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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan, intended as a scientific publication of thoughts and research results on economics and development written in Indonesian or English. Fields of study relevant to the scope of this journal include: Public Economics, Development Economics, Monetary Economics, regional economics, economic plans, tourism economics, urban development, coastal area development, rural development, and others. Submitting an article to JERP is the same as guaranteeing that the writing is original and has never been published and is not being published in another journal. The written manuscript will go through the stages of review by reviewers according to their fields. Article writing must follow the guidelines through a template that can be downloaded in this journal. JERP publishes four editions in one year, namely: January, April, July and October. We invite experts, scientists, practitioners, teachers, scholars, students, and observers of economics and development disciplines to publish their best articles in this journal. Published in Online Journal System (OJS).
Articles 26 Documents
Manajemen Wisata Budaya Berorientasi Pendidikan Pada Museum Asi Mbojo Bima Nusa Tenggara Barat Astuti Susanti; Mauliadi Ramli
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine the potential of the Asi Mbojo Museum and the strategy for developing the Asi Mbojo museum as educational and cultural tourism. To achieve this goal, the researchers used data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The data obtained from the research results were then processed using descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the study show that the Asi Mbojo Museum has sufficient potential to be developed as an educational and cultural tourism object. These potentials include archeology, geology, biology, manuscripts, fine arts, collections of technology, cramonology, heraldics and numismatics. In addition, to increase the number of tourist visits, the Asi Mbojo Museum opens historical tours at the Bima Sultanate Mosque, Tolobali Cemetery, to the Taraha Fund, holds art performances, exhibitions, reviews of Bima history books and traditional activities of Tuha Ro Lanti (Coronation of Sultan and Jenateke or Crown Prince) and Hanta UA PUA. The strategy for developing the Asi Mbojo Museum as an educational and cultural tourism object is the SOBA ASI (Friend of Asi Mbojo) program. There are 5 activities in Soba Asi, namely the study of the history of Bima, historical and cultural studies, historical tours with benhur (benhur tours), courses on musical instruments and classical dance of the Bima palace and cultural arts performances.
Kreativitas Perempuan Jawa Dalam Pencarian Nafkah Rumah Tangga Di Desa Bungadidi Lisdawati; Riri Amandaria
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to find out about: 1) Factors that cause Javanese women to earn a living in the household; 2) The strategy for Javanese women to make a living in the household; 3) the role of Javanese women in earning a living as well as housewives. In this study, researchers used a descriptive qualitative research type. The selected informants were Javanese women who worked to help the household economy. The researchers collected data by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study showed that: 1) the factors that caused Javanese women to earn a living in the household included low family economy and less income for their husbands. While the difficulties faced by working Javanese women include internal time management factors, as well as external factors such as husband's support and work problems; 2) The strategy for Javanese women to make a living in the household, namely (a) The active strategy is a survival strategy carried out by Javanese women, namely working as vegetable traders and sego pecel traders. Javanese women work to help increase the family's economic income (b) The passive strategy carried out by Javanese women is to try to apply frugal patterns in household expenses c) The network strategy is survival which is done by asking for help from relatives or friends. Javanese women make efforts to utilize relations and connections between family and friends
Understanding the City: Its Conception and History Ahmadin
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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The existence of a city concerning the dynamics of growth and the complexity of the problems that accompany its progress have always been an interesting topic in the study of various scientific disciplines. Specifically within the scope of social science studies, there are urban history, urban sociology, urban spatial sociology, urban anthropology, and others. Various studies with a multidisciplinary approach to the city require an understanding of the concept and a brief history of its origins as a scientific basis for the development of its studies. This article examines the basic concept of the city and its brief history, which begins with a discussion of the meaning, origins of cities, urban forms, urban development, and problems that arise in urban areas. The results of the study show that cities have various meanings from the point of view of scientists from various scientific disciplines. Historians, sociologists, economists, geographers, architects, and artists give different definitions of cities from the point of view of their respective scientific orientations.
Bugis Capitalism: Business Ethics Based on Local Wisdom Ahmadin
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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For quite a long time, the world community has generally only known two main types of motivation for capitalism, namely the Protestant Ethic, which was written about through Max Weber's book, and Tokugawa Religion, which was introduced through the writings of Robert N. Bellah. This book discusses the spirit of capitalism which originates from local wisdom, namely siri' in the Bugis community in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, which is extracted from the book Bugis Capitalism. In contrast to the two spirits of Weber-style capitalism and the Bellah style which are motivated by religious values, Bugis capitalism is actually motivated by local wisdom which originates from messages from ancestors or wise people. The practice of ancestral messages as a social system has made the Bugis people successful as entrepreneurs both in their own villages and in overseas areas.
Peran Pemimpin Nonformal dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan di Desa Kayuangin Kecamatan Malunda Sulawesi Barat Mutiara Kartina; Idham Irwansyah Idrus
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine the role of non-formal leaders in implementing development in Kayuangin Village and to determine the relationship between non-formal leaders with formal leaders and the community in implementing development in Kayuangin Village. In order to achieve this goal, a qualitative research method was adopted which was analyzed and written descriptively. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews, and reviewing the documentation. The subjects in this study were determined deliberately, namely 15 informants. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed and interpreted based on relevant theories and research results. The results of the study show that non-formal leaders in Kayuangin Village have an important role in implementing village development. These roles are non-formal leaders participating in development planning, participating in village development decision-making processes, participating in village development implementation, inviting the community to participate in development, and playing a role in dealing with problems that arise in society. The relationship between non-formal leaders and non-formal leaders in the implementation of village development is considered not good because of the lack of synergy between the two. While the relationship between non-formal leaders and the people of Kayuangin Village is very good, it can be seen from the closeness and level of community trust in non-formal leaders.
Kerajinan Manik-Manik dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan di Kete Kesu Toraja Utara Nopriani Pangalo; Nurlela Nurlela
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine the community's efforts in developing bead crafts towards the sustainable economic development of the community in Kete Kesu, North Toraja Regency. To achieve this goal, researchers used data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The number of informants in this study were 12 people who had the criteria of bead craftsmen, bead sellers, and local residents. The data obtained from the results of the research were processed using qualitative analysis through three stages, namely data reduction, analyzing data, drawing conclusions or verifying data. The data validation technique uses source triangulation techniques. The results of the study show that (1) The meaning of bead crafts in the Kete Kesu community consists of 7 meanings including: (a) Influencing the economy in Kete (b) Not only as jewelry (c) Not apart from social stratification (d) Not having special meaning but is characteristic of the Toraja people (e) There is a meaning in each color (f) There is a meaning in each motif (g) Requires precision and patience.

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