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Social Impact Journal
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A social impact journal is a publication that focuses on the study and analysis of the social impact of various issues and policies. It may cover topics such as poverty, education, healthcare, sustainable development, and more. These journals are typically interdisciplinary in nature and may include contributions from scholars in fields such as sociology, economics, political science, international relations, law and public policy. The goal of a social impact journal is to provide a forum for discussing and debating the ways in which different issues and policies affect society, and to promote research that can inform policy-making and improve social outcomes.
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The Sociological Perspective on the Impact of Family Divorce on Children Nasution, Muhamad Guntur Muntaha; Meli Fauziah
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.72


This paper aims to analyze the leadership role of Governor Ridwan Kamil in the West Java Government Era in implementing the Digital Village Program. Family divorce is a social phenomenon that is increasingly common in contemporary society. In this context, the impact on children is of primary concern, as it has far-reaching implications for their development and well-being. This research aims to reveal a sociological perspective on family divorce and its impact on children. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with divorced parents, children from divorced families, and community members around Mangkalaya Village. The data collected was analyzed thematically to identify patterns and themes that emerged. In this article, conflict theory is used, conflict can help integration or can cause conflict according to Ralp Dahrendorf to analyze cases of divorce in families and their impact on children. The research results show that family divorce affects children multidimensionally, including emotions, behavior and psychological well-being. Children from divorced families tend to experience stress, identity confusion, and difficulties in building healthy social relationships. The conclusion of this research is the importance of a holistic approach in overcoming the social impacts of family divorce, by paying attention to community support, psychological interventions, and the role of the family. more broadly in supporting the well-being of children in divorce situations.
Analysis of Sharia Economic Law on Buying and Selling Transactions in The Social Context (The Implementation of The Istishna Contract) Enceng, Enceng Iip Syaripudin; Sasa Sunarsa; Gini Gaussian; Ah. Fathonih; Deni Kon Kon Furkony
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.73


Abstract Buying and selling is one of the forms of mumalah allowed based on the Qu'ran, Al-Hadith, and Ijma of the Ulama. To obtain goods and simultaneously sell them, it is necessary to have an Akad, this study aims to analyze the perspective of sharia economic law on buying and selling transactions in the social context through the implementation of the Istishna contract. Within the framework of Islamic law, buying and selling transactions have an important social dimension to note. Akad Istishna' is a form of transaction that can be used in a social context, where buyers and sellers interact with each other with the aim of achieving welfare and social justice. This study uses an analytical approach of Islamic economic law to understand the legal basis, legal requirements, and social implications of buying and selling transactions through the Istishna contract. The results showed that the implementation of the Istishna contract in buying and selling transactions can make a positive contribution in achieving socio-economic goals in Islam, such as wealth redistribution and community empowerment. However, it is important to ensure that the execution of the Istishna' contract is carried out in compliance with the provisions of Islamic law and the principles of social justice. This research provides valuable insights for practitioners and academics in understanding the relevance and social implications of buying and selling transactions using Istishna' contracts in the context of Islamic economic law.
Social and Cultural Based Learning (Case study in TK At-Taqwa District. South Tarogong District. Garut) Saepul, Saepul Rohim
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.74


Learning is a process carried out by educators and learners in a learning environment. Social and cultural aspects are two very important elements in the learning process in achieving learning goals that lead to the achievement of educational goals. Social and cultural-based learning is a learning that not only provides knowledge but learners participate actively in understanding and interpreting knowledge information in accordance with social and cultural backgrounds so as to provide more understanding to learners in accordance with their needs.
Analysis of the Implementation of the National Planning System According to Law Number 25 of 2004 in Indonesia cahya, Silvia; Fahri Fauzi Rahman; Ludiana; Indri Apriyanti
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.92


The background of this research is that to achieve sustainable growth and development, every country needs good and effective planning. The development planning system in Indonesia has been stated in the governing law, namely law number 24 of 2004. This law establishes the framework, process, and mechanism in the preparation and implementation of national planning covering various development sectors. The research aims to find out how to analyze the implementation of the national planning system according to Law Number 25 of 2004 in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The type of data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques using literature studies or literature. The data analysis technique used in this research is SWOT analysis technique. The results show that the implementation of the national development planning system according to law number 25 of 2004 in the strength indicators there is a strong legal basis, the weakness indicators that the emphasis of development law is still at the normative or regulative level only, opportunities that Indonesia has with advances in information technology that can support the development planning process, and threats faced in implementing it there are limitations in resources and budgets.
Changes in Socio-Economic Structure Post COVID-19: A Descriptive Approach Through Literature Study Khairunnisa Oktapela, Khairunnisa; Sri Damayanti
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.107


Before the pandemic, the socio-economic structure of many countries was in a relatively stable state with varying economic growth rates. However, COVID-19 has disrupted global supply chains, forced many businesses to close, and drastically increased unemployment. These changes have prompted the need for new adaptations in the economy and society, including in the adoption of digital technologies and changes in consumer behavior. This research is important for policymakers and industry players to design inclusive and sustainable economic recovery strategies. The qualitative research method with a literature study approach used by researchers in designing this research. And the result of this study is that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on various economic and social aspects, including on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
Encouraging Superior Performance of Village Government: The Strategic Role of Regional Autonomy in Realizing Quality Public Services in Lebak Regency mahpud
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.124


This research analyzes the strategic role of regional autonomy in encouraging superior performance of village governments and realizing quality public services in Lebak Regency. Using a descriptive qualitative case study approach and literature review, this research explores important factors such as capacity building of village apparatus, optimization of village budget, community participation, accountability, transparency, and utilization of information technology. The results show that regional autonomy opens opportunities for the Lebak District Government to allocate resources more effectively, provide training and mentoring for village officials, and strengthen supervision and accountability systems. Optimization of village budgets, active community participation, and the application of good governance principles such as transparency and accountability are important elements in supporting the superior performance of village governments. The utilization of information technology also plays a strategic role in improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of public services in the villages of Lebak Regency. This research provides policy recommendations and strategies that can be implemented by local governments to improve the quality of public services at the village level in the context of regional autonomy.
Public Administration Ecology: Environmental Integration Into Policy Muhamad Ilham
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.141


This research aims to explore the integration of ecology in public policy. There is often a conflict between short- term economic interests and long-term environmental protection goals. Governments and other stakeholders often prioritize economic growth over ecological sustainability. In this study, the method used is qualitative. qualitative research method is a study used to research on natural objects where the researcher is the key instrument, data collection techniques are combined, data analysis is inductive, and qualitative research results emphasize meaning rather than generalization. This article emphasizes the importance of ecological integration into public policy, not only for environmental preservation but also for social and economic benefits. Specific examples mentioned include sustainable agricultural practices and ethical water management policies, which can improve people's well-being and food security. Environmental challenges faced by governments, such as pollution, deforestation and climate change, require a holistic and science-based policy approach. Public policies that consider ecological principles can ensure that economic and social development go hand in hand with environmental conservation.
Digital Transformation in the Management of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia: A Qualitative Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities in Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Archive Management syahidan, amir
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.152


This study examines the digital transformation of national archives management in Indonesia, using qualitative analysis to identify challenges and opportunities for improving efficiency and effectiveness. The research reveals that high costs of digital technology implementation and limited human resources are major obstacles. However, digital transformation offers significant potential to enhance archival management efficiency through technologies like big data and artificial intelligence. The government has established policies to create a more orderly and usage-oriented archival management system. Digitalization enables electronic government administration, resulting in a more accessible, efficient, and integrated system. The transformation process involves converting files into textual documents and then into digital formats to streamline archival systems. While acknowledging potential negative impacts such as high costs and human resource limitations, the study concludes that successful digital transformation in archiving can significantly benefit Indonesia's governance. Effective digital archive management plays a crucial role in achieving better bureaucratic reform and enhancing public service delivery.
Social Justice Philanthropy Based on Zakat at the Persatuan Islam Amil Zakat Institution and its Contribution to Covid-19 Pandemic Mitigation in West Java Hurun'in, Siti Zayyini; I Nurol Aen; Ahmad Hasan Ridwan; Badri Khaeruman
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.159


The Covid-19 pandemic, which began in 2020, has had various impacts on the socio-economic order, evidenced by declining public income, increasing unemployment, and a decrease in export-import activities, all of which have significantly raised the poverty level in Indonesia. Zakat, as an instrument of Islamic philanthropy aligned with its objectives, should be a solution for public welfare. Through MUI Fatwa No. 23 of 2020, zakat has undergone reinterpretation to reduce its exclusivity, demanding equitable social distribution. This research was conducted in West Java at the Persatuan Islam Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ PERSIS) to analyze: (1) The normative and historical foundations of philanthropy in Islam; (2) Social justice philanthropy activities based on zakat; (3) The contribution of social justice philanthropy based on zakat; and (4) The implications of this contribution for the socio-economic status of the community. The theory used is al-Maqāshid Syari’ah as the grand theory. The middle theory employs social justice philanthropy theory, and the applied theory uses tathbiq theory. This is qualitative research using an empirical juridical approach with a descriptive analysis method. The primary data sources for this research are the management of LAZ Persis and the community recipients of Covid-19 aid in West Java. The research findings include: First, the normative and historical foundations of Islamic philanthropy have existed in the Qur’an and Hadith and have been applied since the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) until today. Second, social justice philanthropy activities based on zakat include (a) Health Assistance, (b) Basic Necessities, (c) Counseling and Advocacy, (d) Capital Assistance. Third, during the three-year pandemic period in West Java, from the WHO declaration on March 11, 2020, until the pandemic status was lifted in Indonesia on June 21, 2023, LAZ PERSIS contributed aid to 435,292 beneficiaries. Fourth, the research implications include theoretical and practical implications. The theoretical implication offers a new concept of “Holistic Integrative Philanthropy,” a form of social justice philanthropy based on zakat that is inclusive, collaborative, and professional. Practically, during the pandemic, LAZ PERSIS helped 79% of respondents maintain their economic conditions and minimize the risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus.
Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English at the Eleventh Grade of Bina Insan Mandiri Banjarsari Lebak Vocational High School Dedeh Kurniasih; Riandi; Rizdki Elang Gumelar
Social Impact Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Social Impact Journal
Publisher : GoResearch - Research & Publishing House

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61391/sij.v3i1.160


Language is considered to be a system of communicating with other people using sounds, symbols and words in expressing a meaning, idea or thought. Speaking is the action of convey information or expressing the idea and feelings in spoken English. This research explained about analysis the anxiety students’ speaking in English at the eleventh grade of Vocational High School Bina Insan Mandiri Lebak in the academic year of 2023/2024. In this research, the researcher use qualitative approach while the research method will use descriptive qualitative method. The researcher would carry out the steps of the research, namely the process of data collection, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions and verification. There were three types of student anxiety in speaking English at the Eleventh Grade of Vocational High School Bina Insan Mandiri Banjarsari Lebak, they are State Anxiety, when the students feel panic and may stress when they want to speak in English, Trait Anxiety, when the students feel nervous when they do not understand the teacher explanation, and Specific-situation Anxiety, when the students should do examination about speaking. There were three factors caused the students anxiety in speaking English at the Eleventh Grade of Vocational High School Bina Insan Mandiri Banjarsari Lebak, they are communication apprehension, where the students could not speak English because they have little experience with English and do not always practice English, test anxiety, where the students feel anxious because they have to do the test that the teacher assigns to them, and fear of negative evaluation when the student are afraid of being judged negatively by their teachers and of being mocked by their classmates if they make mistakes when speaking English.

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