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Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science
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The Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science (JFMAS) is a scientific journal in the field of fisheries and marine science, including fishery cultivation, fishery product processing, fishing, management of aquatic resources, marine and fisheries socio-economics, marine biology, marine ecology, marine geology, fisheries and marine biotechnology, oceanography, marine remote sensing, and other fields related to fisheries and marine affairs.
Articles 21 Documents
Makromolekul dari Mikroalga Spirulina platensis Ahmad Fauzan Lubis; Ahyani Ridhayani Lubis
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 1 No 2 (2023): OCTOBER

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v1i2.153


Spirulina platensis is known to have various benefits because it contains various compounds, some of which are reported to have immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anticancer, antitumor, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, anti-rust, hepatitis prevention, metal chelating and blood formation stimulation activities. Therefore, to determine the nutritional composition (macromolecular content) of Spirulina platensis as a food ingredient, it is necessary to analyze these components. This study aims to measure the growth pattern and the content of macromolecular components found in Spirulina platensis. The method in this study included preparation of Spirulina platensis samples (Spirulina platensis culture), optical density (OD) measurements, and the parameters tested were proximate analysis (AOAC, 2005) to determine protein content, fat content, ash content, moisture content, and The results obtained from this study were that Spirulina platensis underwent 4 growth phases, namely the log phase (1-4 days), the log phase (5-10 days), the stationary phase (11-17 days) and the death phase starting in 18th day. Spirulina platensis in the log phase had a higher macromolecular content than the stationary phase with protein (12.54%), carbohydrates (22.46%) in the log phase, protein (8.64%), carbohydrates (13.36%) in the stationary phase, while the fat content was the same at 4%, the high ash content was the log phase (56%), and the stationary phase (68%).
Tingkat Kepuasan Nelayan terhadap Pelayanan Kebutuhan Melaut di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan di Desa Eri, Kota Ambon Sabandar, Abraham
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 2 No 1 (2024): FEBRUARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v2i1.192


Fish Landing Base (PPI) Eri provides various services for sailing needs such as fuel oil, Water and Ice. So this study aims to analyze the level of satisfaction of fishermen to the fulfilment of sailing requirements in PPI Eri. The method used is the method of survey is observation and direct interview with fisherman using a questionnaire aimed at obtaining a thorough picture/description of objects in this case fishing who carries out loading activity in PPIs Eri.  The analysis was carried out by measuring the overall level of fishermen consumer satisfaction by looking at the level of importance of the attributes, and the Importance and Performance Analysis method. The results of the research show that the level of satisfaction of fishermen with their respective fishing needs for fuel is quite satisfied with a Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) of 0.64%, for water in the satisfied category with a CSI of 0.71. The results of the Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) analysis for fuel needs, there are no attributes that must be prioritized so that the attributes assessed against 9 attributes, 7 of which have a high level of importance (satisfied) so their service and performance must be maintained, then the other 2 attributes classified as low (less important) 1 of which is repairing damaged fuel facilities and a complaint reception system, these two attributes have been provided by the PPI but for fishermen they are not prioritized. For water needs, there are 2 attributes which are considered important but must be prioritized in the sense that service performance must be improved to provide satisfaction for fishermen, while there are 5 attributes whose services must be maintained because they are considered satisfactory for fishermen, and there are 2 attributes which are considered less important so they are not need to be prioritized by fishermen.
ANALISIS PEMASARAN ABON IKAN TUNA (Thunnus sp) DI KOTA BONTANG KALIMANTAN TIMUR Nisyak, Aliyyatun; Purnamasari, Elly; Abdusysyahid, Said
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 2 No 1 (2024): FEBRUARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v2i1.213


This research aims to analyze the marketing efficiency of tuna fish floss in Bontang City with a focus on distribution channels and marketing costs. The research method used is qualitative, quantitative using questionnaires to conduct structured interviews. Data sample collection is determined by census and snowball sampling, then analyzed descriptively and calculating margins, profits, farmer's share of business costs. The 4 marketing institutions involved produced 2 marketing channel patterns, namely level 0 marketing channels and level 1 marketing channels. The highest margin was obtained by Habati and Borena's roasted processed floss, namely IDR. 6,000 per pack. Likewise with profits, roasted floss (15,936) is greater than fried floss (13,844). The average value of the farm's share was 77.79%. Marketing of tuna fish floss in Bontang City is quite efficient, judging from the results of the discussion found. Suggestions for the development of floss marketing from researchers include developing more diverse flavor variants of processed tuna floss, improving promotional designs for good nutritional value on product packaging. and forming collaborative partners with retail traders that are more structured, such as promotional permits using intermediary trader contact persons, so that it is profitable for both parties. Retailers gain the trust of end consumers and can order more from manufacturers.
The success rate of hatching green turtles with semi-natural incubation systems in the marine rides of Paloh district Iswanto, Iswanto; Agam, Beryaldi
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 2 No 1 (2024): FEBRUARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v2i1.288


Paloh Beach, Sambas Regency is the most potential beach as a green turtle nesting (Chelonia mydas) and is the longest turtle nesting site in Indonesia. The sustainability of green turtles is still an issue that must be resolved. Many factors influence such as extreme climate change, predator disturbance, and human actions so that the green turtle population is declining and even threatened with extinction. The purpose of this study was to determine the success rate of hatching green turtles with semi-natural incubation systems in Paloh District. The location and time of the research were carried out at Wahana Bahari Paloh domiciled in Setinggak Hamlet, Sebubus Village, Paloh District, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan for 4 months from February to June 2023. The method used is the descriptive method. This research activity includes transferring turtle eggs to semi-natural nests (egg relocation), demolition of semi-natural nests, and calculating the hatchability rate of green turtle eggs. The result of this study is that the success rate of hatchability of green turtle eggs on average is 78.70%
Aktivitas Ekonomi Masyarakat Nelayan di Desa Lamuru, Kecamatan Tellu Siattinge, Kabupaten Bone Risa, Nurul Eka Wijayanti; Mapparimeng, Mapparimeng
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 2 No 1 (2024): FEBRUARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v2i1.293


. Economic activities carried out by fishing communities give color to the typical economic activities of coastal communities. These conditions arise from the interactions carried out by the community with their environment, thus forming daily economic activities. The method in this research uses qualitative descriptive analysis which aims to describe problems related to the focus of the research scope. The data obtained will be analyzed using the triangulation method by obtaining information through observation, surveys and structured interviews with several respondents. Lamuru Village is one of the villages located in the coastal area and directly borders Bone Bay. The location of the village in a coastal area means that the people in this area generally work as fishermen and some of the residents work as cultivators and other professions. The fishing work carried out by the community uses traditional, semi-modern and modern tools. Some of the people carry out fish farming, trade and some also have side jobs as farmers. From the activities they carry out, they get enough results to fulfill their family life.
Productivity Analysis of Gillnet Fishermen Business at the Fishing Port of Archipelago Pemangkat Lamsah, Lamsah; Merdekawati, Dewi; Muslimah, Muslimah
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 2 No 1 (2024): FEBRUARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v2i1.315


Pemangkat Archipelago Fisheries Port (PPN) has a very strategic role in the development of capture fisheries business, namely as a center or center for marine fisheries activities, especially those in the Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the productivity level of gillnet fishing gear and to determine the factors that affect gillnet catches. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Based on the results of the analysis using the Cobb Douglas model, the production factor that affects the catch using gillnet fishing gear is the distance traveled with a value of Tcount 2,168 < Ttable 2,048. The highest productivity of catch units on gillnet fishing gear, which is 8 tons/trip, is found on the Sri Ayu Bahari vessel with a 29 GT vessel size, while the lowest is 1,3 tons/trip on the Sumber Abadi – 3 vessel with a 30 GT vessel size. Considering that the gillnet catching business is still profitable, the Pemangkat Fisheries Port can still develop its business with this tool, but it is necessary to control the PPN so that the catches obtained by gillnet fishermen remain optimal.
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 2 No 2 (2024): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v2i2.343


This study aims to determine the stages of processing crackers and amplang from belida fish and patin fish in Jantur Village, Muara Muntai Subdistrict by analyzing the feasibility of businesses run by 8 respondents. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative, using a questionnaire to conduct structured interviews.  Data sample collection was carried out using the census and survey methods and then analyzed descriptively and calculated the sales costs and profits of processed belida and catfish businesses. The processing cycle of belida fish crackers, amplang belida fish, and catfish crackers is 1-6 times/production year (average 3 production cycles/year). The average profit obtained from the belida fish cracker processing business is Rp.1,042,234 / year. The average profit obtained from the belida fish amplang processing business is Rp.2,744,869 / year and the average profit obtained from the patin fish cracker processing business is Rp.59,133 / year. This business feasibility analysis results show that processing belida fish and catfish is still often run even though it takes longer to reach the return on investment.
Abon Studi Pembuatan Bakpao dengan Bahan Pengisi Abon dari Variasi Kerang yang Berbeda Terhadap Uji Penerimaan Konsumen: Studi Pembuatan Bakpao dengan Bahan Pengisi Abon Diana, Ayu; Lubis, Ahmad Fauzan; Fikri, Muhammad Zakiyul
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 2 No 2 (2024): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v2i2.365


Shellfish meat is a source of animal protein that has a more complete amount of amino acids than vegetable protein. Shellfish processing is still mostly done traditionally. The potential for shellfish to be developed into a food product is very large, but the biggest challenge is the characteristic that has a fishy smell, high elasticity, and texture that is not attractive. Bakpao products are selected to be combined with shredded shellfish filler to cover the texture and aroma that is less attractive in shellfish preparations. This study aims to determine the level of consumer acceptance of processed products bakpao with shredded shellfish filler variation. This research method is carried out in three stages. The first stage is the stage of preparation of raw materials for kerang lentera, kerang bulu, kerang tahu, and the manufacture of shredded shells. The second stage is the stage of making shredded-filled buns. The third stage of research is the stage of hedonic testing to determine consumer acceptance. The results obtained in the manufacture of shredded bakpao from different shellfish variations, namely kerang lentera (Lingula unguis), kerang bulu (Anantara antiquate), and kerang tahu (Meritix-meritrix) have their characteristics in taste, appearance, aroma, and texture so that they can get the value of consumer preferences. The results of the hedonic test in this study found that the best appearance test results are treatment P2 (5,05), the smell highest value is P2 (4,68), the best taste test is P2 (5,06), and the best texture value is P2 (5.23). Based on the overall results of a hedonic test that the highest preference value of the bakpao with different variations of shredded shellfish is bakpao with variations of shellfish feathers (P2).
Evaluation of the Implementation of (SSOP) and (GMP) in the Amplang Mackerel Fish Business in Pemangkat District, Sambas Regency Saifudin, Saifudin; Suprianto, Suprianto; Hanavi, Muhammad Ilham; Mogi, Gabriela; Hesti, Hesti; Agam, Beryaldi; Mahyudi, Indra
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 2 No 2 (2024): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v2i2.367


This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the mackerel fish amplang business in Pemangkat District, Sambas Regency. The evaluation was conducted through direct observation and interviews using a checklist based on SSOP and GMP guidelines. Results showed that the implementation of SSOP and GMP was not yet optimal, with several non-conformities, particularly in aspects of production location and environment, building and facilities, production equipment, hygiene and sanitation facilities, employee hygiene, storage, food labeling, supervision, and employee training. However, some aspects were satisfactory, such as clean water supply, chemical handling, hygiene and sanitation programs, pest control, waste management, process control, product recall, and recording and documentation. Improvements in various aspects are needed to meet food safety standards and ensure product quality. This study recommends enhancing SSOP and GMP implementation to ensure the safety and quality of mackerel fish amplang products. Additionally, the application of cleaner production principles using the 1E4R strategy (Elimination, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery) or 5R (Re-think, Re-use, Reduction, Recovery, Recycle) is suggested to prevent and reduce waste, with primary emphasis on prevention and reduction strategies.
Strategi Pengembangan Nelayan ALat Tangkap Jaring Insang Hanyut (Drift Gill Net) di Desa Datah Bilang Kecamatan Long Hubung Kabupaten Mahakam Ulu Putra, William; Juliani, Juliani; Darmansyah, Oon
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Applied Science Vol 2 No 2 (2024): JUNE

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/jfmas.v2i2.370


 The research was conducted in 3 villages, namely Datah Ilir Village, Datah Bilang Ulu and Datah Billang Baru which are included in the Long Hubung District area, Mahakam Ulu Regency. It take place from January 2022 until May 2024. Datah collection was carried out using direct observation methods in the field and interviews with respondents based on questionnaires that were provided before the field survey. And the datah analysis method used is SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats). The results of this research indicate that the strategy for developing floating gill net fishermen is to utilize their strengths to open up existing opportunities. The IFAS (internal factor evaluation) value is 1.80 and the EFAS (External Factor evaluation) value is 1.41. So the recommended development strategy is quadrant I because the scores obtained by IFAS and EFAS are positive. The problem faced isthat many fishermen still use poison and electric shocks, and there is still a lack of guidance from the district government.

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