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Meldi T.M. Sinolungan
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Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
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ISSN : -     EISSN : 27150070     DOI : 10.35791
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal ini memuat materi yang berkaitan dengan Pertanian. Menyangkut Tanah, Budidaya Pertanian, Proteksi Tanaman, Teknologi Pertanian dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Articles 814 Documents
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.819


ABSTRACTAZIEF PUTRA DUNDA. Poor in Rural Population Mobility Touure TompasoMinahasa District with Supervisor Ir. Welson M. Wangke, MS as Chairman,Dra. Martha M. Sendow, Msi and Ir. Celsius Talumingan, MP as a Member.This study was aimed to determine the relationship of the mobility levelbetween poor and poverty people in sub Village Touure Tompaso Minahasaregency.This study was done for three months, beginning in August to October2012 in Touure Village, Tompaso District, Minahasa regency. The data wereconsist of primary and secondary data. The first data were obtained byinterviewing the respondents and the second were obtained from the CentralStatistics Office and District Tompaso. Respondents totaling 60 people chosen atrandom by using Simple Random Sampling.This research was shown that the mobility level is low and made bothends meet in Village Touure. The test resultsusing Chi-Square analysis shownthat there are relationship between the mobility level and poverty where thepoverty rate is low or not a personis poor then performeda high level of mobility.On the contrary that the poor people were low in mobility level.Residents who has a job outside the village have high mobility, becauseof the mobility for working. While the villagers who have low mobility only worksas a farmer, although there is a desire to make mobility out of the village to get abetter job, but from an economic standpoint is not possible to perform mobilityout of the village.
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i1.820


ABSTRACTAZIEF PUTRA DUNDA. Poor in Rural Population Mobility Touure TompasoMinahasa District with Supervisor Ir. Welson M. Wangke, MS as Chairman,Dra. Martha M. Sendow, Msi and Ir. Celsius Talumingan, MP as a Member.This study was aimed to determine the relationship of the mobility levelbetween poor and poverty people in sub Village Touure Tompaso Minahasaregency.This study was done for three months, beginning in August to October2012 in Touure Village, Tompaso District, Minahasa regency. The data wereconsist of primary and secondary data. The first data were obtained byinterviewing the respondents and the second were obtained from the CentralStatistics Office and District Tompaso. Respondents totaling 60 people chosen atrandom by using Simple Random Sampling.This research was shown that the mobility level is low and made bothends meet in Village Touure. The test resultsusing Chi-Square analysis shownthat there are relationship between the mobility level and poverty where thepoverty rate is low or not a personis poor then performeda high level of mobility.On the contrary that the poor people were low in mobility level.Residents who has a job outside the village have high mobility, becauseof the mobility for working. While the villagers who have low mobility only worksas a farmer, although there is a desire to make mobility out of the village to get abetter job, but from an economic standpoint is not possible to perform mobilityout of the village.
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i2.821


AbstrakThe objective of this research is to determine the effect of marketing mix (Product,Promotion, Place, Price, Process, People and Physical Evidence) to the decision of consumerswho save money on PT. BPR Dana Raya Manado and to see which variable is dominant tothe decisions of consumers who save. The research was conducted at PT. BPR Dana RayaManado. Data is processed by using the method of multiple regression analysis, with SPSS 20statistical calculations. This research used primary and secondary data. The first primary datawas obtained from interviews with respondents by on a list of questions (questionnaires).While the secondary data obtained from the relevant authorities in this study. The method ofdata analysis is to test the validity and reliability testing and multiple regression analysiswith F test and t test.The results of the research showed that 70,3% of independent variables(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 and X7) jointly have an influence on the dependent variable (Y),while the remaining 29,7% of consumer decisions is explained by other causes in outsideresearch. The results of the F test analysis showed that the F calculated > F-table with avalue of 17,578 > 2,2371 which means that the variable X (product, promotion, place, price,process, people and physical evidence) significantly influence consumer decisions. Through thet test analysis, each variable X has the value t-count > t-table, where the dominant promotionvariable (X2) that is equal to 0,291 (29,1%).
KONTRUBUSI REMITENSI TERHADAP PENDAPATAN KELUARGA DI DESA KIAWA Giovanna M. Masengi; Olly Esry H. Laoh; Eyverson Ruauw; Melissa L.G. Tarore
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i2.822


AbstrakThis studyaims to determinehow muchcontributionremittancestohousehold incomeinthe villagekiawa. primary dataobtained throughinterviews withrespondents by on a list ofquestions (questionnaire), whereas, secondary dataobtained from theformatprofilereportkiawaruralvillages. data analysis methodsusedin this research isdescriptive.the resultsofthis study indicatethat the contribution ofremittancestohousehold incomein the villageisquitelargekiawa. this is dueto the highremittancessent bymigrant workersIndonesia. basedonthe results ofthis research canbe concluded that, remittancescontributeto thefamily incomeinthe villageis quitelargekiawa. therefore it is verynecessaryfor the familieswhohave familymemberswho work aslaborin the use ofremittancesIndonesia. andit is advisable tobe moreinterestedtobecome a labor ofIndonesia, especiallyforthe unemployed.
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i2.888


ABSTRACLydia Christianty Porotu'o, Farming Income Analysis of AmindukSweet Corn Kembuan Village, North Tondano Sub District. Under GuidanceIr. Celsius Talumingan, MP as Chairmain , Ellen G. Tangkere, SP, Msi andMelissa L.G. Taroreh, SP, Msi as members.The Objective of this research is to know the sweet corn farm incomeKembuan Village, North Tondano Sub District. This study uses primary data andsecondary data. Primary data obtained through direct interviews to farmersfarmers and entrepreneurs with observation techniques to observe directly the areaof aminduk sweet corn, while the secondary data obtained from the kembuanvillage profile report format, and Web sites related to the kembuan village northtondano sub district of aminduk sweetcorn. Data analysis method used in thisresearch is descriptive, by calculating the total revenue, cost of production, totalrevenue to total revenue and comparison ratsio R / C.The results of this research of aminduk sweetcorn showed that farmingincome analysis Civil Registration sweet corn produce comparison ratio R / C 3,1it can be interpreted that their farming is visible to be developed. This is becausethe calculation of farming revenue was relatively big that revenue in biggerincome.Based on these results it can be concluded that the Farming IncomeAnalysis of Aminduk Sweet Corn Kembuan Village, North Tondano Sub Districtcan be cultivated, by continuing to improve yields due to high consumer demandin the community. Although the results are promising revenue is considered to bea guarantee to continue farming Farming Income Analysis of Aminduk SweetCorn Kembuan Village, North Tondano Sub District sweet corn productionsystems although costly due to apply the techniques and technologies that aredifferent from usual. Therefore recommended to farmers around the kembuanvillage, North Tondano Sub district to consider this as an alternative employmentopportunity to improve well-being, so that the farmers around village becomesmallholder farmers not only immigrants farmers.
The Variety Of Quantitative And Qualitative Character Of Five Varieties Of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Franklin Dotulong; Maria Y.M.A. Sumakud; Sesilia A. Wanget; Ventje Pangemanan
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i2.959


ABSTRACTQuantitative character was seen as a form of continuous distribution, observed by measuring, had many controller genes, influenced by environmental factors very easily and selected through data analysis. Qualitative character was seen as a form of rigid distribution, observed visually, had one or two controller genes, influenced by environmental factors very scarcely and selected visually. Genetic variation was a variation that happened by the changes of genetic substances which were permanent and were always inherited to its heredity. This research was conducted in Winorangian Village, Tombatu Subdistrict, Minahasa Tenggara Municipality. The objective of this research was to study about the variety of quantitative and qualitative character of five varieties of mung bean.This research was done by using Randomized Block Design (RBD), with five ways of handling and four experiments. As research instruments, the researcher used five varietiesof mung bean: Sriti Variety (V1), Merak Variety (V2), Kenari Variety (V3), Perkutut Variety (V4), and Betet Variety (V5).The research finding showed that those five varieties of mung bean had narrow type of genotype type, where as the genotype type is lesser or equals to the double of the number of the standard deviation of genotype type. It indicated that the inherited character from the predecessor was very strong (homogen) and influenced by environmental factors very scarcely.Keywords: Quantitative Character, Qualitative Character, Genetics Variation, Mung Bean
PEMBERIAN PUPUK DAUN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BIBIT Gyrinops caudata (Gilg) Domke ( Granting Of Leaf Growth Fertilizer Seed Gyrinops caudata (Gilg) Domke ) Sumanto Basahona; Marthen T. Lasut; J. A. Rombang; Alfonsius Thomas
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i3.1222


ABSTRACTGyrinops caudata is one of gaharu plant family Thymeleaceae no less quality than the other speciesin Indonesia. Foliar fertilizers are inorganic fertilizers Gandasil D macro and micro, and a specialpowder for vegetative growth of plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect offoliar fertilizers on the growth of seedlings Gandasil D Gyrinops caudata by using completelyrandomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Treatment A concentration of 0 g / lof water, the treatment of B concentration of 2 g / l of water, (0.012 g dose), treatment Cconcentration of 4 g / l of water, (0.024 g dose) and treatment D concentration of 6 g / l of water,(dose 0.036 g). The variables measured were plant height increment, diameter increment in thenumber of stems and leaves. The results showed that the application of fertilizer to the seed leavesGandasil D Gyrinops caudata give significantly different results at high accretion, increased stemdiameter and in the number of leaves. Treatment D with a concentration of 6 g / l of water, (0.036 gdose) showed good results in plant growth compared with the other treatments.Key words : Gyrinops caudata, Agarwood, leaf manure Gandasil D
PROFIL USAHA MINYAK ATSIRI PALA UD. WIDIA MANDIRI DI DESA TREMAN Paris Loziner Edison Sirait; Ventje V. Rantung; Lyndon R.J. Pangemanan; Jean F.J. Timban
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i2.1466


ABSTRACTThe objective of this research was to determine the profile of the business nutmegessential oil. This study used primary data obtained through interview techniques directly tobusiness owners using a list of questions were primarily production and cost. The methodanalysis was a descriptive analysis and presented in tables. Other analysis was costs, revenues,profits, and ratio of R/C.The results of this research indicated that the efforts of nutmeg essential oil "UD. WidiaMandiri" was still considered home industry. The capital came from their own family capital.The raw materials used were nutmeg for one-time distillation process as much as 250 kg with ayield of 7%. For one month only produced a one-time distillation process and products at a sizeof 702 bottles of 10 ml, and 200 bottles of 60 ml.The nutmeg essential oil distillation enterprise employed only 2 employees and one labor.The product was marketed in the industry itself and at some souvenir shops in Manado city,namely: Merciful Building, Kawanua Souvenir, and Manado Souvenir. This effort received aprofit of Rp. 1.806.500,00 for a month of production.Based on this research it can be concluded that the management is still very simple. Therehas been no attempt to distinguish the budgetary accounting industry and household budget. Theresults of the analysis of the ratio of R / C was 1.1 indicating that the business is feasible to bedeveloped.
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i2.1467


ABSTRACT The Objective of this Research is to Analyzed Comparative and Competitive Advantages of Nutmeg Commodity in North Minahasa. The Research had been done for three-months, start from October 2012 until December 2012. Location of this research on Treman Village at Kauditan District – North Sulawesi. Data used in this research obtained from Primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from interviews with respondents by used a list of questions (questionnaires). While the secondary data was obtained from the relevant departments, such as Agricultural Department, Industrial Department, and Statistical Centre Department. The research result showed that is Nutmeg Farming in North Minahasa District has advantages using calculations of Private Profitability (19,777,223) and Social Profitability (46,919,419). It means that the Nutmeg Farming was efficient and had a competitive advantage and comparative advantage. Two indicators for measure competitiveness were 1) Private Cost Ratio (PCR) show result that Nutmeg Farmer’s is more competitive because PCR < 1; and 2) Domestic Resources Cost Ratio (DRCR) show result that Nutmeg Farming has comparative advantage because DRCR < 1. It means that the Nutmeg Farming according to financial analysis was efficient and has greater potency in perfect competition market.
PROFIL USAHA MANISAN PALA “KOMO JAYA” DI KELURAHAN LAWANGIRUNG KECAMATAN WENANG Norman Powell Kumontoy; Jenny . Baroleh; Gene H. Kapantow; Celsius . Talumingan
COCOS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v2i2.1468


ABSTRACTNutmeg is one of the commodities that have high economic value. The nutmeg most can be used as candied fruit which is generally done by the home industry. The object of this research is to know the business profile of candied nutmeg “Komo Jaya” in terms of raw materials, capital, labor, production, production costs of business management, technology, and the amount of profit earned. The study was conducted during the months of September to November 2012, located in the Village District Lawangirung Wenang. The data obtained owners candied nutmeg through interviews by the researcher and was analysed in form of descriptions and figures and tables. The result of research showed that, this business is a home industry that has been hereditary or a family inheritance. The whole working processes of the production of candied nutmeg done by the industry owners. Candied nutmeg also has obtained a license from the Ministry of Health to be consumed. Owners of industrial candied nutmeg "Komo Jaya" can make a profit of Rp.4.962.533, 3, - with a capital expenditure or production cost of Rp. 20.000.000, - in the period of October 2012. In terms of the advantages that exist, this business is a good business to continue to run.

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