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JANUS focuses on publishing archaeological articles to attract readers from various backgrounds. The focus of the journal is to advance the study of archaeology in Indonesia or those related to Indonesian archaeology. The articles in the journal specifically discuss the values, views, and meanings of archaeological remains that strengthen theories, improve the quality of criticism, or methodological innovations in Indonesian archaeological investigations. Articles submitted cover archaeology and related fields of archaeology in Indonesia, presented in the context of Indonesian culture focusing on the development of critical scientific works. The editorial board of JANUS only accepts and publishes research articles and book reviews according to the focus and scope of the journal.
Articles 10 Documents
Perekaman Tiga Dimensi (3D) Benda Hasil Budaya Menggunakan Telepon Pintar: Studi Kasus Arca Dewi Laksmi di Madiun Goenawan A Sambodo
JANUS Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Edition 1
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.v1i1.6599


Recently, public attention for the preservation of cultural heritage has increased. This is evidenced by the increasing number of heritage enthusiasts who are actively visiting archaeological sites. However, these communities are often unaware on how they can help to preserve the cultural heritage more effectively. This article offers a participatory activity that can be carried out by the community to help preservation effort, especially in the recording and documentation of cultural heritage, namely three-dimensional (3D) recording using a smartphone. The procedure proposed here is based on a case study in recording the Lakshmi statue from Madiun. It is proven to be able to produce clear, accurate, and easy-to-use 3D recordings. As well as being able to assist the authorities in documenting cultural heritage objects, the 3D record can be used for the reconstruction of objects that are no longer complete, developed into learning materials, and dissemination of cultural heritage information quickly and easily. In this way, the community will be able to establish closer cooperation with the authorities and other parties in preserving cultural heritage. === Kepedulian masyarakat terhadap pelestarian warisan budaya sekarang ini semakin besar. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan semakin banyaknya komunitas pemerhati warisan budaya yang secara aktif mendatangi situs-situs arkeologi. Namun, tidak jarang komunitas tersebut tidak tahu bagaimana mereka dapat membantu proses pelestarian warisan budaya secara lebih efektif. Artikel ini mencoba menawarkan salah satu kegiatan partisipasi yang dapat dilakukan komunitas, khususnya dalam perekaman dan dokumentasi warisan budaya. Dokumentasi yang dimaksud adalah perekaman tiga dimensi (3D) menggunakan telepon pintar. Proses perekaman dan pengolahan data berdasarkan pada studi kasus perekaman arca Dewi Laksmi dari Madiun. Hasil perekaman arca berupa arsip digital 3D yang jelas, akurat, dan mudah dimanfaatkan. Selain dapat membantu pihak berwenang untuk mendokumentasikan warisan budaya, rekaman yang dihasilkan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk rekonstruksi benda yang sudah tidak lengkap, dikembangkan menjadi bahan pembelajaran, serta penyebaran informasi secara cepat dan mudah. Komunitas juga akan dapat menjalin kerjasama yang erat dengan pihak berwenang dalam pelestarian warisan budaya.
Rekonstruksi Identitas Individu pada Sisa Rangka Manusia-Tanpa Konteks dari Kesihan (Kesian) Bali: Studi Paleopatologis Ashwin Prayudi; Rusyad Suriyanto
JANUS Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Edition 1
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.v1i1.6923


The study reported in this article aims to reveal individual identity of human remains discovered without any context in Kesihan (or Kesian), Bali, Indonesia. The identification includes sex, age at death, diseases, as well as cultural and environmental aspects of the individual. This study used macroscopic and palaeo-pathological analysis. The result shows that this individual is a 40-50 years old female. She has shoveled-teeth indicating her Mongoloid racial affinities. The teeth bear evidence of caries, enamel hypoplasia, and betel chewing marks. The occurrence of dental chipping, heavy attrition, and indentation on the occlusal premolar indicates that the individual used to bite something small, long, and tubular in her daily activities. The incisors show tooth-modification by dental filing on the four sides which is currently not practiced in Bali. Apparently, the individual belongs to the ancient Balinese culture. === Tulisan ini melaporkan hasil kajian untuk mengenali identitas individu pada sisa-sisa manusia yang ditemukan tanpa konteks di Kesihan, Bali. Identifikasi yang dilakukan meliputi jenis kelamin, umur ketika mati, penyakit, bukti kebudayaan dan pengaruh lingkungan terhadap individu. Kajian ini menggunakan metode analisis makroskopis dan paleopatologis untuk mendapatkan petunjuk morfologis. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa individu ini adalah seorang perempuan berumur antara 40-50 tahun ketika mati. Bagian incisivus maksila berbentuk seperti sekop yang merupakan penanda ras Mongoloid. Gigi geliginya menunjukkan adanya hipoplasia enamel, karies, dan kebiasaan mengunyah pinang sirih. Adanya dental chipping, atrisi yang berat dan cekungan pada occlusal premolar menunjukkan bahwa individu ini mempunyai kebiasaan menggigit benda berbentuk tabung kecil dan panjang dalam hidup kesehariannya. Terdapat bukti modifikasi pada gigi incisivus dengan pengikiran keempat sisinya, yang kini sudah tidak lagi dilakukan di Bali. Tentunya, individu ini hidup dalam lingkungan budaya Bali Kuno.
Problematika Sumberdaya Arkeologi Perkotaan: Studi Kasus Kota Lama Kendari Amaluddin Sope
JANUS Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Edition 1
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.v1i1.7015


This paper was written out of concerns about archaeological resources in the old town of Kendari which are currently under threat due to the rapid development. Here, factors causing this situation are identified and discussed. The data were collected through observation and library study, then analyzed to provide an overview of what actually occurred. Apparently, human factor played an important role in the loss of archaeological resources in Kendari, either due to ignorance, neglect or policy. This situation is exacerbated by obstacles in its preservation, namely the absence of a cultural heritage designation and the heritage expert team that is responsible for drafting heritage recommendation. This study suggests a number of conservation means to be carried out immediately: (a) establishing cultural heritage with its delineation limits, (b) formulating an area conservation policy through the RTRWK, (c) zoning, (d) involving the community, (e) socializing Cultural Conservation Law and its derivatives, and (f) the establishment of a participatory management body. === Tulisan ini berangkat dari keprihatinan terhadap sumberdaya arkeologi di kawasan kota lama Kendari yang saat ini terancam kelestariannya akibat pesatnya perkembangan kota. Sejumlah faktor penyebab keadaan itu terjadi diidentifikasikan dan didiskusikan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan penelusuran sumber pustaka. Hasilnya dianalisis dalam konteks yang lebih luas untuk dapat memberikan gambaran fenomena yang sesungguhnya terjadi. Rupanya, faktor manusia memainkan peran penting dalam musnahnya sumberdaya arkeologi di kawasan kota lama Kendari, baik karena ketidaktahuan, pengabaian, maupun kebijakan. Keadaan ini diperburuk dengan adanya hambatan dalam pelestariannya, yaitu belum adanya penetapan Cagar Budaya dan Tim Ahli Cagar Budaya. Kajian ini menyarankan sejumlah langkah pelestarian untuk segera dilakukan: (a) penetapan cagar budaya dengan batas delineasinya, (b) rumuskan kebijakan pelestarian kawasan melalui RTRWK, (c) melakukan zonasi, (d) pelibatan masyarakat, (e) sosialisasi UU No 11 tahun 2010 tentang Cagar Budaya dan turunannya, dan (f) pembentukan lembaga pengelola beranggotakan pemangku kepentingan.
Arca Pendeta Buddha di Indonesia Rendy Aditya Putra Ertrisia; Galih Sekar Jati Nagari
JANUS Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Edition 1
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.v1i1.7371


In previous research statues of Buddhist priests found in East Java are interpreted as the embodiment of King Kṛtanāgara. In fact, similar statues are also discovered in Central Java from an earlier period. This raises the question whether these statues can indeed be associated with certain historical figures? This article addresses this issue by conducting a review of several statues of Buddhist priests in Central and East Java using an iconographic and iconological approach. The study showed that a Buddhist priest would be sculpted in a form similar to the Tathāgata or Buddha figure, but without his distinctive attributes, namely ūrṇā, uṣṇīṣa, curly hair and padmāsana. This depiction is meant to show his human nature. If in East Java statues of Buddhist priests can be associated with Kṛtanāgara , then similar statues in Central Java can only be interpreted in general as the embodiment of the highest Buddhist priest, guru or arhat. === Dalam penelitian terdahulu, temuan arca-arca pendeta Buddha di Jawa Timur selalu diidentifikasi sebagai perwujudan Raja Kṛtanāgara . Namun, ternyata arca serupa juga terdapat di Jawa Tengah dan berasal dari masa lebih awal, sehingga menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah arca serupa juga dapat dikaitkan dengan tokoh tertentu? Tulisan ini mendiskusikan permasalahan tersebut dengan melakukan kajian kembali terhadap sejumlah arca pendeta Buddha baik di Jawa Tengah maupun di Jawa Timur. Kajian dilakukan dengan pendekatan ikonografi dan ikonologi. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan bahwa tokoh pendeta Buddha diarcakan mirip dengan tokoh Tathāgata atau Buddha, tetapi tanpa atribut khas Tathagatha yaitu ūrṇā, uṣṇīṣa, rambut ikal, serta padmāsana. Penggambaran ini dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan sifat kemanusiaannya. Selain itu, apabila di Jawa Timur arca pendeta Buddha dapat dikaitkan dengan tokoh Kṛtanāgara , arca pendeta Buddha di Jawa Tengah hanya dapat ditafsirkan secara umum sebagai perwujudan pendeta Buddha tertinggi, guru, atau arhat, dan belum dapat diidentifikasikan dengan tokoh sejarah tertentu.
Online Digital Photography of Ancient Indonesian Statues for Research Purposes Ahmad Kholdun Ibnu Sholah
JANUS Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Edition 1
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.v1i1.7414


During the pandemic, lockdown and closure of facilities limited access to museums and archaeological sites. This condition heavily impacted researcher who require observation for analysis on archaeological object, such as statues. As alternative, photography of statues that is distributed to online platform will certainly help to solve this problem. In this regard, three main topics are presented in this paper. Firstly, a review of studies conducted in the past on ancient Indonesian statues using photography as the main source will be presented showing that photography is able to present a formal dimension of sculpture that is useful for stylistic and iconographic studies. Secondly, an overview of current conditions revealing that a number of museums and institutions have provided digital catalogs containing photographs of ancient Indonesian statues, but they have different policies. Lastly, there are some issues with digitizing photographic resources that require multidisciplinary collaboration to solve. === Selama masa pandemic Covid-19, penghentian kegiatan dan penutupan fasilitas telah membatasi kunjungan ke museum dan situs arkeologi. Keadaan ini sangat berdampak pada peneliti yang harus mengobservasi objek kajiannya, misalnya patung. Sebagai alternatif, foto patung yang disebarluaskan secara daring dapat menjadi solusi masalah ini. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas tiga hal terkait hal ini. Pertama, tinjauan terhadap kajian patung kuno di masa lalu yang menggunakan foto sebagai dasar kajian menunjukkan cara itu mampu menyediakan data dimensi bentuk yang amat berguna dalam analisis gaya dan ikonografi. Kedua, kini beberapa museum dan lembaga telah menyebarluaskan katalog digital fotografi patung Indonesia kuno, meskipun kebijakan yang diterapkan beragam.Terakhir, untuk menghadapi berbagai isu digitalisasi sumber kajian berupa fotografi perlu dilakukan kerjasama multidisiplin.
Warisan Budaya dalam Konteks Standar Internasional: Penjagaan Warisan Budaya Untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Muhammad Fadil Ramadhan; Adi Prasetijo
JANUS Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Edition 2
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.9127


In the era of globalization, infrastructure and economic development have become the primary focus of countries worldwide. While these projects have the potential to improve quality of life and economic growth, they can also have negative impacts on the environment and cultural heritage. This article discusses the role of international lending institutions, such as Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), in supporting the preservation of cultural heritage in the context of sustainable development. Literature review is used as the research method to inspect the approaches and efforts made by these institutions in identifying, protecting, and conserving cultural heritage in development projects. Through improved understanding and collaboration among these institutions, businesses, and local communities, the preservation of cultural heritage can become an integral part of efforts towards inclusive and sustainable development. Awareness of the importance of unexpected discovery handling procedures is also crucial to address challenges that may arise during project implementation. With the right measures in place, cultural heritage can be preserved for future generations in sustainable development. === Dalam era globalisasi, pembangunan infrastruktur dan ekonomi menjadi fokus utama negara-negara di seluruh dunia. Meskipun proyek-proyek ini memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, mereka juga dapat berdampak negatif pada lingkungan dan warisan budaya. Artikel ini membahas peran lembaga internasional peminjam dana, seperti Multilateral Development Bank (MDB), dalam mendukung pelestarian warisan budaya dalam konteks pembangunan berkelanjutan. Studi literatur digunakan sebagai metode penelitian untuk menelusuri upaya yang dilakukan oleh lembaga-lembaga ini dalam mengidentifikasi, melindungi, dan melestarikan warisan budaya dalam proyek-proyek pembangunan. Melalui pemahaman dan kolaborasi yang lebih baik antara lembaga-lembaga ini, pelaku usaha, dan komunitas lokal, pelestarian warisan budaya dapat menjadi bagian integral dari upaya menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan. Kesadaran akan pentingnya prosedur penanganan temuan tak terduga juga penting untuk mengatasi tantangan yang mungkin muncul selama pelaksanaan proyek. Dengan langkah-langkah yang tepat, warisan budaya dapat dilestarikan untuk generasi mendatang dalam pembangunan yang berkelanjutan.
Kawasan Perbukitan Gunung Wungkal di Kabupaten Sleman: Kajian Arkeologi Lanskap Yulvian Prastyanto; J. Susetyo Edy Yuwono
JANUS Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Edition 2
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.9844


The hilly area of Gunung Wungkal, with its fluvial-volcanic plains and denudational hill landforms, has a relatively compound historical-culture in the form of archaeological, historical, and ethnographic potentials. This research is aimed to identify the archaeological, historical, and ethnographic potentials in the area and the formation of the archeological landscape. Quantum-GIS mapping software was applied to spatially analyze the intended area. This research shows that the hilly landscape of the Gunung Wungkal has been spatio-temporally shaped by the occurrence of archaeological remains, historic events, ethnographic perception, as well as the characteristic of local geomorphology. Two landform units are recognized to have different roles. The denudational hills landform is used as a sacred space, while the fluvial-volcanic plains is functioned as communal spaces. In addition, water springs are an important factor of the landscape that greatly influences the formation of the community landscape. Apart from being natural resources, they are also cultural resources that give rise to myths and legends. === Kawasan perbukitan Gunung Wungkal memiliki bentuk lahan berupa dataran fluvio-vulkanik dan perbukitan denudasional. Kawasan ini mempunyai kronik budaya berupa potensi arkeologi, sejarah, dan etnografi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi arkeologi, sejarah, dan etnografi pada masing-masing unit bentuk lahan dan bagaimana karakter lanskap yang terbentuk di Kawasan Perbukitan Gunung Wungkal menggunakan pendekatan arkeologi lanskap. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak (software) Quantum GIS (QGIS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lanskap arkeologi yang ada di Kawasan Perbukitan Gunung Wungkal, secara spatio-temporal dibentuk oleh potensi arkeologi lintas periode, sejarah, etnografi, dan kondisi bentang lahan setempat. Bentuk lahan perbukitan denudasional dimanfaatkan menjadi ruang yang bersifat sakral dan dataran fluvio-vulkanik menjadi ruang yang bersifat komunal. Hasil lain menunjukkan bahwa mata air merupakan unsur bentang lahan yang banyak mempengaruhi perkembangan lanskap masyarakat, yaitu sebagai lokus atas kemunculan mitos dan legenda.
Makna Fungsi Pañcatathāgata di Candi Bubrah Waluyo Waluyo; I Wayan Suka Yasa; I Gusti Bagus Wirawan
JANUS Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Edition 2
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.9848


The pañcatathāgata statues at Candi Bubrah are functionally valuable in the large structure of the temple as a maṇḍala. The symbolic and semiotic dimensions of the pañcatathāgata archaelogical artifact at Candi Bubrah, which represent the objects of meditation in the stages of achieving Buddhahood, need to be studied. This research aims to describe the doctrinal reasons behind the presence of the pañcatathāgata in Candi Bubrah; analyze their function in meditation practices; and explain the significance of these function for the achievement of Liberation. Peirce’s trichotomy relations analysis and Strauss’s structuralism approach with qualitative methods are used to examine the material objects of this study. The pañcatathāgata at Candi Bubrah serves as a guide in practicing Buddhist meditation. The meditative functions of the pañcatathāgata statues, each with its own characteristics, as objects of meditation for the development of tranquility, are as follows: Akṣobhya, representing the bhūśparsa mudra, the east, the blue element, the vajra symbol, the physical element, rejection, mirror-like knowledge; Ratnasambhava, with the varada mudra, the south, the yellow element, the jewel, perception, arrogance, knowledge of equality; Amitābha, reflected by the samādhi mudra, the west, the red element, the lotus, the forms of the mind, greed, knowledge of differentiation; Amoghasiddhi, with the characteristic of the abhaya mudra, the north, the green element, the viśvavajra, the knower, jealousy, knowledge of attainment; and Vairocana, with the dharmacakra mudra, the center, the white element, the wheel, feelings, misunderstanding, knowledge of what is. The meditative functions of the pañcatathāgata statues, which represent mental qualities, significantly lead someone to Liberation.
Sistem Irigasi Pertanian Masa Majapahit dan Sumbangannya pada Kemakmuran Negara Raihana Ayu Maharani; Roro Citraning Nur Haliza; Alfan Ghafar Zakaria; Nur Azkiyatuz Zahro; Rakanda Paritusta Diwangkara; Djaliati Sri Nugrahani
JANUS Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Edition 2
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.10030


The success of agriculture lies in the condition and management of the land, irrigation system, and the participation of the community. It refers to prosperity not only to farmers, but also to the country. The first modern agricultural system in Indonesia was established in the Majapahit era. The agricultural system has advanced and played an important role in contributing prosperity at that time so that it can be revitalized in the present. The purpose of this study is to understand the agricultural irrigation system during the Majapahit period based on inscription and artifact data in Trowulan, analyze the relationship between agricultural irrigation systems and Majapahit prosperity, and identify Majapahit irrigation systems that can be applied in the present. Data retrieval methods are online and offline. Online data retrieval is done with literature, while offline is done with observations, field surveys, and interviews. The data analysis technique in this study is qualitative descriptive. The progress of the Majapahit irrigation system is evidenced by the existence of various archaeological and non-artifactual dwellings. Some artifactual evidence such as terracotta pipelines, canals, old reservoirs, artificial ponds, and temple reliefs. While non-artifactual evidence can be seen in various inscriptions, books, and ancient literary works. Geographical conditions that support causing agriculture to grow rapidly so that the Majapahit agricultural system has a considerable role related to prosperity. Majapahit irrigation system that can be reapplied in the present is an underground irrigation system that is more effective and suitable in areas that have a relatively dry climate. There are several challenges in its application such as the existence of linggan and climate change. === Keberhasilan pertanian terletak pada kondisi dan pengelolaan tanah, sistem irigasi, dan peran serta masyarakat yang melaksanakan. Dampaknya dapat membawa kemakmuran bukan hanya bagi para petani, tetapi juga negara. Sistem pertanian modern pertama di Indonesia terdapat pada era Majapahit. Sistem pertanian tersebut sudah maju dan berperan penting dalam menyumbang kemakmuran pada masa itu sehingga dapat direvitalisasi untuk diterapkan kembali di masa kini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu memahami sistem irigasi pertanian pada masa Majapahit berdasarkan data prasasti dan artefaktual yang ada di Trowulan, menganalisis hubungan antara sistem irigasi pertanian dengan kemakmuran Majapahit, dan mengidentifikasi sistem irigasi Majapahit yang dapat diterapkan di masa kini. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan secara daring dan luring. Pengambilan data secara daring dilakukan dengan literatur, sedangkan secara luring dilakukan dengan observasi, survei lapangan, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Kemajuan sistem irigasi Majapahit dibuktikan dengan adanya berbagai tinggalan arkeologis artefaktual dan non artefaktual. Beberapa bukti artefaktual seperti pipa saluran berbahan terakota, kanal, waduk tua, kolam buatan, serta relief-relief candi. Sedangkan bukti non artefaktual dapat dilihat pada berbagai prasasti, kitab-kitab, dan karya sastra kuno. Kondisi geografis yang mendukung menyebabkan pertanian berkembang pesat sehingga sistem pertanian Majapahit memiliki peran yang cukup besar terkait dengan kemakmuran. Sistem irigasi Majapahit yang dapat diterapkan kembali di masa kini adalah sistem irigasi bawah tanah yang lebih efektif dan sesuai pada daerah yang mempunyai iklim relatif kering. Terdapat beberapa tantangan dalam penerapannya seperti keberadaan linggan dan perubahan iklim.
Pemanfaatan Konsep Pentahelix dan Pengoptimalan Sistem Drainase sebagai Upaya Penanganan Banjir di Situs Keraton Kaibon Pratama Dharma Surya; Kharisma Nabila; Resty Khairul Nisa; Yasmin Shafitri Zein
JANUS Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Edition 2
Publisher : Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/janus.10128


The Kaibon Palace Cultural Heritage Site is one of the palaces built during the Kesultanan Banten era. It was constructed in 1815 AD. In 1832 AD, the palacewas destroyed by the Dutch East Indies government However, the remains of the palace buildings still exist. These relics have significant value as witnesses of cultural development and the history of Islam in Banten. The purpose of this study is to identify the causes of flooding at the Kaibon Palace and find solutions to these problems. The research method is conducted online through literature study, virtual observation, and qualitative data analysis. The results show that the flooding problem is caused by the process of shallowing of canals and rivers. This occurs, among other things, a lack of concern for the situation of the various stakeholders. this study recommends that the flood problems in the Kaibon Palace can be overcome by utilizing the pentahelix concept and optimizing the drainage system. Utilization of the pentahelix concept is carried out through an active role of the government, academics, business people, community, and media. Optimization of the drainage system is carried out by revitalising the old drainage system and building a new proper drainage system. These recommendations have the potential to be implemented as a consideration in maintaining and preserving the Kaibon Palace in order to create a site area and surrounding environment that is free from the threat of flood disasters and is beneficial for the community. === Situs Cagar Budaya Keraton Kaibon merupakan salah satu keraton peninggalan masa Kesultanan Banten yang dibangun pada tahun 1815 M. Kompleks bangunan ini dihancurkan oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1832 M. Meskipun demikian, masih ditemukan sisa-sisa bangunan keraton yang memiliki nilai penting sebagai bukti perkembangan kebudayaan dan pengaruh Islam di Banten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab banjir pada Keraton Kaibon dan mencari solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Pengeumpulan data dilakukan secara daring melalui studi literatur dan observasi virtual, selanjutnya data dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan masalah banjir lebih disebabkan oleh proses pendangkalan kanal dan sungai. Keadaan ini diakibatkan antara lain sikap kurang peduli dari berbagai pihak pengampu kepentingan. Hasil analisis data merekomendasikan penanganan permasalahan banjir di Keraton Kaibon dapat diatasi dengan pemanfaatan konsep pentahelix dalam pengoptimalan sistem drainase. Pemanfaatan konsep pentahelix dilakukan melalui peran aktif antara pihak pemerintah, akademisi, pelaku bisnis, komunitas, dan media. Pengoptimalan sistem drainase dilakukan dengan memperbarui dan membangun sistem drainase yang layak guna. Rekomendasi tersebut berpotensi diterapkan sebagai pertimbangan dalam menjaga dan melestarikan Keraton Kaibon guna menciptakan kawasan situs dan lingkungan sekitarnya yang bebas dari ancaman bencana banjir dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.

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