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English Education, Linguistics and Literature Journal
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Core Subject : Education,
ELL JOURNAL has the perspectives of languages and language teachings. This journal aims at presenting and discussing some outstanding issues dealing with Teaching and Learning English, Applied Linguistics, and Education Development for EFL/ESL. This journal encompasses original research articles. Detailed scopes of articles accepted for submission to ELL are: - English Language Teaching and Learning - English Language Testing and Assessment - English Language Instructional Materials - Curriculum Design and Development in ELT - Information and Communication Technology in ELT - Multiliteracy Digital in English Language Teaching and Learning - English Literature - English Applied Linguistics - English Language Acquisition - Discourse Analysis
Articles 27 Documents
The Phenomenon of “Literally” Slang Term on Twitter: Semantics View Berita Mambarasi Nehe; putriana Salsabila
English Education, Linguistics, and Literature Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): August - January
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Tadris Bahasa Inggris UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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This study focused on using “literally” slang terms on Twitter which aims to find out what the meaning of language variations. This research uses a qualitative approach, with a descriptive analysis method. The way to collect the data is the statements taken from Twitter as media used by people. this study showed that the use of literally word that happened nowadays had many purposes and meaning conveyed by the person. The finding of the research are the people use literally term to emphasize, surprised and the meaning is real not figurative on what she/he stated on their Twitter account. The conclusion is the use of slang must be in accordance with the context when, where, with whom to speak because not all slang terms are used in all situations. The use of slang can be used among teenagers, among colleagues, in casual or informal situations. Users of slang terms must be smart in placing the words because if they do not know how to place the words, they will be considered as an impolite or arrogant person by others. From the results of the research above, tweet users use the word literally by giving the meaning is not out of the context of speech, the meaning is acceptable and understandable by others
The Improving Students’ Pronunciation Using Tongue Twister Technique in TikTok Application Lulu Nabila; Yayu Heryatun; Tatu Siti Rohbiah
English Education, Linguistics, and Literature Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): February - July
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Tadris Bahasa Inggris UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/ell.v2i2.7776


This research is to investigate the process of Students' English pronunciation in TikTok application for the tenth grade students’ of MA Negeri 2 Kota Serang, by using tongue twister technique. The subject of this research involves 60 students’ as sample among tenth class of MA Negeri 2 Kota Serang, year 2021 as population. This study employed a quantitative methodology. Pre-test and post-test techniques were used in this study's quasi-experimental design with two classes, the experimental class and the control class. According to the calculation's findings, t0 had a value of 6,7 and 58 degrees of freedom. In this study, the level of significance for the levels of 5% and 1% was 1,68 for df 58 and 2,4 for df 58, respectively. These values were shown in the table of significance. When comparing students' English pronunciation in the TikTok application with and without the tongue twister technique, the results, when compared to the test's criteria, showed a significant difference. Therefore, tongue twisters are useful and suitable to improving students' English pronunciation in the tenth grade at MA Negeri 2 Kota Serang.
The Effect of Student Team Achievement Division to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension for the 10th Grade of SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang Siti Sopiyah; Isnaniah Isnaniah
English Education, Linguistics, and Literature Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): August - January
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Tadris Bahasa Inggris UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of using STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) to Improve Student’ Reading Comprehension for the tenth grade of SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang. This research was quantitative and the method is quasi experimental with the qualitative data. In this research the total of population is 403 students in the tenth grade of SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang. To choose the sample of this research the writer conducted by using the purposive sampling, and took 71 students of two classes, there are: the first is experimental class (X MIPA 1) and the second is control class (X MIPA 2). The STAD technique used in experimental class in teaching and learning process, while LM technique used in control class in teaching and learning process. To collect the data, the writer used the written test, and to counting the data of descriptive data of class experiment and control, normality, homogeneity, chi-square, rank, and mann whitney used SPSS 24. Then the result of this research showed the score of students’ reading comprehension that used STAD technique in the value of post-test was higher than the student’ score of reading comprehension that used LM technique in the value of post-test. In conclusion, in this research indicated that there is any significant effect of using STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) to improve student’ reading comprehension
The Correlation between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Ability at Tenth Grade of SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang Muhammad Abdul Habil; Agus Mulyana; Hery Nuraini
English Education, Linguistics, and Literature Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): August - January
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Tadris Bahasa Inggris UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between students' vocabulary mastery (X) and their reading ability (Y) in the tenth grade of SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang in the academic year 2019/2020. There were 80 students from 403 students of population taken as the sample of this study who were determined using random sampling techniques. The data collected was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and the instrument used was a student's vocabulary mastery test and a student's reading ability test. In addition, research findings indicate that there is a high correlation between students' vocabulary mastery and their reading ability. It is assumed that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) in this study was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. There was correlation between students' vocabulary mastery and reading ability is accepted. In conclusion, the results of the hypothesis test between students' vocabulary mastery and reading ability in tenth grade at SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang shows a positive correlation. There is a high correlation between students' vocabulary mastery and their reading ability at the SMAN 5 Kabupaten Tangerang with r-coef = 0.707. However, students must improve their learning, use their time perfectly, and have good mastery in memorizing vocabulary. In reading skills, students are strongly advised to always read books. So students are familiar with the support of English conversation.
Need Analysis on English for Tourism Subject of English Students at Universitas Banten Jaya Miftah Komala Putri; Fadilla Oktaviana; Dini Fitriani
English Education, Linguistics, and Literature Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): August - January
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Tadris Bahasa Inggris UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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The purpose of this research is to explore the need analysis on English for Tourism Subject of English Student at Universitas Banten Jaya. This research was Descriptive Quantitatve research by using survey method. This research used Google Form as questionnaire to gain the data. The respondents of this research are English students at Universitas Banten Jaya. The result of this research was 67% which categorized as agree that English for Tourism Subject as additonal subject for students at Universitas Banten Jaya majoring English Education Study Program. The reasons were based on several beneficial aspect from studying English for Tourism such as Banten have many potencial aspect of tourism; EFT as interesting subject matter; The importance role of english for tourism in Banten; by learning EFT can bring students’ understanding and comprehension in cultural terms through interaction with tourists and local tourists improved, It develop students in a critical and theoretical understanding, English plays a vital role in the Indonesian tourism industry; and last, by studying EFT, it can create the spirit of entrepreneurship. In short, EFT recommended as additional subject matter in Banten generally, and especially for students in English Education Study Program, Universitas Banten Jaya.
An Analysis of Extrovert and Introvert Personality of the Students on Speaking Performance at the Tenth Grade of State Islamic Senior High School 1 Padang Lawas Mufhidatul husna Hasibuan; Melinda Roza; Chanti Dianan Seri
English Education, Linguistics, and Literature Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): February - July
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Tadris Bahasa Inggris UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/ell.v2i2.7987


Abstract: This research aims to analyze students' speaking performances based on the extrovert and introverted personalities of students in the tenth grade of State Islamic Senior High School 1 Padang Lawas. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method with a case study approach. The data were collected by Eysenck Personality Questionnaires (EPQ), speaking tests, and interviews. After the data was collected, it was analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model technique, which consists of three stages of data analysis: data reduction, data presentation, and verification or conclusion. The population in this study were students of class X-science, consisting of 198 students from a total of five classes. The sample used in this study amounted to 20 students using the proportional technique in the take of the sample. The findings showed that each of the 20 research samples—ten extroverts and ten introverts—had different speaking performance scores. The results of the speaking test from ten extrovert students obtained five students with good criteria and five with poor criteria. Meanwhile, the results of the speaking test for ten introverted students found that five students with poor criteria, four students obtained good criteria and one student received a speaking test result with very good criteria. From each of the extrovert and introvert students who were interviewed, they stated that they experienced several obstacles: a lack of preparation before performing, a lack of knowledge about language aspects, mispronunciation, and a lack of vocabulary. It can be concluded that students with various personality types can use various learning methods that suit the needs of each student. Therefore, whether an extrovert or an introvert, speaking performance will be better if students have sufficient linguistic knowledge and are also supported by frequent participation or good preparation.
Assessing Students’ Writing Skill in Summary Writing Narrative Text Anida Susanti; Fadilla Oktaviana
English Education, Linguistics, and Literature Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): February - July
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Tadris Bahasa Inggris UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/ell.v2i2.9024


The purpose of this study was to find out the results of assessing students' writing skill in summary writing narrative text. In this study, researchers used a quantitative method with a quantitative descriptive design. The population in this study were students of class XII MA Cisaat Filial MAN 1 Serang. Researchers used simple random sampling technique. The research instrument is a written test. The researcher used an assessment rubric to determine students' ability to write summaries. In the rubric assessment there are five indicators, namely: content, organization, grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary. The result of this study is that students' summary writing skills are included in the "fair" category, with an average of 66.6. This can be seen from the assessment carried out on the results of writing student summaries. In the assessment of the five indicators, most students also get the "fair" category.

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