social Capital, Characteristics, Farmer, Trust, Norm, Link
tingkat pendapatan usahatani kubis yang di terima oleh para petani Di Rurukan Kecamatan Tomohon Timur. Ansyu N Dinding
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.450


Ansyu N. Dinding Income Level Cbbage Farming in East Village Tomohon Rurukan District. Under the guidance of J.N.K. Dumais ( Chairman ), Melissa L.G. Tarore ( Member 1 ) and Celcius Talumingan ( Member 2 ). Prombelm in adpted in this study is how much the level of farming income that is received by cabbage farmer and large exspenses in a single growing season. This study aims to determine the level of farmer income as cabbage and benefit information to farmer in regulating the production cost terms of the proper division of time and work hours in order to increase farmer income and with satisfactory result. This study took placein the month of March-May 2012 in the village of East Tomohon Rurukan district. The method used is Simple Random Sampling. The number of samples used in this stady ware as many as 21 landowners cabbage f. Anayisis of the data used in this study is a descriptive analysis Return to Cost Ratio analysis formula to determine the level of success of farmer. The result suggest showed majority of respondens in the village large farmer Rurukan Eastern District Tomohon 40-67 years old have the educational level of elementary through high scool by the number of dependens 1-3 people. The result suggest that the analysis of farmer income cabbage indicate Return Cost Ratio analysis of the value of 6,78 is thus guined acceptance in a single growing season Rp.23.604.000 with a total Cost that is issued in a single growing season Rp. 3.480.118,84 the total revenue is Rp. 20.123.881,16 Existing production and price policies, to assess the level of success in the use of farmer cabbage Return Cost Ratio analysis that gives value and meaning as Rp.6,78 cabbage farming is profitable for the try.
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.451


This research has a purpose to know the kind of exported coconut derivative product which exported as well as its contribution for the total of export in the North Sulawesi Province.   This research conducted in three months, started from march until may, 2012. The data collected from the agency of trade and industries in North Sulawesi Province was the secondary data of the North Sulawesi total export during 2006 until 2011. Data analysed descriptively and pointed out in graphics and described.   Resulf of the research shows that the coconut derivate product has an important contribution for the total export of North Sulawesi Province. In 2011, 53,37 percent of export in the North Sulawesi dominated by coconut derivative product. The largest contribution of coconut derivative product is coconut oil where more than 46,67 percent of the total export from North Sulawesi. The average contribution of coconut derivative product from 2006 until 2011 about 51,86 percent of the North Sulawesi Province total export. From coconut derivative product contribution, coconut oil has a largest contribution which is 46,09 percent, followed by the contribution 2,41 percent of  copra residue; 1,98 percent of coconut powder; 1,01 percent of copra; 0,20 percent of active carbon and 0,17 percent of cranium charcoal.
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.452


Problems in this research is how the role of agricultural sector through contribution of different sub-sub sector of agriculture to GDP in the period 2000-2010 Manado City, the economics base multiplier of how much production and agriculture sector employment Manado City and North Sulawesi Provinces. The objective to learn the role of the agricultural sector through contribution of agriculture sector to the economy, calculate and learn the economy base multiplier in the agriculture sector period 2000-2010 and to give information to the relevant parties in the context of policy decisions related with regional economic growth. The method uses secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics (BPS) of North Sulawesi and Central Bureau of Statistics Manado and other related agencies. Analysis of the data used in of the research is Contribution Method, Location Quotient (LQ), Economic Base Multiplier. The results showed that the contribution of agriculture to the GDP formation of small relaife Manado City in 2000 until 2006 is relatively small only in the range of 2% per year, whereas in the year 2007 to 2010 decreased in the range  of 1% per year, or with an average contribution of agriculture sector to Manado GDRB per year is only 2,05% of total GDRB Manado. The sector that contributed the most high is the trade sector, restaurants and hotels with an average of 23,33% per year. Electricity, gas and water supply is the smallest sector contributing less than 1% per year or average of 0,70% per year. Construction of the City of Manado GDRB showed a relatively small contribution of the agricultural sector compared with other sectors, but gidue to the importance of the agricultural sector as the main support in the availability of food, it’s progress should be observed in order to either maintain or improve in line with the development of other sector proportionally. Besides agriculture sector also can be used as a buffer in the availability of jobs.   
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.453


The purpose of this study is to identity the suplly chain and to analyze the benefits on industry kacang goyang In UD. Serasi, and trough research is expected to profide the information for owners and people who need it. From this research can seen that UD. Serasi was suplly their raw materials for kacang goyang production like a ground nut, sugar, and chocolate powder directly from distributor, in this case middleman or store. Suplly chain suppose be in configuration model, and be related and continuous, but in UD. Serasi suplly chain only to the distributor who selling raw materials. There’ no partnership between peanut farmer with UD. Serasi so that couse in frequent matching exhausted suplly of commonly supllied distributor. For the large presentation cost pesentage is variable cost 93,53  %, where as fix cost only 6,48 %. On production system, industry kacang goyang in UD. Serasi get benefit Rp. 13.599.587. So the conclution, suplly chain kacang goyang in UD. Serasi was relative inefficient. Demand of raw materials were adjusted to the necessary, so that couse frequent occurrence of exhausted suplly due to the many demand, especially on the feast day.
Analisis Keuangan Agroindustri Keripik Singkong "Kita Suka Dua Putra" di Kecamatan Malalayang Ulfa Hastuti Sugiarto
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.454


Ulfa Hastuti Sugiarto. Financial Analysis Agroindusri Cassava Chips "We Love Two Son" In the district under the guidance of JR Mandei Malalayang, as chairman of the Th. M. Katiandagho, and L. R. J. Pangemanan as a member. This study aims to determine the financial condition viewed from the level of liquidity, solvency, and profitability based on data from financial statements. The data used are the primary data from industries cassava chips We Like Son Two. In District Malalayang. Data was collected through direct interviews with business owners cassava chips. Data analysis methods used are the deskritif analysis presented in the form of financial statement balance sheet and income statement and then analyzed by looking at comparisons of financial ratios. Based on survey results revealed the sales results in 2010 were Rp.666.000.000 and in 2011 was Rp.863.928.000 with average sales per day is for a total of 36 kg kilogram size, pack size of 30 packs, and as many as 2000 retail size packs. In the profit / loss is known in the year 2010 net income was Rp.186.140.600 and in 2011 for Rp.180.024.200. These results showed a decrease of Rp.19.121.800 this is due to increased operating expenses. And profit after interest and taxes (EAIT) in 2010 was Rp.186.140.600 and in 2011 for Rp.172.824.200. These results showed a decrease of Rp.13.316.400 this is due to increased operating expenses and interest expenses. Known in the balance sheet total assets and passive in the year 2010 amounted to Rp.97.061.000 with the passive for the debts do not exist and the capital of Rp.97.061.000. In 2011, total assets and passive is Rp. 118 337 800 to the passive side of Rp.26.933.600 debt and capital of Rp.91.404.200. Of the profit / loss and balance sheet can be measured ratio, financial ratio. Liquidity ratio measurement results for the year 2010 can not be calculated because this year has no debt While the year 2011 for the current ratio and quick ratio 13.18 11.89 This shows the condition where the condition of the company are better than other businesses based on industry standards. The results of measurements of the solvency ratio in 2010 can not be calculated because this year the company has not owned the debt while in 2011memperoleh results showed 23% of the amount of debt funding slightly, making it easier for companies to apply for additional loans. Profitability ratio measuring results in 2010 for the gross profit margin of 42%, net profit margin of 28%, an ROI of 192%, and ROE of 192% results show the state that the company is in good condition be caused measurement result is above the industry standard. In the year 2011 to the gross profit margin, net profit margin, ROI, and ROE was 35% sequentially, 20%, 142% and 189% results demonstrate good corporate state in which the measurement is above the industry standard.
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.455


Desa Kumu  yang merupakan salah satu desa di kawasan pesisir pantai Sulawesi Utara  memiliki hutan mangrove dengan luas 3 hektar. Masyarakat Kumu telah lama memanfaatkan hutan mangrove untuk kebutuhan  hidup sehari-hari. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode petak dalam jalur kontinu. Komposisi vegetasi mangrove di Desa Kumu Kecamatan Tombariri Kabupaten Minahasa terdapat 3 jenis yaitu:  Rhizpora apiculata,  Avicennia alba dan Sonneratia alba. Struktur pertumbuhan jenis mangrove di Desa Kumu pada tingkat  semai dan sapihan  Avicennia alba mendominasi dengan ( 91.15%) dan kemudian untuk tingkat tiang didominasi oleh Rhizopora apiculata dengan (79.9%) dan untk pohon didominasi Sonneratia alba dengan (156.63%).
Strategi Pemasaran Industri Rumah Tangga Gula Aren di Kota Tomohon Marketing Strategy Home Industry of palm sugar in Tomohon Jeane D Kaunang
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.467


ABSTRACT This research, aimed at determining alternative marketing strategies especially the marketing mix for home industry of palm sugar in Tomohon. The method of analysis used are the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and SPACE (Stategic Position and Action Evaluation). The results show that the home industry of palm sugar has strengths: product quality is good, as well as the availability of labors and natural resources, and capital required is relatively small. While weakness its are the packaging process of products produced still wears banana leaves and seems unattractive, not having brand and product labels, the promotions which is still not optimal, as well as long distribution channels and price information that are still lacking. Opportunities that need to be explored in home industries of palm sugar in Tomohon consist of  technological developments, the opening of export markets, partnership with food companies and changes in population. While threats encountered are changes of the consumer tastes and the emergence of similar products from other regions. The marketing position of palm sugar in home industries Tomohon is located in quadrant I. The strategy adopted in the marketing of this home industries has opportunity and strength in such a way that it can take advantage of existing opportunities. Appropriate strategy in this condition is to support an aggressive growth policy (Growth Oriented Strategy). From this research, it can be concluded that alternative marketing strategies described in obtaining the marketing mix through the matrix of SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) are as follow : the improvement of the  product  quality with packaging that makes it higienic and more attractive than other similar products, the determination of price by cost-oriented, promotion by making brochures through cooperation with the department of tourism and hospitality or the promotion via the Internet, establishing business partnerships with companies of food / beverage and supermarket, the distribution of product by expanding marketing using networking technology. And for the suggestions are to build a self production community  such as Village Unit Cooperation (KUD) to help the direct marketing of palm sugar and the increasing of the quality of human resource the home industrial entrepreneurs of palm sugar in Tomohon through integrated training both internal training from relevant agencies, as well as bringing marketing professionals or academic trainers by the government Tomohon especially Department of Industry and Trade. Keywords : Marketing Strategy, Home Industry
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.521


Jeane Blandina Kakomole / 000316051. Karakteristik Pengeringan Biji Pala (Myristica Fragrans H) menggunakan alat pengering energi surya tipe rak, di bawah bimbingan Ir. Handry Rawung, M.Si, Ir. Stella M. E. Kairupan, Ireine Longdong, STP.,MP.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakteristik pengeringan biji pala menggunakan alat pengering energi surya tipe rak. Meliputi perubahan suhu, kelembaban relatif, laju pengeringan terhadap waktu, laju pengeringan terhadap kadar air.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Fakultas Pertanian Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian Laboratorium Pasca Panen UNSRAT Manado dalam jangka waktu 5 bulan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, penjemuran dilakukan selama 19 jam sampai kadar air bahan 9 %.Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap suhu udara bola kering, suhu udara bola basah, suhu udara bahan, suhu udara tiap rak, suhu udara lingkungan, suhu udara kolektor, suhu udara plenum, suhu udara lingkungan, intensitas radiasi matahari, penurunan berat bahan, laju aliran udara. Kelembaban udara, penurunan kadar air dan laju pengeringan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama pengeringan panas yang dihasilkan kolektor mampu menaikan suhu udara dalam alat pengering dan udara terus masuk ke ruang plenum dan terus naik ke rak – rak tumpukan bahan. Pada saat udara pengering melewati tumpukan bahan, kelembaban relatif udara menjadi rendah dan terjadi pindah panas dari udara pengering ke bahan yang dikeringkan. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadi perbedaan tekanan uap air antara bahan dengan udara pengering. Tekanan uap air dalam bahan lebih tinggi dari tekanan uap air yang ada di sekitar bahan akibatnya terjadi aliran uap air dari bahan ke lingkungan sekitar.Proses penurunan kadar air pada awal pengeringan berlangsung dalam jumlah yang besar. Hal ini disebabkan oleh air yang menguap adalah air bebas. Setelah itu, penurunan kadar air dan laju pengeringan kembali menurun seiring dengan berkurangnya kadar air bahan. Kadar air yang dicapai pada proses pengeringan selama 3 hari pengamatan dengan total 19 jam pengamatan yaitu rak bawah 8,59 %bb, rak tengah 14,20 %bb, rak atas 15,36 %bb.Laju pengeringan tiap – tiap rak yaitu laju pengeringan rak bawah lebih cepat. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh letak rak bawah yang berdekatan dengan plenum. Untuk penurunan laju penurunan rak tengah dan rak atas agak lambat hal ini dipengaruhi oleh hasil penguapan bahan pada rak – rak sebelumnya sehingga udara pengering membawa uap air hasil penguapan bahan pada rak bawah. Rata – rata laju pengeringan rak bawah 0,99 %bb/jam, rak tengah 0,72 %bb/jam, rak atas 0,71 %bb/jam.Jumlah energi matahari yang digunakan selama penelitian yaitu rata – rata 18286,0774 watt besarnya intensitas radiasi matahari yang diterima kolektor cukup menyediakan energi panas untuk mengeringkan biji pala.
Penilaian Masyarakat Tani di Desa Buyat Terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan Publik Dinas Pertanian Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur silvana . basala
COCOS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v1i1.523


ABSTRACTSilvana Basala. Society assessment of Buyat Village farmer to thePublic Service performance of Agriculture Department East Bolaang regencyMongondow under the guidance of O.Esry H. Laoh as chairman Ir. JulianaR.Mandei and Celsius Talumingan as a member.The objective of the study to examine the assessment of the farmers in thevillage of Buyat on the performance of public services Agriculture DepartmentEast BolaangMongondow East Regency.The data used are primary data and secondary data, primary data obtainedfrom the farmers in the village of Buyat and secondary data obtained from agenciesor related agencies. Data was collected through direct interviews with the farmersin the village of Buyat. The method of data analysis is descriptive analysis methodpresented in tabular form by calculating the results of the assessment every farmcommunity based services and calculate the results average value of each elementof service.Based Assessment of the Farmers in the village of Buyat on theperformance of the public Department of agriculture Easr Bolaang Mongondowregency, it can be categorized as either. However, there ara still some elements thatare not goo.From both these results indicate that the public service provided by theDepartment of Agriculture Regional BolaangMongondow East Government can besaid to have a poor public services. Therefore, it is expected that the Department ofAgriculture Regional BolaangMongondow East Government to improve theperformance of services to the farming community as well as to pay attention tothe needs of the farmers, and can accept input from a farm community, whether itbe information, advice, opinions, responses, and or complaints.These things should be followed up with efforts to inprove the Departmentof Agriculture service to the farming community. Given that often a time there is adifference between the aspirations of the farmers and the government. And toooften there is a difference of interpretation about the success of a program run bythe government. On the other side often it is assessment that the program issuccess, by the govermant but the reality on the ground is not like what thegovernment hopes.

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