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Jurnal Ilmiah Computer Science
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Jurnal Ilmiah Computer Science (JICS) is a periodical scientific journal that contains research results in the field of informatics and computer science from all aspects of theory, practice and application. Papers can be in the form of technical papers or surveys of recent developments research (state-of-the-art). Topics cover the following areas (but are not limited to): Artificial Intelligence Decision Support Systems Intelligent Systems Business Intelligence Machine Learning Data mining Network and Computer Security Optimization Soft Computing Software Engineering Pattern Recognition Information System
Articles 15 Documents
Penerapan Framework Laravel Pada Sistem Pelayanan Kesehatan (Studi Kasus: Klinik Berkah Medical Center) Imam Asyrofi Alfarisi; Adhie Thyo Priandika; Ajeng Savitri Puspaningrum
Jurnal Ilmiah Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Number 1 July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/jics.v2i1.11


Klinik Berkah Medical Center merupakan salah satu klinik umum yang menyediakan beberapa pelayanan kesehatan yang tersedia, seperti pengobatan umum , bedah minor, khitan atau sunat, suntik KB, dan pembuatan SKL. Dalam pencarian data pasien, rekam medis, pengolahan data manajemen pasien, serta pembuatan laporan yang masih dilakukan secara manual dan belum terkomputerisasi dengan baik. Selain itu, pasien juga mengalami kesulitan dalam hal mencari infomasi pendaftaran periksa di klinik. Belum adanya sistem antrean di klinik yang membuat pelayanan kesehatan di klinik menjadi terhambat karena belum memiliki sistem antrean yang manual ataupun otomatis. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada, maka penulis membangun sebuah sistem pelayanan kesehatan dengan menggunakan framework laravel yang digunakan untuk pendaftaran pasien, pengarsipan catatan medis pasien, dan pembuatan laporan. Pada sistem ini telah dilakukan pengujian dengan menggunakan pengujian ISO 25010 dan black box testing, yang mana pengujian ISO 25010 menggunakan 2 aspek, yaitu functionality dengan persentase nilai sebesar 100%, dan usability dengan persentase nilai sebesar 89,25%. Sedangkan untuk pengujian black box menghasilkan persentase nilai sebesar 97,33%, yang dapat disimpulkan bahwa dilihat dari hasil pengujian dan kriteria yang ada maka sistem ini berhasil dibuat dan diimplementasikan kepada pasien, dokter, dan admin
Decision Support System for Selecting the Best Raw Material Supplier Using Simple Multi Attribute Rating Method Technique Raditya Rimbawan Oprasto
Jurnal Ilmiah Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Number 1 July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/jics.v2i1.12


Problems that occur in the selection of raw material suppliers There is no assessment process for raw material suppliers based on the performance of these suppliers, so that companies cannot choose which suppliers best match the criteria used based on the performance of raw material suppliers for the company. This study aims to carry out the selection of raw material suppliers using a decision support system model by utilizing the SMART method in supporting decision making, so that the ranking results provide recommendations for companies in choosing raw material suppliers to be selected by companies based on the decision support system model made. The Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique method is a simple but effective approach in making multi-criteria decisions. With a focus on assessing and comparing alternatives based on a number of criteria, SMART provides an intuitive framework to overcome the complexity of choosing the best option. The ranking results based on the table above Vendor C with a final score of 0.735 getting rank 1, Vendor D with a final value of 0.588 getting rank 2, Vendor B with a final score of 0.5 getting rank 3.
Rancang Bangun Penjualan Obat Dan Bibit Pertanian Berbasis Android Wayan Kresna Yogi Swara; Heni Sulistiani; Dedi Darwis
Jurnal Ilmiah Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Number 1 July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/jics.v2i1.13


Toko Jiwa Tani yang beralamatkan di dusun IX Bali Penginditan Desa Sidoharjo Kecamatan Way Panji, Lampung Selatan. Merupakan sebuah toko yang menjual produk pertanian seperti bibit padi dan jagung serta obat-obatan. Toko Jiwa Tani sendiri ada pada tahun 2020 yang lalu. Dalam pengelolaan data-data petani yang membeli obat dan bibit pertanian secara bukan cash atau membayar setelah panen pemilik toko masih menggunakan metode manual yaitu dengan mencatat semua data-data petani tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data (wawancara, pengamatan, dokumentasi dan tinjauan pustaka) menggunakan metode pengembangan extreme programming, pembuatan rancangan sistem menggunakan UML dengan model perancangan Usecase Diagram, Activity Diagram, Class Diagram. Hasi penelitian ini adalah aplikasi yang dikembangkan akan menerapkan teknologi informasi berbasis android yang dapat membantu jalannya penjualan obat dan bibit pertanian pada Toko Jiwa Tani dusun Bali Penginditan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Berbasis Android. Hasil pengujian ISO 25010 yang telah dilakukan dengan melibatkan 6 Responden bahwa kesimpulan kualitas kelayakan perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan memiliki persentase keberhasilan dengan total rata-rata 96.07%..
Metode Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Simple Ration Analysis Dalam Penentuan Penerima Beasiswa Auliya Rahman Isnain
Jurnal Ilmiah Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Number 1 July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/jics.v2i1.14


Scholarships provide significant benefits by opening the door to access education that previously might have been difficult to reach. The problem in this study arises from the conventional method used in the process of determining scholarship recipients. The Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Simple Ration Analysis method or often known as the MOOSRA method is an innovative approach that combines two important concepts, namely multi-objective optimization and financial ratio analysis. This study aims to apply the MOOSRA method in the selection of scholarship recipients using criteria, namely the average value of report cards, parents' income, and the number of siblings. The ranking results using the MOOSRA method for scholarship recipients were obtained for rank 1, namely with a final grade of 2.17382 by Student C, rank 2 with a final grade of 1.75556 by Student B, and rank 3, namely with a final grade of 1.63415 by Student D.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Barista Terbaik Menggunakan Rank Sum dan Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Sanriomi Sintaro
Jurnal Ilmiah Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Number 1 July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/jics.v2i1.15


The selection of the best barista has become a crucial factor in guaranteeing a unique and satisfying coffee experience for connoisseurs. As an appreciation of the art of coffee making increases, barista selection no longer revolves around technical skills, but also on creativity, dedication, and interpersonal expertise. This study aims to apply the ARAS (Additive Ratio Assessment) method in determining the best barista using the Rank Sum weighting method, so that the results of the criteria weighting will be better in producing the best barista recommendations based on the decision support system model. The criteria used in selecting the best barista are barista skills, barista knowledge, experience, mastery of tools, and communication. Based on the ranking results using the ARAS method, it recommended rank 1 with a final value of 0.9483 obtained by Fandy, rank 2 with a final value of 0.9294 obtained by Abdur, and rank 3 with a final value of 0.8902 obtained by Delvin. The results of the test assessment using the blackbox testing model all the features of the best barista determination application are in accordance with their functions, the final results of application testing by 100% have worked according to the features made.

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