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Retno Wahyusari
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Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29621399     DOI :
JIIFKOM: Journal of Scientific Informatics and Computers is a journal that contains scientific papers from researchers, academics, and practitioners, in the form of research results, literature reviews, and/or other forms of scientific writing, which specifically examines the field of Computer Science, among others as follows : Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Expert System, Decision Support System Informatics: Web Programming, Mobile Computing, Computer Networks, Making Information Systems, Database Systems, Security Systems
Articles 6 Documents
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Implementasi Aplikasi Cegah Ancaman untuk Pelaporan Tindak Kejahatan Berbasis Mobile Android Abid Taufiqur Rohman; Elga Yuan Saputra; Dedi Gusriyanto; Alvian Andhi Gunawan
JIIFKOM (Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer) Vol 3 No 1 (2024): JIIFKOM
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika STTR Cepu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51901/jiifkom.v3i1.387


Crime is behavior that involves violations of laws or social norms prevailing in a society. In this context, criminal activities encompass a range of behaviors, from physical actions such as robbery or rape to non-physical actions such as fraud or money laundering. Crimes can harm individuals or groups, often triggering legal responses or law enforcement efforts to maintain order and justice in society. The Crime Threat Reporting Application is an Android-based mobile platform designed to provide a proactive solution in maintaining community safety and order. This research covers planning, system design, implementation, and black box testing phases. The application offers an intuitive user interface with key features such as Report Creation, Emergency Calls, and Report History. The research results indicate a significant improvement in the accessibility of geographical information, real-time monitoring, and reporting efficiency. Black box testing verifies the application's performance without detailing internal implementations. Thus, the Crime Threat Reporting Application can be considered an effective tool in supporting crime prevention and mitigation efforts, enabling active community participation in maintaining collective security.
Analisa Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Pelayanan Jasa Mutiara Laundry Dengan Metode Customer Satisfaction Index Rizky Rinaldi
JIIFKOM (Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer) Vol 3 No 1 (2024): JIIFKOM
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika STTR Cepu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51901/jiifkom.v3i1.392


One that affects the increase and decrease in customers is the level of customer satisfaction in service, there are often complaints that occur from customers who use laundry services who are harmed by the negligence of laundry service providers. Therefore it is necessary to have a system that is able to analyze the level of customer satisfaction and service indicators to customers so that the laundry services can evaluate each month the services that have been provided by the laundry services. Decision support systems are the intellectual counterpart of human resources that run on computer capabilities in making a decision. There are many methods that can be used in decision support systems, one of which is the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) method. The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) method is an index to determine the overall level of customer satisfaction with an approach that takes into account the level of importance of the measured product or service attributes. Based on the results of this study it is known that the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) method can assist in the process of analyzing the level of customer satisfaction with Mutiara Laundry services. The application of the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) method in this decision support system is able to provide good results so that it can make it easier for Mutiara Laundry Batang Kuis to analyze the level of customer satisfaction.
Clustering Menggunakan Algoritma K-Medoids Untuk Menentukan Strategi Promosi Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu Muhammad Abdimas Khalifuddin; Retno Wahyusari
JIIFKOM (Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer) Vol 3 No 1 (2024): JIIFKOM
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika STTR Cepu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51901/jiifkom.v3i1.396


Efforts to create an effective and efficient marketing management strategy require a detailed and objective understanding of the market in which they operate. In analyzing this problem, the field of marketing management often overlaps the field of strategic planning. Marketing strategy consists of making decisions about the company's marketing costs, marketing mix, and marketing location. Marketing management must decide what costs need to be spent on marketing and how to allocate the entire marketing budget to various tools in the marketing mix. New student data in the Cluster using the K-medoids Algorithm method with the help of Rapid Minner, as well as knowing the level of correlation with the Davies Bouldin Index (DBI). The results of this research are from 118 data, using 2 clusters produces 0 clusters of 72 and 1 cluster of 46 and 3 clusters produce 0 clusters with 72 members, 1 cluster with 3 members and 2 clusters with 43 members. The DBI value with 2 clusters is 1.04 and 3 clusters is 1.01.
Perancangan Design Game Super Mario Box dengan Pendekatan UI/UX Geraldo Alfaren; Indra Gunawan
JIIFKOM (Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer) Vol 3 No 1 (2024): JIIFKOM
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika STTR Cepu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51901/jiifkom.v3i1.398


Designing a product or application needs to have an effective product design and run systematically. In making interactive products, the interface (User Interface) is required to be easy to understand and must also be created to fulfill the user experience or what is usually called User Experience. One product or application that must implement good UI/UX is a game, the Super Mario Box game. The aim of this research is to create UI and UX designs in designing the Super Mario Box game to achieve a level of comfort and enjoyment for users. Research produces game applications that are designed to be more user friendly and faster to complete. One of them is by providing features and color combinations that are simple and easy to understand.
Implementasi Metode Algoritma Apriori Untuk Menentukan Pola Pembelian Obat Pertanian Ahmad Rifa'i; Retno Wahyusari
JIIFKOM (Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer) Vol 3 No 1 (2024): JIIFKOM
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika STTR Cepu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51901/jiifkom.v3i1.401


Pertanian di Indonesia memiliki peran penting dalam kehidupan, pembangunan, dan perekonomian negara. Sebagai negara agraris, Indonesia memiliki berbagai macam komoditas pertanian yang dapat tumbuh di daerah tropis, baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan dalam negeri maupun untuk diekspor ke luar negeri. Desa Sumberpitu merupakan desa yang berada di Kabupaten Blora, lebih tepatnya terletak di Kecamatan Cepu. Desa Sumberpitu merupakan salah satu desa yang dapat mengembangkan potensi di bidang pertanian. UD. Sumber Tani Rejeki merupakan distributor obat pertanian di wilayah Sumberpitu. UD. Sumber Tani Rejeki berdiri sejak tahun 2000 sampai saat ini. Produk yang dijual UD. Sumber Tani Rejeki kurang lebih 70 jenis obat-obatan pertanian dengan jumlah transaksi tiap bulan rata- rata 40 transaksi. UD. Sumber Tani Rejeki menimbun nota-nota pembelian yang belum dimanfaatkan. Dengan adanya permasalahan yang dialami, perlu adanya pemanfaatan data dengan menggunakan Data Mining. Algoritma apriori adalah salah satu algoritma yang paling terkenal untuk menentukan pola frequensi tinggi atau aturan asosiasi. Penerapan algoritma apriori sangat mudah dipahami dalam proses pembentukan kombinasi itemset. Oleh sebab itu, algoritma apriori cocok untuk diterapkan dalam menemukan jenis obat-obat pertanian yang paling banyak terjual. Pengaplikasian perhitungan algoritma apriori baik menggunakan perhitungan secara manual maupun aplikasi dari 15 data transaksi menghasilkan 13 aturan asosiasi. Dimana, untuk iterasi berhenti pada iterasi ke 3.
JIIFKOM (Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer) Vol 3 No 1 (2024): JIIFKOM
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika STTR Cepu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51901/jiifkom.v3i1.402


Teknologi smartphone digunakan dalam pendidikan, salah satunya adalah sebagai alat pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran biasanya digunakan untuk membantu guru dalam proses belajar. segala sesuatu yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan fikiran, perasaan, perhatian, dan keterampilan atau kemampuan siswa, mendorong proses belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi yang membantu siswa SD memahami objek buah dan mengetahui tingkat kelayakan aplikasi yang dikembangkan ditinjau dari aspek fungsional sesuai, efisiensi kinerja, portability, dan usability. Metode proses waterfall model digunakan untuk mengembangkan produk. Hasil pengujian aplikasi berfungsi dengan normal dengan hasil survey mendapatkan nilai dengan kategori baik, dengan skor rata-rata 80% dari segi kompatibilitas fungsi dan portabilitas, sedangkan kemudahan penggunaan dan efisiensi kinerja aplikasi ditunjukkan dengan baik, dengan hasil yang didapatkan pada pada jam 09.00-18.00 dengan tingkat pencahayaan 30-100% marker berhasil terdeteksi.

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