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Journal Emerging Technologies in Education
ISSN : 30250668     EISSN : 30250676     DOI : 10.70177/jete
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education (JETE) is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to interchange for the results of high quality research in all aspect of science, technologies and Education. The journal publishes state-of-art papers in fundamental theory, experiments and simulation, as well as applications, with a systematic proposed method, sufficient review on previous works, expanded discussion and concise conclusion. As our commitment to the advancement of science and technology, the JETE follows the open access policy that allows the published articles freely available online without any subscription.
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Articles 10 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)" : 10 Documents clear
Using Pictures to Enhance Descriptive Text Writing Skills for Ninth Grade Students at Smpk Muder Teresa Kupang in the School Year 2023/2024. Lodo, Rozita Y.; Sene, Chamelya Vivi Crystanty; Mola, Mansuetus
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.716


This study aims to determine whether there is a significant impact from using pictures in descriptive writing instruction for ninth grade students at SMPK Muder Teresa Kupang in the academic year 2023–2024. This pre-experimental research used a pre-test-treatment-post-test design. It uses 2 pre-test-post-test cycles and uses tests as instruments. This research involved five students in class IX at SMPK Muder Teresa Kupang. Research data was collected by giving students written descriptive text tests before and after the test. According to data analysis, According to this study, the pre- and post-test results differed significantly. This demonstrates how teaching writing to students through picture techniques can improve their writing, particularly when it comes to descriptive writing.
Evaluation of the Effect of Teacher Training on the Use of Learning Technology Meisuri, Meisuri; Siregar, Yuliza Andriyani; Halik, Abdul; Bakti, Indra; Firdaus, Mohamad
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.733


Background. Teachers are a profession responsible for educating, guiding, teaching, and training students. The teacher's role is important in nurturing to develop students' knowledge, attitudes, and skills. The role of teachers who provide knowledge as access to information is now aided by digital sophistication. In this case, teachers must be able to control technology for learning to students. The learning process must of course be evaluated so that the weaknesses and strengths in learning can be identified. Purpose This study aims to evaluate the effect of teacher training in the use of learning technology. This evaluation will provide an overview of the effectiveness of the training in improving teachers' understanding of learning technology. In addition, it assesses the impact that the use of technology has on student learning outcomes. Method. The method used in this research is quantitative method. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to teachers. Making statements related to evaluating the effect of teacher training in the use of learning technology. This statement is loaded in google from which will be processed through the SPSS application. The data obtained can be tested by proving the statements listed on Google from adjusted through facts that often occur in the world of education. Results. The results of this study suggest that evaluating the impact of teacher training can provide a basis for developing a sustainable training curriculum. The role of technology in education will change the way students learn and also the learning outcomes. This evaluation will give teachers an idea of how much students develop after the use of technology. Conclusion The conclusion of this study is that evaluation of teachers in the use of technology is also needed. Evaluation of the effect of teacher training on the use of learning technology is an assessment process to measure the extent to which training has an impact on teachers' ability to use technology. The difference in teachers' perspectives on technology also affects how much technology is used in learning. Teachers will also be a forum for the advancement of education. So that it can expand the application of technology in education.
The Effect of Using Digital Learning Applications on Student Achievement in Elementary Schools Asta, Ngr. Putu Raka Novandra; Aribowo, Aribowo; Saputra, Memed; Najmuddin, Najmuddin; Pahmi, Pahmi
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.735


Background. Every digital technology will be able to influence its users. The response to incoming digital technology has pros and cons. The use of technology in education can no longer be avoided. The use of learning media in the form of applications will have a new impact on the world of education. Learning sometimes has to be done online due to some natural conditions that cannot be denied. Therefore, it is important to be able to use learning applications for education today. Purpose This study aims to determine the benefits of using learning applications. It is also useful to measure how influential the use of digital learning applications is on student achievement in elementary schools. The use of digital learning applications at the education level will have a significant impact on the success of education. Method. The method used in this research is a qualitative method. Qualitative method is a data that will be presented in the form of numbers. Data collection is in the form of distributing questionnaires to teachers and also parents whose children are at the elementary school level. In this case the statement is presented in google from. The statement contains matters relating to the influence of the use of digital learning applications on student achievement in education. This research is more focused on the elementary school level. Results. The results of this study explain that positive effects are obtained in the use of digital learning applications. However, there are also obstacles in using digital applications for learning at the elementary school level. Students who are still classified as underage must be extra supervised so as not to make mistakes in the use of technology. In addition, the use of technology that is influenced by the internet will also affect. This is due to some areas that are constrained by internet networks. In fact, there are still students in whose homes there is no digital technology. Conclusion This research can be concluded that the use of digital technology will have a significant and effective effect on student achievement at the elementary school level if done with the right method. Other supports are the internet and also tools as a medium to facilitate the use of learning applications. Every influence will certainly also experience challenges and obstacles as well as negative influences in its use.
Analysis of the Effectiveness of E-Books in Increasing Students' Digital Literacy Rejeki Tarigan, Jenheri; Kembaren, Bella Pitaloka Br; Fionasari, Richa; Pambudi, Nanda; Hartono, Rumanti
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.736


Background. The digital era makes education require more sophisticated literacy skills to keep up with the era. The ability to search, access, manage, present, and communicate with digital objects is an ability in digital literacy. Books as reading materials can now be accessed through digital, called E-books. The existence of E-books will bring new changes in the way students learn. The presence of E-books will provide convenience, affordability, and availability. Purpose This study aims to measure the effectiveness of using ebooks in improving students' digital literacy. It also analyzes the factors that influence the effectiveness of using E-books. The presence of E-books as literacy media will be analyzed how influential it is on students' ability to search, access, manage, present and communicate using digital information. Method. The method used in this research is quantitative. The data obtained is the number of responses. The data obtained was taken from the distribution of questionnaires containing questions and statements regarding the effectiveness of E-books in improving students' digital literacy. The statements presented in the questionnaire are a form of google formula called google from. The data will be processed through SPSS which was previously inputted into excel. Results. The results of this study state that the use of E-books as digital reading materials will provide facilities for access, distribution, and consumption of reading materials. The practicality offered will make it easier for educators and students to access it. E-books provide interactive features to enhance the reading experience. In addition, E-books will provide long-distance support in online learning. But of course every advantage has disadvantages or limitations in the use of digital technology. Conclusion This research can be concluded that E-books as reading materials used by teachers and students must be monitored. Analyzing the use of E-books will be useful for identifying inhibiting factors or supporting factors in the world of education. It is also necessary to analyze the effectiveness of using E-books to improve the quality of student literacy. Teachers, parents and formal institutions including students themselves will play an active role in the successful use of E-books in improving digital literacy.
Effectiveness of Using Audio Visual Media in Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics Learning in Elementary Schools Sappaile, Baso Intang; Yusuf, Nur Fajrin Maulana; Mardiati, Mardiati; Zoraida, Masli Nur cahya; Sitepu, Ediaman
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.742


Background. Audio-visual media is media that contains elements of sound and images. It is useful for conveying information, knowledge, ideas, ideas in a more interesting way. The proper use of audiovisual media in accordance with the needs in education will be able to improve learning achievement. Audio visual media will help students in developing logical, critical, and creative thinking skills in solving problems. The use of audiovisual media in learning mathematics can improve student achievement in elementary school. This can be achieved as long as the use is effective and efficient. Purpose. This study aims to measure the effectiveness of using audio-visual media in improving student achievement in mathematics learning in elementary schools. This research will also be useful to find out the factors that influence the success of using audio-visual media. In addition, it is also to find out how far audiovisual media can help students in understanding mathematical concepts, increase learning motivation, and develop logical, critical, and creative thinking skills. Method. The method used in this research is quantitative. Quantitative method is a way of presenting data in the form of numbers. The data obtained is the result of the acquisition of responses. The data is taken from the distribution of questionnaires containing questions related to the effectiveness of the use of audio-visual media in improving student achievement in mathematics learning at the elementary school level. Results. The results of this study state that the use of audio visual in math learning in elementary schools can improve student achievement. The use of audiovisual media has a positive effectiveness in learning mathematics in elementary schools. The use of audiovisual media can improve student learning outcomes, concept understanding, ability to analyze, and interest in learning. However, the use of this media must also pay attention to certain factors in order to be effective. Conclusion This research can be concluded that audio visual media as a learning medium that contains elements of sound and images will be able to be used to convey information, knowledge, ideas, or ideas more interestingly. The use of audio-visual media in learning mathematics will help in improving students' concept understanding, interest, and learning outcomes.
Analysis of factors that influence student preferences for online learning Nurteti, Lilis; Pardosi, Victor Benny Alexsius; Maq, Mumu Muzayyin; Hanim, Saidatul; Tampubolon, Jonris
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.745


Background. Online learning is a learning system that is not conducted face-to-face between teachers and students. Preference is a tendency made for one thing compared to another. Therefore, one's view on online learning will also vary. The quality and quantity of learning materials that are in accordance with the curriculum, standards, competencies, and student needs will differentiate students' preferences for online learning. Purpose This research aims to find out the reasons why students prefer online learning or not, and also to find out the factors that significantly influence the effectiveness of online learning. On the other hand, to analyse the appropriate strategy used in the use of media so that it is suitable for learning and can also be accessed by all individuals. Method. The method used in this research is quantitative. A method in which data is collected in the form of testable numbers. The data obtained is the number of responses. The data is obtained from the distribution of questionnaires containing questions regarding the analysis of factors affecting students' preferences for online learning. The statement presented in the questionnaire is a form of google form. The data will be processed through the oneway anova test on the SPSS application which was previously imported into excel. Results. The result of this study states that online learning can be done in schools. Online learning is also a way of learning without face-to-face in sharing information or communicating. Online learning has advantages and disadvantages depending on various factors that influence students' preferences for online learning. In addition, it also provides a strategic overview for teachers and students of the situation and what things will be prepared later. Conclusion This research can be concluded that the preference or choice of each student is different depending on how he/she views the subject. Online learning can be run effectively with good cooperation. Online learning will be implemented if there is support from all parties, be it students, teachers, parents, and even schools. Adjustment in learning is also easier for female students than male students.
The Relationship Between the Duration of Gadget Use and Students' Ability to Concentrate Putri , Sarah Ajrina Husni; Bashori, Khaeruddin; Samsuddin, Muh.
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.747


Background. The use of gadgets is increasing day by day, from children to adults. The use of gadgets certainly has a positive impact and also a negative impact. Children who are still in school will feel the effects of gadget use. The use of gadgets in proper control will have a good effect on the child's growth and development process. But on the other hand, excessive use of gadgets will affect children's development. In addition, it will also affect the social conditions of children in everyday life. Purpose This study aims to determine how much the relationship between the duration of gadget use and students' concentration ability. Gadgets at this time are not a foreign thing, wise use of gadgets will provide benefits for users. The use of gadgets in different durations will have a different impact on their use. Method. The method used in this research is quantitative. Quantitative methods characterized by the use of numbers in the process will help measure the data obtained. Data collection is in the form of distributing questionnaires made in the form of google from. This will make it easier and shorten the time for collection. Google from contains several questions that will be responded to by teachers and students. The statements presented are matters relating to the relationship between gadget use and student concentration. Results. The results of this study explain the relationship between the duration of gadget use and students' concentration levels. Using gadgets wisely in time management will give the impression of not being too dependent and focus is maintained. However, excessive intensity of gadget use will have an impact on student health. Students will fail to focus on learning, even students will experience mental health problems. It takes the right strategy in using gadgets, such as setting the duration of use, access permissions, and many more.   Conclusion his study can be concluded that the duration of gadget use in students will affect the level of concentration. The duration of use that is controlled and not excessive will make students concentrate more. However, excessive use of gadgets and no control from parents or teachers will adversely affect student concentration which will deteriorate.
Evaluation of the Effect of Using Educational Games on Early Childhood Learning Achievement Nurteti, Lilis; Srisudarso, Mansyur; Wahyuni, Annisa; Ramadhan, Mariatul Kamila; Ananta, Maulana Paramaditya
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.755


Background. Early childhood from 3-5 years old is classified as a digital native generation. This is triggered by the dependence of individuals on technology. The ease of access in the form of videos and other entertainment will trigger children to do activities. This aspect will help in providing stimulation for children while parents are busy with work. The use of educational games is one form of the role of technology use on the motor and cognitive development of children. Purpose This study aims to investigate how influential the use of educational games is. Looking for shortcomings and advantages in the use of educational games to be evaluated. Educational games that present interesting animations and images will captivate children when they see them. This will make children enthusiastic and easy to remember things. Method. The method used in this research is a qualitative method. This method is a way of research that uses numbers. The data collected comes from a questionnaire distributed to teachers at an early age level. The statements presented are loaded on Google from to facilitate access from teachers without taking time. The statements presented are related to evaluating the effect of using educational games on early childhood achievement. The collected data will later be transferred to Excel. After that the data will be inputted into spss to do the oneway anova test. Results. The result of this research is the use of technology in the form of educational games will help optimize the development and growth of early childhood. However, not all educational games are able to accommodate balanced and comprehensive development. It takes the role of parents and teachers to control the use of technology in early childhood so as not to get addicted.   Conclusion This research can be concluded that the use of technology in the form of content, educational games and other things in proportion will help improve the learning achievement of children. Proper use according to portions will help without replacing the role of parents and teachers.  
The Influence of the Teacher's Role in Increasing the Learning Independence of Mobile-assisted Elementary School Students Huzaefah, Ova; Wang, Yuanyuan; Wei, Zhang; Mufti, Dhini; Tersta, Friscilla Wulan
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.791


Background. The role of the teacher to increase student learning independence will be very influential. Teachers will be able to help students to carry out learning activities independently. So this will provide opportunities for students to be active during learning. The teacher will be a motivator to increase students' interest, enthusiasm, and self-confidence. This will provide a new enthusiasm for students to do things independently. Independence will also help students be more responsible in doing things. Purpose This study aims to determine how much the teacher's role is in increasing learning independence for students. Teachers who are a place of aspiration for students at school will play an important role in the development of students in the world of education. In addition, it also aims to provide an overview of the development of strategies and methods to support the needs in the process of independence for students. Method. The method used in this research is a quantitative method. This method is a form of data collection in the form of numbers that can be tested. The data obtained is the result of the acquisition of responses from the distribution of questionnaires containing questions regarding the influence of the teacher's role in increasing student learning independence. The statement in the form of a questionnaire is presented in the form of google from which is shared via whatsapp. The collected data will be accessed into excel to be processed using SPSS. Results. The results of this study state that teachers as parents in formal schools have a big role in the efforts of learning independence for students. Providing opportunities for students to be active in learning will provide opportunities towards learning independence. Appreciation and motivation from teachers will increase students' interest in learning. This will help students in overcoming learning difficulties. Teachers can provide guidance to improve students' learning independence. Conclusion This research can be concluded that students need the role of the teacher as a support for increasing independence in learning. Students' independence in learning will affect their daily lives. In addition, it will help students to increase self-confidence, responsibility, initiative, and self-control. So that students are expected to be able to plan the learning process, seek information, and also evaluate learning outcomes.
Impact of Using Online Learning Platforms on Student Engagement Banat, Azizatul; Wahyuni, Erna; Erwin, Erwin; Siti Aisyah Hanim, Siti Aisyah; Mudinillah, Adam
Journal Emerging Technologies in Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.70177/jete.v2i1.800


Background. The use of platforms in learning will affect student engagement. Online platforms are changing the traditional approach to education. This will have a significant impact on student engagement. The online learning platform as a whole can have a positive impact on students. Student engagement in learning will provide effectiveness and independence. Purpose. This research aims to identify how much impact the online learning platform has on student engagement. In addition, it can also analyze the positive and negative impacts of using online learning platforms during learning. Method. The method used in this research is quantitative method. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to students and teachers. The questionnaire contains statements related to the impact of using online learning platforms on student engagement. This statement is loaded into google from which the results will be processed through the SPSS application. The data obtained can be tested by proving the statements listed on Google from. This is adjusted to the facts that often appear in the world of education. Results. The result of this research is that the impact of online platform on student engagement can be effective. Technology developed in online learning will have the potential to increase student engagement during learning. But on the other hand, it still considers the factors that will affect the maximization of the benefits of the online learning platform. Conclusion This research can be concluded that the use of platform in online learning will affect the engagement of students. Maximum use of the platform will be able to provide technological accessibility as well as adequate training for educators and students. The utilization of online platform will increase the effectiveness of distance learning. It will allow flexibility and ease of interaction between students.

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