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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan
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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan, intended as a scientific publication of thoughts and research results on economics and development written in Indonesian or English. Fields of study relevant to the scope of this journal include: Public Economics, Development Economics, Monetary Economics, regional economics, economic plans, tourism economics, urban development, coastal area development, rural development, and others. Submitting an article to JERP is the same as guaranteeing that the writing is original and has never been published and is not being published in another journal. The written manuscript will go through the stages of review by reviewers according to their fields. Article writing must follow the guidelines through a template that can be downloaded in this journal. JERP publishes four editions in one year, namely: January, April, July and October. We invite experts, scientists, practitioners, teachers, scholars, students, and observers of economics and development disciplines to publish their best articles in this journal. Published in Online Journal System (OJS).
Articles 26 Documents
Pertumbuhan dan Strategi Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Pedagang Angkringan di Pantai Padongko Kabupaten Barru Ahmadin; La Malihu; Jovita Oktaviani Putri
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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After going through a long stage of development, the economic field has finally arrived at the creative economy level. A condition in which various business opportunities are wide open and creativity is a determining factor in the development of this economic sector. This paper examines the growth and strategies for developing the creative economy through culinary businesses developed by angkringan traders in Padongko Beach, Barru Regency. The results of the study show that the growth of this culinary business is driven by the desire of the government and local communities to create jobs. In its development, the culinary business of the angkringan traders has increased so that it has a significant influence on improving the economy and family welfare. Several business actors who have been in the culinary business for a long time, have high incomes that affect their social life. However, this business experienced setbacks that affected the economic conditions of the traders' families. This creative economy development strategy is studied using SWOT analysis to predict opportunities and challenges in the future.
Strategi Ekonomi Berbasis Relasi Sosial pada Suku Jawa: Studi Tujuh Pedagang Sari Laut di Kota Berau Kalimantan Timur Risnaeni; St. Junaeda
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine: the relationship between Javanese traders who trade on Jalan Pangeran Antasari, Berau City and the efforts made by Sari Laut traders to maintain their business amidst competition for more modern food stalls. This type of research is descriptive in nature with a qualitative approach. The process of collecting data through, from: documentation, observation, and interviews. In this study, seven individual traders of Sari Laut were involved. The results showed that the relationship between fellow Javanese Sari Laut traders formed a positive social network between traders so as to form a kinship bond. Then high enthusiasm and hard work, providing good service for buyers or customers, paying attention to the taste of the dishes they serve, keeping their place clean and involving the family to help trade. In addition, maintain the human resources that the brand has and establish good relations between fellow traders and the surrounding community.
Potensi Ekonomi Home Industry Rumah Potong Ayam di Jalan Abubakar Lambogo Kota Makassar Nurcahya Andriani Sari; Abdul Rahman
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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The home industry for chicken slaughterhouses in Makassar City is a fairly large chicken slaughterhouse, this is evidenced by the relatively high growth of chicken slaughterhouses. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the economic potential of a chicken slaughterhouse for people's income on Abubakar Lambogo street, Makassar City and to find out the response of the Makassar regional government to the existence of the home industry. This paper uses the literature review method as a basis for building theory and analysis by linking various relevant concepts. The results of the study show that the existence of this home industry business has provided many benefits to the community, both in economic and social aspects such as creating jobs and providing free health services. Makassar City Government in addressing this matter is in a very big dilemma. The reason is because these activities have a positive impact on the one hand, especially aspects of handling the economic resilience of the residents and on the other hand it has an ecological impact, both social and environmental cleanliness.
Orientasi Ekonomi Petani Perempuan dalam Pemenuhan Nafkah Keluarga di Bontokadatto Kabupaten Takalar Nur Afni; St. Junaeda
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine the role, position, and economic orientation of female farmers in the Bontokadatto Village, which makes the agricultural sector a source of fulfilling the family's economic livelihood. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study type of research, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation/documentation. As well as the purposive sampling technique with the characteristics of sampling through certain criteria, the considerations in this study involved 8 informants. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Women in the Bontokadatto Village do not only work in the domestic sector, but also play a role in supporting the economic aspect in seeking additions by participating in the agricultural sector (2) Female farmers in Bontokadatto Village both have husband status and single parents make the agricultural sector the main source of fulfilling their family's living. (3) Double Burden or multiple roles are mentioned together with the concept of cultural dualism, namely the concept of the domestic sphere (domestic environment) and the public sphere (public environment), and (4) The coping strategy of female farmers in Bontokadatto Village applies three adaptations, namely: active adaptation, passive adaptation and tissue adaptation.
Strategi Ekonomi Dalam Upaya Membangkitkan Kembali Perdagangan Rotan Di Kota Makassar Lastri Liana
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine: the process of rattan trade revival in the city of Makassar, the dynamics of the rattan trade, and the resulting socio-economic impacts. This type of research is descriptive in nature with a qualitative approach. The data collection process is carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that the city of Makassar has long been known as a trade gateway and regional economic center in eastern Indonesia. Several areas supplying rattan commodities in Makassar, namely: Mamuju, Palopo, Enrekang, Palu, Kendari, and also from Kalimantan. Rattan raw materials are obtained by craftsmen in Makassar City through transportation from various regions both by land and by sea through the port of Makassar. The types of rattan used as furniture are rattan symbols, stems, tohiti, datu, and umbulus. Craftsmen in Makassar produce semi-finished rattan, which is then sent to Surabaya and thereafter exported. The revival of the rattan trade has had a positive impact on society and the government, namely opening up employment opportunities and increasing the country's foreign exchange.
Sustainable Tourism Development Through Ecotourism Development in Paccekke Village Ernawati S. Kaseng
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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Currently, the development of the tourism sector is very massively developed by the government. This is triggered by the increasing need for recreation and adventure in new areas that present natural beauty where they have never been to and interact with the local community. This research article aims to describe the potential of ecotourism and the supporting and inhibiting factors for the development of ecotourism in Paccekke Village. This research article uses descriptive-qualitative methods. The research informant was chosen deliberately. Primary data is obtained through interviews and observations while secondary data is obtained through data from research-related agencies. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research study show that the ecotourism potential of Paccekke Village is not only the beauty of natural beauty that is still natural and clean natural bathing but there is also a Paccekke Monument which has historical value. Then it also has artificial tourism potential in the form of Embung Paccekke and Agro tourism potential as well as the potential for cultural events. The supporting factors are, the natural and cultural potential of the village; sustainable natural conditions; positive attitude of the community towards tourism and mutual aid culture; the existence of cultural events; and the commitment of village stakeholders. Inhibiting factors, namely, limited facilities and infrastructure; weak planning in the field of tourism; extreme accessibility; weak network and internet; and low awareness and ability of the community to manage tourism potential.
Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata Alam Pada Perkebunan Karet PT. Lonsum di Desa Tamatto Kabupaten Bulukumba Sasnita; Firdaus W. Suhaeb
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine, (1) The role of the Tamatto Village community in developing the natural tourism destination potential of PT. Lonsum, (2) The relationship between visitors and the people of Tamatto Village in the development of natural tourism destinations for PT. Lonsum. This research is a type of development anthropology research with a tourism sector study unit. Data collection techniques, namely primary data obtained through observation and interviews from sources or informants, as well as secondary data obtained through literature studies, books, photo documents and statistics. This study involved 20 informants consisting of visitors to the rubber plantation area, people who live around the rubber plantations, and parties from PT. Lonsum. The results of the study show that: (1) The community has a role in the potential for developing tourist destinations including the role in institutions and the role in monitoring cultural values ​​(2) The relationship between the community and visitors provides positive interrelationships for both of them so that there is a process that creates attraction visitors to local culture in the rubber plantation area.
Strategi Adaptasi Ekonomi Keluarga Miskin Kota Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Firdaus W. Suhaeb
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This research study aims to describe and analyze the economic adaptation strategies of urban poor families during the Covid-19 pandemic through the concept of a livelihood strategy. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative type of research. The research informants were selected intentionally on 10 urban poor/vulnerable families who were beneficiaries of Social Cash Assistance and had household-based small businesses. Data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, documentation. Data analysis techniques, namely descriptive-qualitative analysis through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study show the economic adaptation strategy of poor families in cities beneficiaries of Social Cash Assistance (BST) during the Covid-19 pandemic in Manggala District, Makassar City carried out by their families through a double pattern of living by utilizing the Cash Social Assistance fund to open a household-based small business and to increase the capital of small businesses that have been initiated so far, as well as working part-time as day laborers, washing laborers, and members of Makassar Recover to supplement their family income. While the social network livelihood strategy, they do it by utilizing existing relationships and social relationships to get jobs and orders and assistance in the form of basic necessities and sometimes money from the government. The expected economic stability of the family has an impact on the implementation of adaptation strategies seen in terms of education, income, employment, and family housing during the pandemic.
Perilaku Konsumtif Gay di Kota Makassar Ansar Dias Putra; Dyan Paramitha Darmayanti
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine: the factors that cause gays in Makassar City and consumptive behavior as a lifestyle for gays in Makassar city. In this research, qualitative research was used with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation involving 5 (five) individual informants selected through a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data display, conclusion and data verification. The results of the study show that: (1) The causes of gays in Makassar City are that they want to look different, they are proud of their appearance, join in and attract the attention of others. (2) gay consumptive behavior as a lifestyle in Makassar City, there are two things: (a) it is more based on desires than needs, (b) gay consumptive behavior in Makassar city is not always related to the world of fashion, but they can also express themselves with gather with the community as an indicator of social status.
Strategi Waria Mencari Nafkah di Kabupaten Sinjai Ati Rukmana; Riri Amandaria
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine the form of work, inhibiting factors, and transgender strategies in making a living in Sinjai Regency using descriptive qualitative research. The number of informants is 7 people with the criteria of adult transgender informants in Sinjai Regency who are willing to participate in providing complete and open information. Data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation were then analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that: (1) The forms of work for transgender women in earning a living in Sinjai Regency are dominated by salon owners and employees, hairdressers, make-up artists (MUA), electron singers, and village consultative officials; (2) Factors inhibiting transgender women in earning a living in Sinjai Regency are: low education, lack of adequate skills and social stigma; and (3) Strategies for transgender people in Sinjai Regency to get a job, namely: (a) an active strategy in the form of taking courses on the work they are going to do, doing their own work activities, extending working hours, and doing more than one job; (b) Passive strategies, namely reducing spending and being indifferent to society's stigma; (c) network strategy in the form of building formal or informal relationships with the social and institutional environment and utilizing social media to get customers.

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