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Hamidin Rasulu
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Jl. Jusuf Abdurahman, Gambesi, Ternate, North Maluku - Indonesia
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Jurnal Pertanian Khairun (JPK)
Published by Universitas Khairun
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28299728     DOI : 10.33387/jpk
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal Pertanian Khairun (JPK) merupakan jurnal peer-reviewed yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Magister Ilmu Pertanian, Universitas Khairun. JPK terbit 2 kali dalam setahun, yakni Edisi Juni dan Desember. Jurnal ini berisi artikel-artikel ilmiah dari hasil penelitian di bidang ilmu-ilmu Pertanian.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 2: (Desember, 2023)" : 8 Documents clear
Kajian Perubahan Sifat Fisika Tanah Inceptisol Melalui Pemberian Bahan Organik Dari Limbah Kulit Pisang Darmin La Andi; Adnan Sofyan; Tri Mulya Hartati; Asrul Dedy Ali Hasan
Jurnal Pertanian Khairun Vol 2, No 2: (Desember, 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jpk.v2i2.7271


Banana peel waste is a source of environmental pollution because it will rot and cause an unpleasant odor and disrupt the cleanliness of the surrounding environment if it is not processed immediately. Therefore, the use of organic fertilizer from banana peel waste is an important step to overcome this problem. This research was conducted in Tabona Village, South Ternate. The method used in this research was a randomized block design (RAK) consisting of 5 treatments, namely (P0) without control, (P1) banana peel waste 10 tons/ha), (P2) banana peel waste 20 tons/ha), (P3) banana peel waste 30 tonnes/ha and (P4) banana peel waste 40 tonnes/ha. Each treatment was repeated 4 times so that the number of experimental units was 5x4 = 20 experimental units. The results of the research show that the application of organic fertilizer from banana peel waste can provide changes in several physical properties of inceptisol soil, namely soil volume weight, soil porosity, soil organic C, % soil water content and soil permeability, stability of soil aggregates.Abstract. Banana peel waste, porosity, C-organic, % water content, permeability, soil aggregate stability
Jurnal Pertanian Khairun Vol 2, No 2: (Desember, 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jpk.v2i2.6253


There are generally two types of tomatoes sold at Segiri Market, Samarinda City, namely local tomatoes and non-local tomatoes. The two types of tomatoes have many differences, including prices and stock in different markets. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in prices and stocks of local and non-local tomatoes at the distributor level of Segiri Market, Samarinda City. This research was conducted for 12 weeks starting from September 2022 to November 2022. The data needed is primary data and secondary data with purposive sampling of 11 respondents, namely 4 respondents are local tomato distributors and 7 respondents are non-local tomato distributors. To find out the marketing channels for local tomatoes and non-local tomatoes at the Segiri Market distributor level, Sanarinda City, the snowball sampling method was used. Meanwhile, to find out the difference in price and stock of local and non-local tomatoes, an independent sample t-test can be used. The results of this study stated that the average price of local and non-local tomatoes had differences. Although based on the average price of local and non-local tomatoes had differences, when the sample t test was carried out for the selling prices of local and non-local tomatoes, it was known that the sig value. (2-tailed) of 0.193 0.05. So, according to the basis of decision making on the independent sample t test, it can be concluded that Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. The sample t test for the purchase price of local and non-local tomatoes is known to have a sig value. (2-tailed) as much as 0.154 0.05. So, according to the basis of decision making in the independent sample t test, it can be concluded that Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. Thus it can be determined based on the t test that there is no significant difference between the prices of local and non-local tomatoes. The amount of stock of local and non-local tomatoes also differs based on the average number of stocks. After testing the sample t test, it is known that the sig. (2-tailed) of 0.002 0.05. So, as the basis for decision making on the independent sample t test, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the number of local and non-local tomato stocks
Efektivitas Reaktor Biogas dan Pengolahan Limbah Bioslurry Sebagai Sumber Energi Rumah Tangga Serta Hara Organik Pada Wilayah Pertanian Di Halmahera Timur Suparman Suparman; Suryati Tjokrodiningrat; Zauzah Abdullatif; Said Hasan; Yunus Syafie; Asrul Dedy Ali Hasan
Jurnal Pertanian Khairun Vol 2, No 2: (Desember, 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jpk.v2i2.7273


East Halmahera is the main area for developing rice and beef cattle in the North Maluku region. The cultivation of food crops and livestock production generates substantial waste which requires proper management. Precise waste management can reduce environmental pollution in agricultural areas while creating added value opportunities. Rice waste is used with cow manure to produce biogas and organic fertilizer through anaerobic digestion technology. In this research, rice waste and cow dung were used to produce biogas and organic fertilizer through anaerobic digestion. The research is a continuation of previous studies on biogas production in a laboratory setting. The study is divided into two stages: firstly, the production of biogas, and secondly, the creation of organic fertilizer from the remaining bioslurry. The performance of a Modified Profile Anaerobic Reactor biogas digester was evaluated using standard parameters such as pH, temperature, total solids, and flame duration. The nutrient content of the organic fertilizer was tested based on various parameters, including C-organic, Nitrogen (N), C/N ratio, Phosphorus (P2O5), and Potassium (K2O). The results of the research showed that a biogas reactor with a capacity of 2.200 kg produced 4.2 kg of biogas with a flame duration of 12 hours, 7 minutes, and 10 seconds. The average temperature during the process was 29°C, and the total solid organic material decomposition was 33%. Total solid processed organic fertilizer with a C/N value of 16.53, C-Organic content of 24.16%, macronutrients N 1.93%, P2O5 0.37%, and K2O of 1.75%.Keywords: biogas, organic fertilizer, rice husks, cow dung, and East Halmahera.
Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.)Terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Majemuk P dan K Eso Solihin; Rija Sudirja; Haris Maulana; Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin
Jurnal Pertanian Khairun Vol 2, No 2: (Desember, 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jpk.v2i2.6837


The use of phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizers has become a commonly used strategy in modern agricultural practices to increase crop yields, optimize land use, and minimize environmental impacts. This study aims to determine the effect of applying a combination of PK (53–34) compound fertilizer doses on increasing the growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.). This research was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jatinangor Campus, Sumedang Regency, West Java. The altitude of the place is about 750 meters above sea level. The method in this study used a randomized group design (RAK) with ten treatments and three replications. Treatment A (Control), (B) Standard fertilizer (Urea, SP-36, and KCl), (C) 1 Urea + 1/2 PK, (D) 1 Urea + 1 PK, (E) 1 Urea + 1 ½ PK, (F) 3/4 Urea + ½ PK, (G) 3/4 Urea + 1 PK, (H) 3/4 + 1 ½ PK, (I) ½ Urea + 1 PK, and (J) 1 PK. The results showed that the doses of urea fertilizer (225 kg ha-1) and PK compound (60 kg ha-1) gave the best results on plant height, number of leaves, cob length, cob diameter, cob weight with cob, cob weight without cob, and weight per hectare.
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Penangkaran Benih Padi di Desa Gunung Mulia, Kecamatan Babulu, Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara Irvan Ardiansyah; Rita Mariati
Jurnal Pertanian Khairun Vol 2, No 2: (Desember, 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jpk.v2i2.7274


Seed breeding is an effort to produce superior seeds as source seeds which will later be used for planting. This research was conducted with the aim of finding out the feasibility of the rice seed breeding business in Gunung Mulia Village. This research was carried out in Gunung Mulia Village from June 2023 to August 2023 with a sample size of 8 people. The research was carried out by calculating production costs, revenues and business income so that later the Revenue Cost Ratio value could be obtained. Production costs are divided into two, namely fixed costs and variable costs. The results of the research show that the average production cost in the rice seed breeding business in Gunung Mulia Village is Rp. 12,283,625 mt-1 consisting of fixed costs of Rp. 1,778,313 mt-1 and variable costs Rp. 10,505,313 mt-1, average revenue Rp. 27,045,000 mt-1 resulting in income of Rp. 14,761,375 mt-1 and an average R/C value of 2.18. R/C value for the rice seed breeding business in Gunung Mulia Village is 2,18 which means that for every rupiah of production costs spent, revenue will be 2,18 which means the rice seed breeding business is feasible to do and develop.Keywords: breeding of rice seeds, feasibility analysis, income
Pemilihan jenis pohon untuk pengembangan arboretum Kampus IV Universitas Khairun Andy Kurniawan; Reyna Ashari; Asiah Salatalohy
Jurnal Pertanian Khairun Vol 2, No 2: (Desember, 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jpk.v2i2.7166


Arboretum is an artificial forest that collects various types of plants for educational purposes and plant preservation. The development of an arboretum requires basic information on environmental conditions and tree species suitable for planting. Therefore, this study was carried out with the aim of selecting tree species for the development of the arboretum at Campus IV, Khairun University. The research was carried out at Campus IV of Khairun University which included a study of land conditions, a literature review of local tree species, and tree species selection. A potential location for an arboretum is the triangular park at the campus entrance. This location was planted with the Angsana species (Pterocarpus indicus) in 2019, which has now grown to the pole and tree stage with an average height of 6 m and an average crown diameter of 4.1 m. The soil has a clay texture with a pH of 5.2 and humidity of 55%. Thus, the location can be planted with intolerant tree species on the edges and tolerant species in the middle which has been shaded by angsana vegetation. The tree species selected for species enrichment in the arboretum are local species in the Wallacea region, namely Canarium indicum, Palaquium spp., Syzygium malaccense, Vitex cofassus and Diospyros celebica; timber wood-producing species, namely Swietenia macrophylla and Ochroma pyramidale; producer of gaharu NTFPs, namely Aquilaria malaccensis; and shade-tree for aesthetics, namely Tabebuia rosea.
Profil Kualitas Organoleptik Produk Segar Dan Matang Dari Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Hasil Pengawetan Menggunakan Daun Keluwek (Pangium Edule Reinw.) Krishna Purnawan Candra; Onedha Hosana; Yuliani Yuliani; Aswita Emmawati
Jurnal Pertanian Khairun Vol 2, No 2: (Desember, 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jpk.v2i2.7296


Dayak tribe, as the native people of Kalimantan, has used the Keluwek plant for generations to prepare food sources of protein such as meat and fish. Apart from getting a preferred taste, this plant has also extended the food shelf life. This research aims to determine the sensory response profile of cooked products from preserved fish using Keluwek leaves. Tilapia fish is preserved using chopped Keluwek leaves for 2 days, then steamed and fried to get the cooked product. The organoleptic properties of fresh fish from preservation were compared with fresh fish without preservation using a quality assessment score of 1-9 based on SNI 01-2729.1-2006 for eyes, body surface mucus, odor, and texture. The cooked product's hedonic organoleptic properties and hedonic quality (color, aroma, taste and texture) were also observed (score 1-5). The results showed that on day 2 of preservation, the sensory properties of preserved fish were significantly different (p0.001) from fish without preservation for the eye, body surface mucus, smell, and texture attribute. Meanwhile, the sensory properties of the steamed cooked product are significantly different (p0.001) from those for the taste attribute but are not significantly different (p0.001) for the color, aroma, and texture attribute. Likewise, the sensory properties of the cooked fried product are significantly different (p0.001) for the color, aroma, taste and texture attribute. The steamed cooked product of preserved tilapia received a neutral response. for the attribute of color, aroma, taste, and texture. Meanwhile, the cooked fried product of preserved tilapia received a bit dislike response for the attribute of color, smell, taste, and a neutral response to texture attribute.Keywords: Keluwek, Nile fish, fish preservation.
Mempertahankan Mutu Tomat dengan Penggunaan Konsentrasi Chitosan Coconut Crabs Nurjana Albaar; Hamidin Rasulu
Jurnal Pertanian Khairun Vol 2, No 2: (Desember, 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jpk.v2i2.7202


Various studies have been carried out in post-harvest handling of tomatoes to maintain quality quality. Among them is research on the effect of ripeness level and concentration of Chitosan CC on the quality and quality of tomatoes (solanum lycopersicum L.), in addition to the influence of the type of packaging material, temperature and storage duration on the quality characteristics of tomatoes. However, research on post-harvest handling of tomatoes using newsprint packaging methods, dried banana leaves, Styrofoam lunch boxes and plastic PP has not been carried out. Therefore, this study aims to see the effect of post-harvest handling on tomato quality with the use of different edible coating chitosan coconut crabs (Cs CC). This study used a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) with 1 factor consisting of 5 treatments using Chitosan Coconut Crabs (Cs CC). The treatment is as follows: P0 = Control, P1 = Cs CC 1%, P2 = Cs CC 2%, P3 = Cs CC 3%, P4 = Cs CC 4%. The results showed that tomatoes with early ripeness level showed weight loss, and a significantly higher level of consumer favorability, as well as a significantly lower level of fruit hardness compared to tomatoes with early green ripeness.  The results of research on the effect of using edible coating crab shell waste are proven to maintain tomato weight loss of less than 10% during storage time with treatment, the higher the concentration of edible coating will inhibit shrinkage, the smaller weight shrinkage. In the results of the study, the best value was produced in research with an edible coating concentration of 0.75% with the lowest weight shrinkage value of 5.22%. Tomatoes with early ripeness level of turning show shrinkage, and a significantly higher level of consumer favorability, as well as a significantly lower level of fruit hardness compared to tomatoes with an early green ripeness. Chitosan concentration of 2 % significantly increases the solute content of tomato fruits.

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