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Al-Gafari: Manajemen dan Pendidikan
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30218446     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Al-Gafari:  Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan (eISSN: 3021-8446), is an interdisciplinary publication of original research and writing on education. This journal was published by Lembaga Pendidikan Al - Gafari which was published three times a year, August, November, February, and Mei with a minimum of 5 articles. The journal aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of the field of education and plays an important role in promoting the process that accumulated knowledge, values, and skills. Scientific manuscripts dealing with elementary education topics are particularly welcome to be submitted. The journal encompasses research articles, original research reports, and scientific reviews in education.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): APRIL" : 5 Documents clear
Urgensi Desain Struktur Organisasi Terhadap Strategi Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Organisasi Nabila Cesya Rahmalia; Hesti Kusumaningrum; Siti Fatikhatus Sya’adah
Al-Gafari : Manajemen dan Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): APRIL
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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Facing the progress of an increasingly sophisticated era, of course, the right steps are needed to dare to advance in the face of the era of the rise of organizational development, so that taking steps for the future is certainly very concerned, especially making organizational design, the urgency of making organizational design determines taking the right strategy. Through taking the right strategy in the organizational structure, the organization can facilitate the exchange of knowledge and communication between members and uphold the moral standards and performance of employees to be more professional. This research uses a literature study methodology, retrieving this data source through analysis of various literature sources. The results of this discussion provide an understanding that strategies are assembled to organize and implement strategies to achieve various predetermined goals while maintaining and expanding organizational activities. With an organizational structure that is flexible and in line with current developments, organizations can more easily adapt and move quickly to anticipate changes. After going through this research, it can be seen that there is an urgency from the existence of an organizational structure to its strategy in the organization. The organizational structure also determines the arrangement of interaction patterns and leads to the achievement of the performance set by the organization. Therefore, organizations must continue to develop and update their organizational structure to remain relevant and effective in achieving their goals.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Sekolah terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa SMPN 3 Jerowaru Zakaki
Al-Gafari : Manajemen dan Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): APRIL
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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In the school environment, teaching and learning activities take place. Teaching and learning activities will not run smoothly and the objectives of these activities will not be achieved without learning motivation from students. So it can be concluded that the school environment can influence students' learning motivation. This study aims to determine the significant influence of the school environment on student motivation SMP. The research design used in this study is associative causal (causal), associative causal research is a type of research that aims to determine the relationship of a variable to other variables. Data collection techniques used were observation, questionnaire, and interview techniques. The data analysis techniques used are validity test, reliability test, and t-test. The results of the calculation of the validity of the instrument using the SPSS product moment formula obtained the r count results in the Extraction column which is for the school environment with the results of item 1 = 0. 372, so also with the learning motivation for item 1 = 0.401, and so on, rtable for N = 3 9 with a significant level of 5% is 0.3 16, then after a comparison is done and it turns out that r count> rtable are all valid. While the reliability test results using Cronbach Alpha (SPSS formula) it is known that the school environment has an alpha of 0, 833. A variable is said to be reliable if it gives a value greater than 0.60. Based on the results of research and data analysis conducted, obtained values for hypothesis testing using SPSS t count = 1,696 with a significance level of 5% (2-tailed) = 0,000 which is tcount (2-tailed) <t table which means that Ha is accepted and Ho refused. T-test, the results obtained that a value of 1.696 is greater than I ttable = 1.689, with a significance value of 0.005 <0.05, which means that the hypothetical is that there is an influence of the school environment on student motivation is accepted.
Upaya Guru SKI dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Di MA NW Penendem Muhamad Zaril Gapari; Ahmad Izzudin; Hesty Muliana
Al-Gafari : Manajemen dan Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): APRIL
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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Education aims to shape character regarding religion, personality, intelligence and so on. To achieve this goal cannot be separated from the role of an educator or teacher. The purpose of this researchis to determine the effort of SKI teachers in increasing students’ interest in learning MA NW Penendem and to find out the supporting and inhibiting factor for students’ interest in learningat MA NW Penendem. This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of descriptive. The method used in collecting data are the observation method, interview method and documentation method The results that can be seen from the SKI teacher’sefforts in increasing students’ interest in learning MA NW Penendem include several strategies involving approaches to students, classroom management, use of varied methods, constructive evaluation and punishment Factors supporting students’ interest in learning MA NW Penendem includes teacher mastery of teaching materials, student interest, SKI learning schedule in the morning, adequate facilities and infrastructure and good teacher teaching experience. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors for students’ interest in learning MA NW Penendem include limited class hours, SKI learning time in the last hour, and limited understanding of technology by teachers.
Perbandingan Model Pembelajaran Thinks Pair Share (TPS) Dengan Model Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X Di MA DA Jerowaru Irwan Yon Hadi
Al-Gafari : Manajemen dan Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): APRIL
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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Education is business conscious and planned for realizing atmosphere learning and the learning process for participants educate in a way active develop potency himself for own religious spiritual power, control self, personality, intelligence, morals noble, as well necessary skills himself, society, nation, and state. Study This aims to know There are different results study students using a learning model think pair share (TPS) and numbered heads together (NHT) class X MA DA Jerowaru. Study This is a study experiment. The population is all over student class X MA DA Jerowaru. Research sample involving 2 classes totaling 75 students Class X MA DA Jerowaru is determined with a simple random sampling technique. Class XI totaling 36 students, was given treatment with a learning model thinks pair share (TPS), and temporary class X.II, totaling 39, was given treatment with a learning model numbered heads together (NHT). The research design used is a “post-test only design”. Data collection techniques were carried out with the use of method test subjective form essay. Whereas technique analysis of the data used for the test hypothesis is a two-party t-test (polled variance). The calculation of the results obtained amounted to 8.35 wheas mark t_tabelof 1.99 with a signifance level of 5%. Based on subcription tha result > then it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes using the thinks pair share (TPS) and numbered heads together (NHT) learning models for class X MA DA Jerowaru.
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar dan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah melalui Penerapan Belajar Tuntas Pada Siswa MAS NW Penendem M. Saipul Watoni
Al-Gafari : Manajemen dan Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): APRIL
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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Education is something that everyone must follow. With adequate education, a person will be able to answer global challenges in life. With this education, a person's honor and dignity will be raised, the lower a person's level of education, the more dignity in their environment will also be. This research aims to determine the improvement in learning outcomes and problem-solving abilities through the application of thorough learning in Class X MAS NW Penendem students. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists of two cycles and each cycle consists of four stages, namely: planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The object of this research was determined by taking class X, totaling 23 students. The instruments used for data collection in this research were observation sheets and teacher and student tests. The results of this research were obtained in the first cycle, of the 23 students who took the evaluation test for learning outcomes, 17 students completed it and 6 students did not complete it with an average score of 71 ≤ 75. Meanwhile, for the classical percentage it was 73.91% ≤ 85 %, this means that for evaluating learning outcomes using a KKM of 75 and a KKM of 85%, it can be said to be incomplete and for problem-solving in cycle I the average score is 73.04 with a completion percentage of 60%. This value does not meet the classical learning completeness requirements, namely 85%. 16 students got a score ≥ 75, including the completed study category, and 7 students got a score ≤ 75, including the incomplete learning category. From the second cycle analysis, of the 23 students who took the evaluation test, the average evaluation score was 81.30 with a percentage of 95%. This result shows that the requirements for learning completeness have been achieved, namely 85%, 22 students got a learning result score ≥ 75 Meanwhile, for problem-solving abilities, the average student score is 83 with the percentage of many students completing 96%, and included in the complete learning category.

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