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Health Sciences International Journal
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Core Subject : Health, Science,
Health Sciences International Journal, HSIJ, launched in 2023, is an open-access journal that publishes articles in health and related sciences twice a year. Other analytical areas that HSIJ is interested in are biology and health. HSIJ has an editorial board that ensures that every issue of the journal contains cutting-edge articles on developments in the field of health.
Articles 28 Documents
HEALTH SCIENCES International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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Background: Labor accompanied by pain reaches 90% of events; however, in developed countries, around 7-14% give birth without pain. Several attempts were made through non-pharmacological methods, including warm compresses and a birthing ball, to reduce anxiety into the active phase of the first stage of labor. Objective: This study aims to analyse the effectiveness of warm compresses and birthing balls on the anxiety scale of women in labor during the active phase I. Methods: This quasi-experimental study involved 30 primiparous women and multiparas with a gestational age of 36-40 weeks in the third trimester. Maternity mothers were divided into two groups. The first group obtained warm compresses, while the second group received warm compresses and birthing balls. The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) was used before and after the intervention to measure labor pain. Results: The independent t-test showed that warm compresses combined with the birthing ball were more effective in reducing anxiety levels than just warm compresses (p-value 0.030<0.05). The average score of respondents' anxiety after being given a warm compress was 48.60, and the average score of respondents' anxiety after being given a warm compress and birthing ball was 42.87. Conclusion: The non-pharmacological method of using warm compresses with the birthing ball considerably reduces women's anxiety level in labor in the first active phase compared to only the single method of wUsarm compresses.
HEALTH SCIENCES International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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Background: Giving breast milk to babies is the best method of feeding. Exclusive breastfeeding coverage in Midwife Mandiri Midwife Independent Practice is still below the target; this can be caused by insufficient milk production. Asitri oil is a substance that can increase milk production, which is found in Asitri oil in turmeric and kencur Objective: Testing the effect of giving Jamu Turmeric and Kencur on increasing the volume of breast milk in postpartum women in the working area of the North Tapin Health Center. Methods: The type of research used in this study is quasi-experimental research. The sample consisted of 10 people divided into 2 (intervention and control groups). The intervention group was given turmeric and kencur therapy once a day, while the control group did not receive therapy. The analysis bivariate was performed bivariate analysis using a paired t-test. Results: Bivariate analysis based on age showed that all ten respondents (100%) were in the non-risk age range, namely 22 to 32 years. Based on postpartum days, most respondents from the two groups were on the third day with a total of 5 people, which was a percentage of 50%—tested data normal distribution. The results of the bivariate analysis showed a p-value of 0.000 which means less than an α value of 0.05 so that there was an effect of giving turmeric and kencur herbs on the smoothness of breastfeeding in postpartum mothers in the working area of the North Tapin Health Center. Conclusion: There was an increase in the volume of breast milk after being given turmeric and kencur herbs as big 120 ml during seven days, and the administration of turmeric and kencur herbs was effective in increasing the volume of breast milk in postpartum women in the working area of the Tapin Utara Health Center, Tapin Regency.
HEALTH SCIENCES International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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Background: The duration of the second stage of labor is a stage of risk for the well-being of the fetus. The average time limit for the second stage in primiparas is less than two hours; in multigravidas, it is less than one hour. Several techniques developed non-pharmacologically are intended to shorten the duration of labor and minimise complications in the mother and fetus. Objective: To analyse the effect of the warm compress technique with a combination of warm compress and breathing techniques on the duration of the second stage of labor. Methods: This type of research is done through two measurements, including experiments and observations. The number of samples is 20 women in stage II. Samples were divided into two groups. The control group consisted of 10 people using warm compresses, while the experimental group of 10 people was given warm compresses and breathing techniques. Labor pain instruments use the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Results: The results of paired differents showed that there was an effect of giving warm compresses combined with breathing technique in adapting labor pain (p-value 0.000<0.05) compared to only warm compresses (p-value 0.0965). Moreover, for the findings of equal means, the experimental group's pain scale was lower than the control group (p-value 0.000<0.05). Meanwhile, the results of the Pearson correlation obtained the value of Sig. (0.041), the variable stage I pain scale and stage II duration correlate significantly. Conclusion: Non-pharmacological techniques with warm compresses and breathing techniques affect a low pain scale. And also a significant correlation between the two variables, namely the pain of the first stage and the duration of the second stage.
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AS AN EFFORT TO CURE DISEASES: REVIEW Ema Harta Lestari; Amirudin Salem; Umi Hasanah; Nehayatul Sunnah
HEALTH SCIENCES International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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In modern times, a variety of advanced technologies have been present in various fields, one of which is health. Rapid developments in the health sector include medical care. Medical treatment experiences a lot of progress that gives hope for the patient's recovery. This certainty is because medical treatment has been considered a rational and scientific treatment. On the other hand, in reality, many patients still use alternative medicine. Patients have trust or believe that alternative medicine is a treatment that can heal their illness because they have economical prices, minimal side effects, and are easy to find. The purpose of this literature study is to find out the reasons for patients choosing alternative medicine to heal the disease so that patients choose alternative medicine to try to heal diseases other than using medical treatment.
HEALTH SCIENCES International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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Background: The active phase of the first stage of labor creates unpleasant conditions due to sensory and emotional experiences from the interaction of physiological and psychological processes. Labor pain coincides with maternal adaptation to pain. Labor pain results in uncoordinated uterine contractions, which results in a prolonged duration of the first stage of labor and impaired fetal well-being. Objective: This study aims to describe the application of a breathing technique model combined with warm compresses as an adaptation therapy for active phase I labor pain. Methods: Selected articles within five years, from 2017 to 2021. Initial research search results on the topic included 150 articles from PubMed and Google Scholar, keyword PICOS(T). The final selection stage was based on the inclusion criteria of 23 articles and eliminating the outer domains of the nine articles. Article covering JBI's critical assessment and synthesised a total of fourteen. Results: The findings of fourteen articles showed the average difference in pain scale and intensity before and after treatment. In addition to pain intensity, the results also show that pain can be adapted through these two methods, and provides a sense of comfort, reduces anxiety, and increases relaxation, especially in primigravid women. Conclusion: Obstacles appear in the phase and if the woman is in an abnormal pregnancy condition. Skilled attendants and family social support were accommodating in the success of this experiment. Practical implications and recommendations are needed to consider the length of treatment time and materials for compressed bottles of rubber or glass bottles.
Assessment of nitric oxide and peroxiredoxin along with frap in newly diagnosed patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus Mohd Zaid Kidwai; Maninder Bindra
HEALTH SCIENCES International Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): (In Progress)
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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Introduction: The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) involve oxidative stress and impaired antioxidant defence systems. Hence, we aimed to assess Nitric Oxide (NO), Peroxiredoxin, and Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP) levels in newly diagnosed patients with T2DM. Methodology: In this case-control study, we included 63 patients as cases (newly diagnosed T2DM patients) and 63 as controls (healthy individuals). Detailed clinic-demographic data were recorded for all participants. Furthermore, fasting and post-prandial plasma glucose, HbA1c, NO, FRAP and peroxiredoxin were calculated. Statistical analysis was conducted to compare the findings between the two groups. Results: The preponderance of cases and controls were aged between 61 and 65. Male patients were the majority in both groups. The majority of reported cases involved alcohol consumption (p=0.0314*). The study revealed significant differences in kidney function, lipid profile, fasting and postprandial plasma glucose, and Hba1c levels between cases and controls (p<0.05). NO and FRAP levels in the case group were significantly lower (p<0.0001*), while peroxiredoxin levels were significantly higher (p<0.0001*). Conclusion: T2DM is associated with increased oxidative stress, indicated by elevated levels of Peroxiredoxin and decreased levels of FRAP and NO. These alterations in antioxidant defence mechanisms may serve as early indicators for the development of T2DM complications.
The Correlations between the determinants of women's health during pregnancy to the incidence of stunting Fathonatun Jannah
HEALTH SCIENCES International Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): (In Progress)
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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Abstract Background: WHO's target of reducing stunting below 20% has not been achieved in Indonesia, especially in Banjar Regency, with a prevalence of 33.45%. Lok Buntar village became the locus of stunting, where 38.7% of the 116 children under five were stunted, with several determining factors including age at pregnancy, a woman's height, birth spacing, nutritional status, and anemia. Objective: This study aims to determine the relation between determinants of maternal health during pregnancy and the incidence of stunting in Lok Buntar Village, Banjar Regency. Method: This type of observational analytic research with a retrospective design case-control approach. The total sample of 90 pregnant women, consisting of 45 cases and 45 controls, was taken by random sampling technique. Secondary data collection instruments used were checklists, cohorts of mothers and toddlers, and MCH books. Results: Findings show that the age of women during pregnancy is 84.0% at risk between 20 to 35 years, p-value 0.000. The spacing of births within two years was 70.4%, while the spacing of more than two years was 41.3%, with a p-value of 0.021. Respondents who have a height below 150 cm are 68.6%, with a p-value of 0.009. The nutritional status of pregnant women experiencing caloric energy deficiency is 84.2%, with a p-value of 0.002. Meanwhile, anemia and the risk of stunting were 89.7%, with a p-value of 0.000. Conclusion: The determinants of women's health during pregnancy have significant correlations with the incidence of stunting.
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AS AN EFFORT TO CURE DISEASES: REVIEW Lestari, Ema Harta; Salem, Amirudin; Hasanah, Umi; Sunnah, Nehayatul
Health Sciences International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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In modern times, a variety of advanced technologies have been present in various fields, one of which is health. Rapid developments in the health sector include medical care. Medical treatment experiences a lot of progress that gives hope for the patient's recovery. This certainty is because medical treatment has been considered a rational and scientific treatment. On the other hand, in reality, many patients still use alternative medicine. Patients have trust or believe that alternative medicine is a treatment that can heal their illness because they have economical prices, minimal side effects, and are easy to find. The purpose of this literature study is to find out the reasons for patients choosing alternative medicine to heal the disease so that patients choose alternative medicine to try to heal diseases other than using medical treatment.
Assessment of nitric oxide and peroxiredoxin along with frap in newly diagnosed patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus: Penilaian oksida nitrat dan peroksiredoksin serta frap pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 yang baru didiagnosis Kidwai, Mohd Zaid; Bindra, Maninder
Health Sciences International Journal Vol. 2 No. 1: February 2024
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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Background: The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) involves oxidative stress and impaired antioxidant defense systems. Objective: Hence, we aimed to assess Nitric Oxide (NO), Peroxiredoxin, and Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP) levels in newly diagnosed patients with T2DM. Method: In this case-control study, we included 63 patients as cases (newly diagnosed T2DM patients) and 63 as controls (healthy individuals). Detailed clinic-demographic data were recorded for all participants. Furthermore, fasting and post-prandial plasma glucose, HbA1c, NO, FRAP and peroxiredoxin were calculated. Statistical analysis was conducted to compare the findings between the two groups. Results: The preponderance of cases and controls were aged between 61 and 65. Male patients were the majority in both groups. The majority of reported cases involved alcohol consumption (p=0.0314*). The study revealed significant differences in kidney function, lipid profile, fasting and postprandial plasma glucose, and Hba1c levels between cases and controls (p<0.05). NO and FRAP levels in the case group were significantly lower (p<0.0001*), while peroxiredoxin levels were significantly higher (p<0.0001*). Conclusion: T2DM is associated with increased oxidative stress, indicated by elevated levels of Peroxiredoxin and decreased levels of FRAP and NO. These alterations in antioxidant defence mechanisms may serve as early indicators for the development of T2DM complications.
Treatment of perineal wounds using complementary alternative therapies: Evidence based case review: Pengobatan Luka Perineum menggunakan Terapi Alternatif Komplementer: Tinjauan Kasus berbasis Bukti Rahmah, Lailatul; Yuliana, Fitri; Palimbo, Adriana; Wahdah, Rabia; Rahayu, Irma Putri
Health Sciences International Journal Vol. 2 No. 1: February 2024
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

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Background: Perineal wounds can cause pain, inflammation, and mechanical trauma and even affect daily mobility. Furthermore, over a long period, prolonged pain can also cause women to become irritable, tired, and even depressed. Midwives are responsible for providing episiotomy pain management services and offering evidence-based good practices for such problems or complaints. Objective: This evidence-based case review aims to determine the results of alternative treatments in relieving and healing perineal wound pain, both spontaneous tears during childbirth and suture wounds. Method: This review is based on a good practice stage report carried out by a group of midwife professional program students who handled midwifery care in the Fatimah Azzahra postpartum ward, Islamic Hospitals, Banjarmasin, in June 2023 with cases including spontaneous lacerations, episiotomies, and second-degree suturing. Then, three articles were assessed and analyzed to provide comparison and evidence relevant to our case report.  Criteria indicators use the PICO format. Findings: The problem was seen in episiotomy wound pain, with some differences in intervention, including lavender oil, ice blocks, rosemary cream, and lavender oil vapor. Furthermore, the comparison between the studies was the group of material used, method, and design of interventions. The outcomes were reduced local temperature of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and a lower rate of the wound in the intervention. Conclusion: Complementary therapy of midwifery care in hospitals has been implemented quite well as long as it does not conflict with procedures, raw materials are easy to obtain, and it is also under continuous supervision by other practitioners.

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