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Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions
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The Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions is a scholarly publication dedicated to the exploration and analysis of contemporary rituals and traditions from diverse cultural, social, and religious contexts. The journal provides a platform for interdisciplinary research and critical discourse on the significance, evolution, and meaning of rituals and traditions in the modern world. JCRT welcomes contributions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners in anthropology, sociology, religious studies, cultural studies, folklore, and performance studies. The journal publishes original research articles, theoretical discussions, comparative analyses, and case studies that shed light on various aspects of contemporary rituals and traditions, including their cultural, social, psychological, and symbolic dimensions.
Articles 10 Documents
Safeguarding Communities: Exploring the Tradition of Tolak Bala in Nagari Bungus Resta Lisman; Darmaiza Darmaiza; Dwi Wahyuni
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.212


This study aims to examine the tradition of tolak bala in Nagari Bungus, including the changes that have occurred, the factors influencing the persistence of the tradition, and the meanings understood by the community regarding the tradition. A qualitative approach was employed, and data were collected through interviews and participatory observation. The findings reveal changes in the tradition of tolak bala in Nagari Bungus, encompassing changes in the surrounding environment and social activities of the community. The tradition of tolak bala has had a positive impact on the community, such as improving their relationship with Allah Swt, enhancing economic conditions, and abandoning negative behaviors. Factors influencing the persistence of the tradition of tolak bala include the community's beliefs and knowledge, religious activities, and the roles of traditional and religious leaders. The community understands the tradition of tolak bala as a means of protection from dangers and as an effort to seek help from Allah Swt to avert calamities. This research provides deeper insights into the tradition of tolak bala in Nagari Bungus and has implications for social and cultural changes in the community. Recommendations are given to the Bungus community and local authorities to preserve and maintain the tradition of tolak bala as a valuable cultural heritage and to conduct further research on this tradition in other regions.
When Tradition Meets Modernity: The Adaptation of Bajau Community in Malaysia Amidst Sociocultural Transformation Mohd. Fadzil Zainuddin
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.220


This research aims to analyze how the Bajau community in Kulambai Village, Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia, adapts their traditional practices in response to modernization. Modernization has brought significant changes in various aspects of life, including local culture and traditions. The Bajau community, having lived with local wisdom and distinctive traditions, now faces significant pressure to integrate with the ever-evolving modern world. This study utilizes a qualitative approach, collecting data through in-depth interviews with members of the Bajau community in Kulambai Village. Participatory observation is also conducted to understand how traditional practices interact with modern elements in daily life. The collected data are then analyzed to identify patterns and key findings related to traditional adaptation in the face of modernization. The research results indicate that the Bajau community in Kulambai Village is experiencing changes in their traditional practices in response to modernization. They face a dilemma between preserving their cultural identity and adapting to the social and economic changes brought by modernization. Factors such as education, urbanization, and media influence also affect this adaptation process. Resource limitations and challenges in maintaining local wisdom pose obstacles for the Bajau community. Nevertheless, efforts to preserve traditions and cultural values are continually made by some Bajau community groups. This research provides a deeper understanding of how the Bajau community in Kulambai Village adapts their traditional practices in the face of modernization. The results can make a significant contribution to efforts to preserve local culture and traditions amidst rapid social change. Recommendations for further research include expanding the scope of the study to Bajau communities in other regions and deepening the analysis of modernization's impact on their cultural aspects.
Transforming Traditions: Exploring the Adaptation of Nganteuran Tradition during the COVID-19 Pandemic Irma Mulya Hidayah
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.317


This study examines the changes in the Nganteuran tradition during the COVID-19 pandemic in Cianjur Regency. Using a qualitative approach, in-depth interviews were conducted with purposively selected participants. The findings reveal a decline in community participation in the tradition due to physical limitations and concerns about virus transmission. Instead of physical visits, individuals opted for exchanging greetings through text messages or phone calls. Adjustments were made in the execution of the tradition, including reducing the number of visited houses, prioritizing visits to immediate family members, or organizing virtual Nganteuran events via video conferencing platforms. The pandemic also influenced the perception and attitudes of the community, with emerging concerns and caution in participating. However, despite the challenges, the Nganteuran tradition persisted with adaptations made by the community. This research provides insights into how local traditions adapt to unforeseen changes, emphasizing the importance of reconfiguring social relationships in the context of a pandemic.
Bridging Faith and Culture: Unearthing Islamic Values in the Sundanese Munggahan Tradition Yunika Sari
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.319


This research aims to discuss the Islamic values contained in the Munggahan tradition of the Sundanese tribe as part of welcoming the holy month of Ramadan. The research method used is qualitative with literature review and field study, employing descriptive analysis to analyze complex and clear data. The research includes the understanding of the Munggahan tradition, the Munggahan tradition according to Islamic law, and the Islamic values encompassed in the Munggahan tradition to welcome the holy month of Ramadan in Sundanese culture. The study concludes that the Munggahan tradition is ancestral cultural heritage preserved by the Sundanese people to safeguard Sundanese culture, which is part of Indonesia's cultural wealth. In Islamic law, the Munggahan tradition is permitted and accepted by the Sundanese community, despite the absence of specific Quranic texts governing this tradition. The Munggahan tradition carries numerous wisdom and benefits, embodying Islamic values such as faith, practice, worship, local wisdom, and Islamic brotherhood. This research contributes to our understanding of religious values in the context of Sundanese local culture and emphasizes the importance of preserving Indonesia's cultural heritage based on Islamic teachings.
Resilient Tradition: The Resilience of Nyekar tradition Amidst the Covid-19 Changes Aldi Rizky Pratama
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.342


The Nyekar tradition in Sirnaraga Public Cemetery, Bandung, has become an inseparable part of the local community's life. This research aims to understand the sustainability of the Nyekar tradition amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was conducted by documenting and analyzing the Nyekar tradition, describing the condition of Sirnaraga Public Cemetery leading up to Ramadan, and investigating the adaptation of the Nyekar tradition during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used was qualitative with a field study approach. The findings show that the Nyekar tradition in Sirnaraga Public Cemetery has remained resilient during the pandemic, with the majority of participants continuing to practice the tradition as usual. This tradition has deep roots in religious, economic, social, and cultural aspects. The sustainability of the Nyekar tradition demonstrates the resilience and adaptation of the community in the face of changes brought about by the pandemic. This research provides a deeper understanding of the sustainability of the Nyekar tradition in Sirnaraga Public Cemetery amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. The implications of these findings can serve as a basis for preserving and promoting the sustainability of this important cultural tradition for the local community.
Funeral Rites of the Garos: Unveiling Cultural Assimilation Amidst Christian Influence Silba R. Marak; Dwijen Sharma
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.354


This paper analyzes the funeral rites and ritualistic practices associated with death among the Garo community of Northeast India, a community that has undergone linguistic divisions and witnessed fragmentation due to colonialism and subsequent conversion to Christianity. Employing an ethnographic approach, this research meticulously examines funeral rituals and practices through engaged participant observation, comprehensive interviews, and meticulous document analysis. Qualitative analysis reveals distinct patterns and themes, casting a revealing spotlight on the symbiotic relationship that exists between tradition and Christianity. The study finds that the Christian Garos have retained social customs such as matrilineality and the kinship system. However, a noticeable departure from their indigenous animistic belief system has taken place, with numerous deities being replaced by a single God, and fundamental beliefs like life after death seemingly abandoned. Nevertheless, upon closer examination of funeral rites, certain traditional elements are found to persist, reflecting the complex cultural assimilation within the emerging Christian identity among the Garo people. The primary contribution of this research lies in uncovering how these remnants of tradition persist, despite the transformative impact of Christianity on the religious and cultural landscape of the Garo community.
Harmony of Nature and Culture: Symbolism and Environmental Education in Ritual Sigit Fitro Prasetyo
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.361


This study delves into the role of cultural rituals in environmental conservation and local wisdom, with a specific focus on the Sundanese tradition of Ruwatan Leuweung Babakti Mandala Manglayang. This ritual holds immense religious and environmental significance, making it an ideal case study for understanding the potential of rituals in promoting environmental awareness and conservation. The research addresses the social importance of preserving cultural heritage, as well as the scientific relevance of exploring the symbiotic relationship between rituals and environmental education. Employing qualitative methods, including interviews, direct observation, and literature analysis, the study unveils the profound symbolism within Ruwatan Leuweung Babakti Mandala Manglayang, which symbolizes the connection between humans and nature, as well as their spiritual ties. This ritual instills a deep appreciation for the natural environment and encourages the celebration of cultural diversity through these symbols. The findings reveal that the ritual serves as more than just a religious practice, becoming a powerful means of fostering environmental consciousness and preserving local heritage. By shedding light on the significance of cultural rituals in environmental conservation and offering insights into their potential as tools for education, this research contributes to the understanding of the inherent link between culture and nature. The study's emphasis on the importance of preserving local wisdom in the face of global challenges aligns with the journal's interdisciplinary focus on sustainability, culture, and conservation, making it a valuable addition to the literature on environmental studies and cultural preservation.
Religious Dynamics and Traditional Beliefs in the Ruwat Laut Ritual Amidst the Pandemic Crisis Mohamad Dindin Hamam Sidik
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.380


This article delves into the profound meanings of religious practices and traditional beliefs within the context of the coastal community of Waymuli Village amidst the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Focusing on the Ruwat Laut ritual, this study analyzes how the interaction between traditional beliefs and the official religion, Islam, influences religious practices and the attitudes of the community in confronting global challenges. Through in-depth interviews with customary leaders, village heads, religious educators, farmers, and fishermen, the article reveals shifts in religious practices and the pandemic's impact on ritual implementation. The analysis results demonstrate transformations in traditional belief practices and community adaptations to changing circumstances, including social restrictions and ritual limitations. This article also discusses the factors influencing religious attitudes and practices during a crisis situation. The article's conclusion underscores the importance of gaining a deeper understanding of how communities uphold their beliefs and religious practices when facing modern challenges, while maintaining a balance between tradition and adaptation. This research contributes valuable insights to the study of religious diversity and community adaptation in the face of global crises.
Tradition’s Vital Role: Exploring the Multifaceted Functions of Mandi Ka Luak in Minangkabau Society Viviana Utami; Sulthan Ahmad; Dwi Wahyuni
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.381


Traditions play a significant role in preserving the identity and values of a society. One such tradition that has been passed down through generations is the Mandi Ka Luak tradition in Nagari Sungai Antuan. This research aims to trace the symbolic meanings embedded in the Mandi Ka Luak tradition and understand the functions associated with it. A qualitative research method was employed with a case study approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with traditional leaders, religious figures, and community leaders, as well as document analysis. The findings reveal that the Mandi Ka Luak tradition holds symbolic meanings within elements such as the seven-colored thread bracelet, baby’s hair-cutting ceremony, symbolic feeding, the use of coconut shells, and communal feasting. Furthermore, the tradition continues to be practiced because it plays a crucial role in fulfilling various basic needs of the community. It meets the needs for security and growth by eliminating taboos and superstitions, providing recreation, and strengthening social bonds through family and community ties. Additionally, Mandi Ka Luak contributes to the preservation of cultural identity as part of the ancestral heritage carefully upheld by the community. This research provides a deeper understanding of the continuity of the Mandi Ka Luak tradition within the context of Nagari Sungai Antuan and raises questions about the role of culture in an ever-changing modern society.
From 20th century weddings to quarantine weddings: Old and new approaches to analyzing rituals Judit Balatonyi
Journal of Contemporary Rituals and Traditions Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jcrt.383


Although ethnographic studies of marriage in 20th century Hungary have reckoned with the impact of socio-cultural transformations on getting married, nonetheless they primarily emphasized the normative aspects and permanence of the ritual; they stressed that marriage preserved “traditions”, or even that folk tradition acting as an ethno-folk-national “matrix” preserved and maintained the wedding rituals. Even if they touched upon the transformation of rituals, they primarily highlighted the modernization, simplification, fragmentation of the act of getting married and the marginalization of original meanings, traditional community norms, ideologies, and roles. Could this static and normative image depicting marriage not as a changing but rather as a decaying, diminished institution be in fact the result and consequence of an epistemological tradition, a methodological-theoretical focus that hides the process of the emergence of a new conception of marriage based on free choice, improvisation and on the idea of the individual breaking free of the yoke of normative traditions? The purpose of my paper is twofold. I will examine what the earlier Hungarian ethnographic studies understood by constancy, normativity, traditional or modern of wedding rituals. On the other hand, based on my current anthropological research (2019-2022, during the Covid–2019 pandemic) I will analyze the contemporary marriage rituals: and using the results of my research I also undertake a different kind of rereading of 20th century ethnographic descriptions. My paper based on the results of my digital anthropological research carried out between 2019 and 2022 (online questionnaires, digital ethnography, and in-depth interviews).  I argue that the earlier Hungarian ethnographic approaches to weddings at the time may have been significantly influenced by prevailing Hungarian and international normative conceptualizations and theories of tradition and modernity.

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