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Muhammad Fauzi Ilham
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Philosophiamundi : Journal of Global Humanistic Studies
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Jurnal Philosophiamundi merupakan salah satu jurnal publikasi ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata. Tujuan Jurnal Philosophiamundi adalah untuk mempertajam dasar-dasar pilar ilmu humaniora dan mengambil pandangan yang lebih luas terhadap isu-isu penting yang terjadi di masyarakat dan di luar negeri. Jurnal Philosophiamundi berfokus pada hasil penelitian empiris dan kajian konseptual dan teoritis dalam bidang Humaniora meliputi Ilmu Sosial, Ilmu Budaya, Pendidikan, Teknologi, Sejarah sampai dengan Seni.
Articles 8 Documents
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Penyimpangan Nilai-Nilai Islam Dalam Bermedia Sosial Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Studi Siswa SMPN 1 Kota Mojokerto) Ahmad Bahrul Ulum; Syaikhu Rozi
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Tantangan Nilai Moral di Era Modern
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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This research aims to analyze the social behavior of students from SMPN 1 Kota Mojokerto in the context of deviations from Islamic values. This study identifies various forms of deviation from Islamic values in the students' social media behavior, such as the misuse of social media to communicate with the opposite gender without considering religious boundaries, the spread of negative or unhelpful content, dissemination of hoaxes, and showcasing extravagance or glamorous lifestyles. These deviations from Islamic values have significant impacts on the formation of students' character and morality. Addressing these deviations from Islamic values can be achieved through collaborative efforts involving the school, teachers, parents, and the community. Enhancing understanding of religious teachings, ethics, and moral values is essential for students through a holistic educational approach. Close cooperation among the school, parents, and the community is necessary to provide intensive monitoring and guidance regarding students' social media behavior. Additionally, raising public awareness about the dangers and negative consequences of deviations from Islamic values in social media behavior is also crucial, and this can be accomplished through campaigns, seminars, or discussions.
Implementasi Metode Flash Dalam Meningkatkan Hafalan Santri Di Rumah Tahfidz Qur’an Center Mojokerto Basyasyah Nur Hanifah; Syaikhu Rozi
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Tantangan Nilai Moral di Era Modern
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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Qur'an learning generally uses Qur'an reading and writing learning as a medium for understanding the Qur'an, reading repeatedly is believed to be able to make someone easy to memorize the Qur'an. But in this Qur'an Center institution found a new learning method, namely the flash method, this flash method uses media movements to make it easier for children to memorize the Qur'an quickly. In learning the Qur'an using this flash method, the plan is that it can be implemented classically and individually. If classical in one class achievements, ability levels, and age are the same. In knowing the quality of the students' memorization using this Flash method, the asatidz provide several criteria to assess the quality of the students' memorization, namely: Mumtaz, Jayyid and Dhoif which if detailed into numerical units are 85-100 for Mumtaz, 75-84 for Jayyid and 1-50 for Dhoif. The advantages and disadvantages of this flash method are that it is easier and more fun but only applies to children.Based on this background, the author is interested in conducting research with the aim of: 1) analyze the flash method. 2) analyze the implementation of the flash method in improving memorization. Based on its form, this research includes a type of qualitative research. The data collection method uses observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis consists of the implementation of the flash method and the quality of students' memorization when memorizing using the flash method.
Strategi Komunikasi Persuasif Pencegahan Bullying Pada Siswa Di Smk Pesantren Terpadu Mojokerto Achmad Firdaus
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Tantangan Nilai Moral di Era Modern
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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Bullying behavior, which can also be called intimidating, involves attacking people physically, verbally, and psychologically by individuals or groups who are stronger than those who are weaker. In the school environment that is under the auspices of Islamic Boarding Schools, bullying is still encountered. This, of course, will have a negative impact on school activities for victims of bullying. Schools already have a strategy for handling bullying cases for their students in an effort to prevent acts of bullying, but the results are not efficient enough. So the researchers took the title Persuasive Communication Strategy for Prevention of Students’ Bullying at SMK Pesantren Terpadu Mojokerto. With the formulation of the problem under study, namely "How is a Persuasive Communication Strategy to Prevent Bullying in Students at SMK Pesantren Terpadu Mojokerto?” which aims to analyze persuasive communication strategies carried out by counselors at SMK Pesantren Terpadu Mojokerto in an effort to prevent bullying, The researcher uses a qualitative descriptive method because it will describe a persuasive communication strategy to prevent bullying among students at SMK Pesantren Terpadu Mojokerto in detail. The conclusions from the results of the study are: a) The association technique is in the form of inserting bullying material at the morning assembly and when teaching and learning activities; b) Integration techniques, namely by approaching students both verbally and non-verbally; c) The reward technique is by giving punishment to the perpetrators of bullying and giving appreciation to students who dare to report bullying cases; d) The arrangement technique is by using the Javanese language when conveying messages to students; and e) The red-herring technique, namely by intermediary for students who are victims and perpetrators of bullying and provide solutions for bullying behavior that arises so that bullying can be overcome and minimized. The strategy that is considered the most suitable to be implemented at SMK Pesantren Terpadu Mojokerto as an effort to prevent bullying is a persuasive communication strategy with Arrangement and Red-herring techniques.
Interpretasi Gramatis Dan Psikologis Pada Cerpen “Kafanu Al - Ustazi” Karya Haifa Bitar : Analisis Hermeneutika Romantik Schleiermacher Mohammad Nizar; Fahruddin Faiz
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Tantangan Nilai Moral di Era Modern
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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This research seeks to reveal the meaning of the short story "Kafanu Al - Ust??i" in the short story anthology Gur?bunwa Kit?bah by Haif?? B???r. The theory used to reveal meaning in research is Schleiermacher's romantic hermeneutics. The method used is a qualitative method with two typical Schleiermacher text interpretation models, namely Grammatical Interpretation and Psychological Interpretation. Grammatical interpretation aims to reveal the meanings of the short story "Kafanu Al - Ust??i" through word-to-word relationships (language analysis), while the meaning of grammatical interpretation will be completed through its relationship with the author based on Psychological Interpretation. Based on the analysis carried out on the short story "Kafanu Al - Ust??i" in the short story anthology Gur?bunwa Kit?bah by Haif?? B???r with Schleiermacher's romantic hermeneutic theory, several things were found: 1) women are human beings who must be considered equal to men, 2) the obstruction of women in achieving Her ideals are very likely caused by repression that comes from men, and 3) discrimination against women is something that cannot be justified.
Relasi Kuasa Dalam Cerpen “Kafanu Al - Ustazi” Karya Haifa Bitar : Analisis Kuasa Michel Foucault Mohammad Nizar; Pujiharto
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Tantangan Nilai Moral di Era Modern
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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This article attempts to reveal the relations of power, resistance and opposition that exist in the short story "Kafanu Al - Ustazi" in the short story anthology Gurubun wa Kitabah by Haifa Bitar. The theory used in this paper is Michel Foucault's discourse theory which contains relations of power, resistance and opposition. Truth in Foucault's eyes is created because of power which is tied to knowledge. In every power, there is always resistance and opposition to that power. In the analysis, the method used is a qualitative method with a sociological approach which states that literary works are a reflection or abstraction of the real life of a society. Through this approach, we will connect the social reality in the short story "Kafanu Al - Ustazi" with the social reality in Syria at the time when Haifa Bitar wrote the short story. Based on the data analysis, three things were obtained as follows: 1) there is a relations of power in the short story "Kafanu Al - Ustazii" which takes the form of thoughts (knowledge), 2) there is resistance and opposition from the character Aku as the main female character in the short story "Kafanu Al - Ustazi", and 3) the pattern of male domination over women in the short story "Kafanu Al - Ustazi" is a social reality that also occurs in Syria as the background underlying the writing of the short story
Pengaruh Proses Observasi Magang Terhadap Motivasi Mahasiswa Deasy Yunita Siregar; Hafizah Ismayati; Nur Ain Nun; Miftahul Jannah; Sirrul Aulia
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Tantangan Nilai Moral di Era Modern
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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Preparing interns to become professional educators is the program's first priority. This includes a protracted process that begins with locating and observing a school and ends with candidates being able to stand and teach in class according to the needs and desires of their pupils. Preservice teachers need to be well-versed in four areas: 1) pedagogy, 2) professionalism, 3) social competence, and 4) personality. This study aims to shed light on how an internship programme might enhance these abilities. This study employed exploratory and descriptive approaches to analyse secondary data collected through surveys. Students in the English Language Studies major contributed data for this study. Students whose first internship was in an English language training programme were the topic of this study. As a component of Internship Programme I, learning process observation helps students develop a sense of educational identity and improves their academic competence in the classroom. Effective and responsive teaching abilities, as well as an understanding of the strategies necessary to become competent educators who can adapt to varied school situations, are the goals of this exercise, which is designed to help interns improve these talents. First language education internship programme English is a programme that seeks to enhance students' proficiency and enthusiasm for learning the English language.
Meningkatkan Akhlak Peserta Didik Melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Mengaji Mhd Ihsanul Fikri; Ella Rinanda; Sutan M Fakhrurrozy
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Tantangan Nilai Moral di Era Modern
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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Changes that occur in the morals of students today are something that cannot be avoided but the negative impact can be minimized through various efforts and approaches. This study aims to describe how the morals and morals of students can be formed and improved through extracurricular activities, the object chosen is junior high school students, this is because when entering that age is very vulnerable to changes that occur in their environment. This research uses a method with a qualitative approach, namely with a type of phenomenology, which reveals the meaning that occurs in the research location based on existing phenomena. Data were collected through observation, and interviews. The result of the study is that the moral development of students through extracurricular activities can be carried out smoothly, Starting from the required learning materials with moral majesty and through extracurricular activities, the morals of students experience good changes
The Concept Of Muslimah Preneur In The Digital Era 4.0 According To The Perspective Of The Al-qur’an Muhammad Fauzi Ilham
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Tantangan Nilai Moral di Era Modern
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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This qualitative research delves into the evolving role of Muslim women as entrepreneurs in the digital age through the lens of the Al-Qur’an. The study focuses on the conditions, challenges, and conceptual alignment of Muslimah Preneurs within the framework of Islamic teachings amidst the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The research scrutinizes the historical context of women's development pre-Islam and the transformative impact of Islam on the position and rights of women in society. It explores the emergence of Muslimah Preneurs in contemporary times, their roles, characteristics, and the evolving perception of gender equality within Islamic teachings. Utilizing a scientific interpretation method and drawing insights from selected verses (Surah Al-Qasas 23-26, Surah An-Naml 23, Surah Ibrahim 37) from the Al-Qur’an, the study highlights the relevance of these verses to the traits and challenges faced by Muslimah Preneurs in the digital age. The analysis revolves around the conditions faced by Muslimah Preneurs in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, encompassing technological advancements, challenges in balancing work and family responsibilities, and the impact of digitalization on Islamic fashion and entrepreneurship. Moreover, the study delves into the alignment of the concepts of Muslimah Preneurs in the digital age with the teachings of the Al-Qur’an. It interprets the Quranic verses in Surah Al-Qasas, Surah An-Naml, and Surah Ibrahim, correlating them with the traits, leadership qualities, and spiritual guidance necessary for Muslim women in their entrepreneurial pursuits. The findings elucidate the imperative role of Muslimah Preneurs as proactive, courageous, and innovative individuals, drawing inspiration from Quranic narratives of resilience, leadership, and reliance on Allah's guidance. It emphasizes the importance of blending technological advancement with Islamic values, promoting inclusivity, and empowering Muslim women in diverse fields while upholding religious principles. In conclusion, this research sheds light on the evolving landscape of Muslimah entrepreneurship in the digital era, grounding its foundations and aspirations within the ethical and spiritual framework of the Al-Qur’an.

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