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Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science
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The Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science (JFMAS) is a scientific journal in the field of fisheries and marine science, including fishery cultivation, fishery product processing, fishing, management of aquatic resources, marine and fisheries socio-economics, marine biology, marine ecology, marine geology, fisheries and marine biotechnology, oceanography, marine remote sensing, and other fields related to fisheries and marine affairs.
Articles 21 Documents
Analisis Usaha Produksi Ubur-Ubur (Studi Kasus: Usaha Produksi Ubur-ubur Milik Bapak Wahyudi di Desa Temajuk) Ee Zurmansyah; Muhammad Hidayat
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 1 (2023): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i1.23


Jellyfish is a fishery product used by humans as food and other products. Jellyfish production in Temajuk Village occurs in certain months, and fishermen make it an additional source of income. The purpose of this study is to analyze the investment costs and feasibility of Mr. Wahyudi's business, the largest business in Temajuk Village. A mixed method was used to purposively determine the respondents. The data collection technique used the deep interview method, and then the data were processed using an analysis of total investment, total costs, depreciation costs, gross income, profits, RCR, PPC, FRR, and BCR. The results of this study indicate that the due diligence analysis of Mr. Wahyudi's business is based on an RCR value of 2.7, which means that every capital expenditure of IDR 1 (one rupiah) generates IDR 2.7 (two points seven rupiahs). The PPC value is 40.8, which means that the business belongs to Mr. Wahyudi, it is feasible to continue, and the return on capital is less than two months; the smaller the PPC value, the faster the return on investment. Thus, from the RCR, FRR, and PPC values, Mr. Wahyudi's production business is feasible to continue.
Analisa Nilai Produksi Ikan Laut Basah Selama 2016 – 2020 di Kabupaten Bima Nur Habibah
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 1 (2023): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i1.32


Fisheries are among the leading resources in the Bima District area. This is because of aquaculture and capture fisheries. This condition is caused by the Bima district area being surrounded by the Indian Ocean, Flores Sea, and Sape Strait waters. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the production value of fresh seawater fish in the Bima district area and the SLS value. Observations were made by analyzing data on wet sea fish production value in each sub-district during 2016 – 2020. Data were obtained from the Bima Regency Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service. From the observation results, it was found that the water fish production value was obtained in the Sape Sub District at 231957.21 tons and the lowest was in the Parado Sub-District which was 55694.1 tons. Meanwhile, if the sales value of fresh seawater fish, only Sape Sub-District has a sales value of IDR 1,033,373,551,615 and at the same time is the highest value compared to other sub-districts with sales values below IDR 200,000,000.
Production volume of mackarel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) as a one of fisheries commodity in Singkawang City Sarah Pebiloka; Alfian Johansyah; Lutfi Aggadhania
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 1 (2023): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i1.36


The purpose of this study was to observe the production volume and production value of mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) during 2018 – 2020 in Singkawang City. Mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) is one of the main fisheries commodities in Singkawang City that is included in the pelagic fish species in the Scombridae family. The capture of this fish species occurs throughout the year which is marked by the volume of production that is always there every month. The production volume of mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) fluctuates every year, both monthly and annually. Where, the value depends on seasonal conditions and is dominantly high during the western and transitional seasons, which is as much as 12% and 13%. Meanwhile, during the western season, mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) production volume is always low with a dominance of 3%. The values range from 2,836 kg – 38,963 kg which is found in August and November. The production value of mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis)  also follows the pattern of production volume. The production value will be high if the production volume is high. The production value ranges from IDR 66,936,000 – IDR 839,534,000.
Fish capture volume of frigatetuna (Auxis thazard) as a one of fisheries commodity in Singkawang City Alfian Johansyah; Lufti Anggadhania
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 1 (2023): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i1.37


Frigate tuna is one of the main commodities in the fisheries capture sector in Singkawang City. Fish capture was conducted throughout the year. Therefore, this study aimed to observe the volume of frigate tuna catches and their production value during the 2018 – 2020 period for annual and monthly periods. The data used in this study were catch volume and the production value of frigate tuna. Based on these observations, the total catch volumes in 2018, 2019, and 2020 were 237,885 kg, 240,013 kg, and in 2020 it and 265,026 kg, respectively. For the total volume of frigate tuna catches for the monthly period, the highest value was recorded in November, which was 95,465 kg. The lowest capture volume was observed in August, at 27,043 kg. Its production value during 2018 – 2020 is IDR 4,971,889,000 (2018), IDR 4,924,906,000 (2019), and IDR 5,099,693,000 (2020). Meanwhile, the monthly production value during 2018 – 2020 was in March of IDR 2,027,302,000 and the lowest was in August IDR 531,027,000.
Fluctuations of planted area in salt production in Bima Regency Nur Ervina Meylani
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 1 (2023): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i1.100


This study aimed to analyze fluctuations in the planting area of salt production in the Bima district over six years. The data used were planting area data for the period 2016 – 2021. The results of this study showed that the highest planting area was in 2018, which was 1729.82 Ha and the lowest was in 2016, which was 435.78 Ha. The planting area is differentiated based on the type of production: non pugar, traditional Pugar, and geoisolator Pugar. The planting area for the highest non-Pugar production was in the Lambu sub-district, which was 20 ha and dominated by 63%. The planting area for the highest traditional Pugar production was found in the Woha sub-district, which was 653.02 Ha or 48% of the total planted area in Bima District. And for salt production in the geoisolator Pugar, the highest planting area is in Bolo District, which is 200.15 Ha and dominates as much as 48% of the total planted area as a whole for this type of production.
Keanekaragaman Ikhtiofauna di Danau Tapal Kuda (Oxbow Lake) Sungai Bengawan Solo di Kabupaten Lamongan dan Kabupaten Gresik Taufiq Najib Zamzami; Agung Pamuji Rahayu; Mukti Ali; Septinus Mendrofa
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 2 (2023): OCTOBER

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i2.121


The Bengawan Solo River is one of the major rivers on the island of Java and stretches from Central Java Province to East Java Province. The most dominant type of fish in the Bengawan Solo River flow area is fish from the Cyprinidae family. This research was conducted in Oxbow Lake, Lamongan Regency, and Gresik Regency from May to June 2023. This study aims to determine ichthyofaunal diversity and water quality parameters using quantitative research methods and purposive sampling. Determination of stations based on environmental conditions, consisting of four stations. Based on the research and sampling that have been carried out, a total of 539 fish were obtained from 4 stations in the waters of Lake Horseshoe (Oxbow Lake), consisting of 12 species in 7 families. The diversity index shows the moderate category from 1.99 to 2.71, and dominance shows the low category from 0.08 to 0.26. The average results for physical water quality parameters are temperature 31.8–32.6 °C, brightness 45–59 m, chemical parameters dissolved oxygen (DO) 3.9–4.3, pH 8, nitrite 0.42–0, 54, nitrate 1.5–1.7, and ammonia 0.08–0.15.
Pengaruh Penyuntikan Dosis Ovaprim yang Berbeda Terhadap Waktu Ovulasi pada Ikan Mas Koki (Carassius auratus) Ridho Febriansyah
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 2 (2023): OCTOBER

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i2.134


Goldfish is one of the freshwater ornamental fish that is in great demand for the Indonesian community, but its production is still not meeting the demand of the market because it has to wait for the process of ovulation. Therefore, to accelerate the occurrence of the ovulation process can be done with the injection of the hormone ovaprim. So the purpose of this research is to determine the time of ovulation of the goldfish by doing the injection of the hormone ovaprim. The research was conducted for two months at the Djuanda Bogor University Fisheries Laboratory. The research design was a Complete Random Plan (RAL) with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. Treatment K (control) did not give hormones, treatment A (0.3 mL/kg of female mother weight), treatment B (0.5 mL /kg of feminine mother body weight), C (0.7 ml / kg of femal mother weight) and 0.5 mL per kg of male mother for each treatment. Research shows the fastest.
Aplikasi SIG Untuk Pemetaan Sebaran Tambak di Kecamatan Jawai, Kecamatan Sambas Nur Ervina Meylani
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 2 (2023): OCTOBER

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i2.145


The Fish pond is one of the artificial habitats used as a place for marine and brackish culture which is located in the coastal area and always undergoes a change of area with each change of time. Changes in the area of the debris can be caused either by nature or by human. Changes in the area of this pile may be either the opening of the pile or the transfer of the functions of a pile. Jawai District itself is one of the sub-districts in the Sambas Regency area that has embankment area. So the aim of this research is to map the distribution of fish pond area in Jawai District as a form of GIS application. GIS itself can simply be interpreted as a data processing application that can process spatial data. And the data input from this study is Landsat 8 satellite images of 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022. The result of the data processing was obtained that the area of the Jawai district is spread out in 5 villages namely Lambau, Sarang Bird Danau, Sarang Burung Kuala, Sarang Burung Usrat, and Sungai Nilam. The largest embankment area is in Sarang Burung Danau Village, namely 776,521 ha and the lowest is in Lambau Village, namely 18,119 ha.
Technical aspect of hatchery management for mutiara catfish (Clarias sp.) at Balai Benih Ikan Lokal (BBI) Pontianak City Nur Habibah; Uray Januardi; Wariah Wariah
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 2 (2023): OCTOBER

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i2.146


Mutiara catfish is one of the most popular commodities for cultivation activities. This is because it grows quickly and is easy to cultivate. This fish is the result of breeding by the Sukamandi Fish Breeding Research Agency (BPPI). The aim of this research is to observe the technical aspects of pearl catfish hatchery management. The spawning process is carried out naturally and artificially. In this activity, the ratio of male to female parents is 1: 1. From the results of the frying carried out, it can be seen that the weight of eggs from natural spawning is lower than from artificial spawning. The two values are 100 g and 200 gr. Fecundity, or the number of eggs produced, also shows the same thing. With a fecundity value for artificial spawning of 43,200 eggs and artificial spawning of 70,000 eggs.
Pembesaran Ikan Lele Mutiara (Clarias gariepinus) dan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias batrachus) di Balai Benih Ikan Lokal (BBI) Kota Pontianak, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat Muslimah Muslimah; Yusri Ramadeni
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 2 (2023): OCTOBER

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i2.151


Catfish is the most commonly cultivated freshwater fishery commodity found in almost all regions of Indonesia. Due to the ease of cultivation and the price, which is quite affordable, Catfish have a fast growth rate and can live in waters with poor conditions. Mutiara catfish and sangkuriang catfish are strains of catfish that are commonly cultivated. So the aim of this research is to observe the rearing and cultivation of pearl catfish and sangkuriang. The rearing activities in this research included preparing containers and water. Seed distribution, feeding, water quality management, growth management, and harvesting In this study, the number of seeds stocked was 200 each for these two types of fish strains. The amount of feed given is also the same, namely 5% of the total biomass. The results of the research showed that the weight growth of mutiara catfish was higher than that of sangkuriang catfish. The final weight of mutiara catfish was 32.38–181.45 grams, and that of sangkuriang catfish was 47.9–111.38 grams. With a survival rate reaching 77% for mutiara catfish and 86% for sangkuriang catfish.

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